220 research outputs found

    Helium-3 and Helium-4 acceleration by high power laser pulses for hadron therapy

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    The laser driven acceleration of ions is considered a promising candidate for an ion source for hadron therapy of oncological diseases. Though proton and carbon ion sources are conventionally used for therapy, other light ions can also be utilized. Whereas carbon ions require 400 MeV per nucleon to reach the same penetration depth as 250 MeV protons, helium ions require only 250 MeV per nucleon, which is the lowest energy per nucleon among the light ions. This fact along with the larger biological damage to cancer cells achieved by helium ions, than that by protons, makes this species an interesting candidate for the laser driven ion source. Two mechanisms (Magnetic Vortex Acceleration and hole-boring Radiation Pressure Acceleration) of PW-class laser driven ion acceleration from liquid and gaseous helium targets are studied with the goal of producing 250 MeV per nucleon helium ion beams that meet the hadron therapy requirements. We show that He3 ions, having almost the same penetration depth as He4 with the same energy per nucleon, require less laser power to be accelerated to the required energy for the hadron therapy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Multi MeV protons, deuterons and carbon ions produced by the PALS laser system

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    Multi MeV ions and fusion neutrons were generated by focused radiation of the 3 TW Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The use of 8 μm Al foil as XUV filter positioned in front of an ion collector allowed measuring currents of 4-MeV protons emitted behind a thin target in the forward direction. The proton energy of 4 MeV generated by a PALS laser irradiance Iλ2~5×1016 W cm-2 μm2 on target is nominally reachable for picosecond lasers when they deliver the intensity Iλ2~3×1018 W cm-2 μm2. The enhanced maximum proton energy is favoured by a non-linear interaction of the laser beam with the pre-generated plasma. Nonlinear processes also cause enhancement in the yield of fusion neutrons per focused laser energy from the CD2 plasma. The obtained results show that an equivalent neutron yield was reached by ps- and sub-ps laser beams for Iλ2~1019 W cm-2 μm2. The hampering influence of the electromagnetic pulse generated within the interaction chamber on diagnostics signals was eliminated

    Avalanche boron fusion by laser picosecond block ignition with magnetic trapping for clean and economic reactor

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    After the very long consideration of the ideal energy source by fusion of the protons of light hydrogen with the boron isotope 11 (boron fusion HB11) the very first two independent measurements of very high reaction gains by lasers basically opens a fundamental breakthrough. The non-thermal plasma block ignition with extremely high power laser pulses above petawatt of picosecond duration in combination with up to ten kilotesla magnetic fields for trapping has to be combined to use the measured high gains as proof of an avalanche reaction for an environmentally clean, low cost and lasting energy source as potential option against global warming. The unique HB11 avalanche reaction is are now based on elastic collisions of helium nuclei (alpha particles) limited only to a reactor for controlled fusion energy during a very short time within a very small volume.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Proceedings 2nd Symposium High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 14-18 MARCH 2016, Suzhou/Chin

    Laser beam coupling with capillary discharge plasma for laser wakefield acceleration applications

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    One of the most robust methods, demonstrated up to date, of accelerating electron beams by laser-plasma sources is the utilization of plasma channels generated by the capillary discharges. These channels, i.e., plasma columns with a minimum density along the laser pulse propagation axis, may optically guide short laser pulses, thereby increasing the acceleration length, leading to a more efficient electron acceleration. Although the spatial structure of the installation is simple in principle, there may be some important effects caused by the open ends of the capillary, by the supplying channels etc., which require a detailed 3D modeling of the processes taking place in order to get a detailed understanding and improve the operation. However, the discharge plasma, being one of the most crucial components of the laser-plasma accelerator, is not simulated with the accuracy and resolution required to advance this promising technology. In the present work, such simulations are performed using the code MARPLE. First, the process of the capillary filling with a cold hydrogen before the discharge is fired, through the side supply channels is simulated. The main goal of this simulation is to get a spatial distribution of the filling gas in the region near the open ends of the capillary. A realistic geometry is used for this and the next stage simulations, including the insulators, the supplying channels as well as the electrodes. Second, the simulation of the capillary discharge is performed with the goal to obtain a time-dependent spatial distribution of the electron density near the open ends of the capillary as well as inside the capillary. Finally, to evaluate effectiveness of the beam coupling with the channeling plasma wave guide and electron acceleration, modeling of laser-plasma interaction was performed with the code INF&RNOComment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    On production and asymmetric focusing of flat electron beams using rectangular capillary discharge plasmas

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    A method for the asymmetric focusing of electron bunches, based on the active plasma lensing technique is proposed. This method takes advantage of the strong inhomogeneous magnetic field generated inside the capillary discharge plasma to focus the ultrarelativistic electrons. The plasma and magnetic field parameters inside the capillary discharge are described theoretically and modeled with dissipative magnetohydrodynamic computer simulations enabling analysis of the capillaries of rectangle cross-sections. Large aspect ratio rectangular capillaries might be used to transport electron beams with high emittance asymmetries, as well as assist in forming spatially flat electron bunches for final focusing before the interaction point.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Resonant third harmonic generation of KrF laser in Ar gas

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    Investigations of emission of harmonics from argon gas jet irradiated by 700 fs, 5 mJ pulses from a KrF laser are presented. Harmonics conversion was optimized by varying the experimental geometry and the nozzle size. For the collection of the harmonic radiation silicon and solar-blind diamond semiconductor detectors equipped with charge preamplifiers were applied. The possibility of using a single-crystal CVD diamond detector for separate measurement of the 3rd harmonic in the presence of a strong pumping radiation was explored. Our experiments show that the earlier suggested 0.7% conversion efficiency can really be obtained, but only in the case when phase matching is optimized with an elongated gas target length corresponding to the length of coherence

    Time of Flight based diagnostics for high energy laser driven ion beams

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    Nowadays the innovative high power laser-based ion acceleration technique is one of the most interesting challenges in particle acceleration field, showing attractive characteristics for future multidisciplinary applications, including medical ones. Nevertheless, peculiarities of optically accelerated ion beams make mandatory the development of proper transport, selection and diagnostics devices in order to deliver stable and controlled ion beams for multidisciplinary applications. This is the main purpose of the ELIMAIA (ELI Multidisciplinary Applications of laser-Ion Acceleration) beamline that will be realized and installed within 2018 at the ELI-Beamlines research center in the Czech Republic, where laser driven high energy ions, up to 60 MeV/n, will be available for users. In particular, a crucial role will be played by the on-line diagnostics system, recently developed in collaboration with INFN-LNS (Italy), consisting of TOF detectors, placed along the beamline (at different detection distances) to provide online monitoring of key characteristics of delivered beams, such as energy, fluence and ion species. In this contribution an overview on the ELIMAIA available ion diagnostics will be briefly given along with the preliminary results obtained during a test performed with high energy laser-driven proton beams accelerated at the VULCAN PW-laser available at RAL facility (U.K.)