7,234 research outputs found

    The Effect of Pressure Gradient on the Aeroacoustics and WakDynamics of a Finite Wall-Mounted Square Cylinder

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    This paper reports an experimental investigation of the wake flow structures and noise production of a square finite-wall-mounted cylinder (FWMC) with an aspect ratio of 2.4. The cylinder was immersed in flows with favourable-, near-zero-and adverse-pressure gradients at a Reynolds number of 48000, based on cylinder width. Acoustic and particle image velocimetry measurements were taken simultaneously using the newly developed open-jet pressure gradient test rig in the UNSW Anechoic Wind Tunnel. An adverse pressure gradient was found to enhance the cylinder junction upwash, weaken the free-end downwash and suppress the primary tonal noise at a Strouhal number of approximately 0.1. Conversely, a favourable-pressure gradient promotes downwash over the free-end and leads to a higher tonal noise level. Wake flow structures that correlated with the far-field sound pressure were identified to understand noise generation or suppression mechanisms

    Computer-Aided Medical Diagnosis Using Bayesian Classifier - Decision Support System for Medical Diagnosis

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    This study employs a Bayesian framework to construct a Web-based decision support system for medical diagnosis. The purpose is to help users (patients and physicians) with issues pertinent to medical diagnosis decisions and to detect diseases with highest probability through the Bayesian framework. Users could perform a more accurate diagnosis with the prior/conditional probabilities obtained from selected data sets and compute the posterior probability using the Bayes theorem. The proposed system identifies diseases by analyzing symptoms or by analyzing medical test results. Currently the system detects different types of diseases that people suffer in their day-to-day lives (general diseases) with an average detection accuracy of 92.56%. System also detects complex diseases (e.g.: heart disease - 83.67%, breast cancer - 80.98%, liver disorders - 79.43%, lung cancer - 71.00%, primary tumor - 78.02%, etc.) based on the analysis of the medical test results. The proposed system enhances the quality, accuracy and efficiency of decisions in medical diagnosis since the use of Bayesian theorem allows this system to offer more accurate platform than the conventional systems. Other than that this web-based system provides value-added services in conjunction with CAD system, such as; e-Chat & e-Channeling. More importantly, the targeted user group will be able to access the system as a software element freely and quickly. In this way the goal of this study – which is to provide a web-based medical diagnosis system is effectively achieved.KEYWORDS: Bayesian framework, medical decision support systems, computer-aided medical diagnosis, probability distributions, disease

    Relationship between cardiac diffusion tensor imaging parameters and anthropometrics in healthy volunteers

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    Background: In vivo cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI) is uniquely capable of interrogating laminar myocardial dynamics non-invasively. A comprehensive dataset of quantative parameters and comparison with subject anthropometrics is required. Methods: cDTI was performed at 3T with a diffusion weighted STEAM sequence. Data was acquired from the mid left ventricle in 43 subjects during the systolic and diastolic pauses. Global and regional values were determined for fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), helix angle gradient (HAg, degrees/%depth) and the secondary eigenvector angulation (E2A). Regression analysis was performed between global values and subject anthropometrics. Results: All cDTI parameters displayed regional heterogeneity. The RR interval had a significant, but clinically small effect on systolic values for FA, HAg and E2A. Male sex and increasing left ventricular end diastolic volume were associated with increased systolic HAg. Diastolic HAg and systolic E2A were both directly related to left ventricular mass and body surface area. There was an inverse relationship between E2A mobility and both age and ejection fraction. Conclusions: Future interpretations of quantitative cDTI data should take into account anthropometric variations observed with patient age, body surface area and left ventricular measurements. Further work determining the impact of technical factors such as strain and SNR is required

    Consensus Recommendations of the Multiple Sclerosis Study Group and Portuguese Neuroradiological Society for the Use of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis in Clinical Practice: Part 1

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    INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging is established as a recognizable tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis patients. In the present, among multiple sclerosis centers, there are different magnetic resonance imaging sequences and protocols used to study multiple sclerosis that may hamper the optimal use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. In this context, the Group of Studies of Multiple Sclerosis and the Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology, after a joint discussion, appointed a committee of experts to create recommendations adapted to the national reality on the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. The purpose of this document is to publish the first Portuguese consensus recommendations on the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis in clinical practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Group of Studies of Multiple Sclerosis and the Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology, after discussion of the topic in national meetings and after a working group meeting held in Figueira da Foz on May 2017, have appointed a committee of experts that have developed by consensus several standard protocols on the use of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis and follow-up of multiple sclerosis. The document obtained was based on the best scientific evidence and expert opinion. Subsequently, the majority of Portuguese multiple sclerosis consultants and departments of neuroradiology scrutinized and reviewed the consensus paper; comments and suggestions were considered. Technical magnetic resonance imaging protocols regarding diagnostic, monitoring and the recommended information to be included in the magnetic resonance imaging report will be published in a separate paper. RESULTS: We provide some practical guidelines to promote standardized strategies to be applied in the clinical practice setting of Portuguese healthcare professionals regarding the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. CONCLUSION: We hope that these first Portuguese magnetic resonance imaging guidelines, based in the best available clinical evidence and practices, will serve to optimize multiple sclerosis management and improve multiple sclerosis patient care across Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global Burden of Sickle Cell Anaemia in Children under Five, 2010-2050: Modelling Based on Demographics, Excess Mortality, and Interventions

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    The global burden of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is set to rise as a consequence of improved survival in high-prevalence low- and middle-income countries and population migration to higher-income countries. The host of quantitative evidence documenting these changes has not been assembled at the global level. The purpose of this study is to estimate trends in the future number of newborns with SCA and the number of lives that could be saved in under-five children with SCA by the implementation of different levels of health interventions.First, we calculated projected numbers of newborns with SCA for each 5-y interval between 2010 and 2050 by combining estimates of national SCA frequencies with projected demographic data. We then accounted for under-five mortality (U5m) projections and tested different levels of excess mortality for children with SCA, reflecting the benefits of implementing specific health interventions for under-five patients in 2015, to assess the number of lives that could be saved with appropriate health care services. The estimated number of newborns with SCA globally will increase from 305,800 (confidence interval [CI]: 238,400-398,800) in 2010 to 404,200 (CI: 242,500-657,600) in 2050. It is likely that Nigeria (2010: 91,000 newborns with SCA [CI: 77,900-106,100]; 2050: 140,800 [CI: 95,500-200,600]) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2010: 39,700 [CI: 32,600-48,800]; 2050: 44,700 [CI: 27,100-70,500]) will remain the countries most in need of policies for the prevention and management of SCA. We predict a decrease in the annual number of newborns with SCA in India (2010: 44,400 [CI: 33,700-59,100]; 2050: 33,900 [CI: 15,900-64,700]). The implementation of basic health interventions (e.g., prenatal diagnosis, penicillin prophylaxis, and vaccination) for SCA in 2015, leading to significant reductions in excess mortality among under-five children with SCA, could, by 2050, prolong the lives of 5,302,900 [CI: 3,174,800-6,699,100] newborns with SCA. Similarly, large-scale universal screening could save the lives of up to 9,806,000 (CI: 6,745,800-14,232,700) newborns with SCA globally, 85% (CI: 81%-88%) of whom will be born in sub-Saharan Africa. The study findings are limited by the uncertainty in the estimates and the assumptions around mortality reductions associated with interventions.Our quantitative approach confirms that the global burden of SCA is increasing, and highlights the need to develop specific national policies for appropriate public health planning, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Further empirical collaborative epidemiological studies are vital to assess current and future health care needs, especially in Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and India

    Benznidazole biotransformation and multiple targets in <i>Trypanosoma</i> cruzi revealed by metabolomics

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    &lt;b&gt;Background&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; The first line treatment for Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, involves administration of benznidazole (Bzn). Bzn is a 2-nitroimidazole pro-drug which requires nitroreduction to become active, although its mode of action is not fully understood. In the present work we used a non-targeted MS-based metabolomics approach to study the metabolic response of T. cruzi to Bzn.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Methodology/Principal findings&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Parasites treated with Bzn were minimally altered compared to untreated trypanosomes, although the redox active thiols trypanothione, homotrypanothione and cysteine were significantly diminished in abundance post-treatment. In addition, multiple Bzn-derived metabolites were detected after treatment. These metabolites included reduction products, fragments and covalent adducts of reduced Bzn linked to each of the major low molecular weight thiols: trypanothione, glutathione, γ-glutamylcysteine, glutathionylspermidine, cysteine and ovothiol A. Bzn products known to be generated in vitro by the unusual trypanosomal nitroreductase, TcNTRI, were found within the parasites, but low molecular weight adducts of glyoxal, a proposed toxic end-product of NTRI Bzn metabolism, were not detected.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Conclusions/significance&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Our data is indicative of a major role of the thiol binding capacity of Bzn reduction products in the mechanism of Bzn toxicity against T. cruzi

    The Citation Field of Evolutionary Economics

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    Evolutionary economics has developed into an academic field of its own, institutionalized around, amongst others, the Journal of Evolutionary Economics (JEE). This paper analyzes the way and extent to which evolutionary economics has become an interdisciplinary journal, as its aim was: a journal that is indispensable in the exchange of expert knowledge on topics and using approaches that relate naturally with it. Analyzing citation data for the relevant academic field for the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, we use insights from scientometrics and social network analysis to find that, indeed, the JEE is a central player in this interdisciplinary field aiming mostly at understanding technological and regional dynamics. It does not, however, link firmly with the natural sciences (including biology) nor to management sciences, entrepreneurship, and organization studies. Another journal that could be perceived to have evolutionary acumen, the Journal of Economic Issues, does relate to heterodox economics journals and is relatively more involved in discussing issues of firm and industry organization. The JEE seems most keen to develop theoretical insights

    Solução glicosada hipertônica no mesentério e no peritônio de ratos: estudo macroscópico e microscópico

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    PURPOSE: The objective of the experimental study is to detect the macroscopic and microscopic alterations of the mesenterium and parietal peritoneum when hypertonic glucose aqueous solution 10%-25% is administrated into the peritoneal cavity of the rat. METHODS: 90 Wistar females young rats adults were used weighin between 180-250 g, numbered 1 to 90, establishing unique group and divided in three groups (A, B, C) of 30 animals chosen aleatory manner. 0,9% saline solution was used called control group, or group A, 10% glucose solution named group B, and in the others 30 was used 25% glucose solution named group C, differing in the observation period, (06h, 24h and 48h), but with the same procedure. A midline abdominal wall laparotomy was made and in the animals of the control group was injected 2 ml of a 0,9% saline solution into the peritoneal cavity. After, we made a suture in mass without to include the peritoneum. For the others groups (B, C) the rats received 10% glucose solution and 25% glucose solution injected into the peritoneal cavity respectively. All groups were kept under observation and the results were submitted to statistical analysis by a longitudinal and transversal comparative study. RESULTS: A new surgery was done in 6h, 24h and 48h, and we observed in macroscopic evaluation, the presence of fluid, serous uniforme and rosy all over the cavity. Vascular congestion was present. We dried out 90 fragments of mesenterium and 90 fragments of parietal peritonium bilateral. In the microscopic study, necrosis was not present. For the mesenterium histological study we observed 16 cases (17,8%) unspecific chronic inflammation, 30 cases (33,4%) hiperplasic linfonod, 10 cases (11,1%) high vascular congestion, 6 cases (6,6%) reaction fibrosis and 28 cases (31,1%) no alteration. For the parietal peritonium histological study we observed 6 cases (3,3%) reaction fibrosis and 174 cases (96,7%) no alteration. Giant cell was not present. In the statistical analisys statistic there is no significance between the groups (p>0,05). CONCLUSION: Hypertonic glucose solution and NaCl 0,9% on the mesenterium and parietal peritonium do not produce tissue necrosis in a rat and the inflammation process has the same intensity.OBJETIVO: Investigar as alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas do mesentério e do peritônio parietal quando se administra a solução aquosa de glicose hipertônica a 10% e a 25% na cavidade peritoneal de rato. MÉTODOS: 90 ratos fêmeas (n=90), adultos, Wistar, jovens, com peso variando de 180 a 250 gramas foram divididos em 3 sub-grupos (A, B e C) contendo cada um 30 animais com procedimentos idênticos, diferindo apenas no período de observação. Os números de 1 a 30 constituem o grupo A ou grupo-controle (NaCl 0,9%), os números de 31 a 60 constituem o grupo B ou grupo-glicose a 10% e os números de 61 a 90 constituem o grupo C ou grupo- glicose a 25%. Realizando-se posteriormente laparotomia com incisão mediana longitudinal de pele a 2 cm abaixo do processo Xiphoideus sterni, estendendo-se por 3 cm caudalmente na linha média ventral. A escolha do procedimento a ser realizado para introdução na cavidade peritoneal de 2 ml de uma solução de cloreto de sódio 0,9% (controle), de glicose hipertônica a 10% e de glicose hipertônica a 25%. Em períodos correspondentes às 6h, 24h e 48h de pós-operatório, os animais de cada grupo foram reoperados, sendo realizada avaliação macroscópica e microscópica além dos registros das alterações histológicas do mesentério e peritônio parietal. RESULTADOS: Na microscopia do mesentério observou-se que 30 animais (33,4%) apresentaram linfonodos hiperplásicos; 6 animais (6,6%) com fibrose reacional; 10 animais (11,1%) com intensa congestão vascular; 16 animais (17,8%) com inflamação crônica inespecífica; 28 casos (31,1%) sem alteração. A microscopia do peritônio revelou 6 casos com fibrose reacional (3,3%) 174 casos (96,7%) sem alteração histológica. CONCLUSÃO: As soluções de glicose a 10% e a 25% não causam necrose tecidual quando introduzidas na cavidade peritoneal. O processo reacional inflamatório é de igual intensidade tecidual comparando-se ao uso da solução de NaCl a 0,9%.UNCISAL DepartmentUFAL Morphology Department and Human AnatomyUNIFESP-EPM Surgery DepartmentUNIFESP, EPM, Surgery DepartmentSciEL

    Simplicial complex entropy.

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    We propose an entropy function for simplicial complices. Its value gives the expected cost of the optimal encoding of sequences of vertices of the complex, when any two vertices belonging to the same simplex are indistinguishable. We focus on the computational properties of the entropy function, showing that it can be computed efficiently. Several examples over complices consisting of hundreds of simplices show that the proposed entropy function can be used in the analysis of large sequences of simplicial complices that often appear in computational topology applications
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