3,106 research outputs found

    Soil management qualification under no-till system in Center Southern Brazil.

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    No-tillage (NT) system comprises a set of technological processes aimed at exploring farming systems while promoting soil conservation management. Its main principles are: leaving soil undisturbed except for seeding in the drills or rows, the maintenance of permanent soil cover, the diversifi cation of crops by rotation or crop consortium, the adoption of joined harvesting-seeding process to reduce the time gap between operations. Although the NT system was developed to reduce erosion and to promote soil quality, there are several inadequate practices that have been applied in areas where cropping is misnamed as "No-tillage" system, e.g., the use of monoculture, the terraces misuse or elimination, the absence of contour plowing and others that are incompatible with the conservation principles and that lead to losses in soil and water quality and in local biodiversity. In order to improve the soil management in NT areas, a network research program coordinated by Embrapa Soils and supported by Itaipu Binacional has been studying no-tillage in twelve watersheds of six regions in Center-Southern Brazil since 2014. The network is developing indicators to assess soil management and its environmental eff ects at property and watershed scales. The program includes: participatory processes of self-evaluation, adjustment and certification by farmers; monitoring farming systems and small watersheds parameters (soil and plant) in twelve locations; long term experiments in six study-sites; and technology transfer in reference areas for training in NT systems. As preliminary results, the selection of monitoring watersheds has been carried out and the communication process has promoted eff ective participation of farmers in Paranapanema-SP, Londrina-PR, Toledo- PR, Maracaju-MS, Rio Verde-GO and Passo Fundo-RS. In addition, the establishment of local and international institutions network started up actions to improve soil management though no-tillage system.The monitoring approach adopts complementary methods to assess the farming system: IQP which is the No Tillage Participatory Quality Index developed by the Brazilian Federation of No-Till Farms and Irrigation (FEBRAPDP); DRES (Rapid Diagnostic of Soil Structure) to asses management structural quality in areas under NT; and Beta (β) index to classify watershed management based on hydrometeorological data, turbidity time series and sedimentary data set from monitored watersheds

    O arquiteto que calculava : operações extemporâneas de Paulo Mendes da Rocha

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    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a fi nalidade de tratar sobre arquiteturas extemporâneas, ou seja, arquiteturas resultantes de projetos ou obras realizados em tempos distintos que coexistem numa mesma edifi cação ou num mesmo conjunto edifi cado. Dentro deste tema, buscouse investigar estratégias que têm sido adotadas para a intervenção no patrimônio arquitetônico Moderno. A partir da análise de quatro projetos com autoria de Paulo Mendes da Rocha, a pesquisa aborda operações adotadas pelo arquiteto diante de edificações existentes, no intuito de verificar se, nesses casos, os procedimentos recomendados no campo patrimonial dão conta das questões que a Arquitetura Moderna apresenta.This work was developed with the purpose of dealing with extemporaneous architectures, that is, architectures resulting from projects or works carried out at different times that coexist in the same building or in the same building set. Within this theme, we sought to investigate strategies that have been adopted for intervention in the Modern architectural heritage. Based on the analysis of four projects authored by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, the research addresses operations adopted by the architect in relation to existing buildings, in order to verify if, in these cases, the recommended procedures in the heritage field address the issues that Modern Architecture presents

    Prevalence of congenital anomaly and its relationship with maternal education and age according to local development in the extreme south of Brazil

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    Congenital anomalies (CA) contribute to disabilities and health conditions throughout life. Furthermore, they can cause emotional distress to the mothers and children, who may also experience limitations in individual and social development. This study investigated the prevalence of CA and the relationship with maternal education and age according to local development in the extreme south of Brazil. This is a retrospective observational study with birth data from the Live Birth Information System from 2000 to 2017. The association between age and maternal education with the presence of CA was verified using multiple Poisson regression for robust variances in models adjusted for those variables with a preliminary significant association. A total of 5131 (1.5%) had some CA identified at birth between 2000 and 2017. Only advanced age (≥36 years) was associated with CA regardless of macro-region development (p ≤ 0.001). The highest risk was observed in regions with medium development (RR = 1.60; 95% CI 1.30–1.97). Maternal education (<8 years of study) was associated with CA only in mothers from macro-regions with very high development (RR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.03–1.54). These analyses confirmed that women of advanced age are at greater risk of having children with a CA regardless of maternal education and local development, but social characteristics can also have an influence, as regions with higher development had lower prevalence of CA

    Docência e a aula como ensaio

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    Na atualidade, temos uma das políticas nacionais de formação de professores se efetivando via Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência Programa (Pibid)1. Por meio dessa macropolítica, o projeto Práticas curriculares de escrita e leitura e a formação de professores participa desse espaço político, articulando a pesquisa universitária e a escola pública. O artigo versa sobre o tema aula a partir do aporte conceitual dos filósofos Nietzsche e Deleuze. Com eles, na primeira parte do artigo, definimos a docência como vontade criadora e a articulamos à noção de aula como ensaio. Apresentamos, em seguida, a operação da crítica genealógica como um dos principais elementos didáticos da aula como ensaio. A pesquisa, ao assumir esse posicionamento conceitual, apresenta, na terceira parte do texto a experimentação do elemento didático da crítica genealógica na aula intitulada “Oficinando com as bruxas: entre o bem e o mal”, desenvolvida junto a uma turma dos anos iniciais de uma escola pública via o Pibid. A partir disso, a personagem bruxa foi levada ao território da crítica genealógica como elemento didático da aula como ensaio, possibilitando a problematização da valoração dos valores e a desnaturalização de estereótipos. 

    Discursos da avaliação escolar na contemporaneidade

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    Este artigo problematiza os discursos da avaliação escolar, em suas relações com as sociedades disciplinar e de controle. A partir de uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista em educação, examinamos os programas da disciplina de Avaliação em um curso de Pedagogia de uma instituição de Ensino Superior no sul do Brasil, buscando rastrear os conceitos e bibliografias operados nesses materiais. Retiramos desses programas, os elementos de normalização que produzem padrões e formam saberes que constituem um tipo de vontade de verdade sobre o tema. Identificamos, a partir de tal exame, o discurso da avaliação classificatória e o discurso da avaliação crítica, buscando problematizar seus efeitos de poder e saber. Palavras-chave: Avaliação Escolar. Discurso. Poder. Saber

    Fatores associados à utilização de suplementos alimentares por universitários

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    A busca por suplementos alimentares é crescente e vai além da finalidade esportiva, estendendo-se à objetivos estéticos e de melhora da composição corporal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores associados a utilização de suplementos alimentares por universitários. Métodos: foram avaliados 246 acadêmicos, 65 (26,4%) do sexo masculino e 181 (73,6%) do sexo feminino, de uma Universidade do meio oeste de Santa Catarina. Foi aplicado um questionário online composto por oito perguntas sobre as características da prática de exercícios físicos e do consumo de suplementos alimentares. Resultados: Observou-se que 61% da amostra praticava algum tipo de exercício físico, predominando exercícios aeróbicos e de musculação de 2 a 4 vezes por semana. Quanto a suplementação, 26,8% dos acadêmicos faz uso, principalmente, de dois ou mais suplementos, predominando os de origem proteica, vitaminas e minerais, sendo que 28,8% passaram a consumir por iniciativa própria e 54,1% destes buscam mais de dois objetivos, sendo hipertrofia, emagrecimento e a manutenção da saúde os principais. A utilização de suplementos alimentares pelos acadêmicos foi associada a prática, tipo e frequência de exercícios físicos (p&lt;0,0001) e não houve associação entre o sexo e a faixa etária com a utilização destes produtos (p&gt;0,05). Conclusão: A utilização de suplementos alimentares foi relacionada a prática de exercícios físicos nos universitários, com prevalência do uso indiscriminado, valendo-se de informações inconsistentes sobre os produtos e também da indicação de profissionais não capacitados para tal atuação. ABSTRACT Factors associated with the use of food supplements by university studentsThe search for food supplements is growing and goes beyond the sporting purpose, extending to aesthetic goals and improving body composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate factors associated with the use of food supplements by university students. Methods: 246 academics, 65 (26.4%) male and 181 (73.6%) female, from a university in the Midwest of Santa Catarina were evaluated. An online questionnaire composed of eight questions about the characteristics of the practice of physical exercises and the consumption of food supplements was applied. Results: It was observed that 61% of the sample practiced some type of physical exercise, predominating aerobic and bodybuilding exercises 2 to 4 times a week. As for supplementation, 26.8% of the students use mainly two or more supplements, predominantly those of protein origin, vitamins and minerals, 28.8% of which started to consume on their own initiative and 54.1% seek more than two goals, being the main: hypertrophy, weight loss and health maintenance. The use of food supplements by academics was associated with practice, type and frequency of physical exercises (p&lt;0.0001) and there was no association between gender and age with the use of these products (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion: The use of food supplements was related to the practice of physical exercises in university students, with prevalence of indiscriminate use, using inconsistent information about the products and also the indication of professionals who aren’t qualified for such performance

    Lack of association between genetic polymorphisms in IGF1 and IGFBP3 with twin births in a Brazilian population (Cândido Godói, Rio Grande do Sul)

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    Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is an important peptide hormone involved in the reproduction and fetal development of mammals, and it is suggested that it may influence the human twinning rate. This study aimed to test such possible association, investigating the genetic polymorphisms IGF1 (CA)n and IGFBP3 rs2854744 in the population from Candido Godoi (CG), a small city located in the South of Brazil that has a high prevalence of twin births. A case-control study was performed comprising a total of 39 cases (representing about 40% of the mothers of twins who were born in CG after 1995) and 214 controls (mothers of non-twin children), 97 of whom were living in CG while 117 were living in Porto Alegre. DNA was extracted from blood leucocytes and genotyping was performed. According to the statistical analyses, there was no significant difference in the frequencies of both studied genetic polymorphisms when comparing case group with control group. Thus, our results pointed to a lack of association between IGF1 (CA)n and IGFBP3 rs2854744 polymorphisms and twin births in CG, but further investigations in other populations with different characteristics must be performed to confirm the role of IGF-I in human twinning