2,138 research outputs found

    The effect of core polarization on longitudinal form factors in 10^{10}B

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    Electron scattering Coulomb form factors for the single-particle quadrupole transitions in pp-shell 10^{10}B nucleus have been studied. Core polarization effects are included through a microscopic theory that includes excitations from the core orbits up to higher orbits with 2\hbarω\omega excitations. The modified surface delta interaction (MSDI) is employed as a residual interaction. The effect of core polarization is found essential in both the transition strengths and momentum transfer dependence of form factors, and gives a remarkably good agreement with the measured data with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Vortices in superconductors with a columnar defect: finite size effects

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    In the present work we investigate the behavior of a vortex in a long superconducting cylinder near to a columnar defect at the center. The derivations of the local magnetic field distribution and the Gibbs free energy will be carried out for a cylinder and a cavity of arbitrary sizes. From the general expressions, it considered two particular limits: one in which the radius of the cavity is very small but the radius of the superconducting cylinder is kept finite; and one in which the radius of the superconducting cylinder is taken very large (infinite) but the radius of the cavity is kept finite. In both cases the maximum number of vortices which are allowed in the cavity is determined. In addition, the surface barrier field for flux entrance into the cavity is calculated.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    When Being Soft Makes You Tough: A Collision Resilient Quadcopter Inspired by Arthropod Exoskeletons

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    Flying robots are usually rather delicate, and require protective enclosures when facing the risk of collision. High complexity and reduced payload are recurrent problems with collision-tolerant flying robots. Inspired by arthropods' exoskeletons, we design a simple, easily manufactured, semi-rigid structure with flexible joints that can withstand high-velocity impacts. With an exoskeleton, the protective shell becomes part of the main robot structure, thereby minimizing its loss in payload capacity. Our design is simple to build and customize using cheap components and consumer-grade 3D printers. Our results show we can build a sub-250g, autonomous quadcopter with visual navigation that can survive multiple collisions at speeds up to 7m/s that is also suitable for automated battery swapping, and with enough computing power to run deep neural network models. This structure makes for an ideal platform for high-risk activities (such as flying in a cluttered environment or reinforcement learning training) without damage to the hardware or the environment

    Is subjective sleep evaluation a good predictor for obstructive sleep apnea?

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare subjective sleep evaluation obtained using four questionnaires with polysomnography results for individuals with and without obstructive sleep apnea. METHODS: Observational and analytical study in which individuals underwent polysomnography were studied retrospectively to investigate sleep disorders. We compared subjective data from a research database used to predict obstructive sleep apnea based on the STOP-BANG questionnaire, evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale), sleep quality questionnaire (Mini Sleep Questionnaire) and Post-Sleep Data Collection Instrument with the self-reported total sleep time and sleep-onset latency for subjects with and without obstructive sleep apnea. RESULTS: The STOP-BANG questionnaire was a good predictor for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. However, the other instruments did not show a significant difference between healthy and sick individuals. Patients’ perceptions of their sleep onset time were significantly lower than the polysomnographic data, but this difference remained for both subjects with and without obstructive sleep apnea. No difference was found between the subjective duration of sleep and the total sleep time assessed by polysomnography in either the healthy subjects or the patients. CONCLUSION: Except for the STOP-BANG questionnaire, subjective evaluation of sleepiness, sleep quality, perception of onset, and total sleep time are not important parameters for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, which reinforces the need for an active search for better management of these patients


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    ResumoObjetivo: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente o checklist de alta hospitalar proposto pela Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) e elaborar um formulário que possibilite a avaliação padronizada de itens importantes na alta hospitalar de pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC). Métodos: Estudo metodológico realizado em pacientes no momento da alta hospitalar após descompensação pela Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) em três hospitais da cidade de Goiânia. Foi realizado a tradução e adaptação cultural do checklist proposto pela GOLD, contendo sete itens a serem avaliados no momento da alta hospitalar por dois médicos pneumologistas, seguida de retradução do mesmo por um profissional da língua inglesa e então criada uma versão final em Português. Para avaliar a reprodutibilidade e responsividade do documento criado, o mesmo foi aplicado em dez pacientes por duas pesquisadoras. Foi utilizado o coeficiente kappa para análise estatística de confiabilidade. Resultados: Após a tradução e adaptação cultural do checklist de alta hospitalar proposto pela GOLD, foi elaborado um formulário padronizado para aferição de todos os sete itens contidos no checklist. O coeficiente kappa foi igual a 1 para todos os sete itens do documento. Conclusão: O formulário padronizado para avaliar os itens do checklist de alta hospitalar proposto pela GOLD se mostrou reprodutível, confiável e de rápida aplicação, podendo ser utilizado por equipe multidisciplinar no momento da alta em pacientes hospitalizados por DPOC, permitindo assim, uma verificação padronizada de itens fundamentais para o melhor manejo desses pacientes. Palavras-chave:DPOC. Alta hospitalar. Formulário padronizado. Checklist. AbstractObjective: To translate, culturally adapt the hospital discharge checklist proposed by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) and develop a form that allows a standardized assessment of important items at hospital discharge of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Methods: A methodological study performed in patients at the time of hospital discharge after decompensation for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in three hospitals in the city of Goiânia. The translation and cultural adaptation of the checklist proposed by GOLD was carried out, containing seven items to be evaluated at the time of hospital discharge for two pulmonologists, then the retranslation of the same by English-speaking professional and then created a final version in Portuguese. To assess the reproducibility and responsiveness of the document created, the same was applied in ten patients by two researchers. The kappa coefficient for statistical analysis of reliability was used. Results: After the translation and cultural adaptation of the discharge checklist proposed by GOLD, a standardized form  was prepared for measuring all seven items in the checklist. The kappa coefficient is equal to 1 for all seven items of the document. Conclusion: The standardized form for evaluating the items of the hospital discharge checklist proposed by GOLD was reproducible, reliable and fast to use, and can be used by a multidisciplinary team at discharge from patients hospitalized for COPD, thus allowing a standardized verification of Essential for the best management of these patients. Keyword:COPD. Hospital discharge. Standardized form. Check list

    Elaboração e validação de questionário sobre o conhecimento da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica entre profissionais da atenção primária

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    Objetivo: Elaborar e validar um questionário para avaliação do conhecimento sobre a Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica para os profissionais da Atenção Primária. Métodos: Estudo metodológico com profissionais da Atenção Primária. Elaborou-se o questionário com 16 itens cujas respostas foram estruturadas utilizando a escala Likert. A construção do questionário contemplou diferentes aspectos da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica: prevenção, diagnóstico, tratamento e monitoramento. Três itens passaram por reconstrução frásica antes de ser aplicado, por apresentar 57,1% de discordância entre os pesquisadores. Após adaptação frásica e validação semântica o questionário foi aplicado em 89 profissionais. O instrumento foi aplicado em dois momentos com intervalo de 15 a 20 dias. Avaliou-se a reprodutibilidade pelo Kappa e a confiabilidade pelo alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 26 (29,5%) agentes comunitários, 10 (11,4%) médicos, 13 (14,8%) enfermeiros, 25 (28,4%) técnicos de enfermagem, 6 (6,8%) auxiliares de cirurgiões-dentistas e 8 (9,1%) cirurgiões-dentistas. Sobre o nível de escolaridade destaca-se: 48 (54,5%) possuíam ensino médio completo e 21 (23,9%) superior completo. O questionário apresentou confiabilidade com α Cronbach = 0,763 e reprodutibilidade na maioria dos itens (87,5%) de bom a excelente (Kappa: 0,61 – 0,88). Conclusão: O questionário foi elaborado conforme as recomendações do Designing questionnaires and interviews. E atendeu às propriedades psicométricas mostrando-se confiável e reprodutível na avaliação do conhecimento sobre Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica entre profissionais da Atenção Primária

    Aberrant perineuronal nets alter spinal circuits, impair motor function, and increase plasticity

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABPerineuronal nets (PNNs) are a specialized extracellular matrix that have been extensively studied in the brain. Cortical PNNs are implicated in synaptic stabilization, plasticity inhibition, neuroprotection, and ionic buffering. However, the role of spinal PNNs, mainly found around motoneurons, is still unclear. Thus, the goal of this study is to elucidate the role of spinal PNNs on motor function and plasticity in both intact and spinal cord injured mice. We used transgenic mice lacking the cartilage link protein 1 (Crtl1 KO mice), which is implicated in PNN assembly. Crtl1 KO mice showed disorganized PNNs with an altered proportion of their components in both motor cortex and spinal cord. Behavioral and electrophysiological tests revealed motor impairments and hyperexcitability of spinal reflexes in Crtl1 KO compared to WT mice. These functional outcomes were accompanied by an increase in excitatory synapses around spinal motoneurons. Moreover, following spinal lesions of the corticospinal tract, Crtl1 KO mice showed increased contralateral sprouting compared to WT mice. Altogether, the lack of Crtl1 generates aberrant PNNs that alter excitatory synapses and change the physiological properties of motoneurons, overall altering spinal circuits and producing motor impairment. This disorganization generates a permissive scenario for contralateral axons to sprout after injury

    Loss of Npn1 from motor neurons causes postnatal deficits independent from Sema3A signaling

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    AbstractThe correct wiring of neuronal circuits is of crucial importance for the function of the vertebrate nervous system. Guidance cues like the neuropilin receptors (Npn) and their ligands, the semaphorins (Sema) provide a tight spatiotemporal control of sensory and motor axon growth and guidance. Among this family of guidance partners the Sema3A-Npn1 interaction has been shown to be of great importance, since defective signaling leads to wiring deficits and defasciculation. For the embryonic stage these defects have been well described, however, also after birth the organism can adapt to new challenges by compensational mechanisms. Therefore, we used the mouse lines Olig2-Cre;Npn1cond and Npn1Sema− to investigate how postnatal organisms cope with the loss of Npn1 selectively from motor neurons or a systemic dysfunctional Sema3A-Npn1 signaling in the entire organism, respectively. While in Olig2-Cre+;Npn1cond−/− mice clear anatomical deficits in paw posturing, bone structure, as well as muscle and nerve composition became evident, Npn1Sema− mutants appeared anatomically normal. Furthermore, Olig2-Cre+;Npn1cond mutants revealed a dysfunctional extensor muscle innervation after single-train stimulation of the N.radial. Interestingly, these mice did not show obvious deficits in voluntary locomotion, however, skilled motor function was affected. In contrast, Npn1Sema− mutants were less affected in all behavioral tests and able to improve their performance over time. Our data suggest that loss of Sema3A-Npn1 signaling is not the only cause for the observed deficits in Olig2-Cre+;Npn1cond−/− mice and that additional, yet unknown binding partners for Npn1 may be involved that allow Npn1Sema− mutants to compensate for their developmental deficits

    Senegal: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix

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