136 research outputs found
Autoajuda para mulheres: uma contradição ao movimento feminista?
Apresenta o cenário editorial dos livros de autoajuda no Brasil e mostrar como esse tipo de literatura, habitualmente menosprezado, tende a reforçar papéis de gênero, mas também pode ajudar a empoderar as mulheres. Para fazer essa análise, será analisado o livro Mulheres que correm com lobos da Clarissa Pincola Estés, que identifica o arquétipo da mulher selvagem por meio de lendas antigas
Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus associated with subclinical and clinical mastitis in Uruguay during an eight-year period
Records of in vitro susceptibility tests performed between 2008 and 2015 were retrospectively reviewed in order to evaluate the dynamic profiles of possible changes in antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk samples of cows with subclinical mastitis from 12 different Uruguayan Provinces. The results of 1,631 isolates tested by disk diffusion techniquefor susceptibility to penicillin and erythromycin were analysed. The possible tendency or changes in the behaviour of this pathogen against penicillin and erythromycin in the 8 year period was evaluated using the chi-square tests for trend and the homogeneity. The highest rate of resistance was observed for penicillin (36.9% in 2010), while erythromycin showed a resistance rate significantly lower (5.7% in 2015). The test for trend showed a significant trend towards decreased resistance to penicillin, whereas for erythromycin an increased resistance trend was observed. The determination of the scope of the problem is essential for the formulation and monitoring of effective response to anti-microbial resistance (AMR). Antibiotic assessment in Uruguay is now being reviewed with the objective of limiting antibiotics prescription to professionals trained to select a successful therapy, choosing the appropriated drug and treatment duration according each situation. To generate knowledge on the magnitude and tendency of the AMR problem using country-specific information must be a priority
Exploratory Research on Sweetness Perception: Decision Trees to Study Electroencephalographic Data and Its Relationship with the Explicit Response to Sweet Odor, Taste, and Flavor
Using implicit responses to determine consumers’ response to different stimuli is becoming a popular approach, but research is still needed to understand the outputs of the different technologies used to collect data. During the present research, electroencephalography (EEG) responses and self-reported liking and emotions were collected on different stimuli (odor, taste, flavor samples) to better understand sweetness perception. Artificial intelligence analytics were used to classify the implicit responses, identifying decision trees to discriminate the stimuli by activated sensory system (odor/taste/flavor) and by nature of the stimuli (‘sweet’ vs. ‘non-sweet’ odors; ‘sweet-taste’, ‘sweet-flavor’, and ‘non-sweet flavor’; and ‘sweet stimuli’ vs. ‘non-sweet stimuli’). Significant differences were found among self-reported-liking of the stimuli and the emotions elicited by the stimuli, but no clear relationship was identified between explicit and implicit data. The present research sums interesting data for the EEG-linked research as well as for EEG data analysis, although much is still unknown about how to properly exploit implicit measurement technologies and their data.Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa; 2019-GAST-000024Gobierno Vasco; 00051-IDA2020-43Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/01, ED481A-2018/15
Antibiotic resistance genes detected in the marine sponge Petromica citrina from Brazilian coast
AbstractAlthough antibiotic-resistant pathogens pose a significant threat to human health, the environmental reservoirs of the resistance determinants are still poorly understood. This study reports the detection of resistance genes (ermB, mecA, mupA, qnrA, qnrB and tetL) to antibiotics among certain culturable and unculturable bacteria associated with the marine sponge Petromica citrina. The antimicrobial activities elicited by P. citrina and its associated bacteria are also described. The results indicate that the marine environment could play an important role in the development of antibiotic resistance and the dissemination of resistance genes among bacteria
O gênero Vibrio: conceitos atuais e novas perspectivas
O gênero Vibrio é um grupo bacteriano extremamente versátil. Seus membros são amplamente distribuídos em ambientes aquáticos, sendo a maioria não patogênica. Contudo, algumas espécies são patógenos de humanos e animais, causando impactos significativos na saúde pública e economia. Recentemente, o estudo dessas bactérias vem ganhando mais destaque, constituindo a área central de pesquisas em diversas áreas da Microbiologia. Nesse sentido, estudos buscam investigar sua patogenicidade, perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos, potencialidades biotecnológicas e suas interações com fatores ambientais, sendo este último de notável relevância no contexto das mudanças climáticas. Assim, o presente trabalho objetiva fornecer uma revisão atualizada a respeito do gênero Vibrio, evidenciando sua relevância no contexto ambiental e clínico e indicando potenciais áreas para futuros estudos.The genus Vibrio is an extremely versatile bacterial group. Its members are widely distributed in aquatic environments, the majority being harmless. However, some species are known as human and animal pathogens, causing significant impacts on public health and the economy. The study of Vibrio has been gaining more prominence, constituting the central area of research in distinct Microbiology areas. Accordingly, several studies seek to investigate their pathogenicity, antimicrobial susceptibility profile, biotechnological potentialities, as well as their interactions with environmental parameters, the latter being of remarkable importance within the framework of climate change. Thus, this work aims to provide an updated literature review regarding the genus Vibrio, highlighting its medical and environmental relevance, while also indicating potential areas for future studies
Microrganismos marinhos: um reservatório de hidrolases biotecnologicamente interessantes
This review aims to provide an updated narrative review about hydrolytic enzymes (agarases, amylases, cellulases, esterases, lipases, peptidases, and chitinases) isolated from the marine microbiome. These biocatalysts have unique biochemical properties, such as halotolerance, extremes of pH, temperature, and barophilicity, which make them attractive for use in several industrial sectors and stimulating future biotechnological applications. Considering the vast enzymatic repertoire of the various microbial communities living in the marine environment, it is highlighted the importance of harnessing this habitat, specifically these biocatalytic units. Consequently, with proper attention to the industrial perspective, new biocatalysts will be successfully discovered in the marine microbial communities, confirming their practical and valuable activity application to the attractive sectors and generating intellectual property.Esta revisão tem por objetivo fornecer uma revisão narrativa atualizada acerca de enzimas hidrolíticas (agarases, amilases, celulases, esterases, lipases, peptidases e quitinases) isoladas do microbioma marinho. Esses biocatalisadores apresentam propriedades bioquímicas únicas, como halotolerância, extremos de pH, temperatura e barofilicidade, que os tornam atraentes para uso em diversos setores industriais, estimulando futuras aplicações biotecnológicas. Considerando o vasto repertório enzimático dos diversos membros das comunidades microbianas vivendo no ambiente marinho, salienta-se a imprescindibilidade de acessar esse habitat, mais especificamente essas unidades biocatalíticas. Com a devida atenção voltada ao viés industrial, novos biocatalisadores serão descobertos com sucesso nas comunidades microbianas marinhas, desde a confirmação de sua atividade até a comprovação de seu emprego prático nos setores de interesse e geração de propriedade intelectual
Burnout syndrome in primary health care professionals
Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low occupational performance, which may occur among health professionals. This article evaluates burnout among workers in Primary Health Care (PHC) in three small towns in the Zona da Mata Mineira. The study analyzes associations by logistic regression between burnout, socioeconomic, and demographic aspects of work. A total of 149 professionals were selected, 107 of these responded to all questionnaires. To measure burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used and to characterize the professional, a questionnaire assessing three different issues - namely individual and sociodemographic aspects and team area coverage - was used. 101 professionals were classified with positive indication for burnout. The variables present in the backward stepwise logistic regression model positively associated with indicative of burnout were: being younger than the population average (> 29.5 years) and use of drugs, including sedatives, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. The results contribute to the identification of factors associated with burnout and therefore highlight the need for more detailed investigation.O esgotamento profissional (EP) caracteriza-se por exaustão emocional, despersonalização, e baixa realização profissional, podendo ocorrer entre profissionais da saúde. Este artigo avalia o EP entre trabalhadores da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) em três municípios de pequeno porte da Zona da Mata Mineira. O estudo analisa a associação por regressão logística entre EP, aspectos socioeconômicos, demográficos e aspectos do trabalho. Um total de 149 profissionais foi selecionado, destes, 107 responderam a todos os questionários. Para mensurar o EP, foi utilizado o Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) e, para a caracterização dos profissionais, foi utilizado outro questionário segundo três diferentes questões: aspectos individuais, sociodemográficos e área de cobertura da equipe. Foram classificados 101 profissionais com indicação positiva para EP. As variáveis presentes no modelo de regressão logística backward stepwise, associadas positivamente com indicativo de esgotamento profissional foram: possuir idade inferior à mediana da população (> 29,5 anos) e fazer uso de medicamentos "calmantes, tranquilizantes e remédios para dormir". Os resultados contribuem para identificar fatores associados com o esgotamento profissional e apontam, neste sentido, para a necessidade de investigações mais detalhadas
Characterization of Staphylococcus spp. strains in milk from buffaloes with mastitis in Brazil: the need to identify to species level to avoid misidentification.
ABSTRACT - Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland that affects dairy cattle worldwide causing economic losses. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the predominant cause of this type of infection. We have recently showed that coagulase-positive staphylococci could be misidentified. So, the aim of this study was to characterize the Staphylococcus spp. strains initially classified as coagulase-negative Staphylococci, isolated from buffalo with subclinical mastitis. Milk of buffaloes with mastitis in herds was collected and 9 strains were identified as CNS by phenotypic tests. Molecular methodologies latter identified the strains as coagulase-negative Staphylococcus chromogenes (5), coagulase-positive Staphylococcus hyicus (2) and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus (2). Our results strongly support the need to identify the isolates to a species level in order to avoid misidentification and to be aware of the classification using the coagulase test alone. RESUMO - A mastite é uma inflamação da glândula mamária que afeta o gado leiteiro em todo o mundo, causando perdas econômicas. Staphylococcus coagulase-negativa (SCN) são a causa predominante desse tipo de infecção. Mostrou-se recentemente que Staphylococcus coagulase-positiva podem ser identificados erroneamente. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar cepas de Staphylococcus spp. inicialmente classificados como Staphylococcus coagulase-negativa, isolados de búfalas com mastite subclínica. O leite de búfalas com mastite foi coletado, e nove cepas foram identificadas como SCN por testes fenotípicos. Metodologias moleculares identificaram as cepas como Staphylococcus chromogenes coagulase-negativa (5) Staphylococcus hyicus coagulase-positiva (2) e Staphylococcus aureus coagulase-positiva (2). Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de identificar as cepas em termos de espécie, a fim de se evitarem erros de identificação e estar atento à classificação utilizando o teste de coagulase sozinho
Identification of BgP, a cutinase-like polyesterase from a deep-sea sponge-derived actinobacterium
Many marine bacteria produce extracellular enzymes that degrade complex molecules to facilitate their growth in environmental conditions that are often harsh and low in nutrients. Marine bacteria, including those inhabiting sea sponges, have previously been reported to be a promising source of polyesterase enzymes, which have received recent attention due to their potential ability to degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic. During the screening of 51 marine bacterial isolates for hydrolytic activities targeting ester and polyester substrates, a Brachybacterium ginsengisoli B129SM11 isolate from the deep-sea sponge Pheronema sp. was identified as a polyesterase producer. Sequence analysis of genomic DNA from strain B129SM11, coupled with a genome "mining" strategy, allowed the identification of potential polyesterases, using a custom database of enzymes that had previously been reported to hydrolyze PET or other synthetic polyesters. This resulted in the identification of a putative PET hydrolase gene, encoding a polyesterase-type enzyme which we named BgP that shared high overall similarity with three well-characterized PET hydrolases-LCC, TfCut2, and Cut190, all of which are key enzymes currently under investigation for the biological recycling of PET. In silico protein analyses and homology protein modeling offered structural and functional insights into BgP, and a detailed comparison with Cut190 revealed highly conserved features with implications for both catalysis and substrate binding. Polyesterase activity was confirmed using an agar-based polycaprolactone (PCL) clearing assay, following heterologous expression of BgP in Escherichia coli. This is the first report of a polyesterase being identified from a deep-sea sponge bacterium such as Brachybacterium ginsengisoli and provides further insights into marine-derived polyesterases, an important family of enzymes for PET plastic hydrolysis. Microorganisms living in association with sponges are likely to have increased exposure to plastics and microplastics given the wide-scale contamination of marine ecosystems with these plastics, and thus they may represent a worthwhile source of enzymes for use in new plastic waste management systems. This study adds to the growing knowledge of microbial polyesterases and endorses further exploration of marine host-associated microorganisms as a potentially valuable source of this family of enzymes for PET plastic hydrolysis
Stratification of hospitalized COVID-19 patients into clinical severity progression groups by immuno-phenotyping and machine learning
Quantitative or qualitative differences in immunity may drive clinical severity in COVID-19. Although longitudinal studies to record the course of immunological changes are ample, they do not necessarily predict clinical progression at the time of hospital admission. Here we show, by a machine learning approach using serum pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral cytokine and anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody measurements as input data, that COVID-19 patients cluster into three distinct immune phenotype groups. These immune-types, determined by unsupervised hierarchical clustering that is agnostic to severity, predict clinical course. The identified immune-types do not associate with disease duration at hospital admittance, but rather reflect variations in the nature and kinetics of individual patient's immune response. Thus, our work provides an immune-type based scheme to stratify COVID-19 patients at hospital admittance into high and low risk clinical categories with distinct cytokine and antibody profiles that may guide personalized therapy. Developing predictive methods to identify patients with high risk of severe COVID-19 disease is of crucial importance. Authors show here that by measuring anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody and cytokine levels at the time of hospital admission and integrating the data by unsupervised hierarchical clustering/machine learning, it is possible to predict unfavourable outcome
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