13 research outputs found

    A forma abreviada da escala posições frente ao diagnóstico de enfermagem: desenvolvimento e avaliação psicométrica

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    The Positions on Nursing Diagnosis (PND) is a scale that uses the semantic differential technique to measure nurses' attitudes towards the nursing diagnosis concept. The aim of this study was to develop a shortened form of the Spanish version of this scale and evaluate its psychometric properties and efficiency. A double theoretical-empirical approach was used to obtain a short form of the PND, the PND-7-SV, which would be equivalent to the original. Using a cross-sectional survey design, the reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), construct (exploratory factor analysis, known-groups technique and discriminant validity) and criterion-related validity (concurrent validity), sensitivity to change and efficiency of the PND-7-SV were assessed in a sample of 476 Spanish nursing students. The results endorsed the utility of the PND-7-SV to measure attitudes toward nursing diagnosis in an equivalent manner to the complete form of the scale and in a shorter time.El Position on Nursing Diagnosis (PND) es una escala que utiliza la técnica del diferencial semántico para medir las actitudes hacia el concepto diagnóstico enfermero. El estudio objetivó desarrollar una forma abreviada de la versión española de esta escala, evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas y eficiencia. Se utilizó un doble enfoque empírico-teórico para obtener una forma reducida del PND, el PND-7-SV, que fuera equivalente a la original. Mediante un diseño transversal a través de encuesta, se evaluó la fiabilidad (consistencia interna y fiabilidad test-retest), validez de constructo (análisis factorial exploratorio, técnica de grupos conocidos y validez discriminante) y de criterio (validez concurrente), sensibilidad al cambio y eficiencia del PND-7-SV en una muestra de 476 estudiantes de enfermería españoles. Los resultados avalaron la utilidad del PND-7-SV para medir las actitudes hacia el diagnóstico enfermero de manera equivalente a la forma completa de la escala y en un tiempo más reducido

    Luxury shopping orientations of mainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong

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    Previous literature has focused on luxury tourism or luxury shopping, revealing that luxury-driven attitudes comprised unveiled reasons such as materialism, a desire for social status and the need to conform with others. Different outlets play different roles in the enactment of shopping attitudes, but even this has been scarcely researched within the context of tourism. This research combines these three areas of research in order to assess how materialism, the desire for status or to conform with others enact tourists' intentions of buying luxuries while on holiday, within different outlets. A sample of 314 tourists in Hong Kong was used to test eight hypotheses, by means of an ordered probit model. The study's findings enlighten the social nature of luxury tourists' shopping behaviours, a nature that depends not only on what they buy but also largely on where they buy