348 research outputs found

    Physical education and health promotion: a review of theoretical-methodological perspectives in Brazil

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    Na complexidade da atuação da educação física na promoção da saúde é possível identificar diferentes perspectivas epistemológicas no saber-fazer dos trabalhadores. A intenção deste artigo, de caráter ensaístico, é apontar estas perspectivas, buscando perceber suas influencias teóricas e históricas, assim como os caminhos que vem percorrendo em publicações, autores que se destacam e focos de interesse. Por meio de buscas não sistemáticas em bancos de dados e periódicos, foram encontradas publicações e marcos legais que ligam educação física e promoção da saúde. Conclui-se a existência de quatro perspectivas teórico-metodológicas: epidemiológica, aponta a relação positiva entre a atividade física e a menor incidência de doenças; pós estruturalista ligada a produção de subjetividade e relações sociais, na promoção da saúde; materialismo histórico-dialético reflete a respeito das inter-relações sociais e dos meios de produção e exploração; e a perspectiva integrativa ligada a uma perspectiva vitalista, onde a saúde passa a ser percebida como a busca da inteireza do ser. É importante ressaltar que a apresentação destas perspectivas de forma linear é um recurso didático, mas que na realidade da prática profissional nem sempre mostram-se com fronteiras claramente delineadas, podendo se apresentar de forma hibrida e inter-relacionada.In the complexity of the performance of Physical Education in health promotion, it is possible to identify different epistemological perspectives in the know-how of workers. The aim of this article, of an essay character, is to point out these perspectives, seeking to perceive its theoretical and historical influences, as well as the paths it has been going through in publications, authors that stand out and focuses of interest. Through non-systematic searches in databases and journals, publications and legal frameworks linking Physical Education and health promotion were studied. The existence of four theoretical-methodological perspectives was found: epidemiological, which points out the positive relation between physical activity and the lower incidence of diseases; post structuralist, which links to the production of subjectivity and social relations in the promotion of health; historical-dialectical materialism, which reflects on the social interrelationships and the means of production and exploitation; and the integrative perspective, which links to a vitalist perspective, where health comes to be perceived as the pursuit of the wholeness of being. It is important to emphasize that the presentation of these perspectives in a linear way is a didactic resource, but that in the reality of the professional practice they do not always show themselves with boundaries clearly defined, being able to present themselves in a hybrid and interrelated way.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Effectiveness and safety of iodopovidone in an experimental pleurodesis model

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    OBJECTIVES: Chemical pleurodesis is an important therapeutic tool to control recurrent malignant pleural effusion. Among the various sclerosing agents, iodopovidone is considered effective and safe. However, in a recent study, ocular changes were described after iodopovidone was used in recurrent pneumothorax. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and morbidity of iodopovidone pleurodesis in an experimental model. METHODS: New Zealand rabbits were submitted to intrapleural injection of iodopovidone at concentrations of 2%, 4% and 10%. Biochemical (lactic dehydrogenase, proteins, triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, urea and creatinine) and immunological (Interleukin-8 [IL-8], VEGF and TGFβ) parameters were measured in the pleural fluid and blood. After 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days, groups of animals were euthanized, and macro- (pleura) and microscopic (pleura and retina) analyses were performed. RESULTS: An early pleural inflammatory response with low systemic repercussion was observed without corresponding changes in thyroid or renal function. The higher concentrations (4% and 10%) correlated with greater initial exudation, and maximum pleural thickening was observed after 28 days. No changes were observed in the retinal pigment epithelium of the rabbits. CONCLUSION: Iodopovidone is considered to be an effective and safe sclerosing agent in this animal model. However, its efficacy, tolerance and safety in humans should be further evaluated

    Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the Illinois Basin: Numerical Modeling to Evaluate Potential Impacts

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    US Department of Energy via the Regional Partnership Program, DE-FC26-05NT42588 and USEPA STAR grant number 488220Ope

    RVA. 3-D Visualization and Analysis Software to Support Management of Oil and Gas Resources

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    A free software application, RVA, has been developed as a plugin to the US DOE-funded ParaView visualization package, to provide support in the visualization and analysis of complex reservoirs being managed using multi-fluid EOR techniques. RVA, for Reservoir Visualization and Analysis, was developed as an open-source plugin to the 64 bit Windows version of ParaView 3.14. RVA was developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with contributions from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Department of Computer Science and National Center for Supercomputing Applications. RVA was designed to utilize and enhance the state-of-the-art visualization capabilities within ParaView, readily allowing joint visualization of geologic framework and reservoir fluid simulation model results. Particular emphasis was placed on enabling visualization and analysis of simulation results highlighting multiple fluid phases, multiple properties for each fluid phase (including flow lines), multiple geologic models and multiple time steps. Additional advanced functionality was provided through the development of custom code to implement data mining capabilities. The built-in functionality of ParaView provides the capacity to process and visualize data sets ranging from small models on local desktop systems to extremely large models created and stored on remote supercomputers. The RVA plugin that we developed and the associated User Manual provide improved functionality through new software tools, and instruction in the use of ParaView-RVA, targeted to petroleum engineers and geologists in industry and research. The RVA web site (http://rva.cs.illinois.edu) provides an overview of functions, and the development web site (https://github.com/shaffer1/RVA) provides ready access to the source code, compiled binaries, user manual, and a suite of demonstration data sets. Key functionality has been included to support a range of reservoirs visualization and analysis needs, including: sophisticated connectivity analysis, cross sections through simulation results between selected wells, simplified volumetric calculations, global vertical exaggeration adjustments, ingestion of UTChem simulation results, ingestion of Isatis geostatistical framework models, interrogation of joint geologic and reservoir modeling results, joint visualization and analysis of well history files, location-targeted visualization, advanced correlation analysis, visualization of flow paths, and creation of static images and animations highlighting targeted reservoir features.Department of Energy, DOE award number DE-FE0005961Ope

    Variedades de tomates nacionales

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    En el Cinturón Hortícola Platense se producen numerosas especies hortícolas, entre los cultivos más importantes se encuentra el tomate. Dentro de este cultivo existen numerosos híbridos de origen importado y variedades nacionales. Con respecto a estas últimas, el INTA La Consulta y la FCAyF-UNLP han trabajado muchos años para crear variedades que se adapten a diferentes condiciones agroecológicas del país y a las necesidades de los productores hortícolas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Variedades de tomates nacionales

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    En el Cinturón Hortícola Platense se producen numerosas especies hortícolas, entre los cultivos más importantes se encuentra el tomate. Dentro de este cultivo existen numerosos híbridos de origen importado y variedades nacionales. Con respecto a estas últimas, el INTA La Consulta y la FCAyF-UNLP han trabajado muchos años para crear variedades que se adapten a diferentes condiciones agroecológicas del país y a las necesidades de los productores hortícolas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Gamma Radiation from PSR B1055-52

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    The telescopes on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CCRO) have observed PSR B1055-52 a number of times between 1991 and 1998. From these data, a more detailed picture of the gamma radiation from this source has been developed, showing several characteristics which distinguish this pulsar: the light curve is complex; there is no detectable unpulsed emission; the energy spectrum is flat, with no evidence of a sharp high-energy cutoff up to greater than 4 GeV. Comparisons of the gamma-ray data with observations at longer wavelengths show that no two of the known gamma-ray pulsars have quite the same characteristics; this diversity makes interpretation in terms of theoretical models difficult

    Conformational Reorganization of the SARS Coronavirus Spike Following Receptor Binding: Implications for Membrane Fusion

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    The SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike is the largest known viral spike molecule, and shares a similar function with all class 1 viral fusion proteins. Previous structural studies of membrane fusion proteins have largely used crystallography of static molecular fragments, in isolation of their transmembrane domains. In this study we have produced purified, irradiated SARS-CoV virions that retain their morphology, and are fusogenic in cell culture. We used cryo-electron microscopy and image processing to investigate conformational changes that occur in the entire spike of intact virions when they bind to the viral receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). We have shown that ACE2 binding results in structural changes that appear to be the initial step in viral membrane fusion, and precisely localized the receptor-binding and fusion core domains within the entire spike. Furthermore, our results show that receptor binding and subsequent membrane fusion are distinct steps, and that each spike can bind up to three ACE2 molecules. The SARS-CoV spike provides an ideal model system to study receptor binding and membrane fusion in the native state, employing cryo-electron microscopy and single-particle image analysis

    Insulin Degrading Enzyme Induces a Conformational Change in Varicella-Zoster Virus gE, and Enhances Virus Infectivity and Stability

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein E (gE) is essential for virus infectivity and binds to a cellular receptor, insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), through its unique amino terminal extracellular domain. Previous work has shown IDE plays an important role in VZV infection and virus cell-to-cell spread, which is the sole route for VZV spread in vitro. Here we report that a recombinant soluble IDE (rIDE) enhances VZV infectivity at an early step of infection associated with an increase in virus internalization, and increases cell-to-cell spread. VZV mutants lacking the IDE binding domain of gE were impaired for syncytia formation and membrane fusion. Pre-treatment of cell-free VZV with rIDE markedly enhanced the stability of the virus over a range of conditions. rIDE interacted with gE to elicit a conformational change in gE and rendered it more susceptible to proteolysis. Co-incubation of rIDE with gE modified the size of gE. We propose that the conformational change in gE elicited by IDE enhances infectivity and stability of the virus and leads to increased fusogenicity during VZV infection. The ability of rIDE to enhance infectivity of cell-free VZV over a wide range of incubation times and temperatures suggests that rIDE may be useful for increasing the stability of varicella or zoster vaccines
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