629 research outputs found

    Assessing the potential of co-composting rose waste as a sustainable waste management strategy:Nutrient availability and disease control

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    The current limited usage of rose waste makes rose cultivation far from a sustainable circular industry. Unfavorable properties of horticultural waste such as the high lignin content of stems and high polyphenol levels in both flowers and leaves makes it difficult to re-use. These traits hamper an effective composting process and so far little studies have focused on optimizing this process. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of (co-)composting rose waste with other on-farm available green wastes (tomato and kalanchoe) or mature rose compost to obtain an improved compost with high fertilizing capacity. In a small-scale composting system the evolution of five mixtures was closely monitored in terms of their physico-chemical parameters. The in-vitro disease suppressive capacity of mature rose compost was assessed. All mixtures resulted in stable and mature compost after six months showing industry standard suitable macro- and micro-nutrient concentrations. The matured compost showed a C/N below 10, a strong decrease in polyphenols of ≥70% and a good fertilizing capacity with an increase in cation exchange capacity since the start of ≥100%. These results demonstrate that the ligneous character of rose waste is not preventing an effective composting process. However, an increased duration of the maturation phase might be favored for optimal results. The addition of mature compost accelerated the composting process as shown by significantly increases in OM degradation rates. For the first time a high disease suppressive capacity against several common rose pathogens was shown for mature rose compost. Overall, this study showed the potential of (co-)composting rose waste as sustainable waste management strategy to further improve the circular economy waste-based objectives of the horticultural sector.</p

    Distressed personality is associated with lower psychological well-being and life satisfaction, but not disability or disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    The distressed personality type (“type D personality”) has been shown to be associated with low quality of life and higher morbidity and mortality in various patient groups. Because the role of type D personality is unknown in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the aim of the present study was to investigate the association of type D personality with aspects of quality of life and disease activity in RA patients. In addition, a potential buffering effect by accepting mindfulness was examined. Participants were 147 patients between 22 and 87 years of age. Patients completed relevant questionnaires at home and the disease activity score was determined. After controlling for potentially confounding variables, multivariate analyses of covariance showed an association of type D personality with a lower satisfaction with life (p < 0.001) and a lower psychological well-being (p < 0.001), but not disease activity in RA patients. Although mindfulness was associated with a higher satisfaction with life (p = 0.02) and positive mood (p = 0.01), it did not diminish the unfavourable associations between type D and well-being. In conclusion, although type D personality is related with lower well-being, it does not seem to be associated with disability or disease activity in RA patients

    Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin management: the MyToolBox approach

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    There is a pressing need to mobilise the wealth of knowledge from the international mycotoxin research conductedover the past 25-30 years, and to perform cutting-edge research where knowledge gaps still exist. This knowledgeneeds to be integrated into affordable and practical tools for farmers and food processors along the chain inorder to reduce the risk of mycotoxin contamination of crops, feed and food. This is the mission of MyToolBox – a four-year project which has received funding from the European Commission. It mobilises a multi-actorpartnership (academia, farmers, technology small and medium sized enterprises, food industry and policystakeholders) to develop novel interventions aimed at achieving a significant reduction in crop losses due tomycotoxin contamination. Besides a field-to-fork approach, MyToolBox also considers safe use options ofcontaminated batches, such as the efficient production of biofuels. Compared to previous efforts of mycotoxin reduction strategies, the distinguishing feature of MyToolBox is to provide the recommended measures to theend users along the food and feed chain in a web-based MyToolBox platform (e-toolbox). The project focuseson small grain cereals, maize, peanuts and dried figs, applicable to agricultural conditions in the EU and China. Crop losses using existing practices are being compared with crop losses after novel pre-harvest interventionsincluding investigation of genetic resistance to fungal infection, cultural control (e.g. minimum tillage or cropdebris treatment), the use of novel biopesticides suitable for organic farming, competitive biocontrol treatment and development of novel modelling approaches to predict mycotoxin contamination. Research into post-harvestmeasures includes real-time monitoring during storage, innovative sorting of crops using vision-technology, novelmilling technology and studying the effects of baking on mycotoxins at an industrial scale

    Eliminating irreproducibility in SERS substrates

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    Irreproducibility in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) due to variability among substrates is a source of recurrent debate within the field. It is regarded as a major hurdle towards the widespread adoption of SERS as a sensing platform. Most of the literature focused on developing substrates for various applications considers reproducibility of lower importance. Here, we address and analyse the sources of this irreproducibility in order to show how these can be minimised. We apply our findings to a simple substrate demonstrating reproducible SERS measurements with relative standard deviations well below 1% between different batches and days. Identifying the sources of irreproducibility and understanding how to reduce these can aid in the transition of SERS from the lab to real world applications.Isaac Newton Trust Leverhulme Trust Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability Trinity College, University of Cambridg

    Assessing the impact of increasing lung screening eligibility by relaxing the maximum years-since-quit threshold. A simulation modeling study

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    BackgroundIn 2021, the US Preventive Services Task Force expanded its lung screening recommendation to include persons aged 50–80 years who had ever smoked and had at least 20 pack-years of exposure and less than 15 years since quitting (YSQ). However, studies have suggested that screening persons who formerly smoked with longer YSQ could be beneficial.MethodsThe authors used two validated lung cancer models to assess the benefits and harms of screening using various YSQ thresholds (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and no YSQ) and the age at which screening was stopped. The impact of enforcing the YSQ criterion only at entry, but not at exit, also was evaluated. Outcomes included the number of screens, the percentage ever screened, screening benefits (lung cancer deaths averted, life-years gained), and harms (false-positive tests, overdiagnosed cases, radiation-induced lung cancer deaths). Sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the effect of restricting screening to those who had at least 5 years of life expectancy.ResultsAs the YSQ criterion was relaxed, the number of screens and the benefits and harms of screening increased. Raising the age at which to stop screening age resulted in additional benefits but with more overdiagnosis, as expected, because screening among those older than 80 years increased. Limiting screening to those who had at least 5 years of life expectancy would maintain most of the benefits while considerably reducing the harms.ConclusionsExpanding screening to persons who formerly smoked and have greater than 15 YSQ would result in considerable increases in deaths averted and life-years gained. Although additional harms would occur, these could be moderated by ensuring that screening is restricted to only those with reasonable life expectancy

    The human environmental balance

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    A future policy instrument for assessing the consequences of changes (already made) to the physical environment can be found in the instrument known as the human environmental balance. By taking all relevant aspects into account when using this instrument, present and future serious defects along with necessary areas of focus will become clear. In this way, the balance will fulfil an important evaluative and indicative function, serving as an integral conceptual framework to find out what investments to make and where they should be made. This report describes a survey, representing an initial step on the road to a balanced physical environment, charting further work along the way. It is also meant to stimulate a broad debate on how to audit this physical environment and what to study. The concept of the physical environment is defined as consisting of (stocks of) various objects in a certain (spatial) arrangement. These objects are evaluated from three perspectives: ecological, economic and social/psychological. The first two perspectives focus on long-term issues on sustainability. In the third perspective the central theme is the perception of the environment by humans themselves; here, we are concerned about short-term issues on the sub-national (local) level. The 1970-1995 draft balance also saw its first elaboration in this report.De leefomgevingsbalans is een door VROM voorgesteld toekomstig beleidsinstrument om gedane ingrepen in het fysieke milieu op hun integrale gevolgen voor de leefomgeving te beoordelen. De leefomgevingsbalans zou hiermee een belangrijke evaluerende en signalerende functie hebben: door beschouwing van alle relevante aspecten maakt de balans zichtbaar waar tekorten zijn of dreigen te ontstaan en waar extra inspanningen nodig zijn. Hiermee vormt de leefomgevingsbalans een integratief raamwerk dat richtinggevend kan zijn voor de aard en locatie van gewenste investeringen. Dit rapport is een verkenning van een mogelijk invulling van een dergelijke leefomgevingsbalans en dient uitsluitend als basis voor discussie. Het beschouwt de fysieke leefomgeving als een verzameling van (voorraden) van allerlei objecten in een bepaalde ruimtelijke configuratie. Deze objecten worden vanuit verschillende invalshoeken verschillend gewaardeerd. Hierbij is onderscheid gemaakt in een ecologisch, economisch en sociaal-psychologisch perspectief. De eerste twee perspectieven zijn vooral gericht op lange termijn-vraagstukken waarbij duurzaamheid voorop staat. Bij het laatste perspectief gaat om de individuele leefbaarheid van de burger, veelal handelend over korte termijn-vraagstukken op vooral lokaal niveau. Op deze wijze wordt het 'leefomgevingskapitaal' gepresenteerd als een drieluik van economische, ecologische en sociaal-psychologische waarden. In het rapport is ook een eerste uitwerking van dit concept voor de periode 1970-1995 gegeven

    Role of charge patches in ion guiding through nanocapillaries in a PET polymer

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    We studied the dynamic properties of ion guiding through nanocapillaries in insulating polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The angular distribution of the transmitted ions was measured as a function of time. The temporal evolution of the angular transmission profiles was acquired for the capillary diameters of 200 and 400 nm. The tilt angle was varied from 0° to 6.5°. The transmission profiles exhibit significant changes in position as time varies. This observation is explained by the formation of temporary charge patches produced in the interior of the capillary besides the primary charge patch created in the entrance region.</p

    Vicinal Surfaces and the Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    A miscut (vicinal) crystal surface can be regarded as an array of meandering but non-crossing steps. Interactions between the steps are shown to induce a faceting transition of the surface between a homogeneous Luttinger liquid state and a low-temperature regime consisting of local step clusters in coexistence with ideal facets. This morphological transition is governed by a hitherto neglected critical line of the well-known Calogero-Sutherland model. Its exact solution yields expressions for measurable quantities that compare favorably with recent experiments on Si surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 figures (.eps

    Single-molecule optomechanics in "picocavities"

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    Trapping light with noble metal nanostructures overcomes the diffraction limit and can confine light to volumes typically on the order of 30 cubic nanometers. We found that individual atomic features inside the gap of a plasmonic nanoassembly can localize light to volumes well below 1 cubic nanometer ("picocavities"), enabling optical experiments on the atomic scale. These atomic features are dynamically formed and disassembled by laser irradiation. Although unstable at room temperature, picocavities can be stabilized at cryogenic temperatures, allowing single atomic cavities to be probed for many minutes. Unlike traditional optomechanical resonators, such extreme optical confinement yields a factor of 106^{6} enhancement of optomechanical coupling between the picocavity field and vibrations of individual molecular bonds. This work sets the basis for developing nanoscale nonlinear quantum optics on the single-molecule level.Supported by Project FIS2013-41184-P from MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and IT756-13 from the Basque government consolidated groups (M.K.S., Y.Z., A. Demetriadou, R.E., and J.A.); the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability (F.B.); the Dr. Manmohan Singh scholarship from St. John’s College (R.C.); the UK National Physical Laboratory (C.C.); the Fellows Gipuzkoa Program of the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia via FEDER funds of the European Union “Una manera de hacer Europa” (R.E.); UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grants EP/G060649/1 and EP/L027151/1; and European Research Council grant LINASS 320503
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