1,069 research outputs found

    Stellar Populations, Bars and Secular Evolution in Late-Type Galaxies

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    We have done a robust statistical analysis of UBV color profiles of 257 Sbc barred and unbarred galaxies. We found that there is an excess of barred galaxies among the objects with null or positive (bluish inward) color gradients, which seems to indicate that bars act as a mechanism of homogenization of the stellar population along galaxies. Moreover, the relationship found between total and bulge colors shows that, in the process of homogenization, the stellar population of bulges are getting bluer, whereas the total color of galaxies remains the same. These characteristics are expected in a secular evolutionary scenario, and seem incompatible with both the monolithic and the hierarchical scenarios for spiral galaxy formation.Comment: 2 pages, 1 table, no figures. To appear in ASP Conference Series, "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", J. G. Funes S. J. and E. M. Corsini, ed

    Older Adults’ Uptake and Adherence to Exercise Classes: Instructors’ Perspectives.

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    yesExercise classes provide a range of benefits for older adults, but adherence levels are poor. We know little of instructors’ experiences of delivering exercise classes to older adults. Semi-structured interviews, informed by the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), were conducted with instructors (n=19) delivering multi-component exercise classes to establish their perspectives on older adults’ uptake and adherence to exercise classes. Analysis revealed ‘barriers’ related to identity, choice/control, cost, venue and ‘solutions’ including providing choice, relating exercise to identity, a personal touch and social support. ‘Barriers’ to adherence included unrealistic expectations and social influences and ‘solutions’ identified were encouraging commitment, creating social cohesion and an emphasis on achieving outcomes. Older adults’ attitudes were an underlying theme, which related to all barriers and solutions. The instructor plays an important, but not isolated, role in older adults’ uptake and adherence to classes. Instructors’ perspectives help us to further understand how we can design successful exercise classes

    Effect of physical activity on mood states of 50-65 year old male and female participants

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    The physiological and psychological benefits associated with regular engagement in physical activity are well documented. Previous research has noted enhanced feelings of control, competency, self-esteem and positive social interactions alongside a wide range of health benefits. However, most research has been concerned with young adults or clinical populations, while gender differences are rarely reported. This study aimed to investigate the effect of physical activity on mood states of older adults (50-65 year olds) in relation to gender (males versus females). A purposive sample of one hundred and sixty participants (males, n=80; females, n=80) was recruited from leisure centres across the Buckinghamshire region. All participants engaged in physical activity on average twice per week. One physical activity session was selected for investigation. Participants provided informed consent and completed the 20-scale Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS; Watson et al., 1988) prior to, and immediately after, the designated physical activity session. This scale investigated feelings and emotions. Participants’ responses were rated using a 5-point Likert scale. One-way ANOVA revealed lower mean scores for positive affect following physical activity in males (36.6 versus 32.5; P=0.002) and females (31.75 versus 28.37; P=0.03). Male scores following physical activity were significantly lower compared to females (-4.3 and -3.37, respectively). These results suggest that physical activity brings about positive affect in both males and females of 50-65 years of age, with males experiencing greater improvements in mood states. It appears that the positive mood changes associated with physical activity previously noted in the young and clinical patients also exist in the 50-65 year old population group. These findings call for a more concerted effort to engage older adults in regular physical activity

    Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das técnicas alternadas de nado

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    Há um conjunto de tarefas-tipo que são recorrentemente citadas na literatura mais técnica como se especulando ser as mais eficazes para a apropriação das técnicas da NPD. Ainda assim, é vulgar a comunidade técnica propor aos alunos tarefas de ensino diferenciadas, que é como quem diz mais alternativas. É objectivo deste trabalho discorrer sobre as características das tarefas alternativas de ensino nas técnicas alternadas, propor um modelo taxionómico, apontar as principais vantagens e desvantagens e apresentar algumas tarefas neste âmbito para o ensino das técnicas de nado alternada

    Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das partidas e das viragens em natação

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    Quer no contexto educativo quer no contexto competitivo, grande parte do tempo das sessões de natação é despendida no ensino e aperfeiçoamento do momento de nado. No entanto, o contributo da partida e das viragens para o rendimento final também é significativo. Adicionalmente, a aplicação constante das tarefas denominadas “clássicas” tendem a originar constrangimentos que poderão afetar um saudável processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, tem sido vulgar a criação de tarefas “alternativas” que facilitem a assimilação dos conteúdos propostos. Pretendeu-se com este trabalho apresentar uma seleção de exercícios “alternativos” para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das partidas e das viragens em natação

    A adaptação ao meio aquático com recurso a situações lúdicas

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    Um programa introdutório às actividades aquáticas implica um processo de familiarização e adaptação com o meio aquático. Estes programas introdutórios têm uma forte adesão por parte de alunos na faixa dos três até meados dos seis ou sete anos de idade. Durante décadas os modelos de ensino-aprendizagem da adaptação ao meio aquático propostos caracterizavamse por estilos de ensino mais rígidos e formais. Hoje em dia, os estilos de ensino na adaptação ao meio aquático acompanham a tendência de outras actividades aquáticas e inclusive paradigmas de ensino alicerçados na componente lúdica e no jogo. Um estilo de ensino mais lúdico fundamenta-se na proposta de uma tarefa com um determinado objectivo onde podem existir múltiplas soluções correctas. Ora dada a faixa etária a que se destinam a maioria dos programas de adaptação ao meio aquático, este estilo de ensino menos formatado, que dê uma maior liberdade criativa ao aluno será uma mais-valia. Foi objectivo deste trabalho propor uma selecção de jogos aquáticos de índole educativa para serem apresentados num programa de adaptação ao meio aquático com crianças e jovens

    Tarefas alternativas para o ensino e aperfeiçoamento das técnicas alternadas de nado

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    Há um conjunto de tarefas-tipo que são recorrentemente citadas na literatura mais técnica como se especulando ser as mais eficazes para a apropriação das técnicas da NPD. Ainda assim, é vulgar a comunidade técnica propor aos alunos tarefas de ensino diferenciadas, que é como quem diz mais alternativas. É objectivo deste trabalho discorrer sobre as características das tarefas alternativas de ensino nas técnicas alternadas, propor um modelo taxionómico, apontar as principais vantagens e desvantagens e apresentar algumas tarefas neste âmbito para o ensino das técnicas de nado alternadas

    Agreement between different methods to measure the active drag coefficient in front-crawl swimming

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the agreement of the active drag coefficient measured through drag and propulsion methods. The sample was composed of 18 swimmers (nine boys: 15.9 ± 0.9 years; nine girls: 15.3 ± 1.2 years) recruited from a national swimming team. The velocity perturbation method was used as the drag measurement system and the Aquanex system as the propulsion system. For both sexes combined, the frontal surface area was 0.1128 ± 0.016 m2, swim velocity 1.54 ± 0.13 m∙s-1, active drag 62.81 ± 11.37 N, propulsion 68.81 ± 12.41 N. The level of the active drag coefficient agreement was calculated based on the mean values comparison, simple linear regression, and Bland Altman plots. The mean data comparison revealed non-significant differences (p > 0.05) between methods to measure the active drag coefficient. Both the linear regression (R2 = 0.82, p < 0.001) and Bland Altman plots revealed a very high agreement. The active drag coefficient should be the main outcome used in the interpretation of the swimmers’ hydrodynamic profile, because it is less sensitive to swimming velocity. Coaches and researchers should be aware that the active drag coefficient can also be calculated based on propulsion methods and not just based on drag methods. Thus, the swimming community can now use different equipment to measure the hydrodynamics of their swimmersThis work was supported by national funds (FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project UIDB/DTP/04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution in swimming "science" research

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    Swimming seems to be one of the sports more studied . More than one decade ago, Clarys (1996) made an content analysis of the research about swimming. However, in these last 13 years several developments happened in the aquatic activities