1,424 research outputs found

    Investigation of air solubility in jet A fuel at high pressures

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    The solubility and density properties of saturated mixtures of fuels and gases were measured. The fuels consisted of Jet A and dodecane, the gases were air and nitrogen. The test range included pressures of 1.03 to 10.34 MPa and temperatures of 298 to 373 K. The results were correlated successfully, using the Soave equation of state. Over this test range, dissolved gas concentrations were roughly proportional to pressure and increased slightly with increasing temperature. Mixture density was relatively independent of dissolved gas concentration

    Bond Orientational Order, Molecular Motion and Free Energy of High Density DNA Mesophases

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    By equilibrating condensed DNA arrays against reservoirs of known osmotic stress and examining them with several structural probes, it has been possible to achieve a detailed thermodynamic and structural characterization of the change between two distinct regions on the liquid crystalline phase digram: a higher-density hexagonally packed region with long-range bond orientational order in the plane perpendicular to the average molecular direction; and a lower-density cholesteric region with fluid-like positional order. X-rays scattering on highly ordered DNA arrays at high density and with the helical axis oriented parallel to the incoming beam showed a six-fold azimuthal modulation of the first order diffraction peak that reflects the macroscopic bond-orientational order. Transition to the less-dense cholesteric phase through osmotically controlled swelling shows the loss of this bond orientational order that had been expected from the change in optical birefringence patterns and that is consistent with a rapid onset of molecular positional disorder. This change in motion was previously inferred from intermolecular force measurements and is now confirmed by 31P\rm ^{31}P NMR. Controlled reversible swelling and compaction under osmotic stress, spanning a range of densities between 120\sim 120 mg/ml to 600\sim 600 mg/ml, allows measurement of the free energy changes throughout each phase and at the phase transition, essential information for theories of liquid-crystalline states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures in gif format available at http://abulafia.mgsl.dcrt.nih.gov/pics.html E-mail: [email protected]

    PoseDiffusion: solving pose estimation via diffusion-aided bundle adjustment

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    Camera pose estimation is a long-standing computer vision problem that to date often relies on classical methods, such as handcrafted keypoint matching, RANSAC and bundle adjustment. In this paper, we propose to formulate the Structure from Motion (SfM) problem inside a probabilistic diffusion framework, modelling the conditional distribution of camera poses given input images. This novel view of an old problem has several advantages. (i) The nature of the diffusion framework mirrors the iterative procedure of bundle adjustment. (ii) The formulation allows a seamless integration of geometric constraints from epipolar geometry. (iii) It excels in typically difficult scenarios such as sparse views with wide baselines. (iv) The method can predict intrinsics and extrinsics for an arbitrary amount of images. We demonstrate that our method PoseDiffusion significantly improves over the classic SfM pipelines and the learned approaches on two real-world datasets. Finally, it is observed that our method can generalize across datasets without further training. Project page: https://posediffusion.github.io

    Impact of Gene-Gender Effects of Adrenergic Polymorphisms on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity in Depressed Patients

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    Objective: There is overwhelming evidence that activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system plays a major role in depression and cardiovascular disease in genetically susceptible individuals. We hypothesized that due to the multiple interactions between the sympathetic and the HPA systems via adrenoceptors, polymorphisms in these genes could have an impact on HPA axis activity in major depression. Methods: Using the dexamethasone/corticotrophin-releasing hormone (DEX/CRH) test, we investigated the association of alpha 2-adrenoceptor (ADRA2A -1291C -> G) and the beta 2-adrenoceptor gene (ADRB2 Arg16Gly) in 189 patients with major depression during the acute state of the disease and after remission. Results: Male ADRA2A -1291G allele homozygotes showed significant pretreatment HPA axis hyperactivity, with increased adrenocorticotropin (ACTH; F = 4.9, d.f. = 2, p = 0.009) and cortisol responses (F = 6.4, d.f. = 2, p = 0.003). In contrast, female ADRB2 Arg/Arg homozygotes had increased pretreatment ACTH (F = 7.17, d.f. = 2, p = 0.001) and cortisol (F = 8.95, d.f. = 2, p = 0.000) levels. Interestingly, in the respective genotypes, the stress hormones remained elevated in the second DEX/CRH test, despite a reduction in depressive symptoms. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that, depending on gender and polymorphisms, there is continuous HPA axis overdrive in a proportion of patients irrespective of the status of depression. Considering the importance of stress hormones for cardiovascular disorders, our data might suggest that these patients are at high risk of comorbidity between depression and cardiovascular disorders. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets I. HD330075 b: a new 'hot Jupiter'

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    We report on the first extra-solar planet discovered with the brand new HARPS instrument. The planet is a typical 'hot Jupiter' with m2sini = 0.62 MJup and an orbital period of 3.39 days, but from the photometric follow-up of its parent star HD330075 we can exclude the presence of a transit. The induced radial-velocity variations exceed 100 m/s in semi-amplitude and are easily detected by state-of-the-art spectro-velocimeters. Nevertheless, the faint magnitude of the parent star (V = 9.36) benefits from the efficient instrument: With HARPS less than 10 observing nights and 3 hours of total integration time were needed to discover the planet and characterize its orbit. The orbital parameters determined from the observations made during the first HARPS run in July 2003 have been confirmed by 7 additional observations carried out in February 2004. The bisector analysis and a photometric follow-up give no hint for activity-induced radial-velocity variations, indicating that the velocity curve is best explained by the presence of a low-mass companion to the star. In this paper we present a set of 21 measurements of excellent quality with weighted rms as low as 2.0 m/s. These measurements lead to a well defined orbit and consequently to the precise orbital parameters determination of the extra-solar planet HD330075b.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysics, see also http://obswww.unige.ch/~udry/planet/planet.htm

    Not all surveillance data are created equal—A multi‐method dynamic occupancy approach to determine rabies elimination from wildlife

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    1. A necessary component of elimination programmes for wildlife disease is effective surveillance. The ability to distinguish between disease freedom and non‐detection can mean the difference between a successful elimination campaign and new epizootics. Understanding the contribution of different surveillance methods helps to optimize and better allocate effort and develop more effective surveillance programmes. 2. We evaluated the probability of rabies virus elimination (disease freedom) in an enzootic area with active management using dynamic occupancy modelling of 10 years of raccoon rabies virus (RABV) surveillance data (2006–2015) collected from three states in the eastern United States. We estimated detection probability of RABV cases for each surveillance method (e.g. strange acting reports, roadkill, surveillance‐trapped animals, nuisance animals and public health samples) used by the USDA National Rabies Management Program. 3. Strange acting, found dead and public health animals were the most likely to detect RABV when it was present, and generally detectability was higher in fall– winter compared to spring–summer. Found dead animals in fall–winter had the highest detection at 0.33 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.48). Nuisance animals had the lowest detection probabilities (~0.02). 4. Areas with oral rabies vaccination (ORV) management had reduced occurrence probability compared to enzootic areas without ORV management. RABV occurrence was positively associated with deciduous and mixed forests and medium to high developed areas, which are also areas with higher raccoon (Procyon lotor) densities. By combining occupancy and detection estimates we can create a probability of elimination surface that can be updated seasonally to provide guidance on areas managed for wildlife disease. 5. Synthesis and applications. Wildlife disease surveillance is often comprised of a combination of targeted and convenience‐based methods. Using a multi‐method analytical approach allows us to compare the relative strengths of these methods, providing guidance on resource allocation for surveillance actions. Applying this multi‐method approach in conjunction with dynamic occupancy analyses better informs management decisions by understanding ecological drivers of disease occurrence