Multi MeV protons, deuterons and carbon ions produced by the PALS laser system


Multi MeV ions and fusion neutrons were generated by focused radiation of the 3 TW Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The use of 8 μm Al foil as XUV filter positioned in front of an ion collector allowed measuring currents of 4-MeV protons emitted behind a thin target in the forward direction. The proton energy of 4 MeV generated by a PALS laser irradiance Iλ2~5×1016 W cm-2 μm2 on target is nominally reachable for picosecond lasers when they deliver the intensity Iλ2~3×1018 W cm-2 μm2. The enhanced maximum proton energy is favoured by a non-linear interaction of the laser beam with the pre-generated plasma. Nonlinear processes also cause enhancement in the yield of fusion neutrons per focused laser energy from the CD2 plasma. The obtained results show that an equivalent neutron yield was reached by ps- and sub-ps laser beams for Iλ2~1019 W cm-2 μm2. The hampering influence of the electromagnetic pulse generated within the interaction chamber on diagnostics signals was eliminated

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