1,944 research outputs found

    Malleability of the self: electrophysiological correlates of the enfacement illusion

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    Self-face representation is fundamentally important for self-identity and self-consciousness. Given its role in preserving identity over time, self-face processing is considered as a robust and stable process. Yet, recent studies indicate that simple psychophysics manipulations may change how we process our own face. Specifically, experiencing tactile facial stimulation while seeing similar synchronous stimuli delivered to the face of another individual seen as in a mirror, induces 'enfacement' illusion, i.e. the subjective experience of ownership of the other’s face and a bias in attributing to the self, facial features of the other person. Here we recorded visual Event-Related Potentials elicited by the presentation of self, other and morphed faces during a self-other discrimination task performed immediately after participants received synchronous and control asynchronous Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation (IMS). We found that self-face presentation after synchronous as compared to asynchronous stimulation significantly reduced the late positive potential (LPP; 450-750 ms), a reliable electrophysiological marker of self-identification processes. Additionally, enfacement cancelled out the differences in LPP amplitudes produced by self- and other-face during the control condition. These findings represent the first direct neurophysiological evidence that enfacement may affect self-face processing and pave the way to novel paradigms for exploring defective self-representation and self-other interactions

    Sensitivity-Based Model of Low Voltage Distribution Systems with Distributed Energy Resources

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    A key issue in Low Voltage(LV) distribution systems is to identify strategies for the optimal management and control in the presence of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). To reduce the number of variables to be monitored and controlled, virtual levels of aggregation, called Virtual Microgrids (VMs), are introduced and identified by using new models of the distribution system. To this aim, this paper, revisiting and improving the approach outlined in a conference paper, presents a sensitivity-based model of an LV distribution system, supplied by a Medium/Low Voltage (MV/LV) substation and composed by several feeders, which is suitable for the optimal management and control of the grid and for VM definition. The main features of the proposed method are: it evaluates the sensitivity coefficients in a closed form; it provides an overview of the sensitivity of the network to the variations of each DER connected to the grid; and it presents a limited computational burden. A comparison of the proposed method with both the exact load flow solutions and a perturb-and-observe method is discussed in a case study. Finally, the method is used to evaluate the impact of the DERs on the nodal voltages of the network

    Decentralized Voltage Optimization Based on the Auxiliary Problem Principle in Distribution Networks with DERs

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimizing the voltage profile of radially-operated distribution systems by acting on the active and reactive powers provided by distributed energy resources (DERs). A novel voltage optimization procedure is proposed by adopting a decentralized control strategy. To this aim, a centralized voltage optimization problem (VOP), minimizing the distance of all the nodal voltages from their reference values, is firstly formulated as a strictly-convex quadratic program. Then, the centralized VOP is rewritten by partitioning the network into voltage control zones (VCZs) with pilot nodes. To overcome the lack of strictly convexity determined by the reduction to the pilot nodes, the dual centralized VOP working on the augmented Lagrangian function is reformulated and iteratively solved by the method of multipliers. Finally, a fully-distributed VOP solution is obtained by applying a distributed algorithm based on the auxiliary problem principle, which allows for solving in each VCZ a quadratic programming problem of small dimension and to drive the VCZ solutions toward the overall optimum by an iterative coordination process that requires to exchange among the VCZs only scalar values. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method have been demonstrated via numerical tests on the IEEE 123-bus system

    An Overview on Functional Integration of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Multi-Energy Buildings

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    Buildings are responsible for over 30% of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total CO2 emissions. Thus, rapid penetration of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in this sector is required. Integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into residential buildings should not only guarantee an overall neutral energy balance over long term horizon (nZEB concept), but also provide a higher flexibility, a real-time monitoring and a real time interaction with end-users (smart-building concept). Thus, increasing interest is being given to the concepts of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) and Multi-Energy Buildings, in which several renewable and nonrenewable energy systems, the energy networks and the energy demand optimally interact with each other at various levels, exploring all possible interactions between systems and vectors (electricity, heat, cooling, fuels, transport) without them being treated separately. In this context, the present paper gives an overview of functional integration of HRES in Multi-Energy Buildings evidencing the numerous problems and potentialities related to the application of HRESs in the residential building sector. Buildingintegrated HRESs with at least two RESs (i.e., wind–solar, solar–geothermal and solar–biomass) are considered. The most applied HRES solutions in the residential sector are presented, and integration of HRES with thermal and electrical loads in residential buildings connected to external multiple energy grids is investigated. Attention is focused on the potentialities that functional integration can offer in terms of flexibility services to the energy grids. New holistic approaches to the management problems and more complex architectures for the optimal control are described

    RNA Interference in Mammalia Cells by RNA-3’-PNA Chimeras

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    The discovery of siRNAs as the mediators of RNA interference has led to an increasing interest in their therapeutic applications. Chemical modifications are introduced into siRNAs to optimize the potency, the stability and the pharmacokinetic properties in vivo. Here, we synthesize and test the effects of RNA-3’-PNA chimeras on siRNA functioning and stability. We demonstrate that the chemical modifications are compatible with the siRNA machinery, because all the PNA-modified siRNAs can efficiently mediate specific gene silencing in mammalian cells. Furthermore, we find that the modification on the sense strand of siRNA results in an increased persistence of the activity, whereas modification on both strands results in enhanced nuclease resistance in serum

    Investigation of the Stereochemical-Dependent DNA and RNA Binding of Arginine-Based Nucleopeptides

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    Nucleopeptides represent an intriguing class of nucleic acid analogues, in which nucleobases are placed in a peptide structure. The incorporation of D- and/or L-amino acids in nucleopeptide molecules allows the investigation of the role of backbone stereochemistry in determining the formation of DNA and RNA hybrids. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopic studies indicated the nucleopeptide as having fully l-backbone configuration-formed stable hybrid complexes with RNA molecules. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations suggested a potential structure of the complex resulting from the interaction between the l-nucleopeptide and RNA strand. From this study, both the backbone (ionics and H-bonds) and nucleobases (pairing and pi-stacking) of the chiral nucleopeptide appeared to be involved in the hybrid complex formation, highlighting the key role of the backbone stereochemistry in the formation of the nucleopeptide/RNA complexes.This research was supported by Scientific Independence of Young Researchers (SIR) 2014 (RBSI142AMA) and University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Valere) to S.D.M

    Statin therapy blunts inflammatory activation and improves prognosis and left ventricular performance assessed by Tissue Doppler Imaging in subjects with chronic ischemic heart failure: results from the Daunia Heart Failure Registry

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    BACKGROUND: A limited number of studies have used Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) to evaluate the effect of statin therapy on left ventricular dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure. In this work, we aimed to determine whether statin administration influenced prognosis, inflammatory activation and myocardial performance evaluated by Tissue Doppler Imaging in subjects enrolled in the Daunia Heart Failure Registry, a local registry of patients with chronic heart failure. METHODS: This study retrospectively analyzed 353 consecutive outpatients with chronic heart failure (mean follow-up 384 days), based on whether statin therapy was used. In all patients, several Tissue Doppler Imaging parameters were measured; circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10 and C-reactive protein were also assayed. RESULTS: Statin administration in 128 subjects with ischemic heart disease was associated with a lower incidence of adverse events (rehospitalization for HF 15% vs. 46%, p<0.001; ventricular arrhythmias 5% vs. 21%, p<0.01; cardiac death 1% vs. 8%, p<0.05), lower circulating levels of IL-6 (p<0.05) and IL-10 (p<0.01), lower rates of chronic heart failure (p<0.001) and better Tissue Doppler Imaging performance (E/E' ratio 12.82 + 5.42 vs. 19.85 + 9.14, p<0.001; ET: 260.62+ 44.16 vs. 227.11 +37.58 ms, p<0.05; TP: 176.79 + 49.93 vs. 136.7 + 37.78 ms, p<0.05 and St: 352.35 + 43.17 vs. 310.67 + 66.46 + 37.78 ms, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Chronic ischemic heart failure outpatients undergoing statin treatment had fewer readmissions for adverse events, blunted inflammatory activation and improved left ventricular performance assessed by Tissue Doppler Imaging

    The factitious/malingering continuum and its burden on public health costs: a review and experience in an Italian neurology setting

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    Abstract: Factitious disorder is classified as one of the five aspects of somatic symptom disorders. The fundamental element of factitious disorder is deception, i.e., pretending to have a medical or psychiatric disorder, but the enactment of deception is considered unconscious. Indeed, volition, i.e., the perception of deliberate deception, is blurred in patients presenting with factitious disorder. In the USA and the UK, factitious disorder has received constant media attention because of its forensic implications and outrageous costs for the National Health Systems. Unfortunately, a comparable level of attention is not present in Italian National Health System or the Italian mass media. The review analyzes the classifications, disorder mechanisms, costs, and medico-legal implications in the hope of raising awareness on this disturbing issue. Moreover, the review depicts 13 exemplification cases, anonymized and fictionalized by expert writers. Finally, our paper also evaluates the National Health System’s expenditures for each patient, outlandish costs in the range between 50,000 and 1 million euros.Peer reviewe

    6MWT performance correlates with peripheral neuropathy but not with cardiac involvement in patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR)

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    Abstract Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR) is a life-threatening multisystemic disease with sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy, cardiomyopathy and dysautonomia. Although the six-minute walk test (6MWT) is one of the most popular clinical tests to assess functional exercise capacity in cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular diseases, little is known about 6MWT in evaluating hATTR patients. A prospective single-center pilot study was performed in twenty hATTR patients, comparing 6MWT with widely used outcome measures. After 18 months, fourteen patients were re-evaluated. 6MWT performance was highly related with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy stage and polyneuropathy disability score, and with CMT examination score, neuropathy impairment score-lower limbs and Kumamoto score. There was no correlation with compound autonomic dysfunction test, modified body mass index and numerous indices of heart dysfunction. After 18 months, familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy stage and polyneuropathy disability score systems were not able to reveal any significant change, whereas all other outcome measures significantly worsened. Among the outcome measures monitoring the neuropathic disturbances, neuropathy impairment score-lower limbs showed the highest responsiveness to change (adjusted effect size: 0.79), followed by CMT examination score (0.67), Kumamoto scale (0.65), 6MWT (0.62). 10MWT showed a very small value (0.21). Compound autonomic dysfunction test had a large value (0.91) whereas modified body mass index a small/moderate value (0.49). 6MWT is a simple and sensitive tool to monitor neuropathic involvement but not cardiac dysfunction in hATTR course

    Side-gate leakage and field emission in all-graphene field effect transistors on SiO2/Si substrate

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    We fabricate planar all-graphene field-effect transistors with self-aligned side-gates at 100 nm from the main graphene conductive channel, using a single lithographic step. We demonstrate side-gating below 1V with conductance modulation of 35% and transconductance up to 0.5 mS/mm at 10 mV drain bias. We measure the planar leakage along the SiO2/vacuum gate dielectric over a wide voltage range, reporting rapidly growing current above 15 V. We unveil the microscopic mechanisms driving the leakage, as Frenkel-Poole transport through SiO2 up to the activation of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling in vacuum, which becomes dominant at high voltages. We report a field-emission current density as high as 1uA/um between graphene flakes. These findings are essential for the miniaturization of atomically thin devices
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