121 research outputs found

    Nonclassical correlations of photon number and field components in the vacuum state

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    It is shown that the quantum jumps in the photon number n from zero to one or more photons induced by backaction evasion quantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component x of the vacuum light field state are strongly correlated with the quadrature component measurement results. This correlation corresponds to the operator expectation value which is equal to one fourth for the vacuum even though the photon number eigenvalue is zero. Quantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component can thus provide experimental evidence of the nonclassical operator ordering dependence of the correlations between photon number and field components in the vacuum state.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, corrections of omissions in equations (6) and (25). To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Nonclassical correlations of phase noise and photon number in quantum nondemolition measurements

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    The continuous transition from a low resolution quantum nondemolition measurement of light field intensity to a precise measurement of photon number is described using a generalized measurement postulate. In the intermediate regime, quantization appears as a weak modulation of measurement probability. In this regime, the measurement result is strongly correlated with the amount of phase decoherence introduced by the measurement interaction. In particular, the accidental observation of half integer photon numbers preserves phase coherence in the light field, while the accidental observation of quantized values increases decoherence. The quantum mechanical nature of this correlation is discussed and the implications for the general interpretation of quantization are considered.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, final version to be published in Phys. Rev. A, Clarifications of the nature of the measurement result and the noise added in section I

    Pairing of fermions in atomic traps and nuclei

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    Pairing gaps for fermionic atoms in harmonic oscillator traps are calculated for a wide range of interaction strengths and particle number, and compared to pairing in nuclei. Especially systems, where the pairing gap exceeds the level spacing but is smaller than the shell splitting ω\hbar\omega, are studied which applies to most trapped Fermi atomic systems as well as to finite nuclei. When solving the gap equation for a large trap with such multi-level pairing, one finds that the matrix elements between nearby harmonic oscillator levels and the quasi-particle energies lead to a double logarithm of the gap, and a pronounced shell structure at magic numbers. It is argued that neutron and proton pairing in nuclei belongs to the class of multi-level pairing, that their shell structure follows naturally and that the gaps scale as A1/3\sim A^{-1/3} - all in qualitative agreement with odd-even staggering of nuclear binding energies. Pairing in large systems are related to that in the bulk limit. For large nuclei the neutron and proton superfluid gaps approach the asymptotic value in infinite nuclear matter: Δ1.1\Delta\simeq 1.1 MeV.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Layered control architectures in robots and vertebrates

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    We revieiv recent research in robotics, neuroscience, evolutionary neurobiology, and ethology with the aim of highlighting some points of agreement and convergence. Specifically, we com pare Brooks' (1986) subsumption architecture for robot control with research in neuroscience demonstrating layered control systems in vertebrate brains, and with research in ethology that emphasizes the decomposition of control into multiple, intertwined behavior systems. From this perspective we then describe interesting parallels between the subsumption architecture and the natural layered behavior system that determines defense reactions in the rat. We then consider the action selection problem for robots and vertebrates and argue that, in addition to subsumption- like conflict resolution mechanisms, the vertebrate nervous system employs specialized selection mechanisms located in a group of central brain structures termed the basal ganglia. We suggest that similar specialized switching mechanisms might be employed in layered robot control archi tectures to provide effective and flexible action selection

    Spatial distribution of bivalves in relation to environmental conditions (middle Danube catchment, Hungary)

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    The spatial distribution of bivalves in relation to environmental conditions was studied along a second- and third order stream – medium-sized river (River Ipoly) – large river (River Danube) continuum in the Hungarian Danube River system. Quantitative samples were collected four times in 2007 and a total of 1662 specimens, belonging to 22 bivalve species were identified. Among these species, two are endangered (Pseudanodonta complanata, Unio crassus) and five are invasive (Dreissena polymorpha, D. rostriformis bugensis, Corbicula fluminea, C. fluminalis, Anodonta woodiana) in Hungary. The higher density presented by Pisidium subtruncatum, P. supinum, P. henslowanum and C. fluminea suggests that these species may have a key role in this ecosystem. Three different faunal groups were distinguished but no significant temporal change was detected. The lowest density and diversity with two species (P. casertanum and P. personatum) occurred in streams. The highest density and diversity was found in the River Ipoly, in the side arms of the Danube and in the main arm of the Danube with sand and silt substrate, being dominated by P. subtruncatum and P. henslowanum. Moderate density and species richness were observed in the main arm of the Danube with pebble and stone substrate, being dominated by C. fluminea and S. rivicola. Ten environmental variables were found to have significant influence on the distribution of bivalves, the strongest explanatory factors being substrate types, current velocity and sedimentological characteristics.The project was financially supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund under the contract No. OTKA T/046180. Special thanks to the DanubeIpoly National Park for the help in field work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Unitary Gas and its Symmetry Properties

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    The physics of atomic quantum gases is currently taking advantage of a powerful tool, the possibility to fully adjust the interaction strength between atoms using a magnetically controlled Feshbach resonance. For fermions with two internal states, formally two opposite spin states, this allows to prepare long lived strongly interacting three-dimensional gases and to study the BEC-BCS crossover. Of particular interest along the BEC-BCS crossover is the so-called unitary gas, where the atomic interaction potential between the opposite spin states has virtually an infinite scattering length and a zero range. This unitary gas is the main subject of the present chapter: It has fascinating symmetry properties, from a simple scaling invariance, to a more subtle dynamical symmetry in an isotropic harmonic trap, which is linked to a separability of the N-body problem in hyperspherical coordinates. Other analytical results, valid over the whole BEC-BCS crossover, are presented, establishing a connection between three recently measured quantities, the tail of the momentum distribution, the short range part of the pair distribution function and the mean number of closed channel molecules.Comment: 63 pages, 8 figures. Contribution to the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics "BEC-BCS Crossover and the Unitary Fermi gas" edited by Wilhelm Zwerger. Revised version correcting a few typo

    Genetic algorithm in ab initio protein structure prediction using low resolution model : a review

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    Proteins are sequences of amino acids bound into a linear chain that adopt a specific folded three-dimensional (3D) shape. This specific folded shape enables proteins to perform specific tasks. The protein structure prediction (PSP) by ab initio or de novo approach is promising amongst various available computational methods and can help to unravel the important relationship between sequence and its corresponding structure. This article presents the ab initio protein structure prediction as a conformational search problem in low resolution model using genetic algorithm. As a review, the essence of twin removal, intelligence in coding, the development and application of domain specific heuristics garnered from the properties of the resulting model and the protein core formation concept discussed are all highly relevant in attempting to secure the best solution