1,474 research outputs found

    Potencial Antibacteriano De Plantas Nativas Do Bioma Caatinga Frente A Staphylococcus Spp.: Isolados De Mastite Em Pequenos Ruminantes

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    The aim of the present study is to assess the antibacterial potential of plants from the Caatinga biome of the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, against Staphylococcus spp. isolates from cases of subclinical mastitis in small ruminants, such as goats and ewes. Ethanolic extracts of the following plants from the Caatinga biome were used: Encholirium spectabile Mart., Bromelia laciniosa Mart., Neoglaziovia variegata Mez., Amburana cearensis (Fr. Allem.) A.C.Smith, Hymenaea martiana Hayne, and Selaginella convoluta Spring. The presence of phenolic components, flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids was verified for all the tested extracts. The mean minimal bactericide concentrations of the extracts of E. spectabile, B. laciniosa, and N. variegate were 11,379, 11,405, and 11,995 μg/mL, respectively. The highest inhibitory activities were observed for A. cearensis and H. martiana, which inhibited 88.1 and 99.4% of the isolates, respectively. Other studies focusing on in vitro and in vivo activities should be undertaken. © 2016, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arid. All Rights Reserved.29375876

    Effect Of Fixative Type And Fixation Time On The Morphology Of Equine Preantral Ovarian Follicles

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the tissue fixatives Bouin, Carnoy and 10% Formaldehyde in equine ovarian fragments. Ovaries (n=4) from mares of mixed breeds were obtained at a local slaughterhouse and transported at 20 oC in a thermo container. Immediately after collection, the ovaries were washed with a modified PBS solution (CultilabR, Campinas-SP, Brazil) and divided into nine fragments with approximately 5x5x1 mm, removed from the parenchyma of each ovary. The ovarian fragments were then immersed in three different fixatives, Bouin (B) Carnoy (C) or 10% Formaldehyde (F) for 6, 12 or 24 hours. Each fragment was individually immersed in a 20 mL tube containing 20 times the volume of fixative solution. After this period, the fragments were held in 70% ethanol for 24 hours. Each procedure was performed in four replicates. For histological analysis, the specimens were dehydrated in increasing concentrations of alcohol, submitted to diaphanization in xylol and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 'Êm were made with the use of a rotating microtome (LeicaR type, Wetzlar, Germany), followed by slide mounting and staining with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and hematoxylin. A total of 540 slides with 1,620 sections were evaluated, which contained 465 preantral follicles that were classified as normal or degenerated. Follicles were considered as degenerated when presented at least one of the following aspects: cytoplasm retraction, pyknotic nucleus, cytoplasmic vacuoles, displacement of granulosa cells and/or disruption of the basal membrane. A logistic regression test was used for statistical analysis, and differences were considered significant when P<0.05. The Carnoy fixative, when used for 24 hours, provided the best conditions of morphological integrity (53.3%; 32/60) compared to all others, and the use of Boiun for 24 hours was considered the worst treatment (19.1%; 9/47). The other treatments lead to the following results: C12h 50% (30/60), C6 H 40% (24/60), F24h 37.8% (17/45), F12h 35.1% (13/37), F6h 32% (16/50), B12h 30.5% (18/59) and B6h 24.4% (11/45). Therefore, we suggest that fixation of equine ovarian tissue with Carnoy for 24 hours is the most suitable protocol for morphological preservation of pre-antral follicles.37124325

    Multivariate analysis of the water quality variation in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal) Natural Park as a consequence of road deicing with salt.

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    The concentration of some anions (Cl, F, NO3, and SO4), cations (Na, K, Ca, and Mg), pH and conductivity was determined in seven sampling points in the Serra da Estrela Mountains (Portugal) to verify if the application of road deicing with salt provokes impact in the water quality. Multivariate chemometric data analysis techniques of clustering and factor analysis were used. Preliminary analysis shows an overall conductivity increase in late spring and a decrease in late summer. A strong association between sodium chloride and the conductivity was observed by cluster analysis. Factor analysis supports the previous results and shows that the variation of the concentration of sodium chloride is the main source of the variance of the data along the year. In conclusion, the spreading of salt during the winter creates a local and seasonal impact on the water quality

    Methimazole associated eosinophilic pleural effusion: a case report

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Adverse reactions associated to anti-thyroid drugs include fever, rash, arthralgia, agranulocytosis and hepatitis that are thought to be hypersensitivity reactions. Five cases of pleural effusion associated to thionamides have also been reported, two with propylthiouracil and three with carbimazole. Case presentation: We report here a case of a 75-year-old man admitted because of unilateral pleural effusion. The patient had a recent diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and 6 days after starting methimazole complained of pleuritic chest pain. He had elevated C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and normal white blood cell count and liver enzymes. Chest radiography showed a moderate right pleural effusion and the ultrasound revealed a loculated effusion that was shown to be an eosinophilic exudate. Conclusions: The temporal relationship between methimazole intake and the development of pleural effusion combined with the extensive exclusion of alternative causes, namely infectious, neoplastic and primary auto-immune diseases, led to the diagnosis of hypersensitivity reaction to methimazole. The thionamide was stopped and corticosteroid was started with complete resolution of the pleural effusion in 3 months. Awareness of this rare adverse reaction of anti-thyroid drugs is important and methimazole can be added to the list of possible etiologies of drug-induced eosinophilic pleural effusion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins no submédio do vale do rio São Francisco: estabelecimento das normas DRIS

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer as normas do sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) para manga, variedade Tommy Atkins. Foram avaliados sessenta e três pomares comerciais representativos do Submédio do Vale do Rio São Francisco, no Nordeste do Brasil. A região não dispõe de um conjunto de normas de diagnose de tecidos foliares para o cultivo, sendo o diagnóstico do estado nutricional e as recomendações de fertilização baseados em faixas de teores de nutrientes em folhas de mangueira cultivadas em diferentes regiões. Foram coletadas amostras de folhas para análise química, antes da aplicação de quebradores de dormência de brotos. As normas DRIS para nutrição das plantas foram estabelecidas com base em um banco de dados criado nesta pesquisa, envolvendo os nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Essas normas foram estabelecidas considerando uma subpopulação de plantas com produção igual ou superior a 250 kg/planta, produção essa representativa para as condições ambientais da principal zona produtora de manga do país. Das noventa relações consideradas entre nutrientes, sessenta e duas foram significativas pelo teste F, das quais, quarenta e quatro foram selecionadas como normas para a cultura

    Avaliação do estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins no submédio do vale do rio São Francisco: cálculo dos índices DRIS

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    O Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação, DRIS, é uma ferramenta importante na avaliação do estado nutricional das plantas. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar o estado nutricional de pomares de mangueira Tommy Atkins no Submédio do vale do São Francisco, no Brasil, mediante o DRIS, relacionar os índices com os teores foliares de nutrientes e discriminar a ordem de limitação de cada nutriente nas subamostras de alta e de baixa produtividade. Foram amostrados sessenta e três pomares comerciais com sete ou mais anos de idade. Com os teores foliares de macro e micronutrientes foram calculados os índices DRIS, utilizando-se como referência os dados da subpopulação de alta produtividade. Os maiores valores de Índices de Balanço Nutricional médio (IBNm) verificados em pomares de baixa produtividade demonstraram o potencial deste índice na avaliação do estado nutricional da mangueira, e a necessidade de adubações mais criteriosas em tais pomares. A utilização do conceito de potencial de resposta à adubação na interpretação dos índices DRIS mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz, principalmente nos pomares de baixa produtividade, onde os desequilíbrios nutricionais foram maiores, confirmando a seqüência de deficiência a excessos, auxiliando o diagnóstico final, indicando os nutrientes que realmente estão em deficiência ou em excesso

    Qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de mangueira ("Mangifera indica" L.) var. 'Tommy Atkins' sob sistema orgânico no submédio São Francisco (Brasil)

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade pós - colheita de frutos de mangueira Tommy Atkins, cultivada sob sistema orgânico. Os frutos foram avaliados logo ao chegarem ao laboratório (0) e após armazenamento em câmara fria a 10,5º ± 1 ºC e 85,5º ± 5 % de UR, durante, 14, 28 e 42 dias após a colheita (DAC), sendo que após cada período, foram retirados da câmara fria e mantidos durante quatro dias a 21 ± 1º C e 55-65 % de UR, após o que foram caracterizados física, biológica e químicamente. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos inteiramente ao acaso. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto a: perda de água e a aparência, danos mecânicos, coloração da casca, firmeza da polpa, ocorrência de colapso interno, escurecimento de lenticelas, danos por lesões devido ao ataque de Lasiodiplodia, Colletotrichum ou por Alternaria ou por tripes; SST, ATT e o pH da polpa. As mangas estavam aptas para o consumo por volta dos 18 DAC, tempo, mais do que suficiente para se proceder ao transporte do produto até mercados distantes, como o americano e o europeu