503 research outputs found

    Romain Gary: 'Parlo dell’eroismo'

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    Determination of Cooling Water Requirement for Plastic Film Extrusion Process at PT. XYZ North Sumatra

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    Abstract:  The cooling water is a liquid medium used to cool down plastic film after it undergoes melting in the plastic film extrusion process. This research aims to determine the required amount of cooling water needed to cool the plastic film before it enters the cutting process. The research method involved collecting primary data from the factory and determining the heat and cooling water requirements using thermodynamic equation calculations. The results indicate that a flow rate of 475 kg/hour of plastic film releases heat into the cooling water at an average rate of 19175.9043 kcal/hour, with an average cooling water requirement of 983.366925 L/hour.Abstrak: Air pendingin merupakan media cairan yang digunakan untuk pendinginan film plastik setelah mengalami peleburan pada proses ekstrusi film plastik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menentukan jumlah air pendingin yang diperlukan untuk mendinginkan film plastik sebelum nantinya masuk ke dalam proses pemotongan. Metode penelitian dengan pengumpulan data primer dari pabrik dan menenetukan panas serta kebutuhan air pendingin dengan kalkulasi persamaan termodinamika. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 475 kg/jam laju alir kapasitas film plastik melepas panas ke air pendingin dengan rata-rata sebesar 19175,9043 kkal/jam dengan kebutuhan air pendingin rata-rata sebesar 983,366925 L/jam


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap besar ukuran Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) terhadap beberapa bahan polimer  yaitu LDPE (Low Density Polietilena), HDPE (High Density Polietilena, dan PVA (Polivinil Alkohol) diperoleh hasil terhadap daya serap air sangat dipengaruhi terhadap ukuran TKKS  dimana semakin besar ukuran bahan (10 mesh) pada bahan LDPE semakin besar daya serap air = 9,47 %, sedangkan pada HDPE semakin besar ukuran TKKS (10 mesh) semakin besar daya serap = 2,34 %, dan untuk bahan PVA untuk TKKS (10 mesh) semakin besar kadar air semakin kecil =7,39%,  kerapatan partikel pada bahan LDPE semakin kecil ukuran TKKS (60 mesh) kerapatan semakin besar = 1,39 g/ml, pada bahan HDPE semakin kecil ukuran TKKS (40 mesh) maka nilai kerapan makin tinggi =1,80 g/ml, sedang pada bahan PVA semakin besar ukuran TKKS akan lebih besar nilai kerapatannya untuk ukuran TKKS (20 mesh ) =1,09 g/ml. Keteguhan patah (MOR)  untuk bahan LDPE semakin besar ukuran TKKS (10 mesh)  semakin semakin besar = 0,70  x 102 kgf/cm2, untuk bahan HDPE semakin besar ukuran TKKS maka keteguhan patah (MOR) semakin besar untuk TKKS  (10 mesh) = 0,81 x 102 kgf/cm2 dan untuk bahan PVA semakin kecil ukuran TKKS maka semakin besar nilai keteguhan patah (MOR) untuk   TKKS ukuran bahan (60 mesh) = 0,70x 102 kgf/cm

    Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to Safety: Protecting Personnel from Harmful Lasers

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    While lasers have many useful purposes for both commercial and military applications, they can also be hazardous if not operated safely. This paper discusses the safety precautions that must be taken to adequately protect personnel when operating and/or testing lasers in a free-space environment. First, a brief overview of lasers and associated terminology are introduced. Second, the properties of one of the two most common beam profiles, Gaussian, are discussed. An understanding of the beam profile is important in correctly identifying the safe operating environment for the laser. Exposure to laser energy can result in damage to the eye and skin. Therefore, the concepts of Optical Density, Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance and Skin Hazard Distance are discussed. These parameters help ensure that the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used and help identify the hazard zone. Finally, recommendations for selecting the appropriate PPE are discussed. The concepts presented in this paper can be applied to any hazardous laser system


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    This research is aimed to figure out the influences the effect of  Numbered Head Together (NHT)  and how The student’s  result of   mathematics  studies by using cooperative learning type Numbered Heads Together  ( NHT ) compared with students who use conventional learning. Based on the  result  the student’s research which was taught by the  model of cooperative learning type Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ), the average score of the students’ study result was higher than the student of studied with conventional learning.  This was found from  the average score of   experiment  class It proved that there was significant  influence by applying  cooperative learning  type Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ) to the students’  result of mathematics learning which could be known from the result of  calculation, test  – t > t table ( 4,305 > 2,000 ) with decibel calculation  ( db) = 49, significant value = 0,05. Therefore   Ho was rejected  and  Ha was accepted. It meant that the students’  average study result of learning mathematics in experiment class was different with be control.&nbsp

    Hubungan Pemberian Pendidikan Seks Sejak Dini Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja di SMA HKBP I Tarutung Tahun 2015

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    Pendidikan seksual adalah suatu informasi mengenai persoalan seksualitas manusia yang jelas dan benar, yang meliputi proses terjadinya pembuahan, kehamilan sampai kelahiran, tingkah laku seksual, hubungan seksual dan aspek- aspek kesehatan, kejiwaan dan kemasyarakatan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Hubungan Pemberian Pendidikan Seks Sejak Dini Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja di SMA HKBP I Tarutung Tahun 2015. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah Untuk Mengetahui Hubungan Pemberian Pendidikan Seks Sejak Dini Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Remaja di SMA HKBP I Tarutung Tahun 2015. Jenis rancangan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional, dimana pengukuran dan pengamatan terhadap subjek penelitian dilakukan sekali pengamatan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Seluruh siswa Kelas II SMA HKBP I Tarutung  sebanyak 60 orang yang keseluruhannya dijadikan sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan hasil uji chisquare, diperoleh nilai p value sebesar 0,029 yang artinya ada hubungan pemberian pendidikan seks sejak  dini dengan perilaku seksual pada remaja di SMA HKBP 1 Tarutung Tahun 2015. Kepada Remaja agar aktif mengikuti penyuluhan dari tenaga kesehatan tentang pemberian pendidikan seks sejak dini agar tidak mengalami penyakit menular seksual. sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan remaja dalam pendidikan seks sejak dini dan Kepada tenaga kesehatan juga agar dapat meningkatkan penyuluhan tentang Pendidikan seks sejak dini kepada  remaja.Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Seks,  Perilaku Seksual, Remaja

    Etnomatemåtica: concepçÔes, dinùmicas e desafios

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    Resenha do livro de Maria Cecília Fantinato, Adriano Vargas Freitas. Etnomatemåtica: concepçÔes, dinùmicas e desafios. Jundiaí: Editora Paco Editorial, 2018

    Alpha-Galactosylceramide/CD1d-Antibody Fusion Proteins Redirect Invariant Natural Killer T Cell Immunity to Solid Tumors and Promote Prolonged Therapeutic Responses.

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    Major progress in cancer immunotherapies have been obtained by the use of tumor targeting strategies, in particular with the development of bi-functional fusion proteins such as ImmTacs or BiTes, which engage effector T cells for targeted elimination of tumor cells. Given the significance of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in bridging innate and adaptive immunity, we have developed a bi-functional protein composed of the extracellular part of CD1d molecule that was genetically fused to an scFv fragment from high affinity antibodies against HER2 or CEA. Systemic treatments with the CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins loaded with the agonist alpha-galactosylceramide (αGalCer) led to specific iNKT cell activation, resulting in a sustained growth inhibition of established tumors expressing HER2 or CEA, while treatment with the free αGalCer was ineffective. Importantly, we discovered that αGalCer/CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins were able to maintain iNKT cells reactive to multiple re-stimulations in contrast to their anergic state induced after a single injection of free αGalCer. We further demonstrated that the antitumor effects by αGalCer/CD1d-antitumor fusion proteins were largely dependent on the iNKT cell-mediated transactivation of NK cells. Moreover, prolonged antitumor effects could be obtained when combining the CD1d-antitumor fusion protein treatment with a therapeutic peptide/CpG cancer vaccine, which favored the capacity of iNKT cells to transactivate cross-presenting DCs for efficient priming of tumor-specific CD8 T cells. We will also summarize these pre-clinical results with a special focus on the cellular mechanisms underlying iNKT cell unresponsiveness to antigen re-challenge. Finally, we will discuss the perspectives regarding iNKT cell-mediated tumor targeting strategy in cancer immunotherapy


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    English language ability is very important in globalization era. Especially if someone want to work in multinational companies, English language ability is the most important requirement. Among students at University of Potensi Utama, there is a lack of awareness indication English learning, especially the Industrial Engineering study program. The aims of this research is to identify students' motivation and their abilities in English by learning process. Another purpose is to develop their English ability. The subjects of this research were second semester Industrial Engineering students. This research was carried out from February 2020 to August 2020. Type of this research is descriptive qualitative. Technique of data collection by using a questionnaire and document review of teaching materials, questions and exams to reveal how the improvement of non-language students' English ability and their motivation in the use of English. The data analysis model that used by researcher is the triangulation technique model. The research result shows an increase in students' motivation and English ability. The value of the increase in high students’ motivation from 30.19% to 64.05%, the increase in high students’ ability from 15.03% to 39.21%, this is also evident from the change of the pretest average score of 50.49 to the average value of posttest 71.09


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    Health is an important aspect in the life of society, the government should create an adequate health development as an improvement to the poor level of health of poor families over the years. In this paper studied how to calculate the cost of a hospital for the poor by using the actuarial approach. Actuarial approach that will be used is one of life insurance products, namely health insurance. The calculation of the amount of premium to be paid by users of health insurance is done by calculating the annual net premium is updated every year, and annual net premiums that are not updated. The age and gender will affect the value of the annual net premium. In addition, costs are categorized in the cost of health insurance as inpatient, outpatient costs, physician costs will affect the amount of premium to be paid. Key words: poor families, health insurance, annual net premiums, health insurance costs
