52 research outputs found

    Jeunes pÚres vulnérables : Trajectoires de vie et paternité

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    Le prĂ©sent article porte sur des rĂ©cits de vie thĂ©matiques de jeunes pĂšres en contexte d’exclusion. Il rend compte de leur enfance et adolescence, de leur relation avec la mĂšre de leur enfant et de leur parcours d’insertion socioprofessionnelle. Il fait Ă©tat de la façon dont ils exercent et se reprĂ©sentent leur paternitĂ©. MĂȘme si les pĂšres rencontrĂ©s ne sont pas tous engagĂ©s de la mĂȘme maniĂšre dans leur paternitĂ©, l’image du nouveau pĂšre ressort davantage de leur discours que celle du pĂšre traditionnel. Pour expliciter les diffĂ©rences entre les pĂšres et contribuer Ă  la conceptualisation de la paternitĂ©, une typologie de la paternitĂ© est proposĂ©e. Elle se prĂ©sente sous forme d’un continuum allant d’une paternitĂ© dĂ©sinvestie (en suspension) Ă  une paternitĂ© ancrĂ©e (en continu).This article discusses thematic life stories of young excluded fathers. It provides an account of the fathers’ childhood and adolescence periods, their relationships with the mothers of their children, and their pathways to social and vocational integration. The article also gives an account of how they exercise and see their fatherhood. What stands out in the discourse of these fathers is the image of the new father rather than the traditional father, even though they are not all involved in fatherhood in the same way. To elucidate the differences among fathers and contribute to the conceptualisation of fatherhood, a typology of fatherhood is proposed that follows a continuum from uncommitted (in suspension) to anchored (continuous) fatherhood

    L’enseignement des enjeux de la paternitĂ© dans les universitĂ©s canadiennes

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    Un nombre significatif de chercheurs et de cliniciens portent attention au dĂ©veloppement du rĂŽle du pĂšre dans la famille, particuliĂšrement sous l’angle de l’engagement paternel. Pourtant, l’examen pancanadien des curriculums d’enseignement universitaire en soins infirmiers effectuĂ© en 2002 a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que dans 68 institutions offrant la formation de premier cycle en soins infirmiers, peu de cours portaient spĂ©cifiquement ou indirectement sur les pĂšres ou la paternitĂ©. Une autre Ă©tude auprĂšs de 30 Ă©tudiants de premier cycle en sciences infirmiĂšres, en pratiques sages-femmes et en travail social a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que ces Ă©tudiants se sentaient inconfortables Ă  interagir avec les pĂšres, surtout lors de situations plus critiques Ă©motionnellement. Ces Ă©tudes ont conduit un groupe de chercheurs quĂ©bĂ©cois Ă  dĂ©velopper un cours interdisciplinaire de cycles supĂ©rieurs portant sur les enjeux de la paternitĂ©. Cet article vise Ă  prĂ©senter briĂšvement les rĂ©sultats des deux Ă©tudes citĂ©es, ainsi qu’à donner un aperçu de la structure du cours proposĂ©. Les retombĂ©es pour le dĂ©veloppement ultĂ©rieur de curriculums d’enseignement seront discutĂ©es.Fathers being important members of the family, a significant number of scholars have paid attention to the development of the father’s role in the family, particularly in regards to father involvement. However, an examination of the curricula in nursing carried out in 2002 by members of the Fathers’ Initiative in Educational Institutions (FI-EI) revealed that within 68 universities offering undergraduate nursing programs, very few courses referred specifically or even indirectly to fathers and fatherhood. Also, a qualitative study carried out from 2005-2007, with 30 undergraduate nursing, midwives and social work students revealed that students did not feel at ease in their interactions with fathers and required additional theory and models to sustain their feelings of adequacy. A group of researchers from Quebec have developed in 2007 an online graduate course pertaining to fatherhood, within an interdisciplinary perspective. This article will highlight the results of the two studies cited and an outline of the course developed. The implications for further curriculum development pertaining to fatherhood will be discussed

    Moving out of the shadows: accomplishing bisexual motherhood

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    Our qualitative study explored the ways in which bisexual mothers came to identify as such and how they structured their relationships and parenting within hetero-patriarchal society. The experiences of seven self-identified White bisexual women (aged from 28 to 56-years-old) from across England and the Republic of Ireland were investigated through semi-structured interviews. Participants’ children were aged 8 months to 28 years old at the time of their interviews. A thematic narrative analysis highlighted the following issues that participants had encountered in constructing their self-identity: prioritizing children; connecting and disconnecting with others and finessing self-definition; questioning societal relationship expectations. Nevertheless, participants varied considerably in how each of the themes identified were reflected in their lives, in particular depending upon each participant’s interpretation of her local social context. Both motherhood and self-identifying as bisexual gave a sense of meaning and purpose to participants’ life stories, although participants sometimes foregrounded their commitment to their children even at a personal cost to their bisexual identity. Using three different theoretical perspectives from feminist theory, queer theory and life course theory, the narratives analysed revealed ways in which bisexual motherhood not only had been influenced both intentionally and unintentionally by heteronormative expectations but also had directly and indirectly challenged these expectations

    17th Century Variola Virus Reveals the Recent History of Smallpox

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    Smallpox holds a unique position in the history of medicine. It was the first disease for which a vaccine was developed and remains the only human disease eradicated by vaccination. Although there have been claims of smallpox in Egypt, India, and China dating back millennia [1-4], the timescale of emergence of the causative agent, variola virus (VARV), and how it evolved in the context of increasingly widespread immunization, have proven controversial [4-9]. In particular, some molecular-clock-based studies have suggested that key events in VARV evolution only occurred during the last two centuries [4-6] and hence in apparent conflict with anecdotal historical reports, although it is difficult to distinguish smallpox from other pustular rashes by description alone. To address these issues, we captured, sequenced, and reconstructed a draft genome of an ancient strain of VARV, sampled from a Lithuanian child mummy dating between 1643 and 1665 and close to the time of several documented European epidemics [1, 2, 10]. When compared to vaccinia virus, this archival strain contained the same pattern of gene degradation as 20th century VARVs, indicating that such loss of gene function had occurred before ca. 1650. Strikingly, the mummy sequence fell basal to all currently sequenced strains of VARV on phylogenetic trees. Molecular-clock analyses revealed a strong clock-like structure and that the timescale of smallpox evolution is more recent than often supposed, with the diversification of major viral lineages only occurring within the 18th and 19th centuries, concomitant with the development of modern vaccination.Peer reviewe

    In Vitro Evaluation of a Soluble Leishmania Promastigote Surface Antigen as a Potential Vaccine Candidate against Human Leishmaniasis

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    International audiencePSA (Promastigote Surface Antigen) belongs to a family of membrane-bound and secreted proteins present in severalLeishmania (L.) species. PSA is recognized by human Th1 cells and provides a high degree of protection in vaccinated mice.We evaluated humoral and cellular immune responses induced by a L. amazonensis PSA protein (LaPSA-38S) produced in aL. tarentolae expression system. This was done in individuals cured of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to L. major (CCLm) or L.braziliensis (CCLb) or visceral leishmaniasis due to L. donovani (CVLd) and in healthy individuals. Healthy individuals weresubdivided into immune (HHR-Lm and HHR-Li: Healthy High Responders living in an endemic area for L. major or L. infantuminfection) or non immune/naive individuals (HLR: Healthy Low Responders), depending on whether they produce high orlow levels of IFN-c in response to Leishmania soluble antigen. Low levels of total IgG antibodies to LaPSA-38S were detectedin sera from the studied groups. Interestingly, LaPSA-38S induced specific and significant levels of IFN-c, granzyme B and IL-10 in CCLm, HHR-Lm and HHR-Li groups, with HHR-Li group producing TNF-a in more. No significant cytokine response wasobserved in individuals immune to L. braziliensis or L. donovani infection. Phenotypic analysis showed a significant increasein CD4+ T cells producing IFN-c after LaPSA-38S stimulation, in CCLm. A high positive correlation was observed between thepercentage of IFN-c-producing CD4+ T cells and the released IFN-c. We showed that the LaPSA-38S protein was able toinduce a mixed Th1 and Th2/Treg cytokine response in individuals with immunity to L. major or L. infantum infectionindicating that it may be exploited as a vaccine candidate. We also showed, to our knowledge for the first time, the capacityof Leishmania PSA protein to induce granzyme B production in humans with immunity to L. major and L. infantum infectio

    Apprivoiser les pĂšres en protection de l'enfance

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    International audienceThis literature review has the purpose of understanding the different dimensions that can be present in the development of a collaborative relationship between fathers and practitioners in the context of child protection services. This review is based on scientific documents. Most of the selected documents present research results on relationships between fathers and practitioners. The analysis of these documents allowed to look at this topic from different angles: beliefs and prejudices that practitioners may have towards fathers, practitioners’ training and factors associated with their workplace. This analysis also reveals several obstacles in the development of a collaborative relationship between fathers and practitioners as well as some helping factors to build this kind of collaboration.Le prĂ©sent article propose les rĂ©sultats d’une recension d’écrits scientifiques dont l’objectif est de comprendre les diffĂ©rents facteurs qui interviennent dans le dĂ©veloppement d’une relation de collaboration entre les pĂšres et les professionnels dans le contexte de la protection de l’enfance. Les documents consultĂ©s prĂ©sentent des rĂ©sultats d’études scientifiques mesurant diffĂ©rents facteurs reliĂ©s Ă  l’interaction entre les pĂšres et les intervenants. L’analyse a permis de documenter le sujet sous diffĂ©rents angles : les croyances et prĂ©jugĂ©s des intervenants envers les pĂšres, la formation professionnelle des intervenants et les facteurs associĂ©s au milieu de travail des services psychosociaux. Cette analyse fait Ă©galement ressortir plusieurs obstacles Ă  l’établissement d’une bonne relation pĂšre-intervenant de mĂȘme que certaines dimensions qui favoriseraient une telle collaboration

    Gestion agro-environnementale intégrée du risque de contamination de la ressource halieutique par les produits phytopharmaceutiques : cas du transfert de la Chlordécone dans la baie du Robert, site atelier de la baie du Robert Martinique, FWI

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]DTAMThe present survey deals with the transfer process of chlordecone, a persistent pesticide used during the years 1972 - 1993 in the French West Indies. The use of chlordecone resulted in severe contamination of soil and surface water. The main objectives were to assess transfer of chlordecone from lands where it's detected to the first river on the top of the catchment, and to assess contamination of fishery resources. A monitoring programme has been set up on a catchment area in the Robert bay (on the Atlantic coast of Martinique island), with some analysis on sediments and marine organisms. It is reported that solid transport and adsorption of the molecule contribute to a major part of transfers, on an annual scale. A modification of sorption dynamics between the molecule and solid particles plays an important role in transfer during flood events. The influence of particle grading is also predominant and involves additional experimentations. The resulted contamination in coastal sediments and organisms is varied depending on the species and their spatial distribution. In prospect, The results of study on both terrestrial and maritime areas about contamination levels in the different environmental compartments provide a global view on this territory for decision makers and administrators.La prĂ©sente Ă©tude porte sur les modalitĂ©s de transfert de la chlordĂ©cone, insecticide persistant utilisĂ© dans la pĂ©riode 1972 - 1993 aux Antilles françaises. Il s'agissait en effet de s'intĂ©resser aux voies de transfert de la molĂ©cule depuis les parcelles oĂč elle est dĂ©tectĂ©e vers le premier cours d'eau de tĂȘte de bassin versant puis vers la zone littorale et les Ă©cosystĂšmes associĂ©s. Les voies de transfert dans les eaux superficielles du bassin versant de la baie du Robert (commune du Robert, façade atlantique de la Martinique), ont Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©hendĂ©es par un rĂ©seau de suivi composĂ© de trois stations de mesure, l'analyse de teneur en chlordĂ©cone dans les sĂ©diments et quelques espĂšces marines d'intĂ©rĂȘt halieutique. Il est fait Ă©tat d'un transport majoritaire par voie adsorbĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©chelle annuelle, confirmant la bibliographie. Une modification des Ă©quilibres de sorption entre la molĂ©cule et les particules solides joue un rĂŽle important au cours des diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes d'une crue. L'influence de la granulomĂ©trie est Ă©galement dĂ©terminante dans la comprĂ©hension des phĂ©nomĂšnes de transfert et mĂ©ritera des expĂ©rimentations supplĂ©mentaires. La contamination qui en rĂ©sulte dans la baie et les Ă©cosystĂšmes affĂ©rents est variable selon les espĂšces et leur rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique. Les rĂ©sultats terrestres et maritimes permettent de confirmer les transferts de chlordĂ©cone depuis les bassins versants contaminĂ©s vers les zones littorales associĂ©s; les degrĂ©s de contamination dans les diffĂ©rents compartiments environnementaux apportent enfin une vision globale Ă  l'Ă©chelle du territoire utile pour les dĂ©cideurs et gestionnaires

    Qualitative Experience of Self-Exclusion Programs : A Scoping Review

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    Gambling disorder is a major public health issue in many countries. It has been defined as a persistent, recurrent pattern of gambling and is associated with substantial distress or impairment, lower quality of life, and living with a plurality of psychiatric problems. Many people suffering from gambling disorder seek help in ways other than formal treatment seeking, including self-management strategies. One example of responsible gambling tools that has gained popularity in recent years is self-exclusion programs. Self-exclusion entails individuals barring themselves from a gambling venue or a virtual platform. The aim of this scoping review is to summarize the literature on this topic and to explore participants’ perceptions and experiences with self-exclusion. An electronic literature search was conducted on 16th May 2022 in the following databases: Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Education Source, ERIC, MEDLINE with Full Text, APA PsycArticles, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, APA PsychInfo, Social Work Abstracts, and SocINDEX. The search yielded a total of 236 articles, of which 109 remained after duplicates were removed. After full-text reading, six articles were included in this review. The available literature shows that although there are many barriers and limitations to the current self-exclusion programs, self-exclusion is generally viewed as an effective responsible gambling strategy. There is a clear need to improve the current programs by increasing awareness, publicity, availability, staff training, off-site venue exclusion, and technology-assisted monitoring, as well as by adopting more holistic management approaches to gambling disorders in general
