14 research outputs found

    Physiomorphic transformation in extreme endurance migrants:Revisiting the case of Bar-tailed Godwits preparing for trans-Pacific flights

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    In a 1998 paper entitled “Guts don’t fly: small digestive organs in obese bar-tailed godwits,” Piersma and Gill (1998) showed that the digestive organs were tiny and the fat loads huge in individuals suspected of embarking on a non-stop flight from Alaska to New Zealand. It was suggested that prior to migratory departure, these godwits would shrink the digestive organs used during fuel deposition and boost the size and capacity of exercise organs to optimize flight performance. Here we document the verity of the proposed physiomorphic changes by comparing organ sizes and body composition of bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica baueri collected in modesty midway during their fueling period (mid-September; fueling, n = 7) with the previously published data for godwits that had just departed on their trans-Pacific flight (October 19; flying, n = 9). Mean total body masses for the two groups were nearly identical, but nearly half of the body mass of fueling godwits consisted of water, while fat constituted over half of total body mass of flying godwits. The two groups also differed in their fat-free mass components. The heart and flight muscles were heavier in fueling godwits, but these body components constituted a relatively greater fraction of the fat-free mass in flying godwits. In contrast, organs related to digestion and homeostasis were heavier in fueling godwits, and most of these organ groups were also relatively larger in fueling godwits compared to flying godwits. These results reflect the functional importance of organ and muscle groups related to energy acquisition in fueling godwits and the consequences of flight-related exertion in flying godwits. The extreme physiomorphic changes apparently occurred over a short time window (≀1 month). We conclude that the inferences made on the basis of the 1998 paper were correct. The cues and stimuli which moderate these changes remain to be studied

    Coping with the Cold: An Ecological Context for the Abundance and Distribution of Rock Sandpipers during Winter in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska

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    Shorebirds are conspicuous and abundant at high northern latitudes during spring and summer, but as seasonal conditions deteriorate, few remain during winter. To the best of our knowledge, Cook Inlet, Alaska (60.6˚ N, 151.6˚ W), is the world’s coldest site that regularly supports wintering populations of shorebirds, and it is also the most northerly nonbreeding location for shorebirds in the Pacific Basin. During the winters of 1997–2012, we conducted aerial surveys of upper Cook Inlet to document the spatial and temporal distribution and number of Rock Sandpipers (Calidris ptilocnemis) using the inlet. The average survey total was 8191 ± 6143 SD birds, and the average of each winter season’s highest single-day count was 13 603 ± 4948 SD birds. We detected only Rock Sandpipers during our surveys, essentially all of which were individuals of the nominate subspecies (C. p. ptilocnemis). Survey totals in some winters closely matched the population estimate for this subspecies, demonstrating the region’s importance as a nonbreeding resource to the subspecies. Birds were most often found at only a handful of sites in upper Cook Inlet, but shifted their distribution to more southerly locations in the inlet during periods of extreme cold. Two environmental factors allow Rock Sandpipers to inhabit Cook Inlet during winter: 1) an abundant bivalve (Macoma balthica) food source and 2) current and tidal dynamics that keep foraging substrates accessible during all but extreme periods of cold and ice accretion. C. p. ptilocnemis is a subspecies of high conservation concern for which annual winter surveys may serve as a relatively inexpensive population-monitoring tool that will also provide insight into adaptations that allow these birds to exploit high-latitude environments in winter.Le printemps et l’étĂ©, les oiseaux de rivage abondent et sont bien en vue dans les latitudes de l’extrĂȘme nord, mais au fur et Ă  mesure que les conditions saisonniĂšres se dĂ©tĂ©riorent, peu d’entre eux hivernent dans ces rĂ©gions. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, l’anse Cook, en Alaska (60,6˚ N, 151,6˚ O), est l’endroit le plus froid du monde oĂč l’on trouve rĂ©guliĂšrement des populations d’oiseaux de rivage l’hiver. Il s’agit aussi de l’emplacement le plus nordique du bassin du Pacifique Ă  ne pas ĂȘtre consacrĂ© Ă  la reproduction des oiseaux de rivage. Au cours des hivers allant de 1997 Ă  2012, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des levĂ©s aĂ©riens de la partie supĂ©rieure de l’anse Cook afin d’ĂȘtre en mesure de rĂ©pertorier la rĂ©partition spatiale, la rĂ©partition temporelle et le nombre de bĂ©casseaux des AlĂ©outiennes (Calidris ptilocnemis) dans l’anse. Le total moyen des levĂ©s a permis de repĂ©rer8 191 ± 6 143 (DS) oiseaux, tandis que la moyenne du dĂ©nombrement le plus Ă©levĂ© au cours d’une seule journĂ©e d’hiver Ă©tait de 13 603 ± 4 948 (DS) oiseaux. Dans le cadre de nos levĂ©s, nous n’avons dĂ©tectĂ© que des bĂ©casseaux des AlĂ©outiennes, dont tous Ă©taient essentiellement des individus de la sous-espĂšce dĂ©signĂ©e (C. p. ptilocnemis). Au cours de certains hivers, les totaux des levĂ©s se rapprochaient beaucoup des estimations de population de cette sous-espĂšce, ce qui laisse entrevoir l’importance de cette rĂ©gion en tant que ressource de non-reproduction pour cette sous-espĂšce. La plupart du temps, ces oiseaux ne se retrouvaient qu’à quelques endroits de la partie supĂ©rieure de l’anse Cook, bien qu’ils se rĂ©partissaient plus au sud de l’anse pendant les pĂ©riodes de froid extrĂȘme. Deux facteurs environnementaux permettent aux bĂ©casseaux des AlĂ©outiennes d’évoluer dans l’anse Cook l’hiver : 1) une source abondante de nourriture acĂ©phale (Macoma balthica) et 2) une dynamique de courants et de marĂ©es qui a constamment pour effet d’alimenter les oiseaux en substrat pendant toutes les pĂ©riodes, sauf celles de froid extrĂȘme et d’accrĂ©tion de glace. C. p. ptilocnemis est une sous-espĂšce dont la conservation prĂ©sente de grandes inquiĂ©tudes et pour laquelle les levĂ©s hivernaux annuels peuvent constituer un outil de surveillance de population relativement abordable qui permettra Ă©galement d’en savoir plus sur les adaptations qui permettent Ă  ces oiseaux d’exploiter les milieux de haute latitude l’hiver


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    We used 8 years of live recapture data (1998–2005) to estimate apparent annual survival for male (n = 237) and female (n = 296) Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) breeding on a 36-ha plot on the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, western Alaska. Apparent annual survival (Ί) is the product of true survival and site fidelity, and estimates of Ί were corrected for the probability of encounter. Overall return rates (individual returned to the study site in a subsequent season) were lower for females (40%) than males (65%), as was Ί (± SE, females = 0.65 ± 0.05, males = 0.78 ± 0.03), and encounter rate (females = 0.51 ± 0.07, males = 0.74 ± 0.04). Results differed from previous estimates of Ί for this species as our estimates of Ί were higher for both males and females compared to estimates from another breeding site and two nonbreeding locations. Disparity among Ί estimates from breeding and nonbreeding areas highlights the need to delineate site-specific factors throughout the annual cycle that influence population dynamics of the Western Sandpiper


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    We used 8 years of live recapture data (1998–2005) to estimate apparent annual survival for male (n = 237) and female (n = 296) Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) breeding on a 36-ha plot on the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, western Alaska. Apparent annual survival (Ί) is the product of true survival and site fidelity, and estimates of Ί were corrected for the probability of encounter. Overall return rates (individual returned to the study site in a subsequent season) were lower for females (40%) than males (65%), as was Ί (± SE, females = 0.65 ± 0.05, males = 0.78 ± 0.03), and encounter rate (females = 0.51 ± 0.07, males = 0.74 ± 0.04). Results differed from previous estimates of Ί for this species as our estimates of Ί were higher for both males and females compared to estimates from another breeding site and two nonbreeding locations. Disparity among Ί estimates from breeding and nonbreeding areas highlights the need to delineate site-specific factors throughout the annual cycle that influence population dynamics of the Western Sandpiper

    The Pacific as the world’s greatest theater of bird migration:Extreme flights spark questions about physiological capabilities, behavior, and the evolution of migratory pathways

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    The Pacific Basin, by virtue of its vastness and its complex aeroscape, provides unique opportunities to address questions about the behavioral and physiological capabilities and mechanisms through which birds can complete spectacular flights. No longer is the Pacific seen just as a formidable barrier between terrestrial habitats in the north and the south, but rather as a gateway for specialized species, such as shorebirds, to make a living on hemispherically distributed seasonal resources. This recent change in perspective is dramatic, and the research that underpins it has presented new opportunities to learn about phenomena that often challenge a sense of normal. Ancient Polynesians were aware of the seasonal passage of shorebirds and other landbirds over the Pacific Ocean, incorporating these observations into their navigational “tool kit” as they explored and colonized the Pacific. Some ten centuries later, systematic visual observations and tracking technology have revealed much about movement of these shorebirds, especially the enormity of their individual nonstop flights. This invites a broad suite of questions, often requiring comparative studies with bird migration across other ocean basins, or across continents. For example, how do birds manage many days of nonstop exercise apparently without sleep? What mechanisms explain birds acting as if they possess a Global Positioning System? How do such extreme migrations evolve? Through advances in both theory and tracking technology, biologists are poised to greatly expand the horizons of movement ecology as we know it. In this integrative review, we present a series of intriguing questions about trans-Pacific migrant shorebirds and summarize recent advances in knowledge about migratory behavior operating at temporal scales ranging from immediate decisions during a single flight, to adaptive learning throughout a lifetime, to evolutionary development of migratory pathways. Recent advances in this realm should stimulate future research across the globe and across a broad array of disciplines

    A global threats overview for Numeniini populations: synthesising expert knowledge for a group of declining migratory birds

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    The Numeniini is a tribe of thirteen wader species (Scolopacidae, Charadriiformes) of which seven are near-threatened or globally threatened, including two critically endangered. To help inform conservation management and policy responses, we present the results of an expert assessment of the threats that members of this taxonomic group face across migratory flyways. Most threats are increasing in intensity, particularly in non-breeding areas, where habitat loss resulting from residential and commercial development, aquaculture, mining, transport, disturbance, problematic invasive species, pollution and climate change were regarded as having the greatest detrimental impact. Fewer threats (mining, disturbance, problematic native species and climate change) were identified as widely affecting breeding areas. Numeniini populations face the greatest number of non-breeding threats in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, especially those associated with coastal reclamation; related threats were also identified across the Central and Atlantic Americas, and East Atlantic flyways. Threats on the breeding grounds were greatest in Central and Atlantic Americas, East Atlantic and West Asian flyways. Three priority actions were associated with monitoring and research: to monitor breeding population trends (which for species breeding in remote areas may best be achieved through surveys at key non-breeding sites), to deploy tracking technologies to identify migratory connectivity, and to monitor land-cover change across breeding and non-breeding areas. Two priority actions were focused on conservation and policy responses: to identify and effectively protect key non-breeding sites across all flyways (particularly in the East Asian - Australasian Flyway), and to implement successful conservation interventions at a sufficient scale across human-dominated landscapes for species’ recovery to be achieved. If implemented urgently, these measures in combination have the potential to alter the current population declines of many Numeniini species and provide a template for the conservation of other groups of threatened species


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    <p>Closely related species or subspecies can exhibit metabolic differences that reflect site-specific environmental conditions. Whether such differences represent fixed traits or flexible adjustments to local conditions, however, is difficult to predict across taxa. The nominate race of Rock Sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis) exhibits the most northerly nonbreeding distribution of any shorebird in the North Pacific, being common during winter in cold, dark locations as far north as upper Cook Inlet, Alaska (61 degrees N). By contrast, the tschuktschorum subspecies migrates to sites ranging from about 59 degrees N to more benign locations as far south as similar to 37 degrees N. These distributional extremes exert contrasting energetic demands, and we measured common metabolic parameters in the two subspecies held under identical laboratory conditions to determine whether differences in these parameters are reflected by their nonbreeding life histories. Basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance did not differ between subspecies, and the subspecies had a similar metabolic response to temperatures below their thermoneutral zone. Relatively low thermal conductance values may, however, reflect intrinsic metabolic adaptations to northerly latitudes. In the absence of differences in basic metabolic parameters, the two subspecies' nonbreeding distributions will likely be more strongly influenced by adaptations to regional variation in ecological factors such as prey density, prey quality, and foraging habitat. Received 19 April 2012, accepted 4 September 2012.</p>