4,135 research outputs found

    Redirection of auxin flow in Arabidopsis thaliana roots after infection by root-knot nematodes

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    Plant auxin efflux and influx proteins redirect the plant hormone auxin towards the feeding site upon root-knot nematode infection in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.Plant-parasitic root-knot nematodes induce the formation of giant cells within the plant root, and it has been recognized that auxin accumulates in these feeding sites. Here, we studied the role of the auxin transport system governed by AUX1/LAX3 influx proteins and different PIN efflux proteins during feeding site development in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. Data generated via promoter-reporter line and protein localization analyses evoke a model in which auxin is being imported at the basipetal side of the feeding site by the concerted action of the influx proteins AUX1 and LAX3, and the efflux protein PIN3. Mutants in auxin influx proteins AUX1 and LAX3 bear significantly fewer and smaller galls, revealing that auxin import into the feeding sites is needed for their development and expansion. The feeding site development in auxin export (PIN) mutants was only slightly hampered. Expression of some PINs appears to be suppressed in galls, probably to prevent auxin drainage. Nevertheless, a functional PIN4 gene seems to be a prerequisite for proper nematode development and gall expansion, most likely by removing excessive auxin to stabilize the hormone level in the feeding site. Our data also indicate a role of local auxin peaks in nematode attraction towards the root

    The Effect of Capital Requirement Regulation on the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Austria.

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    This paper investigates the existence of a bank lending and a bank capital channel in Austria by applying the dynamic Arellano-Bond GMM-estimator to a quarterly bank level dataset spanning from 1997 to 2003. While we do find evidence that the bank lending channel is in existence, with an important role active for capitalization, we are unable to confirm that the bank capital channel is in force in Austria. Our results indicate some counter-cyclicality in lending activity, a finding that is in line with the existing Austrian literature. Classification-

    Application of nuclear volume measurements to comprehend the cell cycle in root-knot nematode-induced giant cells.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-20T10:40:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fpls0800961.pdf: 6060991 bytes, checksum: de09cc3d9010093292805dc9ae37534a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-1

    Analysis and ergonomics of houses for elderly people

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    This paper presents an analysis and application of ergonomics in the kitchen and bathrooms of elderly people. The purpose is to enable them to execute their daily activities more comfortably, safely and without help. First, an analysis was made of routine activities of elders, pointing out their needs and difficulties in these rooms; Later an analysis of these rooms was performed. With this data and a bibliographical research on ergonomics of kitchens and bathrooms, problems were identified showing possible accidents in the forth-mentioned places that old people may be exposed to, due to their vulnerability in a routine tasks performance. It was noticed that most of them have visual and postural instability and also a decrease in other senses that increase accident risks. According to all this information changes and adaptations of layout are proposed to make kitchens and bathrooms safer and more comfortable to this population

    Frequency selectivity of tonal language native speakers probed by suppression tuning curves of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions

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    Native acquisition of a tonal language (TL) is related to enhanced abilities of pitch perception and production, compared to non-tonal language (NTL) native speakers. Moreover, differences in brain responses to both linguistically relevant and non-relevant pitch changes have been described in TL native speakers. It is so far unclear to which extent differences are present at the peripheral processing level of the cochlea. To determine possible differences in cochlear frequency selectivity between Asian TL speakers and Caucasian NTL speakers, suppression tuning curves (STCs) of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) were examined in both groups. By presenting pure tones, SOAE levels were suppressed and STCs were derived. SOAEs with center frequencies higher than 4.5 kHz were recorded only in female TL native speakers, which correlated with better high-frequency tone detection thresholds. The suppression thresholds at the tip of the STC and filter quality coefficient Q (10dB) did not differ significantly between both language groups. Thus, the characteristics of the STCs of SOAEs do not support the presence of differences in peripheral auditory processing between TL and NTL native speakers. (C) 2020TheAuthor(s). PublishedbyElsevierB.V

    Exploiting cell cycle inhibitor genes of the KRP family to control root-knot nematode induced feeding sites in plants.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T00:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Coelhoetal2017PlantCellampEnvironment.pdf: 5492267 bytes, checksum: 547162c264fe8e6c301bf52439d7d29d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-11bitstream/item/162650/1/Coelho-et-al-2017-Plant-Cell-amp-Environment.pd

    The plant WEE1 kinase is involved in checkpoint control activation in nematode-induced galls

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    Galls induced by plant‐parasitic nematodes involve a hyperactivation of the plant mitotic and endocycle machinery for their profit. Dedifferentiation of host root cells includes drastic cellular and molecular readjustments. In such background, potential DNA damage in the genome of gall cells is eminent. We questioned if DNA damage checkpoints activation followed by DNA repair occurred, or was eventually circumvented, in nematode‐induced galls. Galls display transcriptional activation of the DNA damage checkpoint kinase WEE1, correlated with its protein localization in the nuclei. The promoter of the stress marker gene SMR7 was evaluated under the WEE1‐knockout background. Drugs inducing DNA damage and a marker for DNA repair, PARP1 were used to understand mechanisms that might cope with DNA damage in galls. Our functional study revealed that gall cells lacking WEE1 conceivably entered mitosis prematurely disturbing the cell cycle despite the loss of genome integrity. The disrupted nuclei phenotype in giant cells hinted to the accumulation of mitotic defects. As well, WEE1‐knockout in Arabidopsis and downregulation in tomato repressed infection and reproduction of root‐knot nematodes. Together with data on DNA damaging drugs, we suggest a conserved function for WEE1 controlling a G1/S cell cycle arrest in response to replication defect in galls

    Fertilizer Response for Annual Crops in Brazil

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    Estudio de mercado de frutilla nativa (Fragaria chiloensis (L., Duch.)) en la RegiĂłn Metropolitana

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    67 p.Este estudio de mercado forma parte de un proyecto financiado por la Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), el cual tiene por objetivo investigar la extensión de la época de cosecha y la presencia en el mercado nacional de la frutilla nativa chilena. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la disposición de restaurantes dirigidos al sector socioeconómico alto a incorporar en su carta la frutilla nativa. El estudio implementó una encuesta a restaurantes del sector Oriente de Santiago, específicamente en las comunas de Las Condes y Providencia, entre Diciembre de 2010 y Enero de 2011. Se aplicaron 34 encuestas con una degustación previa a administradores o chefs de restaurantes, 20 en la comuna de Providencia y 14 en la comuna de Las Condes. Los resultados demostraron que mås de la mitad de los encuestados desconocía la frutilla nativa, pero una vez realizada la degustación e informados de las características organolépticas que posee, el 82% optó por utilizarla en diferentes preparaciones, principalmente en estado fresco para postres y jugos. Esto demuestra que existe interés en incluirla como producto gourmet, pero existe falta de conocimiento, por lo que es necesario implementar estrategias de marketing para hacerla conocida y llamar la atención de posibles clientes. De los encuestados dispuestos a incluir la frutilla en la carta de postres y jugos el 61% estå dispuesto a pagar un sobreprecio comparado con el precio pagado por frutilla roja. El sobreprecio que estån dispuestos a pagar estå en un rango entre 17% a 400%, es decir desde 160alos160 a los 3.200 adicionales al precio pagado por el kilo de frutilla roja./ABSTRACT: This market study is part of a project funded by the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA), which aims to research the extent of the harvest season and the presence in the domestic market for Chilean native strawberry. The objective of this study was to analyze the willingness to incorporate by restaurants oriented to high socioeconomic sector the native strawberry in their menu. The study implemented a survey to restaurants of the East sector of Santiago, specifically in the counties of Las Condes and Providencia, between December 2010 and January 2011. Thirty-four surveys were applied after a testing of the product to managers of chefs of the restaurant, 20 in Providencia and 14 in Las Condes. The results showed that more than half of respondents did not know the native strawberry, but once they tasted it and got information about the organoleptic characteristics a 82% were willing to use it in different preparations, mainly fresh in desserts and juices. This shows that there is interest in including it as a gourmet product, but there is lack of knowledge about it, which makes necessary to implement marketing strategies to make it known and attract the attention of potential customers. From the respondents that are willing to use de native strawberry in their menu of dessert and juices, 61% are willing to pay a premium compared to price paid for the red strawberry. The range of premium goes from 17% to 400% or in other words from 160to 160 to 3.200 additional to the price of red strawberry
