1,390 research outputs found

    OH measurement by laser light absorption

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    Since the first attempt to measure atmospheric hydroxyl radicals by optical absorption in 1975 (Perner et al., 1976) this method has been continuously developed further and its major obstacles and limitations are known today. The laser beam needs to be expanded in order to reduce the beam divergence. At the same time the energy density of the laser beam which produces OH via ozone photolysis is reduced to such an extent that the self-produced OH concentration ranges well below the atmospheric value. Atmospheric absorptions should be observed over a wide spectral range so that not only the OH radicals are properly identified by several rotational lines but their absorption can be corrected for interfering absorptions from other air constituents as SO2, CH2O, CS2, etc., which can be identified in a wide spectral range with more confidence. Air turbulence demands fast spectral scanning or probing on and off the absorption line. Energy requirements should be kept small in field operations. In the experiment frequency doubled dye laser pulses at 308 nm are produced. The picosecond light pulses are expected to show a smooth profile (light intensity against wavelength) which will be broadened to the required spectral width according to the uncertainty principle. The pump laser will be an optoacoustically modulated Nd:YAG laser

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    The role of bromine and chlorine chemistry for arctic ozone depletion events in Ny-Ã…lesund and comparison with model calculations

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    International audienceDuring the Arctic Tropospheric Ozone Chemistry (ARCTOC) campaigns at Ny-Ã…lesund, Spitsbergen, the role of halogens in the depletion of boundary layer ozone was investigated. In spring 1995 and 1996 up to 30 ppt bromine monoxide were found whenever ozone decreased from normal levels of about 40 ppb. Those main trace gases and others were specifically followed in the UV-VIS spectral region by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) along light paths running between 20 and 475 m a.s.l.. The daily variation of peroxy radicals closely followed the ozone photolysis rate J(O3(O1D)) in the absence of ozone depletion most of the time. However, during low ozone events this close correlation was no longer found because the measurement of radicals by chemical amplification (CA) turned out to be sensitive to peroxy radicals and ClOx. Large CA signals at night can sometimes definitely be assigned to ClOx and reached up to 2 ppt. Total bromine and iodine were both stripped quantitatively from air by active charcoal traps and measured after neutron activation of the samples. Total bromine increased from background levels of about 15 ppt to a maximum of 90 ppt during an event of complete ozone depletion. For the spring season a strong source of bromine is identified in the pack ice region according to back trajectories. Though biogenic emission sources cannot be completely ruled out, a primary activation of halogenides by various oxidants seems to initiate an efficient autocatalytic process, mainly driven by ozone and light, on ice and perhaps on aerosols. Halogenides residing on pack ice surfaces are continuously oxidised by hypohalogenous acids releasing bromine and chlorine into the air. During transport and especially above open water this air mixes with upper layer pristine air. As large quantities of bromine, often in the form of BrO, have been observed at polar sunrise also around Antarctica, its release seems to be a natural phenomenon. The source strength of bromine from halogen activation on the pack ice, as based on the measured inorganic bromine levels, averages about 1012 Br-atoms m-2 s-1 during sunlit periods in Arctic spring. The total source strength of inorganic bromine from sunlit polar regions may therefore amount to 30 kt y-1

    Stratospheric OClO and NO2 measured by groundbased UV/Vis-spectroscopy in Greenland in January and February 1990 and 1991

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    Groundbased UV/Vis-spectroscopy of zenith scattered sunlight was performed at Sondre Stromfjord (Greenland) during Jan/Feb 1990 and Jan/Feb 1991. Considerable amounts of OClO were observed during both campaigns. Maximum OClO vertical column densities at 92 deg solar zenith angle (SZA) were 7.4 x 10(exp 13) molec/sq cm in 1990 and 5.7 x 10(exp 13) molec/sq cm in 1991 (chemical enhancement is included in the calculation of the air mass factor (AMF)). A threshold seems to exist for OClO detection: OClO was detected on every day when the potential vorticity at the 475 K level of potential temperature was higher than 35 x 10(exp -6)Km(exp 2)kg(exp -1)s(exp -1). NO2 vertical columns lower than 1 x 10(exp 15) molec/sq cm were frequently observed in both winters

    A new actinic flux 4?-spectroradiometer: Instrument design and application to clear sky and broken cloud conditions

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    International audienceA new 4p-spectroradiometer was developed for measuring actinic flux especially under cloudy conditions based on a fixed grating imaging spectrograph and a CCD-detector leading to a simultaneous measurement of the spectrum. The new instrument incorporates a novel optical head with a 4p-field of view independent of angle of incidence. Comparisons with the actinic flux spectroradiometer of the Institute of Atmospheric Chemistry of Forschungszentrum Jülich showed a very good agreement within the limit of the uncertainties of the two instruments. Our spectroradiometer was applied to investigate the effects of broken clouds on the actinic flux and photolysis frequencies on the ground during the BERLIOZ campaign. Reductions as well as enhancements compared to the clear sky case were seen, both effects are larger in the UV-A than the UV-B spectral region. Furthermore the new instrument was used for simultaneous measurements in different altitudes on a tower to study the transmission and attenuation of actinic flux in low clouds. A correlation of attenuation with the simultaneously measured liquid water content of the cloud was found

    Desigualdades sociais entre vizinhanças e doenças cardiovasculares: Análise multinível em uma cidade latino-americana

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    Studies analyzing relations between cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and environmental aspects in Latin American cities are relatively recent and limited, since most of them are conducted in high-income countries, analyzing mortality outcomes, and comprising large areas. This research focuses on adults with diabetes and/ or hypertension under clinical follow-up who live in deprived areas. At the individual level we evaluated sociodemographic and cardiovascular risk factors from patient’s records, and at the neighborhood level, socioeconomic conditions from census data. A multilevel analysis was carried out to study CVD. More women than men were under clinical follow-up, but men had higher frequency, higher odds, and shorter time to CVD diagnosis. Multilevel analysis showed that residing in neighborhoods with worst socioeconomic conditions leads to higher odds of CVDs, even after controlling for individual variables: OR (CI95%) of CVD in quartile 2 (Q2) 3.9 (1.2-12.1); Q3 4.0 (1.3-12.3); Q4 2.3 (0.7-8.0) (vs. highest socioeconomic level quartile). Among individuals living in unequal contexts, we found differences in CVD, which makes visible inequalities within inequalities. Differences between women and men should be considered through a gender perspective.Os estudos que analisam as relações entre doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) e aspectos ambientais em cidades latino-americanas são relativamente recentes e limitados. A maioria é realizada em países de alta renda analisando a mortalidade em grandes áreas. Esta investigação foca a população de adultos em acompanhamento clínico por diabetes e/ou hipertensão residentes em áreas carentes. No nível individual foram avaliados fatores sociodemográficos e de risco cardiovascular a partir dos prontuários médicos; e a partir de dados censitários, as condições socioeconômicas no nível da vizinhança. Mais mulheres do que homens estavam sob acompanhamento clínico, mas os homens apresentaram maior frequência, maior chance e menor tempo para diagnóstico de DCV. A análise multinível mostrou que residir em bairros com piores condições socioeconômicas leva a maiores chances de DCV, mesmo após o controle de variáveis individuais. As OR (IC95%) de DCV foram: Q2 OR 3,9 (1,2-12,1); Q3 OR 4,0 (1,3-12,3); Q4 OR 2,3 (0,7-8,0) (referência: quartil de maior nível socioeconômico). Entre os indivíduos que vivem em contextos desiguais, encontramos diferenças nas DCV, mostrando desigualdades dentro das desigualdades. Diferenças entre homens e mulheres devem ser abordadas com uma perspectiva de gênero.Fil: Perner, Mónica Serena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Rectorado. Instituto de Salud Colectiva; ArgentinaFil: Alazraqui, Marcio. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Rectorado. Instituto de Salud Colectiva; ArgentinaFil: Amorim, Leila D. Universidade Federal da Bahia; Brasi

    Lymphoproliferative disorders in non-AIDS associated Kaposi's sarcoma

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    The association of the non-AIDS-related, classic fonn of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) with secondary malignancies, especially Iymphoproliferative disorders, has frequently been noted. However, in endemic: African-type KS, such an association has been reported only rarely. A review of 62 non-AIDS-related cases of KS treated and followed up at Johannesburg General Hospital between 1980 and 1992 revealed 8 patients (13%)'in whom KS was associated with malignant Iymphoproliferative disorders. The prevalence of secondary Iymphoproliferative disorders was not significantly different among patients with classic KS (3/15; 20%) when compared with those who had African KS (4/47; 8%). In both forms of KS subtle disturbances of immunity have been described which may play a role in the pathogenesis of secondary Iymphoproliferative disorders, although the factors responsible and the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in malignant lymphoid transfonnation in these patients have not been fully elucidated
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