2,296 research outputs found

    Towards a method for rigorous development of generic requirements patterns

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    We present work in progress on a method for the engineering, validation and verification of generic requirements using domain engineering and formal methods. The need to develop a generic requirement set for subsequent system instantiation is complicated by the addition of the high levels of verification demanded by safety-critical domains such as avionics. Our chosen application domain is the failure detection and management function for engine control systems: here generic requirements drive a software product line of target systems. A pilot formal specification and design exercise is undertaken on a small (twosensor) system element. This exercise has a number of aims: to support the domain analysis, to gain a view of appropriate design abstractions, for a B novice to gain experience in the B method and tools, and to evaluate the usability and utility of that method.We also present a prototype method for the production and verification of a generic requirement set in our UML-based formal notation, UML-B, and tooling developed in support. The formal verification both of the structural generic requirement set, and of a particular application, is achieved via translation to the formal specification language, B, using our U2B and ProB tools

    Fatty-acid uptake in prostate cancer cells using dynamic microfluidic raman technology

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    It is known that intake of dietary fatty acid (FA) is strongly correlated with prostate cancer progression but is highly dependent on the type of FAs. High levels of palmitic acid (PA) or arachidonic acid (AA) can stimulate the progression of cancer. In this study, a unique experimental set-up consisting of a Raman microscope, coupled with a commercial shear-flow microfluidic system is used to monitor fatty acid uptake by prostate cancer (PC-3) cells in real-time at the single cell level. Uptake of deuterated PA, deuterated AA, and the omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were monitored using this new system, while complementary flow cytometry experiments using Nile red staining, were also conducted for the validation of the cellular lipid uptake. Using this novel experimental system, we show that DHA and EPA have inhibitory effects on the uptake of PA and AA by PC-3 cells

    Nonequilibrium Temperature and Thermometry in Heat-Conducting Phi-4 Models

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    We analyze temperature and thermometry for simple nonequilibrium heat-conducting models. We show in detail, for both two- and three-dimensional systems, that the ideal gas thermometer corresponds to the concept of a local instantaneous mechanical kinetic temperature. For the Phi-4 models investigated here the mechanical temperature closely approximates the local thermodynamic equilibrium temperature. There is a significant difference between kinetic temperature and the nonlocal configurational temperature. Neither obeys the predictions of extended irreversible thermodynamics. Overall, we find that kinetic temperature, as modeled and imposed by the Nos\'e-Hoover thermostats developed in 1984, provides the simplest means for simulating, analyzing, and understanding nonequilibrium heat flows.Comment: 20 pages with six figures, revised following review at Physical Review

    Habitat Use by Middle Mississippi River Pallid Sturgeon

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    Little is known about the habitat preferences and needs of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus, which was federally listed as endangered in 1990. To learn more about habitat use and selection by pallid sturgeon, sonic transmitters were surgically implanted in 27 individuals from the middle Mississippi River. Study fish were located 184 times (1ā€“23 times/individual) from November 1995 to December 1999. Of the seven macrohabitats identified, pallid sturgeon were found most often in main-channel habitats (39% of all relocations) and main-channel border habitats (26%); the between-wing-dam habitats were used less often (14%). Straussā€™s linear selectivity index (Li) values indicated that study fish exhibited positive selection for the main-channel border, downstream island tips, between-wing-dam, and wing-dam-tip habitats; they showed negative selection for main-channel, downstream of wing dams, and upstream of wing dam habitats. Comparison of Li values for four temperature ranges and three daily mean discharge ranges revealed little change in habitat selection due to temperature or discharge. Habitat use patterns also were similar across seasons and discharge regimes, except during spring months when between-wingdam habitats saw greater use and main-channel and main-channel border habitat use declined. These changes may have been a response to high river stages associated with spring flooding, which may create favorable feeding areas in the between-wing-dam habitats. Enhancement and restoration of habitat diversity, particularly downstream island tip and between-wing-dam habitats, may be necessary for the recovery of pallid sturgeon in the middle Mississippi River

    Energy representation for out-of-equilibrium Brownian-like systems: steady states and fluctuation relations

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    Stochastic dynamics in the energy representation is employed as a method to study non-equilibrium Brownian-like systems. It is shown that the equation of motion for the energy of such systems can be taken in the form of the Langevin equation with multiplicative noise. Properties of the steady states are examined by solving the Fokker-Planck equation for the energy distribution functions. The generalized integral fluctuation theorem is deduced for the systems characterized by the shifted probability flux operator. There are a number of entropy and fluctuation relations such as the Hatano-Sasa identity and the Jarzynski's equality that follow from this theorem.Comment: revtex4-1, 18 pages, extended discussion, references adde

    Geometric integrator for Langevin systems with quaternion-based rotational degrees of freedom and hydrodynamic interactions

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    We introduce new Langevin-type equations describing the rotational and translational motion of rigid bodies interacting through conservative and non-conservative forces, and hydrodynamic coupling. In the absence of non-conservative forces the Langevin-type equations sample from the canonical ensemble. The rotational degrees of freedom are described using quaternions, the lengths of which are exactly preserved by the stochastic dynamics. For the proposed Langevin-type equations, we construct a weak 2nd order geometric integrator which preserves the main geometric features of the continuous dynamics. The integrator uses Verlet-type splitting for the deterministic part of Langevin equations appropriately combined with an exactly integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate both the new Langevin model and the numerical method for it, as well as to demonstrate how inertia and the coupling of rotational and translational motion can introduce qualitatively distinct behaviours

    Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and lifeā€history traits

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    Sexual selection and sexual conflict are expected to affect all aspects of the phenotype, not only traits that are directly involved in reproduction. Here, we show coordinated evolution of multiple physiological and life-history traits in response to long-term experimental manipulation of the mating system in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Development time was extended under polyandry relative to monogamy in both sexes, potentially due to higher investment in traits linked to sexual selection and sexual conflict. Individuals (especially males) evolving under polyandry had higher metabolic rates and locomotor activity than those evolving under monogamy. Polyandry individuals also invested more in metabolites associated with increased endurance capacity and efficient energy metabolism and regulation, namely lipids and glycogen. Finally, polyandry males were less desiccation- and starvation resistant than monogamy males, suggesting trade-offs between resistance and sexually selected traits. Our results provide experimental evidence that mating systems can impose selection that influences the evolution of non-sexual phenotypes such as development, activity, metabolism and nutrient homeostasis

    Preparation of anti-vicinal amino alcohols: asymmetric synthesis of D-erythro-Sphinganine, (+)-spisulosine and D-ribo-phytosphingosine

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    Two variations of the Overman rearrangement have been developed for the highly selective synthesis of anti-vicinal amino alcohol natural products. A MOM-ether directed palladium(II)-catalyzed rearrangement of an allylic trichloroacetimidate was used as the key step for the preparation of the protein kinase C inhibitor D-erythro-sphinganine and the antitumor agent (+)-spisulosine, while the Overman rearrangement of chiral allylic trichloroacetimidates generated by asymmetric reduction of an alpha,beta-unsaturated methyl ketone allowed rapid access to both D-ribo-phytosphingosine and L-arabino-phytosphingosine
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