4,567 research outputs found

    Accountability e controlo social

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    Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública – Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.Este artigo é uma reflexão sobre a nova fase da administração pública brasileira após as reformas da década de 1990, a criação das agências reguladoras e a tentativa de consolidação da relação das agências reguladoras com os cidadãos. O foco do artigo é tentar demonstrar que a participação social nas decisões das agências reguladoras constitui-se em importante investimento destinado a aperfeiçoar o processo de formulação e implementação de políticas públicas regulatórias. O artigo visa também esclarecer que a participação social é um elo fundamental para a boa governança, permitindo as agências reguladoras obter novas fontes de ideias relevantes, informações e recursos para a tomada de decisões. De igual importância é ressaltado que o aumento da participação social amplia o espectro da contribuição do cidadão e fortalece a construção da confiança pública nas agências reguladoras. A TIC – Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação provavelmente pode ser a solução para a ampliação da participação cidadã. Países da OCDE têm alcançado um alto nível de participação social através da utilização destas tecnologias. O fator primordial posto em pauta neste artigo é que o sucesso da implementação de um Estado regulador dependerá principalmente de um maior envolvimento da população em geral nos assuntos regulatórios e na formulação e implementação de políticas públicas regulatórias

    ‘Videogametism’: Consolidating the recognition of video games as an art form

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    Because video games are still considered ’low culture’ by many whilst being one of the most important art forms of the XXI century, this pa­per proposes a new concept for the field of game studies with the main goal of being a useful tool for the consolidation of the artistic recognition of the medium. A few countries have officially recognized video games as an art form and im­plemented legislation to support video game artists and their work; unfortunately, many gov­ernments still do not recognize this artistic field. For video games to achieve a widespread artistic legitimation it is necessary more critical thinking and institutional validation. The proposed neolo­gism – ‘videogametism’ – is an appropriation of the Eisensteinian concept of ‘cinematism’ and, as Sergei Eisenstein’s legitimation term, ‘videog­ametism’ intends to support the recognition of video game artistic status, asserting that all art forms are present in this medium and that some artistic artifacts are ‘videogamatic’

    Diffusion flames and supersonic combustion 2

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    Some problems related to the fluid dynamical and chemical phenomena appearing near the injector exit of an idealized supersonic combustion burner, are theoretically investigated. When hydrogen is injected into a coflowing supersonic stream of air,a wake-like configuration appears in most cases,improving the mixing process. It is only natural to suggest that whenever the ignition delay length, computed assuming isobaric mixing and reaction, is not much larger than the recirculation zone length, the wake will influence the ignition zone. In order to calculate the ignition delay length, the usual assumption is made that fuel and oxidizer mix without appreciable concentration change and heat release resulting from chemical reactions, although radicals, mainly atomic hydrogen, are produced. The chemical kinetics scheme is reduced to one overall chemical reaction; and the presence of radicals introduced in the mixing zone from outside is taken into account. A two-dimensional mixing zone has been considered. Although many different mechanisms will be responsible for the fortuitous or provoked production of these radicals either in real flight or in ground testing facilities, dissociation at the injector outer boundary layer is considered in this paper as the main radicals producing mechanism. As it is shown, the temperature of the injector outer wall and, to a less extent, pressure, injector length and the conditions outside of the boundary layer, control the amount of radicals introduced in the mixing layer, and hence the ignition delay length. Finally, it is shown that ignition delay lengths are, in most cases of interest, comparable to the near-wake length. The paper ends with a discussion of the main weaknesses of the work presented and with some suggestions for further work

    Assuntos polêmicos - desafios à formação Bioética de professores de Ciências e Biologia

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    O presente estudo analisou como os licenciandos lidam com temas polêmicos e como a ênfase em sua formação relaciona-se com a habilidade em tratá-los no ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Tal estudo é parte integrante de uma pesquisa mais ampla, desenvolvida em um projeto de doutorado já finalizado. A incorporação da Bioética no percurso de formação dos professores de Ciências e Biologia, numa metodologia de aprendizagem ativa, com oportunidades de lidar e tematizar dilemas ético-morais seria uma adequada maneira de prepará-los para o seu fazer docente, contribuindo na discussão de temas controversos e instrumentalizando seus alunos ao exercício de tomada de posição e a conquista da cidadania ativa

    Importance of Storytelling and Speculative Fiction in the Transition into A Posthuman Ecosystem

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    Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools the Homo sapiens species have at their disposal. Considered one of the oldest forms of art and an evolutionary adaptation for survival, storytelling will surely have an important role in the challenging transition into a posthuman ecosystem. This article argues that Homo sapiens will eventually evolve and fragment into other species much due to our natural proclivity towards enhancing technologies; we propose that empathic storytelling might be paramount to reduce otherness and othering in-between human, transhuman, and posthuman sentient beings. The importance of storytelling as a deterrent for othering future complex artificial intelligence, augmented humans, and posthuman species has not been properly explored and studied in-depth, therefore, we collected data and points of view on vital concepts pertinent to the discussion. This paper’s main goals are to contribute to the debate of storytelling and posthumanism and to understand how the action of telling empathic, appealing, and engaging stories, be it through books, moving images, or videogames could be used for the betterment of future societies and their relations. We concluded that by creating and disseminating big quantities of beautiful, touching, empathic, direct from the heart, speculative, truthful, and thought-provoking stories, in all available media, it is possible to combat the nefarious act of othering and prepare contemporary societies for the emergence of transhuman and posthuman species; we further argue that speculative fiction and audiovisual content production systematically explores concepts such as androids, artificial intelligence, cyborgs, robots, and what it means to be human, making them an efficient genre and media to achieve the above-mentioned inspiring goal of connecting people empathically and reducing future othering

    Jonas Ethics of Responsibility A Necessary Reflection in Time of Pandemic

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    This work aims to reflect about some aspects of the main work of the German philosopher Hans Jonas The Imperative of Responsibility In Search of Ethics for the Technological Age published in 1979 The Jonas Principle of Responsibility makes a critical assessment of modern technoscience considers that man started to maintain a relationship of responsibility with nature since it is under his power A new ethical proposition is needed that contemplates nature and not only the human person who also has a look not only at the present but at the future that is for future generations Thus Jonas ideas in addition to his contribution in the field of bioethics has an important contribution in environmental issues The possible impacts and imbalances that occur as a result of climate change or even the uncontrollable deforestation of the planet s already scarce forest reserves are known in addition to the repercussions on human health caused by the deterioration of the environment the Covid-19 pandemic could be a of its repercussions increasing human vulnerability and producing inequities as its effects are disproportionate among peoples around the worl

    A Framework for Profiling based on Music and Physiological State

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) is an emergent technological area with distinct chal-lenges, which has been addressed by the world research community. This disser-tation proposes the use of a knowledge-based framework capable of supporting the representation and handling of devices along with some autonomous inter-action with the human being, for creating added value and opportunities in IoT. With usability in mind, the objective lays in an attempt to characterize users’ physiological status mainly through music in a profiling approach. The idea is to produce a solution able to customize the environment by musical suggestions to the actual scenarios or mood that the users lie in. Such system can be trained to understand different physiological data to then infer musical suggestions to the users. One of the adopted methods in this work explores that thought, on whether the usage of a person’s physiological state can wield adequate sensorial stimulation to be usefully used thereafter. Another question considered in this work is whether it is possible to use such collected data to build user’s musical playlists and profile that tries to use the user’s physiological state to predict his or her emotional state with the objective to reach a well-being situation

    Jonas Ethics of Responsibility A Necessary Reflection in Time of Pandemic

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    This work aims to reflect about some aspects of the main work of the German philosopher Hans Jonas The Imperative of Responsibility In Search of Ethics for the Technological Age published in 1979 The Jonas Principle of Responsibility makes a critical assessment of modern technoscience considers that man started to maintain a relationship of responsibility with nature since it is under his power A new ethical proposition is needed that contemplates nature and not only the human person who also has a look not only at the present but at the future that is for future generations Thus Jonas ideas in addition to his contribution in the field of bioethics has an important contribution in environmental issues The possible impacts and imbalances that occur as a result of climate change or even the uncontrollable deforestation of the planet s already scarce forest reserves are known in addition to the repercussions on human health caused by the deterioration of the environment the Covid-19 pandemic could be a of its repercussions increasing human vulnerability and producing inequities as its effects are disproportionate among peoples around the worl

    Attitudes of trans and non-binary youth and parents of trans and non-binary youth toward parenting and fertility preservation

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    A investigação acerca da parentalidade em jovens trans e não-binários/as (TNB) apresenta, ainda, algumas lacunas relativamente ao desejo parental e à escolha de vias para a parentalidade desta população, bem como aos impactos de certos procedimentos de afirmação de género na sua capacidade reprodutiva. Destaca-se a preservação da fertilidade (PF), como procedimento que permite a esta população alcançar a parentalidade biológica, não deixando de ser um método que apresenta diferentes barreiras. Considerando que estes procedimentos podem ser realizados em idades cada vez mais precoces, a análise do papel dos/as pais e mães mostra-se preponderante. Assim, este estudo quantitativo propôs-se a explorar a existência de diferenças nas atitudes face à parentalidade e à PF em jovens TNB e em pais/mães de jovens TNB. Além disso, foram procuradas diferenças nestas atitudes entre adolescentes e jovens adultos/as e, por fim, entre jovens trans e jovens não-binários/as. Para este fim, foi aplicado o Questionário de Atitudes face à Fertilidade para Jovens Trans (TYFAQ) e recorreu-se a testes t de Student para amostras independentes. Participaram neste estudo 27 pais e mães de jovens TNB, com idades compreendidas entre os 38 e os 64 anos e 21 jovens trans e 12 jovens não-binários, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 30 anos. Através da análise, concluímos que, embora os/as pais/mães revelem um desejo de que os/as seus/suas filhos/as optem pela parentalidade biológica, esta via não é considerada importante. Os/As pais/mães são, globalmente, apoiantes das decisões dos/as seus/suas filhos/as, incluindo na escolha de diferentes vias para a parentalidade, além da conceção biológica (como a adoção). Os/As jovens TNB deste estudo mostraram pouco interesse na realização da PF e tanto pais/mães como jovens mencionaram a falta de conhecimento sobre este procedimento como a principal razão para não realizar a PF. Finalmente, o desejo parental de jovens TNB parece aumentar com a idade e os/as participantes trans aparentam sentir-se mais apoiados e informados em relação às questões de fertilidade do que os/as participantes não-binários/as. Dada a escassez de literatura sobre os temas analisados, este estudo foi inovador, uma vez que aplicámos um questionário nunca antes utilizado em Portugal. Por este motivo, em contextos clínicos, as conversas entre profissionais de saúde, jovens TNB, e as suas famílias podem ser apoiadas pelos nossos resultados
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