143 research outputs found

    Accelerated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Deep Learning.

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy serves as an indispensable tool in chemistry and biology but often suffers from long experimental time. We present a proof-of-concept of application of deep learning and neural network for high-quality, reliable, and very fast NMR spectra reconstruction from limited experimental data. We show that the neural network training can be achieved using solely synthetic NMR signal, which lifts the prohibiting demand for large volume of realistic training data usually required in the deep learning approach

    Novel techniques for alpha/beta pulse shape discrimination in Borexino

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    Borexino could efficiently distinguish between alpha and beta radiation in its liquid scintillator by the characteristic time profile of their scintillation pulse. This alpha/beta discrimination, first demonstrated at the tonne scale in the Counting Test Facility prototype, was used throughout the lifetime of the experiment between 2007 and 2021. With this method, alpha events are identified and subtracted from the beta-like solar neutrino events. This is particularly important in liquid scintillator as alpha scintillation is quenched many-fold. In Borexino, the prominent Po-210 decay peak was a background in the energy range of electrons scattered from Be-7 solar neutrinos. Optimal alpha-beta discrimination was achieved with a "multi-layer perceptron neural network", which its higher ability to leverage the timing information of the scintillation photons detected by the photomultiplier tubes. An event-by-event, high efficiency, stable, and uniform pulse shape discrimination was essential in characterising the spatial distribution of background in the detector. This benefited most Borexino measurements, including solar neutrinos in the \pp chain and the first direct observation of the CNO cycle in the Sun. This paper presents the key milestones in alpha/beta discrimination in Borexino as a term of comparison for current and future large liquid scintillator detectorsComment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Borexino's search for low-energy neutrinos associated with gravitational wave events from GWTC-3 database

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    The search for neutrino events in correlation with gravitational wave (GW) events for three observing runs (O1, O2 and O3) from 09/2015 to 03/2020 has been performed using the Borexino data-set of the same period. We have searched for signals of neutrino-electron scattering with visible energies above 250 keV within a time window of 1000 s centered at the detection moment of a particular GW event. The search was done with three visible energy thresholds of 0.25, 0.8 and 3.0 MeV.Two types of incoming neutrino spectra were considered: the mono-energetic line and the spectrum expected from supernovae. The same spectra were considered for electron antineutrinos detected through inverse beta-decay (IBD) reaction. GW candidates originated by merging binaries of black holes (BHBH), neutron stars (NSNS) and neutron star and black hole (NSBH) were analysed separately. Additionally, the subset of most intensive BHBH mergers at closer distances and with larger radiative mass than the rest was considered. In total, follow-ups of 74 out of 93 gravitational waves reported in the GWTC-3 catalog were analyzed and no statistically significant excess over the background was observed. As a result, the strongest upper limits on GW-associated neutrino and antineutrino fluences for all flavors (\nu_e, \nu_\mu, \nu_\tau) have been obtained in the (0.5 - 5.0) MeV neutrino energy range.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental Detection of the CNO Cycle

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    Borexino recently reported the first experimental evidence for a CNO neutrino. Since this process accounts for only about 1% of the Sun’s total energy production, the associated neutrino flux is remarkably low compared to that of the pp chain, the dominant hydrogen-burning process. This experimental evidence for the existence of CNO neutrinos was obtained using a highly radio-pure Borexino liquid scintillator. Improvements in the thermal stabilization of the detector over the last five years have allowed us to exploit a method of constraining the rate of 210Bi background. Since the CNO cycle is dominant in massive stars, this result is the first experimental evidence of a major stellar hydrogen-to-helium conversion mechanism in the Universe

    Solar and geoneutrinos

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    Thanks to the progress of neutrino physics, today we are able of exploiting neutrinos as a tool to study astrophysical objects. The latter in turn serve as unique sources of elusive neutrinos, which fundamental properties are still to be understood. This contribution attempts to summarize the latest results obtained by measuring neutrinos emitted from the Sun and geoneutrinos produced in radioactive decays inside the Earth, with a particular focus on a recent discovery of the CNO-cycle solar neutrinos by Borexino. Comprehensive measurement of the pp-chain solar neutrinos and the first directional detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos by Borexino, the updated 8B solar neutrino results of Super-Kamiokande, as well as the latest Borexino and KamLAND geoneutrino measurements are also discussed

    Identification of the cosmogenic 11C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with Borexino

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    Cosmogenic radio-nuclei are an important source of background for low-energy neutrino experiments. In Borexino, cosmogenic 11C decays outnumber solar pep and CNO neutrino events by about ten to one. In order to extract the flux of these two neutrino species, a highly efficient identification of this background is mandatory. We present here the details of the most consolidated strategy, used throughout Borexino solar neutrino measurements. It hinges upon finding the space-time correlations between 11C decays, the preceding parent muons and the accompanying neutrons. This article describes the working principles and evaluates the performance of this Three-Fold Coincidence (TFC) technique in its two current implementations: a hard-cut and a likelihood-based approach. Both show stable performances throughout Borexino Phases II (2012–2016) and III (2016–2020) data sets, with a 11C tagging efficiency of ∼90 % and ∼ 63–66 % of the exposure surviving the tagging. We present also a novel technique that targets specifically 11C produced in high-multiplicity during major spallation events. Such 11C appear as a burst of events, whose space-time correlation can be exploited. Burst identification can be combined with the TFC to obtain about the same tagging efficiency of ∼90% but with a higher fraction of the exposure surviving, in the range of ∼ 66–68 %

    First Directional Measurement of sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos with Borexino

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    We report the measurement of sub-MeV solar neutrinos through the use of their associated Cherenkov radiation, performed with the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The measurement is achieved using a novel technique that correlates individual photon hits of events to the known position of the Sun. In an energy window between 0.54 to 0.74 MeV, selected using the dominant scintillation light, we have measured 10 887þ2386 ðstatÞ � 947ðsystÞ (68% confidence interval) −2103 solar neutrinos out of 19904 total events. This corresponds to a 7Be neutrino interaction rate of 51.6þ13.9 counts=ðday · 100 tonÞ, which is in agreement with the standard solar model predictions and the −12.5 previous spectroscopic results of Borexino. The no-neutrino hypothesis can be excluded with > 5σ confidence level. For the first time, we have demonstrated the possibility of utilizing the directional Cherenkov information for sub-MeV solar neutrinos, in a large-scale, high light yield liquid scintillator detector. This measurement provides an experimental proof of principle for future hybrid event reconstruction using both Cherenkov and scintillation signatures simultaneously

    The Western and Eastern Roots of the Saami - The Story of Genetic "Outliers" Told by Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosomes

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    Funding Information: We thank Tatyana Karafet and Boris Malyarchuk, for useful information; Henry Harpending, for the program POPSTR; Vincent Macaulay, for the program SAMPLING; Ille Hilpus and Jaan Lind, for technical assistance; and Charles Kurland and Thomas Gilbert, for helpful discussion and comments. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and advice. The research of R.V. was supported by Estonian basic research grant 514 and European Commission Directorate General Research grant ICA1CT20070006. The research of T.K. was supported by Estonian basic research grant 5574. The work of E.K. was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project number 01-04-48487a) and the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Russia. M.G., S.Z., and L.O. received support from expedition grants from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992–1997) and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (project number 02-06-80524-a), and the research of P.R. received support from project number 0196005 of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia.The Saami are regarded as extreme genetic outliers among European populations. In this study, a high-resolution phylogenetic analysis of Saami genetic heritage was undertaken in a comprehensive context, through use of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and paternally inherited Y-chromosomal variation. DNA variants present in the Saami were compared with those found in Europe and Siberia, through use of both new and previously published data from 445 Saami and 17,096 western Eurasian and Siberian mtDNA samples, as well as 127 Saami and 2,840 western Eurasian and Siberian Y-chromosome samples. It was shown that the "Saami motif" variant of mtDNA haplogroup U5b is present in a large area outside Scandinavia. A detailed phylogeographic analysis of one of the predominant Saami mtDNA haplogroups, U5b1b, which also includes the lineages of the "Saami motif," was undertaken in 31 populations. The results indicate that the origin of U5b1b, as for the other predominant Saami haplogroup, V, is most likely in western, rather than eastern, Europe. Furthermore, an additional haplogroup (H1) spread among the Saami was virtually absent in 781 Samoyed and Ob-Ugric Siberians but was present in western and central European populations. The Y-chromosomal variety in the Saami is also consistent with their European ancestry. It suggests that the large genetic separation of the Saami from other Europeans is best explained by assuming that the Saami are descendants of a narrow, distinctive subset of Europeans. In particular, no evidence of a significant directional gene flow from extant aboriginal Siberian populations into the haploid gene pools of the Saami was found.Peer reviewe