3,976 research outputs found

    Groundwater vulnerability assessment: A review including new statistical and hybrid methods

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    The concept of groundwater vulnerability was first introduced in the 1970s in France to recognize sensitive areas in which surface pollution could affect groundwater, and to enable others to develop management methods for groundwater protection against surface pollutants. Since this time, numerous methods have been developed for groundwater vulnerability assessment (GVA). These can be categorized into four groups: (i) overlay and index-based methods, (ii) process-based simulation models, (iii) statistical methods, and (iv) hybrid methods. This work provides a comprehensive review of modern GVA methods, which in contrast to previous reviews, examines the last two categories in detail. First, the concept of groundwater vulnerability is defined, then the major GVA methods are introduced and classified. This includes detailed accounts of statistical methods, which can be subdivided into orthodox statistical, data-driven and Bayesian methods, and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as modern hybrid methods. It is concluded that Bayesian inference offers many advantages compared with other GVA methods. It combines theory and data to give the posterior probabilities of different models, which can be continually updated with new data. Furthermore, using the Bayesian approach, it is possible to calculate the probability of a proposition, which is exactly what is needed to make decisions. However, despite the advantages of Bayesian inference, its applications to date have been very limited

    Comparison of DRASTIC and DRASTICL groundwater vulnerability assessments of the Burdekin Basin, Queensland, Australia

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    In the Burdekin Basin, Queensland, Australia, groundwater contamination due to agricultural activities has led to concerns over its impacts on globally significant ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef. An appropriate method for groundwater vulnerability assessment is essential for the sustainable use of this groundwater resource and its longer-term environmental management. The aim of this study is to apply and assess the suitability of the standard DRASTIC index-based method for groundwater vulnerability assessment of the Burdekin Basin. The intrinsic groundwater vulnerability is calculated in ArcGIS, using data for the period 2010 to 2021. The results are compared to available water quality data. The calculated DRASTIC scores are found to be only weakly correlated with water quality parameters, including the nitrate concentration (R = 0.07), which should behave as a proxy measure of groundwater vulnerability. To address this, a modified DRASTICL method containing a land use parameter is also implemented, to assess the specific groundwater vulnerability. The correlation between DRASTICL scores and nitrate levels (R = 0.2) is more significant but is still relatively weak. From this study, it is recommended that alternative methods be developed to assess groundwater vulnerability in the Burdekin Basin, and other comparable aquifer systems

    Haiti: The South African perspective

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    Background and problem statement. The South African response to the Haitian earthquake consisted of two independent nongovernment organisations (NGOs) working separately with minimal contact. Both teams experienced problems during the deployment, mainly owing to not following the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) guidelines. Critical areas identified. To improve future South African disaster responses, three functional deployment categories were identified: urban search and rescue, triage and initial stabilisation, and definitive care. To best achieve this, four critical components need to be taken into account: rapid deployment, intelligence from the site, government facilitation, and working under the auspices of recognised organisations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Conclusion. The proposed way forward for South African medical teams responding to disasters is to be unified under a leading academic body, to have an up-to-date volunteer database, and for volunteers to be current with the international search and rescue course currently being developed by the Medical Working Group of INSARAG. An additional consideration is that South African rescue and relief personnel have a primary responsibility to the citizens of South Africa, then the Southern African Development Community region, then the rest of the African continent and finally further afield. The commitment of government, private and military health services as well as NGOs is paramount for a unified response

    Intrauterine environmental and genetic influences on the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors: studies in twins as a means of testing the fetal origins hypothesis

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    Evidence has accumulated that low birthweight is associated with several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, it is not known whether or not these associations are due to a programmed response to intrauterine malnutrition or genetic factors influencing both birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors. Twin studies offer a unique opportunity to distinguish between intrauterine and genetic origins of the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk. In our twin cohort, low birthweight was associated with insulin resistance, lower HDL and shorter height within both dizygotic and monozygotic twin pairs, suggesting that these associations are, at least in part, independent of genetic factors. In contrast, low birthweight was associated with blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol, fibrinogen and sympathetic activation within dizygotic twin pairs, but not within monozygotic twin pairs. These differences between dizygotic and monozygotic twins suggest that these associations are, at least in part, due to genetic factors. Therefore, both intrauterine environmental and genetic factors appear to play a role in the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors. In the future, strategies may be developed targeted at improving or preventing impaired intrauterine growth. However, the effects of interventions that comprise changes in environment within the normal range may be limited due to the possible important role of genetic factor

    β-synuclein potentiates synaptic vesicle dopamine uptake and rescues dopaminergic neurons from MPTP-induced death in the absence of other synucleins.

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    Synucleins, a family of three proteins highly expressed in neurons, are predominantly known for the direct involvement of α-synuclein in the aetiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson's and certain other neurodegenerative diseases, but their precise physiological functions are still not fully understood. Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of α-synuclein as a modulator of various mechanisms implicated in chemical neurotransmission, but information concerning the involvement of other synuclein family members, β-synuclein and γ-synuclein, in molecular processes within presynaptic terminals is limited. Here we demonstrated that the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2)-dependent dopamine uptake by synaptic vesicles isolated from the striatum of mice lacking β-synuclein is significantly reduced. Reciprocally, reintroduction, either in vivo or in vitro, of β-synuclein but not α- or γ-synuclein improves uptake by triple α/β/γ-synuclein deficient striatal vesicles. We also showed that the resistance of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) to subchronic administration of the Parkinson's disease-inducing prodrug 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) depends on the presence of β-synuclein but only when one or both other synucleins are absent. Furthermore, proteomic analysis of synuclein-deficient synaptic vesicles vs those containing only β-synuclein revealed differences in their protein compositions. We suggest that the observed potentiation of dopamine uptake by β-synuclein might be caused by different protein architecture of the synaptic vesicles. It is also feasible that such structural changes improve synaptic vesicle sequestration of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), a toxic metabolite of MPTP, which would explain why dopaminergic neurons expressing β-synuclein and lacking α-synuclein and/or γ-synuclein are resistant to this neurotoxin

    Comparison of the solophenyl-red polarization method and the immunohistochemical analysis for collagen type III

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    In the present study, we have compared the staining pattern of the Solophenyl-Red 3 BL-method for the visualization of collagen type III with the immunohistochemical staining in serial sections from 7 skin wounds (wound age 3 days up to 4 weeks) to elucidate the specifity of the histochemical staining method. Large amounts of collagen type III were clearly detectable in the investigated wounds using the immunohistochemical technique. In the sections stained with Solophenyl-Red, however, only 3 out of 7 skin lesions showed a significant positive red staining at the wound margin or in the granulation tissue, while the adjacent normal connective tissue revealed a typical intensive staining. Using polarization microscopy no characteristic bright green fibrils, as reported for collagen type 111, could be seen in the wound areas without positive Solophenyl-Red staining. Since the localization of collagen type III detected by immunohistochemistry and the presumed distribution of this collagen type by the Solophenyl-Red method was not identical, the histochemical polarization method has to be regarded as non-specific for visualization of this collagen type

    Increasing the frequency of hand washing by healthcare workers does not lead to commensurate reductions in staphylococcal infection in a hospital ward

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    Hand hygiene is generally considered to be the most important measure that can be applied to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infection (HAI). Continuous emphasis on this intervention has lead to the widespread opinion that HAI rates can be greatly reduced by increased hand hygiene compliance alone. However, this assumes that the effectiveness of hand hygiene is not constrained by other factors and that improved compliance in excess of a given level, in itself, will result in a commensurate reduction in the incidence of HAI. However, several researchers have found the law of diminishing returns to apply to hand hygiene, with the greatest benefits occurring in the first 20% or so of compliance, and others have demonstrated that poor cohorting of nursing staff profoundly influences the effectiveness of hand hygiene measures. Collectively, these findings raise intriguing questions about the extent to which increasing compliance alone can further reduce rates of HAI. In order to investigate these issues further, we constructed a deterministic Ross-Macdonald model and applied it to a hypothetical general medical ward. In this model the transmission of staphylococcal infection was assumed to occur after contact with the transiently colonized hands of HCWs, who, in turn, acquire contamination only by touching colonized patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of imperfect hand cleansing on the transmission of staphylococcal infection and to identify, whether there is a limit, above which further hand hygiene compliance is unlikely to be of benefit. The model demonstrated that if transmission is solely via the hands of HCWs, it should, under most circumstances, be possible to prevent outbreaks of staphylococcal infection from occurring at a hand cleansing frequencies <50%, even with imperfect hand hygiene. The analysis also indicated that the relationship between hand cleansing efficacy and frequency is not linear - as efficacy decreases, so the hand cleansing frequency required to ensure R0<1 increases disproportionately. Although our study confirmed hand hygiene to be an effective control measure, it demonstrated that the law of diminishing returns applies, with the greatest benefit derived from the first 20% or so of compliance. Indeed, our analysis suggests that there is little benefit to be accrued from very high levels of hand cleansing and that in most situations compliance >40% should be enough to prevent outbreaks of staphylococcal infection occurring, if transmission is solely via the hands of HCWs. Furthermore we identified a non-linear relationship between hand cleansing efficacy and frequency, suggesting that it is important to maximise the efficacy of the hand cleansing process

    Pulsar Results with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    The launch of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has heralded a new era in the study of gamma-ray pulsars. The population of confirmed gamma-ray pulsars has gone from 6-7 to more than 60, and the superb sensitivity of the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi has allowed the detailed study of their spectra and light curves. Twenty-four of these pulsars were discovered in blind searches of the gamma-ray data, and twenty-one of these are, at present, radio quiet, despite deep radio follow-up observations. In addition, millisecond pulsars have been confirmed as a class of gamma-ray emitters, both individually and collectively in globular clusters. Recently, radio searches in the direction of LAT sources with no likely counterparts have been highly productive, leading to the discovery of a large number of new millisecond pulsars. Taken together, these discoveries promise a great improvement in the understanding of the gamma-ray emission properties and Galactic population of pulsars. We summarize some of the results stemming from these newly-detected pulsars and their timing and multi-wavelength follow-up observations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Proceedings of ICREA Workshop on The High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems, Sant Cugat, Spain, 2010 April 12-16 (Springer

    Age-related differences in selection by visual saliency

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    We examined the ability of older adults to select local and global stimuli varying in perceptual saliency – a task requiring non-spatial visual selection. Participants were asked to identify in separate blocks a target at either the global or local level of a hierarchical stimulus, while the saliency of each level was varied (across different conditions either the local or the global form was the more salient and relatively easier to identify). Older adults were less efficient than young adults in ignoring distractors that were higher in saliency than targets, and this occurred across both the global and local levels of form. The increased effects of distractor saliency on older adults occurred even when the effects were scaled by overall differences in task performance. The data provide evidence for an age-related decline in non spatial attentional selection of low-salient hierarchical stimuli, not determined by the (global or local) level at which selection was required. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding both the interaction between saliency and hierarchical processing and the effects of aging on non-spatial visual attention

    Do Mismatches between Pre- and Post-Natal Environments Influence Adult Physiological Functioning?

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    Purpose: Mismatches between pre- and post-natal environments have implications for disease in adulthood. However, less is known about how this mismatch can affect physiological systems more generally, especially at younger ages. We hypothesised that mismatches between pre- and post-natal environments, as measured by the measures of birthweight and adult leg length, would be associated with poorer biomarker levels across five key physiological systems in young adults. Methods: Data were collected from 923, 36 year-old respondents from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study. The biomarkers were: systolic blood pressure (sBP); forced expiratory volume (FEV1); glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c); glomerular filtration rate (eGFR); and gamma- glutamyltransferase (GGT). These biomarkers were regressed against pre-natal conditions (birthweight), post-natal conditions (leg length) and the interaction between pre- and post-natal measures. Sex, childhood socioeconomic position and adult lifestyle characteristics were adjusted for as potential effect modifiers and confounders, respectively. Results: There were no associations between birthweight and leg length and sBP, FEV1, HbA1c, or GGT. Higher birthweight and longer leg length were associated with better kidney function (eGFR). However, there was no evidence for mismatches between birthweight and leg length to be associated with worse sBP, FEV1, HbA1c, eGFR or GGT levels (P>0.05). Conclusions: Our hypothesis that early signs of physiological damage would be present in young adults given mismatches in childhood environments, as measured by growth markers, was not proven. This lack of association could be because age 36 is too young to identify significant trends for future health, or the associations simply not being present. © 2014 Robertson, Benzeval
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