379 research outputs found

    Non linear integral equation and excited--states scaling functions in the sine-Gordon model

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    The NLIE (the non-linear integral equation equivalent to the Bethe Ansatz equations for finite size) is generalized to excited states, that is states with holes and complex roots over the antiferromagnetic ground state. We consider the sine-Gordon/massive Thirring model (sG/mT) in a periodic box of length LL using the light-cone approach, in which the sG/mT model is obtained as the continuum limit of an inhomogeneous six vertex model. This NLIE is an useful starting point to compute the spectrum of excited states both analytically in the large LL (perturbative) and small LL (conformal) regimes as well as numerically.Comment: LaTeX file, 40 pages, 4 figures in a tar.Z file (3 figures added and few misprints corrected w.r.t. previous version

    Yang--Baxter symmetry in integrable models: new light from the Bethe Ansatz solution

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    We show how any integrable 2D QFT enjoys the existence of infinitely many non--abelian {\it conserved} charges satisfying a Yang--Baxter symmetry algebra. These charges are generated by quantum monodromy operators and provide a representation of qq-deformed affine Lie algebras. We review and generalize the work of de Vega, Eichenherr and Maillet on the bootstrap construction of the quantum monodromy operators to the sine--Gordon (or massive Thirring) model, where such operators do not possess a classical analogue. Within the light--cone approach to the mT model, we explicitly compute the eigenvalues of the six--vertex alternating transfer matrix \tau(\l) on a generic physical state, through algebraic Bethe ansatz. In the thermodynamic limit \tau(\l) turns out to be a two--valued periodic function. One determination generates the local abelian charges, including energy and momentum, while the other yields the abelian subalgebra of the (non--local) YB algebra. In particular, the bootstrap results coincide with the ratio between the two determinations of the lattice transfer matrix.Comment: 30 page

    Ultraviolet cascade in the thermalization of the classical phi^4 theory in 3+1 dimensions

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    We investigate the dynamics of thermalization and the approach to equilibrium in the classical phi^4 theory in 3+1 spacetime dimensions. The non-equilibrium dynamics is studied by numerically solving the equations of motion in a light- cone-like discretization of the model for a broad range of initial conditions and energy densities.A smooth cascade of energy towards the ultraviolet is found to be the basic mechanism of thermalization.After an initial transient stage,at a time scale of several hundreds inverse masses,the squared of the field gradient becomes larger than the nonlinear term and a stage of universal cascade emerges. As the cascade progresses, the modes with higher wavenumbers exhibit weaker and weaker nonlinearities well described by the Hartree approximation while the infrared modes retain strong selfinteractions. Two timescales for equilibration appears.For k^2>(t) we observe an effective thermalization with a time scale in the thousands of inverse masses and the Hartree approximation holds. By effective thermalization we mean that the observable acquires the equilibrium functional form with an effective time dependent temperature Teff, which slowly decreases with time. Infrared modes with k^2 (t) equilibrate only by time scales in the millions of inverse masses. Infrared modes with k^2 (t) equilibrate only by time scales in the millions.Virialization and the equation of state start to set much earlier than effective thermalization.The applicability of these results in quantum field theory for large occupation numbers and small coupling is analyzed.Comment: 47 pages, 31 figures. Presentation improved, 4 new figure

    A local and integrable lattice regularization of the massive Thirring model

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    The light--cone lattice approach to the massive Thirring model is reformulated using a local and integrable lattice Hamiltonian written in terms of discrete fermi fields. Several subtle points concerning boundary conditions, normal--ordering, continuum limit, finite renormalizations and decoupling of fermion doublers are elucidated. The relations connecting the six--vertex anisotropy and the various coupling constants of the continuum are analyzed in detail.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, some corrected misprints and minor changes, 2 Postscript figures unchange

    Unified Approach to Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and Finite Size Corrections for Lattice Models and Field Theories

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    We present a unified approach to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) for magnetic chains and field theories that includes the finite size (and zero temperature) calculations for lattice BA models. In all cases, the free energy follows by quadratures from the solution of a {\bf single} non-linear integral equation (NLIE). [A system of NLIE appears for nested BA]. We derive the NLIE for: a) the six-vertex model with twisted boundary conditions; b) the XXZ chain in an external magnetic field hzh_z and c) the sine-Gordon-massive Thirring model (sG-mT) in a periodic box of size \b \equiv 1/T using the light-cone approach. This NLIE is solved by iteration in one regime (high TT in the XXZ chain and low TT in the sG-mT model). In the opposite (conformal) regime, the leading behaviors are obtained in closed form. Higher corrections can be derived from the Riemann-Hilbert form of the NLIE that we present.Comment: Expanded Introduction. Version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B. 60 pages, TeX, Uses phyzz

    The pre-inflationary and inflationary fast-roll eras and their signatures in the low CMB multipoles

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    We study the entire coupled evolution of the inflaton and the scale factor for general initial conditions at a given initial time. The generic early universe evolution has three stages: decelerated fast-roll followed by inflationary fast roll and then inflationary slow-roll. This evolution is valid for all regular inflaton potentials. In addition, we find a special (extreme) slow-roll solution starting at t = -infty in which the fast-roll stages are absent. At some time t = t_*, the generic evolution backwards in time reaches a mathematical singu- larity where a(t) vanishes and Hubble becomes singular. We find the general behaviour near the singularity. The classical inflaton description is valid for t-t_* > 10 t_{Planck} well before the beginning of inflation, quantum loop effects are negligible there. The singularity is never reached in the validity region of the classical treatment and therefore it is not a real physical phenomenon here. The whole evolution of the fluctuations is computed. The Bunch-Davies initial conditions (BDic) are generalized for the present case. The power spectrum gets dynamically modified by the effect of the fast-roll eras and the BDic choice at a finite time through the transfer function D(k) of initial conditions. D(0) = 0. D(k) presents a first peak for k ~ 2/eta_0 (eta_0 being the conformal initial time), then oscillates with decreasing amplitude and vanishes asymptotically for k -> infty. The transfer function D(k) affects the low CMB multipoles C_l: the change Delta C_l/C_l for l=1-5 is computed as a function of the starting instant of the fluctuations t_0. CMB quadrupole observations give large suppressions which are well reproduced here(Abridged)Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures. Version to appear in PR

    Quantum WDM fermions and gravitation determine the observed galaxy structures

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    Quantum mechanics is necessary to compute galaxy structures at kpc scales and below. This is so because near the galaxy center, at scales below 10 - 100 pc, warm dark matter (WDM) quantum effects are important: observations show that the interparticle distance is of the order of, or smaller than the de Broglie wavelength for WDM. This explains why all classical (non-quantum) WDM N-body simulations fail to explain galactic cores and their sizes. We describe fermionic WDM galaxies in an analytic semiclassical framework based on the Thomas-Fermi approach, we resolve it numerically and find the main physical galaxy magnitudes: mass, halo radius, phase-space density, velocity dispersion, fully consistent with observations, including compact dwarf galaxies. Namely, fermionic WDM treated quantum mechanically, as it must be, reproduces the observed galaxy DM cores and their sizes. [In addition, as is known, WDM simulations produce the right DM structures in agreement with observations for scales > kpc]. We show that compact dwarf galaxies are natural quantum macroscopic objects supported against gravity by the fermionic WDM quantum pressure (quantum degenerate fermions) with a minimal galaxy mass and minimal velocity dispersion. Interestingly enough, the minimal galaxy mass implies a minimal mass m_{min} for the WDM particle. The lightest known dwarf galaxy (Willman I) implies m > m_{min} = 1.91 keV. These results and the observed halo radius and mass of the compact galaxies provide further indication that the WDM particle mass m is approximately around 2 keV.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, expanded version to appear in Astroparticle Physics. admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.309

    Warm dark matter primordial spectra and the onset of structure formation at redshift z

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    Analytic formulas reproducing the warm dark matter (WDM) primordial spectra are obtained for WDM particles decoupling in and out of thermal equilibrium which provide the initial data for WDM non-linear structure formation. We compute and analyze the corresponding WDM overdensities and compare them to the CDM case. We consider the ratio of the WDM to CDM primordial spectrum and the WDM to CDM overdensities: they turn to be self-similar functions of k/k_{1/2} and R/R_{1/2} respectively, k_{1/2} and R_{1/2} being the wavenumber and length where the WDM spectrum and overdensity are 1/2 of the respective CDM magnitudes. Both k_{1/2} and R_{1/2} show scaling as powers of the WDM particle mass m while the self-similar functions are independent of m. The WDM primordial spectrum sharply decreases around k_{1/2} with respect to the CDM spectrum, while the WDM overdensity slowly decreases around R_{1/2}. The nonlinear regions where WDM structure formation takes place are shown and compared to those in CDM: the WDM non-linear structures start to form later than in CDM, and as a general trend, decreasing the DM particle mass delays the onset of the non-linear regime. The non-linear regime starts earlier for smaller objects than for larger ones; smaller objects can form earlier both in WDM and CDM. We compute and analyze the differential mass function dN/dM for WDM at redshift z in the Press-Schechter approach. The WDM suppression effect of small scale structure increases with the redshift z. Our results for dN/dM are useful to be contrasted with observations, in particular for 4 < z < 12. We perfom all these studies for the most popular WDM particle physics models. Contrasting them to observations should point out the precise value of the WDM particle mass in the keV scale, and help to single out the best WDM particle physics model (Abridged).Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Phys Rev