907 research outputs found

    RiffleScrambler - a memory-hard password storing function

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    We introduce RiffleScrambler: a new family of directed acyclic graphs and a corresponding data-independent memory hard function with password independent memory access. We prove its memory hardness in the random oracle model. RiffleScrambler is similar to Catena -- updates of hashes are determined by a graph (bit-reversal or double-butterfly graph in Catena). The advantage of the RiffleScrambler over Catena is that the underlying graphs are not predefined but are generated per salt, as in Balloon Hashing. Such an approach leads to higher immunity against practical parallel attacks. RiffleScrambler offers better efficiency than Balloon Hashing since the in-degree of the underlying graph is equal to 3 (and is much smaller than in Ballon Hashing). At the same time, because the underlying graph is an instance of a Superconcentrator, our construction achieves the same time-memory trade-offs.Comment: Accepted to ESORICS 201

    Percolation-like Scaling Exponents for Minimal Paths and Trees in the Stochastic Mean Field Model

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    In the mean field (or random link) model there are nn points and inter-point distances are independent random variables. For 0<<0 < \ell < \infty and in the nn \to \infty limit, let δ()=1/n×\delta(\ell) = 1/n \times (maximum number of steps in a path whose average step-length is \leq \ell). The function δ()\delta(\ell) is analogous to the percolation function in percolation theory: there is a critical value =e1\ell_* = e^{-1} at which δ()\delta(\cdot) becomes non-zero, and (presumably) a scaling exponent β\beta in the sense δ()()β\delta(\ell) \asymp (\ell - \ell_*)^\beta. Recently developed probabilistic methodology (in some sense a rephrasing of the cavity method of Mezard-Parisi) provides a simple albeit non-rigorous way of writing down such functions in terms of solutions of fixed-point equations for probability distributions. Solving numerically gives convincing evidence that β=3\beta = 3. A parallel study with trees instead of paths gives scaling exponent β=2\beta = 2. The new exponents coincide with those found in a different context (comparing optimal and near-optimal solutions of mean-field TSP and MST) and reinforce the suggestion that these scaling exponents determine universality classes for optimization problems on random points.Comment: 19 page

    Routed Planar Networks

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    Modeling a road network as a planar graph seems very natural. However, in studying continuum limits of such networks it is useful to take {\em routes} rather than {\em edges} as primitives. This article is intended to introduce the relevant (discrete setting) notion of {\em routed network} to graph theorists. We give a naive classification of all 71 topologically different such networks on 4 leaves, and pose a variety of challenging research questions

    Multicritical continuous random trees

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    We introduce generalizations of Aldous' Brownian Continuous Random Tree as scaling limits for multicritical models of discrete trees. These discrete models involve trees with fine-tuned vertex-dependent weights ensuring a k-th root singularity in their generating function. The scaling limit involves continuous trees with branching points of order up to k+1. We derive explicit integral representations for the average profile of this k-th order multicritical continuous random tree, as well as for its history distributions measuring multi-point correlations. The latter distributions involve non-positive universal weights at the branching points together with fractional derivative couplings. We prove universality by rederiving the same results within a purely continuous axiomatic approach based on the resolution of a set of consistency relations for the multi-point correlations. The average profile is shown to obey a fractional differential equation whose solution involves hypergeometric functions and matches the integral formula of the discrete approach.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, uses lanlmac, hyperbasics, eps

    Optimal spatial transportation networks where link-costs are sublinear in link-capacity

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    Consider designing a transportation network on nn vertices in the plane, with traffic demand uniform over all source-destination pairs. Suppose the cost of a link of length \ell and capacity cc scales as cβ\ell c^\beta for fixed 0<β<10<\beta<1. Under appropriate standardization, the cost of the minimum cost Gilbert network grows essentially as nα(β)n^{\alpha(\beta)}, where α(β)=1β2\alpha(\beta) = 1 - \frac{\beta}{2} on 0<β1/20 < \beta \leq {1/2} and α(β)=1/2+β2\alpha(\beta) = {1/2} + \frac{\beta}{2} on 1/2β<1{1/2} \leq \beta < 1. This quantity is an upper bound in the worst case (of vertex positions), and a lower bound under mild regularity assumptions. Essentially the same bounds hold if we constrain the network to be efficient in the sense that average route-length is only 1+o(1)1 + o(1) times average straight line length. The transition at β=1/2\beta = {1/2} corresponds to the dominant cost contribution changing from short links to long links. The upper bounds arise in the following type of hierarchical networks, which are therefore optimal in an order of magnitude sense. On the large scale, use a sparse Poisson line process to provide long-range links. On the medium scale, use hierachical routing on the square lattice. On the small scale, link vertices directly to medium-grid points. We discuss one of many possible variant models, in which links also have a designed maximum speed ss and the cost becomes cβsγ\ell c^\beta s^\gamma.Comment: 13 page

    Spectral coarse graining for random walk in bipartite networks

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    Many real-world networks display a natural bipartite structure, while analyzing or visualizing large bipartite networks is one of the most challenges. As a result, it is necessary to reduce the complexity of large bipartite systems and preserve the functionality at the same time. We observe, however, the existing coarse graining methods for binary networks fail to work in the bipartite networks. In this paper, we use the spectral analysis to design a coarse graining scheme specifically for bipartite networks and keep their random walk properties unchanged. Numerical analysis on artificial and real-world bipartite networks indicates that our coarse graining scheme could obtain much smaller networks from large ones, keeping most of the relevant spectral properties. Finally, we further validate the coarse graining method by directly comparing the mean first passage time between the original network and the reduced one.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Feller property and infinitesimal generator of the exploration process

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    We consider the exploration process associated to the continuous random tree (CRT) built using a Levy process with no negative jumps. This process has been studied by Duquesne, Le Gall and Le Jan. This measure-valued Markov process is a useful tool to study CRT as well as super-Brownian motion with general branching mechanism. In this paper we prove this process is Feller, and we compute its infinitesimal generator on exponential functionals and give the corresponding martingale

    Dynamic critical exponents of Swendsen-Wang and Wolff algorithms by nonequilibrium relaxation

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    With a nonequilibrium relaxation method, we calculate the dynamic critical exponent z of the two-dimensional Ising model for the Swendsen-Wang and Wolff algorithms. We examine dynamic relaxation processes following a quench from a disordered or an ordered initial state to the critical temperature T_c, and measure the exponential relaxation time of the system energy. For the Swendsen-Wang algorithm with an ordered or a disordered initial state, and for the Wolff algorithm with an ordered initial state, the exponential relaxation time fits well to a logarithmic size dependence up to a lattice size L=8192. For the Wolff algorithm with a disordered initial state, we obtain an effective dynamic exponent z_exp=1.19(2) up to L=2048. For comparison, we also compute the effective dynamic exponents through the integrated correlation times. In addition, an exact result of the Swendsen-Wang dynamic spectrum of a one-dimension Ising chain is derived.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Matchings on infinite graphs

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    Elek and Lippner (2010) showed that the convergence of a sequence of bounded-degree graphs implies the existence of a limit for the proportion of vertices covered by a maximum matching. We provide a characterization of the limiting parameter via a local recursion defined directly on the limit of the graph sequence. Interestingly, the recursion may admit multiple solutions, implying non-trivial long-range dependencies between the covered vertices. We overcome this lack of correlation decay by introducing a perturbative parameter (temperature), which we let progressively go to zero. This allows us to uniquely identify the correct solution. In the important case where the graph limit is a unimodular Galton-Watson tree, the recursion simplifies into a distributional equation that can be solved explicitly, leading to a new asymptotic formula that considerably extends the well-known one by Karp and Sipser for Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs.Comment: 23 page

    Empires and Percolation: Stochastic Merging of Adjacent Regions

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    We introduce a stochastic model in which adjacent planar regions A,BA, B merge stochastically at some rate λ(A,B)\lambda(A,B), and observe analogies with the well-studied topics of mean-field coagulation and of bond percolation. Do infinite regions appear in finite time? We give a simple condition on λ\lambda for this {\em hegemony} property to hold, and another simple condition for it to not hold, but there is a large gap between these conditions, which includes the case λ(A,B)1\lambda(A,B) \equiv 1. For this case, a non-rigorous analytic argument and simulations suggest hegemony.Comment: 13 page