4,219 research outputs found

    The age structure of stellar populations in the solar vicinity. Clues of a two-phase formation history of the Milky Way disk

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    We analyze high quality abundances data of solar neighborhood stars and show that there are two distinct regimes of [alpha/Fe] versus age which we identify as the epochs of the thick and thin disk formation. A tight correlation between metallicity and [alpha/Fe] versus age is clearly identifiable on thick disk stars, implying that this population formed from a well mixed ISM, over a time scale of 4-5 Gyr. Thick disk stars vertical velocity dispersion correlate with age, with the youngest objects having as small scale heights as those of thin disk stars. A natural consequence of these two results is that a vertical metallicity gradient is expected in this population. We suggest that the thick disk set the initial conditions for the formation of the inner thin disk. This provides also an explanation of the apparent coincidence between the step in metallicity at 7-10 kpc in the thin disk and the confinment of the thick disk at about R<10 kpc. We suggest that the outer thin disk developped outside the influence of the thick disk, but also that the high alpha-enrichment of the outer regions may originate from a primordial pollution by the gas expelled from the thick disk. Local metal-poor thin disk stars, whose properties are best explained by an origin in the outer disk, are shown to be as old as the youngest thick disk (9-10 Gyr), implying that the outer thin disk started to form while the thick disk formation was still on-going in the inner Galaxy. We point out that, given the tight age-abundance relations in the thick disk, an inside-out process would give rise to a radial gradient in abundances in this population which is not observed. Finally, we argue that the data discussed here leave little room for radial migration, either to have contaminated the solar vicinity, or, to have redistributed stars in significant proportion across the solar annulus.Comment: Accepted in A&A, Revised version with new figures and extended discussio

    The Genus 0 Gromov-Witten Invariants of Projective Complete Intersections

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    We describe the structure of mirror formulas for genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of projective complete intersections with any number of marked points and provide an explicit algorithm for obtaining the relevant structure coefficients. The structural description alone suffices for some qualitative applications, such as vanishing results and the bounds on the growth of these invariants predicted by R. Pandharipande.Comment: two conjectures added; typos corrected 61 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    A new look at the kinematics of the bulge from an N-body model

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    (Abridged) By using an N-body simulation of a bulge that was formed via a bar instability mechanism, we analyse the imprints of the initial (i.e. before bar formation) location of stars on the bulge kinematics, in particular on the heliocentric radial velocity distribution of bulge stars. Four different latitudes were considered: b=4b=-4^\circ, 6-6^\circ, 8-8^\circ, and 10-10^\circ, along the bulge minor axis as well as outside it, at l=±5l=\pm5^\circ and l=±10l=\pm10^\circ. The bulge X-shaped structure comprises stars that formed in the disk at different locations. Stars formed in the outer disk, beyond the end of the bar, which are part of the boxy peanut-bulge structure may show peaks in the velocity distributions at positive and negative heliocentric radial velocities with high absolute values that can be larger than 100 km\rm km s1\rm s^{-1}, depending on the observed direction. In some cases the structure of the velocity field is more complex and several peaks are observed. Stars formed in the inner disk, the most numerous, contribute predominantly to the X-shaped structure and present different kinematic characteristics. Our results may enable us to interpret the cold high-velocity peak observed in the APOGEE commissioning data, as well as the excess of high-velocity stars in the near and far arms of the X-shaped structure at ll=00^\circ and bb=6-6^\circ. When compared with real data, the kinematic picture becomes more complex due to the possible presence in the observed samples of classical bulge and/or thick disk stars. Overall, our results point to the existence of complex patterns and structures in the bulge velocity fields, which are generated by the bar. This suggests that caution should be used when interpreting the bulge kinematics: the presence of substructures, peaks and clumps in the velocity fields is not necessarily a sign of past accretion events.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Bars & boxy/peanut bulges in thin & thick discs: I. Morphology and line-of-sight velocities of a fiducial model

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    We explore trends in the morphology and line-of-sight (los) velocity of stellar populations in the inner regions of disc galaxies, using N-body simulations with both a thin (kinematically cold) and a thick (kinematically hot) disc which form a bar and boxy/peanut (b/p) bulge. The bar in the thin disc component is \sim50\% stronger than the thick disc bar and is more elongated, with an axis ratio almost half that of the thick disc bar. The thin disc b/p bulge has a pronounced X-shape, while the thick disc b/p is weaker with a rather boxy shape. This leads to the signature of the b/p bulge in the thick disc to be weaker and further away from the plane than in the thin disc. Regarding the kinematics, we find that the los velocity of thick disc stars in the outer parts of the b/p bulge can be \emph{larger} than that of thin disc stars, by up to 40\% and 20\% for side-on and Milky Way-like orientations of the bar respectively. This is due to the different orbits followed by thin and thick disc stars in the bar-b/p region, which are affected by the fact that: i) thin disc stars are trapped more efficiently in the bar - b/p instability and thus lose more angular momentum than their thick disc counterparts and ii) thick disc stars have large radial excursions and therefore stars from large radii with high angular momenta can be found in the bar region. We also find that the difference between the los velocities of the thin and thick disc in the b/p bulge (Δvlos\Delta v_{los}) correlates with the initial difference between the radial velocity dispersions of the two discs (Δσ\Delta \sigma) . We therefore conclude that stars in the bar - b/p bulge will have considerably different morphologies and kinematics depending on the kinematic properties of the disc population they originate from.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 15 pages (2 page appendix). 16 figure

    When the Milky Way turned off the lights: APOGEE provides evidence of star formation quenching in our Galaxy

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    Quenching, the cessation of star formation, is one of the most significant events in the life cycle of galaxies. We show here the first evidence that the Milky Way experienced a generalised quenching of its star formation at the end of its thick disk formation \sim9 Gyr ago. Elemental abundances of stars studied as part of the APOGEE survey reveal indeed that in less than \sim2 Gyr the star formation rate in our Galaxy dropped by an order-of-magnitude. Because of the tight correlation between age and alpha abundance, this event reflects in the dearth of stars along the inner disk sequence in the [Fe/H]-[α\alpha/Fe] plane. Before this phase, which lasted about 1.5 Gyr, the Milky Way was actively forming stars. Afterwards, the star formation resumed at a much lower level to form the thin disk. These events are very well matched by the latest observation of MW-type progenitors at high redshifts. In late type galaxies, quenching is believed to be related to a long and secular exhaustion of gas. In our Galaxy, it occurred on a much shorter time scale, while the chemical continuity before and after the quenching indicates that it was not due to the exhaustion of the gas. While quenching is generally associated with spheroids, our results show that it also occurs in galaxies like the Milky Way, possibly when they are undergoing a morphological transition from thick to thin disks. Given the demographics of late type galaxies in the local universe, in which classical bulges are rare, we suggest further that this may hold true generally in galaxies with mass lower than or approximately MM^*, where quenching could be directly a consequence of thick disk formation. We emphasize that the quenching phase in the Milky Way could be contemporaneous with, and related to, the formation of the bar. We sketch a scenario on how a strong bar may inhibit star formation.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    Testing Feedback-Modified Dark Matter Haloes with Galaxy Rotation Curves: Estimation of Halo Parameters and Consistency with Λ\LambdaCDM

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    Cosmological NN-body simulations predict dark matter (DM) haloes with steep central cusps (e.g. NFW, Navarro et al. 1996). This contradicts observations of gas kinematics in low-mass galaxies that imply the existence of shallow DM cores. Baryonic processes such as adiabatic contraction and gas outflows can, in principle, alter the initial DM density profile, yet their relative contributions to the halo transformation remain uncertain. Recent high resolution, cosmological hydrodynamic simulations (Di Cintio et al. 2014, DC14) predict that inner density profiles depend systematically on the ratio of stellar to DM mass (M_*/Mhalo_{\text{halo}}). Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, we test the NFW and the M_*/Mhalo_{\text{halo}}-dependent DC14 halo models against a sample of 147 galaxy rotation curves from the new {\it Spitzer} Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) data set. These galaxies all have extended H{\small I} rotation curves from radio interferometry as well as accurate stellar mass density profiles from near-infrared photometry. The DC14 halo profile provides markedly better fits to the data compared to the NFW profile. Unlike NFW, the DC14 halo parameters found in our rotation curve fits naturally fall within two standard deviations of the mass-concentration relation predicted by Λ\LambdaCDM and the stellar mass-halo mass relation inferred from abundance matching with few outliers. Halo profiles modified by baryonic processes are therefore more consistent with expectations from Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) cosmology and provide better fits to galaxy rotation curves across a wide range of galaxy properties than do halo models that neglect baryonic physics. Our results offer a solution to the decade long cusp-core discrepancy.Comment: 23 Pages, 18 Figures, MNRAS Accepte

    A scalable PC-based parallel computer for lattice QCD

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    A PC-based parallel computer for medium/large scale lattice QCD simulations is suggested. The Eotvos Univ., Inst. Theor. Phys. cluster consists of 137 Intel P4-1.7GHz nodes. Gigabit Ethernet cards are used for nearest neighbor communication in a two-dimensional mesh. The sustained performance for dynamical staggered(wilson) quarks on large lattices is around 70(110) GFlops. The exceptional price/performance ratio is below $1/Mflop.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2002(machines

    On the WDVV Equation and M-Theory

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    A wide class of Seiberg-Witten models constructed by M-theory techniques and described by non-hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces are shown to possess an associative algebra of holomorphic differentials. This is a first step towards proving that also these models satisfy the Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equation. In this way, similar results known for simpler Seiberg-Witten models (described by hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces and constructed without recourse to M-theory) are extended to certain non-hyperelliptic cases constructed in M-theory. Our analysis reveals a connection between the algebra of holomorphic differentials on the Riemann surface and the configuration of M-theory branes of the corresponding Seiberg-Witten model.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, some corrections made, refs adde

    Tsallis' entropy maximization procedure revisited

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    The proper way of averaging is an important question with regards to Tsallis' Thermostatistics. Three different procedures have been thus far employed in the pertinent literature. The third one, i.e., the Tsallis-Mendes-Plastino (TMP) normalization procedure, exhibits clear advantages with respect to earlier ones. In this work, we advance a distinct (from the TMP-one) way of handling the Lagrange multipliers involved in the extremization process that leads to Tsallis' statistical operator. It is seen that the new approach considerably simplifies the pertinent analysis without losing the beautiful properties of the Tsallis-Mendes-Plastino formalism.Comment: 17 pages, no figure