104 research outputs found

    In search of Robert Bruce, part I: craniofacial analysis of the skull excavated at Dunfermline in 1819

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    Robert Bruce, king of Scots, is a significant figure in Scottish history, and his facial appearance will have been key to his status, power and resilience as a leader. This paper is the first in a series that discusses the burial and skeletal remains excavated at Dunfermline in 1819. Parts II and III discuss the evidence relating to whether or not the burial vault and skeleton belong to Robert Bruce, and Part I analyses and interprets the historical records and skeletal structure in order to produce a depiction of the facial appearance of Robert Bruce

    Increased SK3 expression in DM1 lens cells leads to impaired growth through a greater calcium-induced fragility

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    Although cataract is a characteristic feature of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), little is known of the underlying mechanisms. We generated four lens epithelial cell lines derived from DM1 cataracts and two from age-matched, non-DM cataracts. Small-pool PCR revealed typical large triplet repeat expansions in the DM1 cells. Furthermore, real-time PCR analysis showed reduced SIX5 expression and increased expression of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel SK3 in the DM1 cells. These cells also exhibited longer population doubling times which did not arise through reduced proliferation, but rather increased cell death as shown by increased release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Using 86Rb+ as a tracer for K+, we found no difference in the resting K+ influx or efflux kinetics. In all cases, the ouabain sensitive component of the influx contributed ~50% of the total. However, stimulating internal Ca2+ by exposure to ionomycin not only caused greater stimulation of K+ (86Rb) efflux in the DM1 cells but also induced a higher rate of cell death (LDH assay). Since both the hyper-stimulation of K+ efflux and cell death were reduced by the highly specific SK inhibitor apamin, we suggest that increased expression of SK3 has a critical role in the increased Ca2+-induced fragility in DM1 cells. The present data, therefore, both help explain the lower epithelial cell density previously observed in DM1 cataracts and provide general insights into mechanisms underlying the fragility of other DM1-affected tissues

    Modelling the spatial distribution of DEM Error

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    Assessment of a DEM’s quality is usually undertaken by deriving a measure of DEM accuracy – how close the DEM’s elevation values are to the true elevation. Measures such as Root Mean Squared Error and standard deviation of the error are frequently used. These measures summarise elevation errors in a DEM as a single value. A more detailed description of DEM accuracy would allow better understanding of DEM quality and the consequent uncertainty associated with using DEMs in analytical applications. The research presented addresses the limitations of using a single root mean squared error (RMSE) value to represent the uncertainty associated with a DEM by developing a new technique for creating a spatially distributed model of DEM quality – an accuracy surface. The technique is based on the hypothesis that the distribution and scale of elevation error within a DEM are at least partly related to morphometric characteristics of the terrain. The technique involves generating a set of terrain parameters to characterise terrain morphometry and developing regression models to define the relationship between DEM error and morphometric character. The regression models form the basis for creating standard deviation surfaces to represent DEM accuracy. The hypothesis is shown to be true and reliable accuracy surfaces are successfully created. These accuracy surfaces provide more detailed information about DEM accuracy than a single global estimate of RMSE

    Towards development of a statistical framework to evaluate myotonic dystrophy type 1 mRNA biomarkers in the context of a clinical trial

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a rare genetic disorder, characterised by muscular dystrophy, myotonia, and other symptoms. DM1 is caused by the expansion of a CTG repeat in the 3'-untranslated region of DMPK. Longer CTG expansions are associated with greater symptom severity and earlier age at onset. The primary mechanism of pathogenesis is thought to be mediated by a gain of function of the CUG-containing RNA, that leads to transdysregulation of RNA metabolism of many other genes. Specifically, the alternative splicing (AS) and alternative polyadenylation (APA) of many genes is known to be disrupted. In the context of clinical trials of emerging DM1 treatments, it is important to be able to objectively quantify treatment efficacy at the level of molecular biomarkers. We show how previously described candidate mRNA biomarkers can be used to model an effective reduction in CTG length, using modern high-dimensional statistics (machine learning), and a blood and muscle mRNA microarray dataset. We show how this model could be used to detect treatment effects in the context of a clinical trial

    Brain structural features of myotonic dystrophy type 1 and their relationship with CTG repeats

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    Background: Few adequately-powered studies have systematically evaluated brain morphology in adult-onset myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Objective: The goal of the present study was to determine structural brain differences between individuals with and without adult-onset DM1 in a multi-site, case-controlled cohort. We also explored correlations between brain structure and CTG repeat length. Methods: Neuroimaging data was acquired in 58 unaffected individuals (29 women) and 79 individuals with DM1 (50 women). CTG repeat length, expressed as estimated progenitor allele length (ePAL), was determined by small pool PCR. Statistical models were adjusted for age, sex, site, and intracranial volume (ICV). Results: ICV was reduced in DM1 subjects compared with controls. Accounting for the difference in ICV, the DM1 group exhibited smaller volume in frontal grey and white matter, parietal grey matter as well as smaller volume of the corpus callosum, thalamus, putamen, and accumbens. In contrast, volumes of the hippocampus and amygdala were significantly larger in DM1. Greater ePAL was associated with lower volumes of the putamen, occipital grey matter, and thalamus. A positive ePAL association was observed for amygdala volume and cerebellar white matter. Conclusions: Smaller ICV may be a marker of aberrant neurodevelopment in adult-onset DM1. Volumetric analysis revealed morphological differences, some associated with CTG repeat length, in structures with plausible links to key DM1 symptoms including cognitive deficits and excessive daytime somnolence. These data offer further insights into the basis of CNS disease in DM1, and highlight avenues for further work to identify therapeutic targets and imaging biomarkers

    Disease-associated CAG·CTG triplet repeats expand rapidly in non-dividing mouse cells, but cell cycle arrest is insufficient to drive expansion

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    Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud. 2014Genetically unstable expanded CAG·CTG trinucleotide repeats are causal in a number of human disorders, including Huntington disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1. It is still widely assumed that DNA polymerase slippage during replication plays an important role in the accumulation of expansions. Nevertheless, somatic mosaicism correlates poorly with the proliferative capacity of the tissue and rates of cell turnover, suggesting that expansions can occur in the absence of replication. We monitored CAG·CTG repeat instability in transgenicmouse cells arrested by chemical or genetic manipulation of the cell cycle and generated unequivocal evidence for the continuous accumulation of repeat expansions in non-dividing cells. Importantly, the rates of expansion in non-dividing cells were at least as high as those of proliferating cells. These data are consistent with amajor role for cell division-independent expansion in generating somatic mosaicism in vivo. Although expansions can accrue in non-dividing cells, we also show that cell cycle arrest is not sufficient to drive instability, implicating other factors as the key regulators of tissue-specific instability. Our data reveal that de novo expansion events are not limited to S-phase and further support a cell divisionindependent mutational pathway.Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en SaludInstitute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, GlasgowParis Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité UniversityUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA

    Blood-based markers of neuronal injury in adult-onset myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Introduction: The present study had four aims. First, neuronal injury markers, including neurofilament light (NF-L), total tau, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH-L1), were compared between individuals with and without adult-onset myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Second, the impact of age and CTG repeat on brain injury markers was evaluated. Third, change in brain injury markers across the study period was quantified. Fourth, associations between brain injury markers and cerebral white matter (WM) fractional anisotropy (FA) were identified. Methods: Yearly assessments, encompassing blood draws and diffusion tensor imaging on a 3T scanner, were conducted on three occasions. Neuronal injury markers were quantified using single molecule array (Simoa). Results: The sample included 53 patients and 70 controls. NF-L was higher in DM1 patients than controls, with individuals in the premanifest phases of DM1 (PreDM1) exhibiting intermediate levels (χ(2)2=38.142, P < 0.001). Total tau was lower in DM1 patients than controls (Estimate = −0.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] −0.95: −0.28, P < 0.001), while GFAP was elevated in PreDM1 only (Estimate = 30.37, 95% CI 10.56:50.19, P = 0.003). Plasma concentrations of UCH-L1 did not differ between groups. The age by CTG interaction predicted NF-L: patients with higher estimated progenitor allelege length (ePAL) had higher NF-L at a younger age, relative to patients with lower CTG repeat; however, the latter exhibited faster age-related change (Estimate = −0.0021, 95% CI −0.0042: −0.0001, P = 0.045). None of the markers changed substantially over the study period. Finally, cerebral WM FA was significantly associated with NF-L (Estimate = −42.86, 95% CI −82.70: −3.02, P = 0.035). Interpretation: While NF-L appears sensitive to disease onset and severity, its utility as a marker of progression remains to be determined. The tau assay may have low sensitivity to tau pathology associated with DM1

    Correlation of Inter-Locus Polyglutamine Toxicity with CAG•CTG Triplet Repeat Expandability and Flanking Genomic DNA GC Content

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    Dynamic expansions of toxic polyglutamine (polyQ)-encoding CAG repeats in ubiquitously expressed, but otherwise unrelated, genes cause a number of late-onset progressive neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington disease and the spinocerebellar ataxias. As polyQ toxicity in these disorders increases with repeat length, the intergenerational expansion of unstable CAG repeats leads to anticipation, an earlier age-at-onset in successive generations. Crucially, disease associated alleles are also somatically unstable and continue to expand throughout the lifetime of the individual. Interestingly, the inherited polyQ length mediating a specific age-at-onset of symptoms varies markedly between disorders. It is widely assumed that these inter-locus differences in polyQ toxicity are mediated by protein context effects. Previously, we demonstrated that the tendency of expanded CAG•CTG repeats to undergo further intergenerational expansion (their ‘expandability’) also differs between disorders and these effects are strongly correlated with the GC content of the genomic flanking DNA. Here we show that the inter-locus toxicity of the expanded polyQ tracts of these disorders also correlates with both the expandability of the underlying CAG repeat and the GC content of the genomic DNA flanking sequences. Inter-locus polyQ toxicity does not correlate with properties of the mRNA or protein sequences, with polyQ location within the gene or protein, or steady state transcript levels in the brain. These data suggest that the observed inter-locus differences in polyQ toxicity are not mediated solely by protein context effects, but that genomic context is also important, an effect that may be mediated by modifying the rate at which somatic expansion of the DNA delivers proteins to their cytotoxic state

    CAG repeat not polyglutamine length determines timing of Huntington’s disease onset

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    Variable, glutamine-encoding, CAA interruptions indicate that a property of the uninterrupted HTT CAG repeat sequence, distinct from the length of huntingtin’s polyglutamine segment, dictates the rate at which Huntington’s disease (HD) develops. The timing of onset shows no significant association with HTT cis-eQTLs but is influenced, sometimes in a sex-specific manner, by polymorphic variation at multiple DNA maintenance genes, suggesting that the special onset-determining property of the uninterrupted CAG repeat is a propensity for length instability that leads to its somatic expansion. Additional naturally occurring genetic modifier loci, defined by GWAS, may influence HD pathogenesis through other mechanisms. These findings have profound implications for the pathogenesis of HD and other repeat diseases and question the fundamental premise that polyglutamine length determines the rate of pathogenesis in the “polyglutamine disorders.

    Elevated plasma levels of cardiac troponin-I predict left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1:A multicentre cohort follow-up study

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    Objective: High sensitivity plasma cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) is emerging as a strong predictor of cardiac events in a variety of settings. We have explored its utility in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Methods: 117 patients with DM1 were recruited from routine outpatient clinics across three health boards. A single measurement of cTnI was made using the ARCHITECT STAT Troponin I assay. Demographic, ECG, echocardiographic and other clinical data were obtained from electronic medical records. Follow up was for a mean of 23 months. Results: Fifty five females and 62 males (mean age 47.7 years) were included. Complete data were available for ECG in 107, echocardiography in 53. Muscle Impairment Rating Scale score was recorded for all patients. A highly significant excess (p = 0.0007) of DM1 patients presented with cTnI levels greater than the 99th centile of the range usually observed in the general population (9 patients; 7.6%). Three patients with elevated troponin were found to have left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD), compared with four of those with normal range cTnI (33.3% versus 3.7%; p = 0.001). Sixty two patients had a cTnI level < 5ng/L, of whom only one had documented evidence of LVSD. Elevated cTnI was not predictive of severe conduction abnormalities on ECG, or presence of a cardiac device, nor did cTnI level correlate with muscle strength expressed by Muscle Impairment Rating Scale score. Conclusions: Plasma cTnI is highly elevated in some ambulatory patients with DM1 and shows promise as a tool to aid cardiac risk stratification, possibly by detecting myocardial involvement. Further studies with larger patient numbers are warranted to assess its utility in this setting
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