2,190 research outputs found

    Production du palmier a huile (elaeis guineensis Jacq.) et taux d’extraction dans des conditions climatiques marginales au Nord-Est de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Le palmier à huile introduit dans la zone climatiquement marginale du Nord-est de la Côte d'Ivoire a enregistré un développement végétatif normal et les premiers régimes sont apparus dès la 4e année après plantation, comme dans le sud du pays. Les palmiers adultes, de plus de 10 ans, produisent des régimes pesant entre 11 et 28 kg, avec une moyenne de 17 à 18 kg régime-1. Les rendements de régimes atteignent les 12 à 13 t h-1, malgré la faible pluviométrie (1000 mm an-1) et le fort déficit hydrique supérieur à 500 mm an-1. Le taux d'extraction d'huile, à la presse manuelle, a été de 18 %, avec une production d'huile de 3 l régime-1, permettant de tripler les revenus après vente sur le marché local. La production de régimes est continue sur toute l'année, avec un pic dans le mois de mai, malgré une saison sèche plus rude et plus longue, par rapport au Sud. Les résultats ont été, dans l'ensemble comparables à ceux enregistrés dans les unités industrielles de production d'huile de palme, dans le sud forestier de la Côte d'Ivoire. Ce qui montre que l'introduction du palmier à huile, en zone marginale (pluviométrie inférieure à 1800 mm an-1 et déficit hydrique de plus de 500 mm an-1) du Nord-est de la Côte d'Ivoire, a été un succès

    MicroRNA expression profiles in pediatric dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors.

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    © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015Among noncoding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs) have been most extensively studied, and their biology has repeatedly been proven critical for central nervous system pathological conditions. The diagnostic value of several miRNAs was appraised in pediatric dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNETs) using miRNA microarrays and receiving operating characteristic curves analyses. Overall, five pediatric DNETs were studied. As controls, 17 samples were used: the FirstChoice Human Brain Reference RNA and 16 samples from deceased children who underwent autopsy and were not present with any brain malignancy. The miRNA extraction was carried out using the mirVANA miRNA Isolation Kit, while the experimental approach included miRNA microarrays covering 1211 miRNAs. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to validate the expression profiles of miR-1909* and miR-3138 in all samples initially screened with miRNA microarrays. Our findings indicated that miR-3138 might act as a tumor suppressor gene when down-regulated and miR-1909* as a putative oncogenic molecule when up-regulated in pediatric DNETs compared to the control cohort. Subsequently, both miRNA signatures might serve as putative diagnostic biomarkers for pediatric DNETs.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences

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    The life sciences can benefit greatly from imaging technologies that connect microscopic discoveries with macroscopic observations. One technology uniquely positioned to provide such benefits is photoacoustic tomography (PAT), a sensitive modality for imaging optical absorption contrast over a range of spatial scales at high speed. In PAT, endogenous contrast reveals a tissue's anatomical, functional, metabolic, and histologic properties, and exogenous contrast provides molecular and cellular specificity. The spatial scale of PAT covers organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and small animals. Consequently, PAT is complementary to other imaging modalities in contrast mechanism, penetration, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. We review the fundamentals of PAT and provide practical guidelines for matching PAT systems with research needs. We also summarize the most promising biomedical applications of PAT, discuss related challenges, and envision PAT's potential to lead to further breakthroughs

    Placental transfusion: a review

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    Recently there have been a number of studies and presentations on the importance of providing a placental transfusion to the newborn. Early cord clamping is an avoidable, unphysiologic intervention that prevents the natural process of placental transfusion. However, placental transfusion, although simple in concept, is affected by multiple factors, is not always straightforward to implement, and can be performed using different methods, making this basic procedure important to discuss. Here, we review three placental transfusion techniques: delayed cord clamping, intact umbilical cord milking and cut-umbilical cord milking, and the evidence in term and preterm newborns supporting this practice. We will also review several factors that influence placental transfusion, and discuss perceived risks versus benefits of this procedure. Finally, we will provide key straightforward concepts and implementation strategies to ensure that placental-to-newborn transfusion can become routine practice at any institution

    The generalized Hamiltonian model for the shafting transient analysis of the hydro turbine generating sets.

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    yesTraditional rotor dynamics mainly focuses on the steady- state behavior of the rotor and shafting. However, for systems such as hydro turbine generating sets (HTGS) where the control and regulation is frequently applied, the shafting safety and stabilization in transient state is then a key factor. The shafting transient state inevitably involves multiparameter domain, multifield coupling, and coupling dynamics. In this paper, the relative value form of the Lagrange function and its equations have been established by defining the base value system of the shafting. Takingthe rotation angle and the angular speed of the shafting as a link, the shafting lateral vibration and generator equations are integrated into the framework of generalized Hamiltonian system. The generalized Hamiltonian control model is thus established. To make the model more general, additional forces of the shafting are taken as the input excitation in proposed model. The control system of the HTGS can be easily connected with the shafting model to form the whole simulation system of the HTGS. It is expected that this study will build a foundation for the coupling dynamics theory using the generalized Hamiltonian theory to investigate coupling dynamic mechanism among the shafting vibration, transient of hydro turbine generating sets, and additional forces of the shafting.National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 51179079 and 5083900

    The p.V37I Exclusive Genotype Of GJB2: A Genetic Risk-Indicator of Postnatal Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment

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    Postnatal permanent childhood hearing impairment (PCHI) is frequent (0.25%–0.99%) and difficult to detect in the early stage, which may impede the speech, language and cognitive development of affected children. Genetic tests of common variants associated with postnatal PCHI in newborns may provide an efficient way to identify those at risk. In this study, we detected a strong association of the p.V37I exclusive genotype of GJB2 with postnatal PCHI in Chinese Hans (P = 1.4×10−10; OR 62.92, 95% CI 21.27–186.12). This common genotype in Eastern Asians was present in a substantial percentage (20%) of postnatal PCHI subjects, and its prevalence was significantly increased in normal-hearing newborns who failed at least one newborn hearing screen. Our results indicated that the p.V37I exclusive genotype of GJB2 may cause subclinical hearing impairment at birth and increases risk for postnatal PCHI. Genetic testing of GJB2 in East Asian newborns will facilitate prompt detection and intervention of postnatal PCHI

    The X-Ray and Radio Loud Fast Blue Optical Transient AT2020mrf: Implications for an Emerging Class of Engine-driven Massive Star Explosions

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    We present AT2020mrf (SRGe J154754.2+443907), an extra-galactic (z = 0.1353) fast blue optical transient (FBOT) with a rise time of t g,rise = 3.7 days and a peak luminosity of M g,peak = −20.0. Its optical spectrum around peak shows a broad (v ∼ 0.1c) emission feature on a blue continuum (T ∼ 2 × 104 K), which bears a striking resemblance to AT2018cow. Its bright radio emission (ν L ν = 1.2 × 1039 erg s−1; ν rest = 7.4 GHz; 261 days) is similar to four other AT2018cow-like events, and can be explained by synchrotron radiation from the interaction between a sub-relativistic (≳0.07-0.08c) forward shock and a dense environment ( M ̇ ≲ 10 − 3 M ⊙ yr − 1 for v w = 103 km s−1). AT2020mrf occurs in a galaxy with M * ∼ 108 M ⊙ and specific star formation rate ∼10−10 yr−1, supporting the idea that AT2018cow-like events are preferentially hosted by dwarf galaxies. The X-ray luminosity of AT2020mrf is the highest among FBOTs. At 35-37 days, SRG/eROSITA detected luminous (L X ∼ 2 × 1043 erg s−1; 0.3-10 keV) X-ray emission. The X-ray spectral shape (f ν ∝ ν −0.8) and erratic intraday variability are reminiscent of AT2018cow, but the luminosity is a factor of ∼20 greater than AT2018cow. At 328 days, Chandra detected it at L X ∼ 1042 erg s−1, which is >200 times more luminous than AT2018cow and CSS161010. At the same time, the X-ray emission remains variable on the timescale of ∼1 day. We show that a central engine, probably a millisecond magnetar or an accreting black hole, is required to power the explosion. We predict the rates at which events like AT2018cow and AT2020mrf will be detected by SRG and Einstein Probe

    The Recombinases Rad51 and Dmc1 Play Distinct Roles in DNA Break Repair and Recombination Partner Choice in the Meiosis of Tetrahymena

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    Repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by meiotic recombination relies on the generation of flanking 3′ single-stranded DNA overhangs and their interaction with a homologous double-stranded DNA template. In various common model organisms, the ubiquitous strand exchange protein Rad51 and its meiosis-specific homologue Dmc1 have been implicated in the joint promotion of DNA–strand exchange at meiotic recombination sites. However, the division of labor between these two recombinases is still a puzzle. Using RNAi and gene-disruption experiments, we have studied their roles in meiotic recombination and chromosome pairing in the ciliated protist Tetrahymena as an evolutionarily distant meiotic model. Cytological and electrophoresis-based assays for DSBs revealed that, without Rad51p, DSBs were not repaired. However, in the absence of Dmc1p, efficient Rad51p-dependent repair took place, but crossing over was suppressed. Immunostaining and protein tagging demonstrated that only Dmc1p formed strong DSB–dependent foci on meiotic chromatin, whereas the distribution of Rad51p was diffuse within nuclei. This suggests that meiotic nucleoprotein filaments consist primarily of Dmc1p. Moreover, a proximity ligation assay confirmed that little if any Rad51p forms mixed nucleoprotein filaments with Dmc1p. Dmc1p focus formation was independent of the presence of Rad51p. The absence of Dmc1p did not result in compensatory assembly of Rad51p repair foci, and even artificial DNA damage by UV failed to induce Rad51p foci in meiotic nuclei, while it did so in somatic nuclei within one and the same cell. The observed interhomologue repair deficit in dmc1Δ meiosis is consistent with a requirement for Dmc1p in promoting the homologue as the preferred recombination partner. We propose that relatively short and/or transient Rad51p nucleoprotein filaments are sufficient for intrachromosomal recombination, whereas long nucleoprotein filaments consisting primarily of Dmc1p are required for interhomolog recombination