5,324 research outputs found

    Quantum cascade laser light propagation through hollow silica waveguides

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    In this paper, the transmission characteristics of hollow silica waveguides with bore diameters of 300 and 1000 μm are investigated using a 7.8-μm quantum cascade laser system. We show that the bore diameter, coiling and launch conditions have an impact on the number of supported modes in the waveguide. Experimental verification of theoretical predictions is achieved using a thermal imaging camera to monitor output intensity distributions from waveguides under a range of conditions. The thermal imaging camera allowed for more detailed images than could be obtained with a conventionally used beam profiler. The results show that quasi-single-mode transmission is achievable under certain conditions although guided single-mode transmission in coiled waveguides requires a smaller bore diameter-to-wavelength ratio than is currently available. Assessment of mode population is made by investigating the spatial frequency content of images recorded at the waveguide output using Fourier transform techniques

    Perspective: Current advances in solid-state NMR spectroscopy

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    In contrast to the rapid and revolutionary impact of solution-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) on modern chemistry, the field of solid-state NMR has matured more slowly. This reflects the major technical challenges of much reduced spectral resolution and sensitivity in solid-state as compared to solution-state spectra, as well as the relative complexity of the solid state. In this perspective, we outline the technique developments that have pushed resolution to intrinsic limits and the approaches, including ongoing major developments in the field of Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation, that have enhanced spectral sensitivity. The information on local structure and dynamics that can be obtained using these gains in sensitivity and resolution is illustrated with a diverse range of examples from large biomolecules to energy materials and pharmaceuticals and from both ordered and highly disordered materials. We discuss how parallel developments in quantum chemical calculation, particularly density functional theory, have enabled experimental data to be translated directly into information on local structure and dynamics, giving rise to the developing field of “NMR crystallography

    Spatiotemporal dispersion and wave envelopes with relativistic and pseudorelativistic characteristics

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    A generic nonparaxial model for pulse envelopes is presented. Classic Schro¨dinger-type descriptions of wave propagation have their origins in slowly-varying envelopes combined with a Galilean boost to the local time frame. By abandoning these two simplifications, a picture of pulse evolution emerges in which frame-of-reference considerations and space-time transformations take center stage. A wide range of effects, analogous to those in special relativity, then follows for both linear and nonlinear systems. Explicit demonstration is presented through exact bright and dark soliton pulse solutions

    Blending of nanoscale and microscale in uniform large-area sculptured thin-film architectures

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    The combination of large thickness (>3>3 μ\mum), large--area uniformity (75 mm diameter), high growth rate (up to 0.4 μ\mum/min) in assemblies of complex--shaped nanowires on lithographically defined patterns has been achieved for the first time. The nanoscale and the microscale have thus been blended together in sculptured thin films with transverse architectures. SiOx_x (x2x\approx 2) nanowires were grown by electron--beam evaporation onto silicon substrates both with and without photoresist lines (1--D arrays) and checkerboard (2--D arrays) patterns. Atomic self--shadowing due to oblique--angle deposition enables the nanowires to grow continuously, to change direction abruptly, and to maintain constant cross--sectional diameter. The selective growth of nanowire assemblies on the top surfaces of both 1--D and 2--D arrays can be understood and predicted using simple geometrical shadowing equations.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Wave envelopes with second-order spatiotemporal dispersion : I. Bright Kerr solitons and cnoidal waves

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    We propose a simple scalar model for describing pulse phenomena beyond the conventional slowly-varying envelope approximation. The generic governing equation has a cubic nonlinearity and we focus here mainly on contexts involving anomalous group-velocity dispersion. Pulse propagation turns out to be a problem firmly rooted in frames-of-reference considerations. The transformation properties of the new model and its space-time structure are explored in detail. Two distinct representations of exact analytical solitons and their associated conservation laws (in both integral and algebraic forms) are presented, and a range of new predictions is made. We also report cnoidal waves of the governing nonlinear equation. Crucially, conventional pulse theory is shown to emerge as a limit of the more general formulation. Extensive simulations examine the role of the new solitons as robust attractors

    Vacuum spacetimes of embedding class two

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    Doubt is cast on the much quoted results of Yakupov that the torsion vector in embedding class two vacuum space-times is necessarily a gradient vector and that class 2 vacua of Petrov type III do not exist. The rst result is equivalent to the fact that the two second fundamental forms associated with the embedding necessarily commute and has been assumed in most later investigations of class 2 vacuum space-times. Yakupov stated the result without proof, but hinted that it followed purely algebraically from his identity: Rijkl Ckl = 0 where Cij is the commutator of the two second fundamental forms of the embedding.From Yakupov's identity, it is shown that the only class two vacua with non-zero commutator Cij must necessarily be of Petrov type III or N. Several examples are presented of non-commuting second fundamental forms that satisfy Yakupovs identity and the vacuum condition following from the Gauss equation; both Petrov type N and type III examples occur. Thus it appears unlikely that his results could follow purely algebraically. The results obtained so far do not constitute denite counter-examples to Yakupov's results as the non-commuting examples could turn out to be incompatible with the Codazzi and Ricci embedding equations. This question is currently being investigated

    Wave envelopes with second-order spatiotemporal dispersion: II. Modulational instabilities and dark Kerr solitons

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    A simple scalar model for describing spatiotemporal dispersion of pulses, beyond the classic “slowly-varying envelopes + Galilean boost” approach, is studied. The governing equation has a cubic nonlinearity and we focus here mainly on contexts with normal group-velocity dispersion. A complete analysis of continuous waves is reported, including their dispersion relations and modulational instability characteristics. We also present a detailed derivation of exact analytical dark solitons, obtained by combining direct-integration methods with geometrical transformations. Classic results from conventional pulse theory are recovered as-ymptotically from the spatiotemporal formulation. Numerical simulations test new theoretical predictions for modulational instability, and examine the robustness of spatiotemporal dark solitons against perturbations to their local pulse shape

    Experts' Judgments of Management Journal Quality:An Identity Concerns Model

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    Many lists that purport to gauge the quality of journals in management and organization studies (MOS) are based on the judgments of experts in the field. This article develops an identity concerns model (ICM) that suggests that such judgments are likely to be shaped by the personal and social identities of evaluators. The model was tested in a study in which 168 editorial board members rated 44 MOS journals. In line with the ICM, respondents rated journal quality more highly to the extent that a given journal reflected their personal concerns (associated with having published more articles in that journal) and the concerns of a relevant ingroup (associated with membership of the journal’s editorial board or a particular disciplinary or geographical background). However, judges’ ratings of journals in which they had published were more favorable when those journals had a low-quality reputation, and their ratings of journals that reflected their geographical and disciplinary affiliations were more favorable when those journals had a high-quality reputation. The findings are thus consistent with the view that identity concerns come to the fore in journal ratings when there is either a need to protect against personal identity threat or a meaningful opportunity to promote social identity