500 research outputs found

    El movimiento popular y la lucha contra la impunidad en la Argentina

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    El presupuesto sobre el que se asienta la exposición sobre el papel de las organizaciones populares en la construcción de la memoria y la lucha contra la impunidad en Argentina es el siguiente: la asociación de ambas es indispensable. De lo contrario, se llega a un anclaje de la memoria colectiva en las derrotas sufridas los pueblos, en el horror que paraliza, sin que los artífices de ese horror sean juzgados y sancionados. La experiencia argentina reconoce en ese camino distintas etapas, y los avances logrados por la lucha de las organizaciones de derechos humanos, sociales, gremiales, políticas, en el juzgamiento de los genocidas han ido resignificando acciones e instrumentos de construcción de la memoria popular y ha ampliado su horizonte al no limitarse a "lo que significó la instauración de un Estado terrorista, la desaparición de miles de personas, la generalización de la tortura, sino también rescatar aquello que vino a desaparecer en la dictadura", los valores y proyectos de las organizaciones populares.L'objectiu de la exposició referent a les organitzacions populars en la construcció de la memoria i lluita contra la inpunitat a Argentina és la següent: la associació d'ambdues és indispensable. En cas contrari, s'arriba a un ancoratge de la memoria col·lectiva en les derrotes patides dels pobles, en l'horror que paralitza, sense que els artífexs d'aquest horror siguin jutjats i sancionats. La experiencia argentina reconeix en aquest camí diferents etapes i els avenços aconseguits per la lluita de les organitzacions dels drets humans, socials, gremials, politiquees, en el judici dels genocides han anat resignificant accions i instruments de construcció de la memoria popular i ha ampliat l'horitzó al no limitarse a "allò que sifnificà la instauració d'un Estat terrorista, la desaparició de milers de persones, la generalització de la tortura, sino també rescatar allò que desapareixè en la dictadura", els valors i projectes de les organitzacions populars.This lecture, over the role of the popular organizations in the construction of the memory and the fight against impunity in Argentina, grounds in the necessary association between both factors. Otherwise the collective memory is fixed in people's defeat, in terror that paralyze, without the judgement and punishment of the responsibles of this terror. The argentine experience recognizes in this way different stages. The advances obtained by the human rights, socials, political organizations and trade unions for the judgement of the genocides have resignified actions and instruments in the building of a popular memory. Besides this advances not only have showed what mean a terrorist State - the disappearance of thousands of people, the systematic torture of political prisoners- but it helped to rescue all that the dictatorship made disappear: the values and projects of the popular organizations

    Gender and Power: Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America

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    Institutions that separate members by gender are an interesting environment where to explore issues that separate man and women in contemporary societies. This short piece by Daleo is a provocative reflection on the origins and consequences of gender difference

    NLO Scale Dependence of Semi-Inclusive Processes

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    We discuss the order \alpha_s^2 gluon initiated QCD corrections to one particle inclusive deep inelastic processes. We focus in the NLO evolution kernels relevant for the non homogeneous QCD scale dependence of these cross sections and factorization.Comment: Poster presentation at the XXIII Physics in Collision Conference (PIC03), Zeuthen, Germany, June 2003, 3 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figures, PSN FRAP1


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    Hanna Daleo has often contributed to Culture, Society and Praxis. This time she is sharing images from a recent trip to Europe, where she has seen different aspects of human behavior and culture that relates to the reflection on sustainable relationships with our environment

    Two-loop amplitudes and master integrals for the production of a Higgs boson via a massive quark and a scalar-quark loop

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    We compute all two-loop master integrals which are required for the evaluation of next-to-leading order QCD corrections in Higgs boson production via gluon fusion. Many two-loop amplitudes for 2 -> 1 processes in the Standard Model and beyond can be expressed in terms of these integrals using automated reduction techniques. These integrals also form a subset of the master integrals for more complicated 2 -> 2 amplitudes with massive propagators in the loops. As a first application, we evaluate the two-loop amplitude for Higgs boson production in gluon fusion via a massive quark. Our result is the first independent check of the calculation of Spira, Djouadi, Graudenz and Zerwas. We also present for the first time the two-loop amplitude for gg -> h via a massive squark

    Inclusive Production of Single Hadrons with Finite Transverse Momenta in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Leading Order

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    We calculate the cross section for the inclusive production of single hadrons with finite transverse momenta in deep-inelastic scattering at next-to-leading order (NLO), i.e. through O(alpha_s^2), in the parton model of QCD endowed with non-perturbative parton distribution functions (PDFs) and fragmentation functions (FFs). The NLO correction is found to produce a sizeable enhancement in cross section, of up to one order of magnitude, bringing the theoretical prediction to good agreement with recent measurements for neutral pions and charged hadrons at DESY HERA. This provides a useful test for the universality and the scaling violations of the FFs predicted by the factorization theorem. Such comparisons can also be used to constrain the gluon PDF of the proton.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure