80 research outputs found

    Pour une réponse transculturelle en matière de santé mentale autochtone

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    Cet article examine comment la question de l’intervention clinique auprès des Autochtones se pose dans les services de psychiatrie transculturels à Montréal. Le Service de consultation culturelle de l’Hôpital juif de Montréal fondé par le Dr Kirmayer et la Clinique de pédopsychiatrie transculturelle de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants mise sur pied par le Dr Rousseau sont des espaces de soin encore très jeunes. Le mandat de ces services étant de répondre aux exigences de la diversité culturelle à Montréal, l’auteur réfléchit sur la place et la réponse accordées par ces deux services à la demande d’une minorité pas comme les autres, les Autochtones.This article examines how the issue of clinical intervention with the Aboriginals presents itself within Montreal’s transcultural psychiatric services. The cultural consultation service at Montreal Jewish Hospital created by Dr. Kirmayer as well as the transcultural psychiatric clinic at Montreal Children’s Hospital founded by Dr. Rousseau are relatively recent settings of care. Their mandate being to provide care and services to Montreal’s cultural diversity, the author questions the place and response given to the demands of a minority unlike the others, the Aboriginals.Este artículo examina la manera en que se plantea la cuestión de la intervención clínica en los miembros de pueblos autóctonos en los servicios de psiquiatría transcultural de Montreal. El Servicio de consulta cultural del Hospital judío de Montreal, fundado por el Dr. Kirmayer, y la Clínica de pedopsiquiatría transcultural del Hospital de Montreal para niños, puesta en marcha por el Dr. Rousseau, son espacios de atención todavía muy recientes. El mandato de estos servicios es responder a las exigencias de la diversidad cultural de Montreal. El autor reflexiona acerca del lugar y la respuesta acordada por estos dos servicios a la demanda de una minoría diferente de las otras, los miembros de los pueblos autóctonos.Este artigo examina como a questão da intervenção clínica junto aos autóctones é colocada nos serviços de psiquiatria transculturais em Montreal. O Serviço de Consulta Cultural do Hospital Judeu de Montreal, fundado pelo Dr. Kirmayer e a Clínica de pedopsiquiatria transcultural do Hospital de Montreal para Crianças criada pelo Dr. Rousseau são espaços de tratamento ainda muito jovens. O mandato destes serviços é responder às exigências da diversidade cultural em Montreal. O autor reflete sobre o lugar e a resposta dada por estes dois serviços à demanda de uma minoria que não é como as outras, os autóctones

    Les femmes peintres dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle

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    Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, un nombre important de femmes peintres, françaises et étrangères, sont actives professionnellement à Paris, et exposent au Salon, la manifestation annuelle d’art contemporain. À la différence de leurs confrères, elles ont à se positionner par rapport à divers préjugés, notamment celui du dilettantisme qui influence leurs choix stylistiques. D’un autre côté, leurs écrits personnels (correspondances, mémoires, journaux intimes) mettent en évidence la vraie modernité de leur vie et de leur mode de pensée.In the late 19th century, many French and foreign women painters worked as professional artists in Paris and exhibited at the Salon, the annual show of contemporary art. Unlike their male colleagues, they had to cope with various prejudices, especially the accusation of dilettantism, and these influenced their stylistic choices. On the other hand, their personal writings (letters, memoirs, diaries) emphasize the true modernity of their lives and their way of thinking

    Comprendre et agir sur le suicide chez les Premières Nations : Quelques lunes après l’initiation

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    Depuis trois ans, une équipe multidisciplinaire s’est engagée à réfléchir et à développer des stratégies sur la prévention du suicide en milieu autochtone dans le cadre d’un vaste programme de recherche. Une telle entreprise pose des défis inusités à toutes les étapes de son développement. Dans cet article, l’équipe de recherche indique les difficultés rencontrées et les pistes de solution élaborées. La première partie décrit la dimension épidémiologique du suicide en milieu autochtone et elle présente les premiers résultats. La deuxième partie décrit le volet prévention et fait un bilan des essais entrepris. La troisième partie résume une recherche auprès des familles visant à mieux comprendre le contexte de socialisation dans trois milieux contrastés. Suit une brève description de l’objectif de formation de jeunes chercheurs autochtones. La discussion porte sur la capacité à répondre aux besoins de la famille autochtone contemporaine.For the last three years, a cross-disciplinary team has been involved in developing strategies for preventing suicide in aboriginal communities with the help of a large research program. Such an initiative brings unexpected challenges at all stages of the process. In this article, our research team describes the problems met and some ideas for solutions. The first part presents the epidemiological aspect of aboriginal suicide and some preliminary results. The second part describes the prevention goals and assesses the interventions made until now. The third part summarizes a research with families where the aim is to understand the context of child-rearing in three different settings. Follows a brief overview on the training of young aboriginal researchers. The discussion concludes on the possibility to meet the needs of the contemporary aboriginal family


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    In the classical sections of Sentino-Valdorbia, Bosso and the Marne di Monte Serrone type-section the rhythmic, limestone/marl sedimentation of the following formations were studied: the Corniola (Late Sinemurian to Earliest Toarcian) and the Marne di Monte Serrone (Early Toarcian). The geological framework is drawn from the numerous and significant published papers which give a good stratigraphical scheme and a precise paleogeographic setting. The limestones have been studied in thin sections (texture, occurrence and abundance of schizospheres, other fauna, etc.) and with SEM (structure, occurrence, abundance and diagenetic state of schizospheres; coccoliths). Marly interbeds have been studied in light microscopy on smear slides of raw sediment to find out coccoliths and schizospheres and with SEM, both on washed and centrifuged sediments (for a better definition of the nannofloras) and on freshly broken surfaces. The conclusions are based upon 69 SEM pictures of limestones and 94 SEM pictures of marls from the Corniola Formation; on 169 SEM pictures of limestones and 303 SEM pictures of marls from the Marne di Monte Serrone Formation. The observations show the importance of the nannofloral contrast between the Limestone beds with schizospheres and the marly interbeds with coccoliths. The contrast is thought to portray rhe original difference between the components which generated the two different types of sediments. The lithogenetic role of the nannoplankton was strongly differentiated and was linked to an alternation of clay-poor, sea-warer phases when stable, calcareous nannoplankton (schizospheres) dominated and did not evolve and of clay-richer, sea-water phases when coccolithophorids expanded and evolved

    De l’argument à l’action : la biodiversité au service des jardins familiaux

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    Le présent article étudie les relations qui se tissent entre les jardins familiaux et la notion de biodiversité. Pour ce faire, il confronte deux échelles d’analyse. À l’échelle nationale, il montre que la biodiversité procède pleinement de la stratégie de la Fédération nationale des jardins familiaux et collectifs en faveur de la (ré)affirmation de ces potagers urbains. Cette structure accompagne ainsi des projets pensés comme durables et conçus pour être favorables à la faune et à la flore. À l’échelle locale, les relevés écologiques réalisés dans des sites marseillais désignent les jardins familiaux comme des réservoirs d’une biodiversité abondante mais ordinaire. Face à l’urbanisation, celle-ci sert souvent d’argument de défense pour les associations de gestion. Les jardins familiaux génèrent, par ailleurs, des considérations et des pratiques renouvelées, mais encore fortement empreintes de représentations et d’ambiguïtés à l’égard de la notion de biodiversité. De fait, la flore spontanée et la faune du sol demeurent des impensés de l’écosystème du potager.This article studies the relationships between allotment gardens and the notion of biodiversity. To do so, it compares two levels of analysis. On the national level, it shows that biodiversity is an integral part of the strategy developed by the National Federation of Allotment and Community Gardens (in French Fédération nationale des jardins familiaux et collectifs) in support of these urban vegetable gardens. This association facilitates projects designed to be sustainable and to provide a favourable environment for plant and animal life. At the local level, ecological surveys conducted in certain locations in Marseilles have designated allotment gardens as the reservoirs of an abundant although ordinary biodiversity. In a context of urbanisation, this often serves as an argument in favour of community garden management associations. Allotment gardens also give rise to renewed considerations and practises, but ones which are greatly marked by representations and ambiguities regarding the notion of biodiversity. As a result, the spontaneous growth of plants and animal life in the soil are the unplanned results of the vegetable garden

    Molecular Evidence for Flea-Borne Rickettsiosis in Febrile Patients from Madagascar.

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    Rickettsiae may cause febrile infections in humans in tropical and subtropical regions. From Madagascar, no molecular data on the role of rickettsioses in febrile patients are available. Blood samples from patients presenting with fever in the area of the capital Antananarivo were screened for the presence of rickettsial DNA. EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) blood from 1020 patients presenting with pyrexia > 38.5 °C was analyzed by gltA-specific qPCR. Positive samples were confirmed by ompB-specific qPCR. From confirmed samples, the gltA amplicons were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. From five gltA-reactive samples, two were confirmed by ompB-specific qPCR. The gltA sequence in the sample taken from a 38-year-old female showed 100% homology with R. typhi. The other sample taken from a 1.5-year-old infant was 100% homologous to R. felis. Tick-borne rickettsiae were not identified. The overall rate of febrile patients with molecular evidence for a rickettsial infection from the Madagascan study site was 0.2% (2/1020 patients). Flea-borne rickettsiosis is a rare but neglected cause of infection in Madagascar. Accurate diagnosis may prompt adequate antimicrobial treatment

    Are brucellosis, Q fever and melioidosis potential causes of febrile illness in Madagascar?

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    Brucellosis, Q fever and melioidosis are zoonoses, which can lead to pyrexia. These diseases are often under-ascertained and underreported because of their unspecific clinical signs and symptoms, insufficient awareness by physicians and public health officers and limited diagnostic capabilities, especially in low-resource countries. Therefore, the presence of Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and Burkholderia pseudomallei was investigated in Malagasy patients exhibiting febrile illness. In addition, we analyzed zebu cattle and their ticks as potential reservoirs for Brucella and C. burnetii, respectively. Specific quantitative real-time PCR assays (qPCRs) were performed on 1020 blood samples drawn from febrile patients. In total, 15 samples (1.5%) were Brucella-positive, mainly originating from patients without travel history, while DNA from C. burnetii and Bu. pseudomallei was not detected. Anti-C. burnetii antibodies were found in four out of 201 zebu serum samples (2%), whereas anti-Brucella antibodies could not be detected. Brucella DNA was detected in a single zebu sample. Three out of 330 ticks analyzed (1%) were positively tested for C. burnetii DNA but with high Ct values in the qPCR assay. Our data suggest that zebus as well as Amblyomma and Boophilus ticks have to be considered as a natural reservoir or vector for C. burnetii, but the risk of cattle-to-human transmission is low. Since bovine brucellosis does not seem to contribute to human infections in Madagascar, other transmission routes have to be assumed

    Transmissibility of Atypical Scrapie in Ovine Transgenic Mice: Major Effects of Host Prion Protein Expression and Donor Prion Genotype

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    Atypical scrapie or Nor98 has been identified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that is clearly distinguishable from classical scrapie and BSE, notably regarding the biochemical features of the protease-resistant prion protein PrPres and the genetic factors involved in susceptibility to the disease. In this study we transmitted the disease from a series of 12 French atypical scrapie isolates in a transgenic mouse model (TgOvPrP4) overexpressing in the brain ∼0.25, 1.5 or 6× the levels of the PrPARQ ovine prion protein under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter. We used an approach based on serum PrPc measurements that appeared to reflect the different PrPc expression levels in the central nervous system. We found that transmission of atypical scrapie, much more than in classical scrapie or BSE, was strongly influenced by the PrPc expression levels of TgOvPrP4 inoculated mice. Whereas TgOvPrP4 mice overexpressing ∼6× the normal PrPc level died after a survival periods of 400 days, those with ∼1.5× the normal PrPc level died at around 700 days. The transmission of atypical scrapie in TgOvPrP4 mouse line was also strongly influenced by the prnp genotypes of the animal source of atypical scrapie. Isolates carrying the AF141RQ or AHQ alleles, associated with increased disease susceptibility in the natural host, showed a higher transmissibility in TgOvPrP4 mice. The biochemical analysis of PrPres in TgOvPrP4 mouse brains showed a fully conserved pattern, compared to that in the natural host, with three distinct PrPres products. Our results throw light on the transmission features of atypical scrapie and suggest that the risk of transmission is intrinsically lower than that of classical scrapie or BSE, especially in relation to the expression level of the prion protein

    COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus-host interaction mechanisms.

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    Funder: Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungFunder: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)We need to effectively combine the knowledge from surging literature with complex datasets to propose mechanistic models of SARS-CoV-2 infection, improving data interpretation and predicting key targets of intervention. Here, we describe a large-scale community effort to build an open access, interoperable and computable repository of COVID-19 molecular mechanisms. The COVID-19 Disease Map (C19DMap) is a graphical, interactive representation of disease-relevant molecular mechanisms linking many knowledge sources. Notably, it is a computational resource for graph-based analyses and disease modelling. To this end, we established a framework of tools, platforms and guidelines necessary for a multifaceted community of biocurators, domain experts, bioinformaticians and computational biologists. The diagrams of the C19DMap, curated from the literature, are integrated with relevant interaction and text mining databases. We demonstrate the application of network analysis and modelling approaches by concrete examples to highlight new testable hypotheses. This framework helps to find signatures of SARS-CoV-2 predisposition, treatment response or prioritisation of drug candidates. Such an approach may help deal with new waves of COVID-19 or similar pandemics in the long-term perspective
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