6,616 research outputs found

    An investigation of therapeutic rapport through prosody in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy

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    Therapeutic alliance, a concept closely related to rapport, is one of the most important variables in psychotherapy. High degrees of synchrony/coordination in the therapeutic session are considered to contribute to rapport, and have received attention in the psychotherapy literature. Coordinative behaviours are observable in speech, and they manifest in phenomena such as prosodic accommodation, a dynamic phenomenon closely related to conversational success. A preliminary investigation of interpersonal prosodic dynamics in psychotherapy was performed on a database obtained in collaboration with the University of Padua, consisting of 16 recordings making up the entire course of a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy intervention for a 25 year old female volunteer and a 41 years old male psychotherapist. The data was analysed with Time Aligned Moving Averages, a method commonly used in interpersonal speech research. Issues of data sparsity are discussed, and preliminary results on the relationship between empathy and anxiety with interpersonal speech dynamics are presented

    La Gestión de la Educación Superior Universitaria como Derecho Humano y Bien Público Social

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    Se presentan los instrumentos y mecanismos institucionales que deberían ser creados o mejorados para revertir preservando la calidad - la excesiva disparidad entre los indicadores de entrada y salida a las carreras de grado de la Facultad Regional Delta de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, y por extensión a las Facultades de Ingeniería de América del Sur Se analizan los objetivos e impactos de las acciones de gestión académica propuestas para los factores incidentes en la permanencia de alumnos que se definen y caracterizan con un claro sentido de origen en el seno de un grupo de investigación de una institución definida, pero también con una intención de buscar elementos comunes para pensar los problemas de deserción y desgranamiento, de gran importancia estratégica en nuestra región. Año tras año se registra un crecimiento de la matrícula, pero también se observa que no aumenta proporcionalmente la tasa de graduación. La universidad masiva plantea desafíos complejos que van a exigir la aplicación de instrumentos sofisticados para lograr obtener información relevante que permita formular los diagnósticos certeros y las herramientas adecuadas que mejoren las tasas de permanencia y graduación desde una perspectiva inclusiva

    Mudanças na contabilidade gerencial: um modelo baseado em três diferentes modelos teórico

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    This paper aims to present and discuss a theoretical framework model to study the process of management accounting change. The paper draws on new institutional sociology, old institutional economics, and the dialectical perspective. Specifically, the theoretical framework model combines three different frameworks that explain organisational change, namely: Dillard et al.’s (2004) framework, Burns and Scapens’ (2000) framework, and Seo and Creed’s (2002) framework. It is expected that this framework will be able to support the understanding of the complex ‘mishmash’ of inter-related factors at the micro and macro levels that shape management accounting practices. In doing so, this framework will help to understand and explain the process of management accounting change.Key words: management accounting change, new institutional sociology, old institutional economics, dialectical perspective.Esse estudo objetiva apresentar e discutir um modelo teórico para estudar o processo de mudança na contabilidade gerencial. O estudo se baseia na nova sociologia institucional, na economia institucional tradicional e na perspectiva dialética. Especificamente, o modelo teórico combina três diferentes abordagens que explicam a mudança organizacional: abordagem de Dillard et al. (2004), a abordagem de Burns e Scapens (2000) e a abordagem de Seo e Creed (2002). Espera-se que essas abordagens sejam capazes de dar sustentação ao entendimento de “desencontros” complexos dos fatores inter-relacionados tanto no nível micro, quanto no nível macro que moldam as práticas de contabilidade gerencial. Com isso, essa abordagem irá ajudar a entender e explicar o processo de mudança na contabilidade gerencial que ocorre nas organizações.Palavras-chave: mudança na contabilidade gerencial, nova sociologia institucional, economia institucional tradicional, perspectiva dialética


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    Este trabajo es la síntesis de un proyecto de investigación realizado el la Facultad Regional Delta de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional entre el año 2003 y 2005. La complejidad que presenta en la actualidad a nivel de las instituciones educativas de nivel superior universitario en la argentina, las realidades emergentes de los procesos de acceso y permanencia en la vida académica universitaria, se traduce desde múltiples perspectivas, que se abordan específicamente desde las tendencias actuales de la investigación educativa, aplicada en forma específica a una coyuntura propia de la Facultad Regional Delta, pero de la cual pueden extraerse características y tendencias que adaptadas a otras realidades, propongan tentativas de solución a una cuestión de centralidad en las instituciones universitarias

    The state of web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities: a rapid evidence assessment

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    Increased digitisation of day-to-day activities was occurring prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic only accelerated the virtual shift, making web accessibility an urgent issue, especially for marginalised populations. Despite decades of work to develop, refine, and implement web accessibility standards, people with cognitive disabilities regularly experience many barriers to web accessibility. To inform ongoing work to improve web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities, a systematic review was conducted. The main question guiding this review is: what are the state-of-the-art of interventions that support web accessibility for citizens, 9 years of age and up, living with cognitive impairment? A set of 50 search strings were entered into three academic databases: SCOPUS, ProQuest, and Web of Science. Systematic screening procedures narrowed the search returns to a total of 45 included papers. A data analysis revealed themes associated with the lived experiences of people with cognitive disabilities, tools for improving web accessibility, and methodological best practices for involving people with cognitive disabilities in research. These findings have immediate implications for ongoing research and the development of meaningful solutions to the problem of web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collider signals of brane fluctuations

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    Assuming that we live on a non rigid brane with TeV-scale tension, the scalar fields that control the coordinates of our brane in the extra dimensions give rise to missing energy signals at high-energy colliders with a characteristic angular and energy spectrum, identical to the one due to graviton emission in 6 extra dimensions. LEP bounds and LHC capabilities are analyzed.Comment: 8 pages. v2: ref.s added, misprints fixed. v3: footnote about string "predictions" for branon/graviton rates added at pag.

    Ex vivo determination of bone tissue strains for an in vivo mouse tibial loading model

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    AbstractPrevious studies introduced the digital image correlation (DIC) as a viable technique for measuring bone strain during loading. In this study, we investigated the sensitivity of a DIC system in determining surface strains in a mouse tibia while loaded in compression through the knee joint. Specifically, we examined the effect of speckle distribution, facet size and overlap, initial vertical alignment of the bone into the loading cups, rotation with respect to cameras, and ex vivo loading configurations on the strain contour maps measured with a DIC system.We loaded tibiae of C57BL/6 mice (12 and 18 weeks old male) up to 12N at 8N/min. Images of speckles on the bone surface were recorded at 1N intervals and DIC was used to compute strains. Results showed that speckles must have the correct size and density with respect to the facet size of choice for the strain distribution to be computed and reproducible. Initial alignment of the bone within the loading cups does not influence the strain distribution measured during peak loading, but bones must be placed in front of the camera with the same orientation in order for strains to be comparable. Finally, the ex vivo loading configurations with the tibia attached to the entire mouse, or to the femur and foot, or only to the foot, showed different strain contour maps.This work provides a better understanding of parameters affecting full field strain measurements from DIC in ex vivo murine tibial loading tests

    A task and performance analysis of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) surgery

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    BACKGROUND: ESD is an endoscopic technique for en bloc resection of gastrointestinal lesions. ESD is a widely-used in Japan and throughout Asia, but not as prevalent in Europe or the US. The procedure is technically challenging and has higher adverse events (bleeding, perforation) compared to endoscopic mucosal resection. Inadequate training platforms and lack of established training curricula have restricted its wide acceptance in the US. Thus, we aim to develop a Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator (VESS) for objective ESD training and assessment. In this work, we performed task and performance analysis of ESD surgeries. METHODS: We performed a detailed colorectal ESD task analysis and identified the critical ESD steps for lesion identification, marking, injection, circumferential cutting, dissection, intraprocedural complication management, and post-procedure examination. We constructed a hierarchical task tree that elaborates the order of tasks in these steps. Furthermore, we developed quantitative ESD performance metrics. We measured task times and scores of 16 ESD surgeries performed by four different endoscopic surgeons. RESULTS: The average time of the marking, injection, and circumferential cutting phases are 203.4 (σ: 205.46), 83.5 (σ: 49.92), 908.4 s. (σ: 584.53), respectively. Cutting the submucosal layer takes most of the time of overall ESD procedure time with an average of 1394.7 s (σ: 908.43). We also performed correlation analysis (Pearson's test) among the performance scores of the tasks. There is a moderate positive correlation (R = 0.528, p = 0.0355) between marking scores and total scores, a strong positive correlation (R = 0.7879, p = 0.0003) between circumferential cutting and submucosal dissection and total scores. Similarly, we noted a strong positive correlation (R = 0.7095, p = 0.0021) between circumferential cutting and submucosal dissection and marking scores. CONCLUSIONS: We elaborated ESD tasks and developed quantitative performance metrics used in analysis of actual surgery performance. These ESD metrics will be used in future validation studies of our VESS simulator