1,893 research outputs found

    Capacity Assessment Of The System Of Gas Pipelines, Receiving And Transporting Gas Of Inland Production

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    Today, the majority of gas fields in Ukraine are in the final stages of development, which is characterized by a significant decrease in wellhead pressure, as well as an increased gas-water factor. As is well known, when lowering wellhead pressure arises the problem of ensuring the design capacity of the gas production system as a whole.The main function of the gas pipeline system of the gas producing company of Ukraine is collection of gas from deposits and transport natural gas to consumers.Taking into account the tasks of ensuring the energy independence of Ukraine, as well as the program to build up gas of its own production, the question of assessing the capacity of the gas pipeline system remains relevant, performing the function of collection and transportation.As part of the research, the current state of the gas collection and transportation system is analyzed. The workload of gas pipeline sections in the chain from the wellhead to the consumer is investigated. As a result, it is established that the initial sections of the gas production system are fully loaded. Areas that can be recharged are identified, as a result of which it will reduce the output pressure at the wellheads and stabilize hydrocarbon production.On the basis of the conducted research, it is revealed that one of the alternative methods of increasing the capacity of the gas production system at the initial sections is to increase the equivalent diameter and length of the system by building new gas pipelines. It is also found that the periodic cleaning of pipelines in existing parts of the system prevents the decrease in capacity.It has been established that reducing the backpressure of the system is possible only in conjunction with unloading the system by changing the flow directions, creating centralized gas collection points, as well as retrofitting existing booster compressor stations.The availability of data on the load on the gas transmission system will allow the gas producing company to plan the distribution of gas to areas with available free capacity, while ensuring an increase in the production of its own gas. As a result, when the gas is distributed to areas with partial load, it will prevent excessive pressure losses in the system, as well as provide optimal system operation conditions

    Random matrix description of decaying quantum systems

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    This contribution describes a statistical model for decaying quantum systems (e.g. photo-dissociation or -ionization). It takes the interference between direct and indirect decay processes explicitely into account. The resulting expressions for the partial decay amplitudes and the corresponding cross sections may be considered a many-channel many-resonance generalization of Fano's original work on resonance lineshapes [Phys. Rev 124, 1866 (1961)]. A statistical (random matrix) model is then introduced. It allows to describe chaotic scattering systems with tunable couplings to the decay channels. We focus on the autocorrelation function of the total (photo) cross section, and we find that it depends on the same combination of parameters, as the Fano-parameter distribution. These combinations are statistical variants of the one-channel Fano parameter. It is thus possible to study Fano interference (i.e. the interference between direct and indirect decay paths) on the basis of the autocorrelation function, and thereby in the regime of overlapping resonances. It allows us, to study the Fano interference in the limit of strongly overlapping resonances, where we find a persisting effect on the level of the weak localization correction.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Microwave fidelity studies by varying antenna coupling

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    The fidelity decay in a microwave billiard is considered, where the coupling to an attached antenna is varied. The resulting quantity, coupling fidelity, is experimentally studied for three different terminators of the varied antenna: a hard wall reflection, an open wall reflection, and a 50 Ohm load, corresponding to a totally open channel. The model description in terms of an effective Hamiltonian with a complex coupling constant is given. Quantitative agreement is found with the theory obtained from a modified VWZ approach [Verbaarschot et al, Phys. Rep. 129, 367 (1985)].Comment: 9 pages 5 figur

    Non-uniform growth of composite layer-by-layer assembled coatings via three-dimensional expansion of hydrophobic magnetite nanoparticles

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    Nanocomposite coatings are promising for a range of practical applications and layer-by-layer assembly (LbL) is a versatile tool for nanocomposite formation. However, conventional LbL is a quite laborious procedure taking a lot of time to reach a sufficient thickness of the coatings required for practical applications. Herein, we proposed a novel variant of the LbL approach based on the deposition of hydrophilic polyelectrolyte molecules from a polar solvent and hydrophobic magnetite NP from a nonpolar dispersion medium with an intermediate washing in the same polar solvent. The composite multilayers formed in this way exhibit exponential growth of the thickness and mass. Based on QCM, FTIR, SEM, AFM, and surface profile measurements. We propose a model describing the driving force of multilayer formation and the factors leading to nonlinear growth of their mass and thickness. The re-sults allow to expand the understanding of the mechanism of the LbL assembly in order to form multifunctional nanocomposites in a more efficient way

    Simulation of static and random errors on Grover's search algorithm implemented in a Ising nuclear spin chain quantum computer with few qubits

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    We consider Grover's search algorithm on a model quantum computer implemented on a chain of four or five nuclear spins with first and second neighbour Ising interactions. Noise is introduced into the system in terms of random fluctuations of the external fields. By averaging over many repetitions of the algorithm, the output state becomes effectively a mixed state. We study its overlap with the nominal output state of the algorithm, which is called fidelity. We find either an exponential or a Gaussian decay for the fidelity as a function of the strength of the noise, depending on the type of noise (static or random) and whether error supression is applied (the 2pi k-method) or not.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, extensive revision with new figure

    The multilevel trigger system of the DIRAC experiment

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    The multilevel trigger system of the DIRAC experiment at CERN is presented. It includes a fast first level trigger as well as various trigger processors to select events with a pair of pions having a low relative momentum typical of the physical process under study. One of these processors employs the drift chamber data, another one is based on a neural network algorithm and the others use various hit-map detector correlations. Two versions of the trigger system used at different stages of the experiment are described. The complete system reduces the event rate by a factor of 1000, with efficiency \geq95% of detecting the events in the relative momentum range of interest.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Transhistoricism and a New Regime of Temporality in Modern Historical Culture

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    The author associates the return of interest in the historical past and conflicts over its interpretation with significant changes in the historical culture and in the regime of historical temporality. Public representations of history in the context of modern transformations appeal mainly not to reason and authenticity, but to imagination, affects, entertainment and a sense of belonging. These changes are associated with globalization, digitalization and the reorientation of modern society from production to consumption. In historical culture, the consequences of these transformations are plurality, virtualization and presentism. This provokes a blurring of the sense of historical duration and images of the future. The images of the past obey the retroactive logic of extrapolation of current ideas. The appeal to historical grand-narratives in these conditions does not allow, as it was before, to achieve social integration, but on the contrary, provokes conflicts. The new wars of memory are characterized by the hybrid historicism, which is seen as a product of the transformation of fragments of the old grand narratives that now function in a fundamentally changed society. Along with the signs indicating the crisis of the previous model of representation of history, new tendencies are observed. They are manifested, in particular, in the reassembly of history in the multiple perspectives of transhistoricism, a revolutionary view of history unlike the traditional one, the approach which contributes to the coexistence of antinomianism and conformism, the acceptance of differences and the establishment of the boundaries of one’s own identity, playfulness and the desire for authenticity. Thus, transhistorism serves as a vehicle to promote coexistence of multiple stories that work together and through their interconnectedness help to overcome contradictions that once were deemed impossible to handle and to add to a shared sense of unity. The new regime of temporality is considered in the context of removing the contradiction between the progressive spirit of modernism and the deconstruction of historicism in the postmodern idea of post-history. The temporality of transhistoricism is determined by the nonlinearity of the time of culture, in which complex interactions of the constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed, lost, acquired and restored take place

    Ancient Understanding of Time and the Background of Contemporary Historicism

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    Contemporary changes in historical culture associated with various states of modernity actualize the problem of the foundations and prerequisites of historicism as a principle of thinking characteristic of modern societies. The ancient historicism background consists primarily in the advanced concepts of time and eternity, which contain the potential variability in the understanding of historicity in modern philosophy and culture. At the same time, the problem of the historical variability of the world remained on the periphery of ancient philosophy and culture, and classical historicism, which was established in the second half of the 18th century, was based on the rejection of some aspects of the ancient heritage. In opposing being and becoming, ancient philosophy preferred being, which was also manifested in the preference for truth over time, for one over multiple. Classical historicism of modern times is focused on the idea of becoming, which in a new way reveals the contradictions between truth and time, one and multiple. Relativism and plurality are becoming features of modern transformations of historicism, in which the structures of time are preserved, dating back to the ancient concepts of chronos, kairos, eon, etc. Of particular interest are modern ideas about time, which go back to the ancient concept of objectified chronological time and its correlation with other forms of time conceptualization. In the historical consciousness of modern times, the ancient concepts of time were transformed under the influence of the prophetic sense of time, characteristic of the biblical tradition, in which the historical process is considered in the context of the gradual revelation of the original intention and meaning of history

    Fidelity and Purity Decay in Weakly Coupled Composite Systems

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    We study the stability of unitary quantum dynamics of composite systems (for example: central system + environment) with respect to weak interaction between the two parts. Unified theoretical formalism is applied to study different physical situations: (i) coherence of a forward evolution as measured by purity of the reduced density matrix, (ii) stability of time evolution with respect to small coupling between subsystems, and (iii) Loschmidt echo measuring dynamical irreversibility. Stability has been measured either by fidelity of pure states of a composite system, or by the so-called reduced fidelity of reduced density matrices within a subsystem. Rigorous inequality among fidelity, reduced-fidelity and purity is proved and a linear response theory is developed expressing these three quantities in terms of time correlation functions of the generator of interaction. The qualitatively different cases of regular (integrable) or mixing (chaotic in the classical limit) dynamics in each of the subsystems are discussed in detail. Theoretical results are demonstrated and confirmed in a numerical example of two coupled kicked tops.Comment: 21 pages, 12 eps figure