487 research outputs found

    Challenges with Complex Situations in the Teaching and Learning of Social Sciences in Initial Teacher Education

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    This article not only presents a paradigm shift as a methodological model for teaching heritage and social sciences (SSCC), but also offers a methodological foundation for the challenge-based learning (CBL) methodology. We present various educational innovations in social science teaching and cultural heritage education based on the use of CBL during initial teacher training at the University of Andorra. These methodological proposals take into account the TPACK model (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) based on the interrelation of three types of knowledge: pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technological content knowledge (TCK), and technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK). This set of best practices requires students to respond to a complex social challenge by designing and creating specific educational proposals for tackling content and learning through gamification. Students work on the various dimensions of the SSCC, thereby developing spatial competency, teaching competency, and competency in democratic citizenship. ICTs are included throughout in order to develop students’ digital competency. As a result, students feel empowered through having acquired the different competencies and developed an awareness of the value of cultural heritage as a cornerstone of democratic citizenship.This research was supported by the GRIE (Interdisciplinary Group on Education). University of Andorra

    The effect of match fatigue in elite badminton players using plantar pressure measurements and the implications to injury mechanisms

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    [EN] The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in plantar pressure under the lead and trail foot between two lunge tasks to the net in the dominant (LD) and non-dominant (LND) directions, and to explore how fatigue affects the plantar pressure patterns whilst performing movements before and after a competitive match. Peak and mean pressure were measured with the Biofoot-IBV in-shoe system from five repetitions of each task, with sensors positioned under the calcaneus, midfoot and phalanges on the lead and trail foot. Data were collected pre and immediately post playing an official 1st national league competition match. The study was conducted with a sample of thirteen 1st league badminton players. A 2x2 repeated ANOVA found significant differences between the two tasks and between pre and post match (fatigued state). Players also had different foot pressure distributions for the LD and LND tasks, which indicated a difference in loading strategy. In a fatigued state the plantar pressure shifted to the medial aspect of the midfoot in the trail limb, indicating a reduction in control and a higher injury risk during non-dominant lunge tasks.SIGeneralitat Valenciana ACIF121/2015Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Márti

    Multidisciplinary consensus on inhaled therapy in asthma

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    Altres ajuts: Mundipharma Pharmaceuticals SL.Background: Asthma is managed by health professionals from different specialties. We aim to reach a consensus on the optimal use of inhaled therapy and the initial steps of asthma treatment, taking into account the opinions of the involved specialists. Methods: A modified Delphi approach was used. A scientific committee provided 52 controversial statements, which were submitted to primary care physicians, allergists, and pulmonologists. Discrepancies among specialties were evaluated. Results: A total of 209 specialists completed the questionnaire (20.2 ± 9.3 years of asthma management experience). A consensus was reached on 37 statements (71.1%), discrepancies among specialties were found in 14. The most recommended maintenance treatment for mild persistent asthma in adults/adolescents was low-dose-inhaled corticosteroids daily. MART (Maintenance and Reliever Therapy) was recommended as salvage treatment for moderate persistent asthma. Panelists agreed on the most frequent critical errors with pressurized Metered-Dose Inhalers or Dry-Powder Inhalers, and considered that Breath-Actuated Inhalers are a suitable option for all patients with the ability to inhale voluntarily. Conclusions: The experts endorse the main guidelines recommendations; however, do not fully agree on recent GINA recommendations about the treatment of the initial steps of the disease. The experts value positively the differential characteristics of BAI over other devices

    An exploration of the effect of proprioceptive knee bracing on biomechanics during a badminton lunge to the net, and the implications to injury mechanisms

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to determine changes in knee biomechanics during badminton lunges due to fatigue, lunge strategy and knee bracing. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected from sixteen experienced right-handed badminton players. Three factor repeated measures ANOVAs (lunge direction – fatigue – brace) were performed with Least Significant Difference pairwise comparisons. In addition, clinical assessments including; Y-balance test, one leg hop distance and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion were performed pre and post fatigue. The knee showed significantly greater flexion during the forehand lunge compared to backhand. In contrast, the internal rotation velocity and the knee extension moment were greater during backhand. Knee angular velocity in the sagittal plane, peak knee moment and range of moment in the coronal plane and stance time showed significantly lower values post fatigue. In addition, the peak knee adduction moment showed significantly lower values in the braced condition in both the fatigued and non-fatigues states, and no significant differences were seen for peak vertical force, loading rate, approach velocity, or in any of the clinical assessment scores. There appears to be greater risk factors when performing a backhand lunge to the net compared to a forehand lunge, and proprioceptive bracing appears to reduce the loading at the knee.SIThis work was supported by Generalitat Valenciana ACIF projects [Grants number ACIF2016/121 and BEFPI 2017/014] and Valencia Catholic University ‘San Vicente Mártir’ pre-competitive grants for research groups

    Nuevas Realidades rurales en Tiempos de crisis: territorios, actores, procesos, políticas.

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    Uno de los rasgos que definen la evolución de los espacios rurales en las últimas décadas es el proceso de transformación y de incremento de la complejidad en cuanto a sus estrategias de desarrollo. Incluso allí donde la especialización productiva ha permitido generar una estructura empresarial y un dinamismo económico sostenido, se ha hecho necesario abordar estrategias de diversificación. Un ejemplo de este proceso se aprecia en el ámbito de la Denominación de Origen “Rueda”, donde la diversificación de la actividad económica ha propiciado una ampliación de los potenciales endógenos susceptibles de ser valorizados. A partir de las bodegas, que paulatinamente se abren a usos turísticos, se ha puesto en valor el patrimonio cultural de la zona vinculada al vino y a su cultivo, y, de manera más reciente, comienza a tomar peso un concepto aún más amplio, como es el del paisaje cultural del vino. En este proceso, tiene mucha importancia la puesta en marcha de la Ruta del Vino de Rueda en 2013. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta comunicación es aproximarse al significado de los cambios experimentados por el sector vitivinícola en la Ruta del Vino de Rueda vallisoletana, desde el valor del producto hacia el progresivo aprovechamiento del potencial endógeno vinculado al paisaje del vino.Este trabajo se inscribe en el Proyecto de Investigación I+D CSO2016-79756-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) Paisajes Culturales de la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial. Claves para la identificación y criterios para la gestión de los paisajes de los vinos y viñedos con valor patrimonial, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia- Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento, convocatoria 2016

    Recubrimiento comestible natural con base de gel de sábila (Aloe barbadensis miller) para la conservación y su efecto en la calidad postcosecha de papaya (Carica papaya) variedad Tainung

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    Los recubrimientos comestibles han tomado importancia por sus características como barreras protectoras y físicas en el intercambio de gases que producen la maduración de la fruta. Como estrategias de conservación amigables con el medio ambiente generan inquietud. Chacha, en el 2016 investigó la eficiencia de los RC en papayas con diferentes materiales. Por ello en la Estación Experimental y de Prácticas de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de El Salvador, se evaluó el efecto de cuatro formulaciones de recubrimientos comestibles frente a un testigo en la conservación postcosecha de la papaya, con cinco repeticiones cada uno, distribuidos bajo un diseño de bloques completamente al azar. Todos los frutos del mismo tamaño, colocadas en bandejas de poliestireno y todas almacenadas aproximadamente a 30°C. Para verificar los resultados obtenidos se hizo una prueba de LSD de Fisher que determinó cuál de los tratamientos produjo los mejores resultados, se trabajó con un nivel de significancia del 5% y un nivel de confianza del 95%. A las variables pH, °brix, color, acidez titulable y pérdida de peso resultó que el tratamiento dos (T2, 50% sábila y 50% de glicerol) es el que presentó estadísticamente mejores resultados, como lo indicarían el pH bajo y el aumento de grados °brix al medir la madurez, pues los ácidos orgánicos se transformaron en azucares de forma lenta en el T2 a diferencia del T0 que no contiene tratamiento, en cuanto a la variable de calidad microbiológica (mohos y levadura), también indica el T2 obtuvo mejores resultados en comparación a los otros tratamientos, pero su resultado podría mejorar al propiciar otras condicione

    2015 Badminton World Championship: Singles final men’s vs women’s behaviours

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    [EN] The purpose of the current study was to identify players’ behaviours and to assess differences between genders at final singles matches of 2015 Badminton World Championship, focusing on time events, shots and court movements. Final men’s (MS) and women’s (WS) singles matches of 2015 Yakarta World Championship were analysed (150 points and 967 actions). Official videos from Badminton World Federation were used to carry out the post-event analysis. Variables analyzed were: ‘timing factors’, type of ‘shots’ and players’ trajectories executed during the match. Descriptive (mean and % of distribution) and comparative analysis between gender and result of events (successful vs. unsuccessful) were carried out. Generally speaking, time-related variables show higher figures in the men’s final than in the women’s. Smash, net and lob shots occur more frequently in the men’s final, whereas clear, drop and drive shots are used more often in the women’s final. The hitting of the shuttlecock without any previous movement redominates over the rest or movements for both genders. In the training field, these findings may be used by coaches in order to improve athletes’ performance. In research field, it could be a new way to obtain information that had not been previously taken into account.SIThis research has been made possible thanks to funding from the Generalitat Valenciana through the scholarship for hiring research personnel in training of VALi+d programme

    Effect of concurrent training on trainability performance factors in youth elite golf players

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    [EN] Background. Due to the early specialization of golf players, examining the within session sequence of training should be considered to enhance performance and prevent injury risk. The present study analyzed the effects of an 18-week concurrent training developed before or after a specific golf session in adolescence elite golfers on several performance factors. Methods. Sixteen right-handed male golfers, were randomly divided into two groups: After golf specific training (AG) (n = 8, age: 16.77 ± 0.58 years) and before golf specific training (BG) (n=8, age: 16.93 ± 0.59 years). AG and BG players followed a concurrent physical conditioning program (CT) after or before the golf specific training, respectively. Body mass, body fat, muscle mass, jumping ability (CMJ), ball speed (Sball), golf movements screens (GMS), power in a golf swing-specific cable woodchop (Wmax) and the perceived training load (TL) in golf specific training (TL-G) and TL in CT (TL-CT) were measured on three separate occasions. Results. BG demonstrates a lower TL-CT than AG (p < :001, η2 p = 0:90) along the training program without effects on TL-G, achieving significant percentage of change on CMJ (9.38%; p=:165; d D0.73), GMS (50.52%; p=:41, d =0.91), Wmax (16.93%; p=:001; d =2.02) and Sball (1.82%; p=:018; d = 0.92) without interaction effects on anthropometric measures. Conclusions. Performing CT sessions before the regular golf training can improve specific performance factors with a lower perceived TL than the same training carried out after the regular golf training.S

    Badminton World Championship stress zones and performance factors: The key to success through log-linear analysis

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    [EN] The main purpose was to analyse the frequency and effectiveness of different kind of shots and players’ footwork performed by single men badminton players on World Championship depending on court zone. 18 matches were randomly selected and evaluated with a total of 1,273 points and 5,710 play actions. The most stressed court zone is Z5 and Z8 (middle zone) followed by Z10 (deep and lateral zone), while the most successful areas are Z8 (left middle zone) and Z10. When analysing footwork depending on distance covered by players, large footwork is performed mostly to Z1 and Z2. Hitting the shuttlecock with no previous movement is the most common situation from Z4 and Z5. When gathering in three court zones, the most stressed one is middle zone with similar values for Net and deep court zone. On the contrary, the most successfully gathered court zone is deep one, followed by middle and Net zones.SIGeneralitat Valenciana ACIF projects [Grant number 2016/121], Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” project, Estudios en el deporte de élite desde los Mixed Methods, técnicas de análisis de estudios comparativos [UCV2017/230/002