1,765 research outputs found

    Participatory planning and quality assessment: contributions of a nursing management technology

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    Objective: to analyze the outcomes of participatory planning and quality assessment of the nursing care provided in a hospital ward using a nursing management technology. Method: Convergent care research focuses on research and practice intervention, developed in a hospital in southern Brazil from April to August 2016. Participatory planning and quality evaluation was performed using the PRAXIS® technology. Results: In the participatory planning, a survey of needs/problems was carried out by 33 professionals followed by 5 workshops, where mission, guiding principles, 4 priority problems, expected results, objectives and plans of activities were defined. For quality evaluation, two indicators were used: satisfaction and notification of adverse events. The evaluation was carried out with 101 patients and /or relatives, predominating “great or good”. Adverse events, 28 records, predominating medication errors. Conclusion: Participatory planning and quality assessment are essential to improve nursing care management and the PRAXIS® technological innovation has been a useful resource.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative cytogenetics of three species of Dichotomius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)

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    Meiotic and mitotic chromosomes of Dichotomius nisus, D. semisquamosus and D. sericeus were analyzed after conventional staining, C-banding and silver nitrate staining. In addition, Dichotomius nisus and D. semisquamosus chromosomes were also analyzed after fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with an rDNA probe. The species analyzed had an asymmetrical karyotype with 2n = 18 and meta-submetacentric chromosomes. The sex determination mechanism was of the Xyp type in D. nisus and D. semisquamosus and of the Xy r type in D. sericeus. C-banding revealed the presence of pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) in all the chromosomes of the three species. After silver staining, the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located in autosomes of D. semisquamosus and D. sericeus and in the sexual bivalent of D. nisus. FISH with an rDNA probe confirmed NORs location in D. semisquamosus and in D. nisus. Our results suggest that chromosome inversions and fusions occurred during the evolution of the group

    The Prometastatic Microenvironment of the Liver

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    The liver is a major metastasis-susceptible site and majority of patients with hepatic metastasis die from the disease in the absence of efficient treatments. The intrahepatic circulation and microvascular arrest of cancer cells trigger a local inflammatory reaction leading to cancer cell apoptosis and cytotoxicity via oxidative stress mediators (mainly nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide) and hepatic natural killer cells. However, certain cancer cells that resist or even deactivate these anti-tumoral defense mechanisms still can adhere to endothelial cells of the hepatic microvasculature through proinflammatory cytokine-mediated mechanisms. During their temporary residence, some of these cancer cells ignore growth-inhibitory factors while respond to proliferation-stimulating factors released from tumor-activated hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells. This leads to avascular micrometastasis generation in periportal areas of hepatic lobules. Hepatocytes and myofibroblasts derived from portal tracts and activated hepatic stellate cells are next recruited into some of these avascular micrometastases. These create a private microenvironment that supports their development through the specific release of both proangiogenic factors and cancer cell invasion- and proliferation-stimulating factors. Moreover, both soluble factors from tumor-activated hepatocytes and myofibroblasts also contribute to the regulation of metastatic cancer cell genes. Therefore, the liver offers a prometastatic microenvironment to circulating cancer cells that supports metastasis development. The ability to resist anti-tumor hepatic defense and to take advantage of hepatic cell-derived factors are key phenotypic properties of liver-metastasizing cancer cells. Knowledge on hepatic metastasis regulation by microenvironment opens multiple opportunities for metastasis inhibition at both subclinical and advanced stages. In addition, together with metastasis-related gene profiles revealing the existence of liver metastasis potential in primary tumors, new biomarkers on the prometastatic microenvironment of the liver may be helpful for the individual assessment of hepatic metastasis risk in cancer patients

    In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2A key aspect for the consumer when it comes to deciding on a particular product is the colour. In order to make fruit available to consumers as early as possible, the collection of oranges and mandarins begins before they ripen fully and reach their typical orange colour. As a result, they are therefore subjected to certain degreening treatments, depending on their standard colour citrus index at harvest. Recently, a mobile platform that incorporates a computer vision system capable of pre-sorting the fruit while it is being harvested has been developed as an aid in the harvesting task. However, due to the restrictions of working in the field, the computer vision system developed for this machine is limited in its technology and processing capacity compared to conventional systems. This work shows the optimised algorithms for estimating the colour of citrus in-line that were developed for this mobile platform and its performance is evaluated against that of a spectrophotometer used as a reference in the analysis of colour in food. The results obtained prove that our analysis system predicts the colour index of citrus with a good reliability (R2 = 0.925) working in real time. Findings also show that it is effective for classifying harvested fruits in the field according to their colour. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.This work was partially funded by the INIA through research project RTA2009-00118-C02-01 with the support of European FEDER funds, and by the project PAID-05-11-2745, Vicerectorat d'Investigacio, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Vidal, A.; Talens Oliag, P.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Cubero García, S.; Albert Gil, FE.; Blasco Ivars, J. (2013). In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(12):3412-3419. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2S34123419612Arzate-Vázquez, I., Chanona-Pérez, J. J., Perea-Flores, M. J., Calderón-Domínguez, G., Moreno-Armendáriz, M. A., Calvo, H., Godoy-Calderón, S., Quevedo, R., & Gutiérrez-López, G. (2011). Image processing applied to classification of avocado variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) during the ripening process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(7), 1307–1313.Blasco, J., Aleixos, N., Cubero, S., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Moltó, E. (2009). Automatic sorting of satsuma (Citrus unshiu) segments using computer vision and morphological features. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 66, 1–8.Campbell, B. L., Nelson, R. G., Ebel, C. E., Dozier, W. A., Adrian, J. L., & Hockema, B. R. (2004). Fruit quality characteristics that affect consumer preferences for satsuma mandarins. HortScience, 39(7), 1664–1669.Cavazza, A., Corradini, C., Rinaldi, M., Salvadeo, P., Borromei, C., & Massini, R. (2012). Evaluation of pasta thermal treatment by determination of carbohydrates, furosine, and color indices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0906-6 . In-press.Cubero, S., Aleixos, N., Moltó, E., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Blasco, J. (2011). Advances in machine vision applications for automatic inspection and quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(4), 487–504.Cubero, S., Moltó, E., Gutiérrez, A., Aleixos, N., García-Navarrete, O. L., Juste, F., & Blasco, J. (2010). Real-time inspection of fruit on a mobile harvesting platform in field conditions using computer vision. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Science, 6, 1–16.Díaz, R., Faus, G., Blasco, M., Blasco, J., & Moltó, E. (2000). The application of a fast algorithm for the classification of olives by machine vision. Food Research International, 33, 305–309.DOGV (2006) Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana, 5346, 30321-30328.Gardner, J. L. (2007). Comparison of calibration methods for tristimulus colorimeters. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 112, 129–138.Hashim, N., Janius, R. B., Baranyai, L., Rahman, R. A., Osman, A., & Zude, M. (2011). Kinetic model for colour changes in bananas during the appearance of chilling injury symptoms. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(8), 2952–2963.HunterLab (2008): Applications note, 8(9), http://www.hunterlab.com/appnotes/an08_96a.pdf . Accessed September 2012.Hutchings, J. B., Luo, R., & Ji, W. (2002). Calibrated colour imaging analysis of food. In D. MacDougall (Ed.), Colour in Food (pp. 352–366). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Jiménez-Cuesta MJ, Cuquerella J & Martínez-Jávega JM (1981) Determination of a color index for citrus fruit degreening. In Proc. of the International Society of Citriculture, Vol. 2, 750-753Kang, S. P., East, A. R., & Trujillo, F. J. (2008). Colour vision system evaluation of bicolour fruit: A case study with ‘B74’ mango. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49, 77–85.Lang, C., & Hübert, T. (2011). A colour ripeness indicator for apples. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(8), 3244–3249.López-Camelo, A. F., & Gómez, P. A. (2004). Comparison of color indexes for tomato ripening. Horticultura Brasileira, 22(3), 534–537. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-05362004000300006 .López-García, F., Andreu-García, A., Blasco, J., Aleixos, N., & Valiente, J. M. (2010). Automatic detection of skin defects in citrus fruits using a multivariate image analysis approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71, 189–197.Lorente, D., Aleixos, N., Gómez-Sanchis, J., Cubero, S., García-Navarrete, O. L., & Blasco, J. (2012). Recent advances and applications of hyperspectral imaging for fruit and vegetable quality assessment. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(4), 1121–1142.Mendoza, F., Dejmek, P., & Aguilera, J. M. (2006). Calibrated color measurements of agricultural foods using image analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41, 285–295.Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Design and analysis of experiments, 6th ed. Tempe: Wiley.Noboru, O., & Robertson, A. R. (2005). Colorimetry. West Sussex: Wiley.Pathare, P. B., Opara, U. L., & Al-Said, F. A. (2012). Colour measurement and analysis in fresh and processed foods: a review. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0867-9 . In-press.Quevedo, R. A., Aguilera, J. M., & Pedreschi, F. (2010). Colour of salmon fillets by computer vision and sensory panel. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 3, 637–643.Sahin, S., & Sumnu, S. G. (2006). Physical properties of foods. New York: Springer.Quevedo, R., Valencia, E., Alvarado, F., Ronceros, B., & Bastias, J. M. (2011). Comparison of whiteness index vs. fractal Fourier in the determination of bloom chocolate using image analysis. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-011-0729-x . In-press.Smith, T., & Guild, J. (1931). The C.I.E. colorimetric standards and their use. Transactions of the Optical Society, 33(3), 73–134.Yam, K. L., & Papadakis, S. E. (2004). A simple digital imaging method for measuring and analyzing color of food surfaces. Journal of Food Engineering, 61, 137–142

    Phenotypic Variation and Bistable Switching in Bacteria

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    Microbial research generally focuses on clonal populations. However, bacterial cells with identical genotypes frequently display different phenotypes under identical conditions. This microbial cell individuality is receiving increasing attention in the literature because of its impact on cellular differentiation, survival under selective conditions, and the interaction of pathogens with their hosts. It is becoming clear that stochasticity in gene expression in conjunction with the architecture of the gene network that underlies the cellular processes can generate phenotypic variation. An important regulatory mechanism is the so-called positive feedback, in which a system reinforces its own response, for instance by stimulating the production of an activator. Bistability is an interesting and relevant phenomenon, in which two distinct subpopulations of cells showing discrete levels of gene expression coexist in a single culture. In this chapter, we address techniques and approaches used to establish phenotypic variation, and relate three well-characterized examples of bistability to the molecular mechanisms that govern these processes, with a focus on positive feedback.

    The death and the resurrection of (psy)critique: the case of neuroeducation

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    A rapidly emerging hegemonic neuro-culture and a booming neural subjectivity signal the entry point for an inquiry into the status of the signifier neuro as a universal passe-partout. The wager of this paper is that the various (mis)appropriations of the neurosciences in the media and in academia itself point to something essential, if not structural, in connection with both the discipline of the neurosciences and the current socio-cultural and ideological climate. Starting from the case of neuroeducation (the application of neuroscience within education), the genealogy of the neurological turn is linked to the history of psychology and its inextricable bond with processes of psychologisation. If the neurological turn risks not merely neglecting the dimension of critique, but also obviating its possibility, then revivifying a psy-critique (understanding the academified modern subject as grounded in the scientific point of view from nowhere) might be necessary in order to understand today’s neural subjectivity and its place within current biopolitics

    Association of MC1R Variants and host phenotypes with melanoma risk in CDKN2A mutation carriers: a GenoMEL study

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    <p><b>Background</b> Carrying the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) germline mutations is associated with a high risk for melanoma. Penetrance of CDKN2A mutations is modified by pigmentation characteristics, nevus phenotypes, and some variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R), which is known to have a role in the pigmentation process. However, investigation of the associations of both MC1R variants and host phenotypes with melanoma risk has been limited.</p> <p><b>Methods</b> We included 815 CDKN2A mutation carriers (473 affected, and 342 unaffected, with melanoma) from 186 families from 15 centers in Europe, North America, and Australia who participated in the Melanoma Genetics Consortium. In this family-based study, we assessed the associations of the four most frequent MC1R variants (V60L, V92M, R151C, and R160W) and the number of variants (1, ≥2 variants), alone or jointly with the host phenotypes (hair color, propensity to sunburn, and number of nevi), with melanoma risk in CDKN2A mutation carriers. These associations were estimated and tested using generalized estimating equations. All statistical tests were two-sided.</p> <p><b>Results</b> Carrying any one of the four most frequent MC1R variants (V60L, V92M, R151C, R160W) in CDKN2A mutation carriers was associated with a statistically significantly increased risk for melanoma across all continents (1.24 × 10−6 ≤ P ≤ .0007). A consistent pattern of increase in melanoma risk was also associated with increase in number of MC1R variants. The risk of melanoma associated with at least two MC1R variants was 2.6-fold higher than the risk associated with only one variant (odds ratio = 5.83 [95% confidence interval = 3.60 to 9.46] vs 2.25 [95% confidence interval = 1.44 to 3.52]; Ptrend = 1.86 × 10−8). The joint analysis of MC1R variants and host phenotypes showed statistically significant associations of melanoma risk, together with MC1R variants (.0001 ≤ P ≤ .04), hair color (.006 ≤ P ≤ .06), and number of nevi (6.9 × 10−6 ≤ P ≤ .02).</p> <p><b>Conclusion</b> Results show that MC1R variants, hair color, and number of nevi were jointly associated with melanoma risk in CDKN2A mutation carriers. This joint association may have important consequences for risk assessments in familial settings.</p&gt

    Obesity prevalence estimates in a Canadian regional population of preschool children using variant growth references

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood obesity is a public health problem in Canada. Accurate measurement of a health problem is crucial in defining its burden. The objective of this study is to compare the prevalence estimates of overweight and obesity in preschool children using three growth references.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Weights and heights were measured on 1026 preschool children born in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada, and body mass index calculated. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was determined and statistical comparisons conducted among the three growth references; the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CDC and IOTF produced similar estimates of the prevalence of overweight, 19.1% versus 18.2% while the WHO reported a higher prevalence 26.7% (p < .001). The CDC classified twice as many children as obese compared to the IOTF 16.6% versus 8.3% (p < .001) and a third more than the WHO 16.6% versus 11.3% (p < .01). There was variable level of agreement between methods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The CDC reported a much higher prevalence of obesity compared to the other references. The prevalence of childhood obesity is dependent on the growth reference used.</p

    The structure of bow shocks formed by the interaction of pulsed-power driven magnetised plasma flows with conducting obstacles

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    We present an experimental study of the development and structure of bow shocks produced by the interaction of a magnetised, collisional, super-Alfvénic plasma flow with conducting cylindrical obstacles. The plasma flow with an embedded, frozen-in magnetic field (ReM ∼ 20) is produced by the current-driven ablation of fine aluminium wires in an inverse, exploding wire array z-pinch. We show that the orientation of the embedded field with respect to the obstacles has a dramatic effect on the bow shock structure. When the field is aligned with the obstacle, a sharp bow shock is formed with a global structure that is determined simply by the fast magneto-sonic Mach number. When the field is orthogonal to the obstacle, magnetic draping occurs. This leads to the growth of a magnetic precursor and the subsequent development of a magnetised bow shock that is mediated by two-fluid effects, with an opening angle and a stand-off distance, that are both many times larger than in the parallel geometry. By changing the field orientation, we change the fluid regime and physical mechanisms that are responsible for the development of the bow shocks. MHD simulations show good agreement with the structure of well-developed bow shocks. However, collisionless, two-fluid effects will need to be included within models to accurately reproduce the development of the shock with an orthogonal B-field