105 research outputs found

    Monitoramento de qualidade de água das atividades aquícolas em reservatórios continentais brasileiros.

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    Introdução. Impactos da aquicultura na qualidade de água de reservatórios. O processo de eutrofização. Particularidades dos ciclos biogeoquímicos em reservatórios. O fósforo nas águas. Dinâmica do nitrogênio nos ecossistemas aquáticos. Parâmetros de qualidade de água, periodicidade e pontos de coleta para monitoramento da aquicultura em reservatórios continentais segundo a legislação. Processos hidrodinâmicos em reservatórios continentais. Metodologia para avaliação da área de influência de atividade aquícola - Estudo de Caso do Reservatório da PCH Lagoa Grande. Coletas de Água em Campo. Análises laboratoriais. Interpretação de dados de qualidade de água da aquicultura em reservatórios continentais. Análise Temporal de Qualidade de Água. Análise Espacial de Qualidade de Água. Índices de qualidade de água comumente utilizados para reservatórios. Índice de Estado Trófico - IET. Índice de Qualidade de Água para Reservatórios ? IQAR. Índice da Comunidade Zooplanctônica para Reservatórios (ICZ RES). Considerações finais. Referências.bitstream/item/157277/1/CNPASA-2016-dc32.pd

    Long-Lasting Effects of Undernutrition

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    Undernutrition is one of the most important public health problems, affecting more than 900 million individuals around the World. It is responsible for the highest mortality rate in children and has long-lasting physiologic effects, including an increased susceptibility to fat accumulation mostly in the central region of the body, lower fat oxidation, lower resting and postprandial energy expenditure, insulin resistance in adulthood, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and a reduced capacity for manual work, among other impairments. Marked changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system have been described in undernourished experimental animals. Some of these effects seem to be epigenetic, passing on to the next generation. Undernutrition in children has been linked to poor mental development and school achievement as well as behavioural abnormalities. However, there is still a debate in the literature regarding whether some of these effects are permanent or reversible. Stunted children who had experienced catch-up growth had verbal vocabulary and quantitative test scores that did not differ from children who were not stunted. Children treated before 6 years of age in day-hospitals and who recovered in weight and height have normal body compositions, bone mineral densities and insulin production and sensitivity

    Trenzado y alfabetizaciones: informes de un proyecto de Investigación y Práctica Pedagógica en la Escuela Tupinikim de Aldeia Comboios - Aracruz/ES

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    O presente relato nasce de um projeto pedagógico desenvolvido na Aldeia Tupinikim de Comboios, município de Aracruz- ES, durante a disciplina Projetos de Pesquisa e Prática Pedagógica – PPPP III, no curso de Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena Tupinikim e Guarani, do Programa de Licenciaturas Indígenas – PROLIND, oferecido pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES. O projeto teve como objetivos: Pesquisar com os mais velhos os tipos de trançados, colaborando na reafirmação cultural do nosso povo Tupiniquim; Reconhecer os tipos de trançados Tupiniquim; Confeccionar alguns tipos de trançados; Produzir textos coletivos a partir dos trançados e analisar o processo de letramento a partir de atividades contextualizadas. O projeto se apoiou metodologicamente na pesquisa-ação com intuito de identificar as técnicas e manuseios dos trançados Tupinikim, construindo momentos de partilhas com os anciãos e intercâmbios entre outras aldeias Tupinikim. Palavras-chave: Trançados; Letramentos; Povo Tupinkim; PROLIND.The present report is born from a pedagogical project developed in the Tupinikim Village of Comboios, municipality of Aracruz-ES, during the discipline Projects of Research and Pedagogical Practice - PPPP III, in the course of Indigenous Licentiate Tupinikim and Guarani, PROLIND, offered by the Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES. The project had as objectives: To research with the older the types of braids, collaborating in the cultural reaffirmation of our Tupiniquim people; Recognize the types of Tupiniquim braids; Make some types of braids; Produce collective texts from the braids and analyze the process of literacy from contextualized activities. The project was methodologically based on action research in order to identify the techniques and manipulations of the Tupinikim braids, building moments of sharing with the elders and exchanges among other Tupinikim villages. Keywords: Braided; Lettering; Tupinkim people; PROLIND.Este informe es el resultado de un proyecto pedagógico desarrollado en la aldea Tupinikim de Comboios, municipio de Aracruz-ES, durante la disciplina Proyectos de investigación y práctica pedagógica - PPPP III, en el curso de licenciatura intercultural indígena Tupinikim y Guaraní, del Programa de licenciatura indígena - PROLIND, ofrecido por la Universidad Federal de Espírito Santo - UFES. El proyecto tenía como objetivos: investigar con los ancianos los tipos de trenzas, colaborando en la reafirmación cultural de nuestra gente tupiniquim; Reconocer los tipos de Tupiniquim trenzado; Hacer algunos tipos de trenzas; Produzca textos colectivos basados ​​en los hilos y analice el proceso de alfabetización basado en actividades contextualizadas. El proyecto se basó metodológicamente en la investigación de acción para identificar las técnicas y el manejo de las trenzas Tupinikim, creando momentos de intercambio con los ancianos e intercambios entre otras aldeas Tupinikim.Palabras clave: trenzado; Alfabetizaciones; Pueblo tupinkim; PROLIND

    Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Triterpenes Isolated from Protium paniculatum

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    Protium is the main genus of the Burseraceae family and one of the most common genera in South America, with an important species called “breu.” Gum and oil-resins of this species are used as tonic and stimulant and for the treatment of ulcers and inflammation. The present study aims to isolate and investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of triterpene compounds isolated from oil-resin of Protium paniculatum. The pentacyclic triterpenes α,β-amyrin, acetylated α,β-amyrin, α,β-amyrone, and brein/maniladiol did not alter the viability of murine J774 macrophages (IC50 > 20 µg/mL), with the exception of mixture of brein/maniladiol which showed moderate cytotoxic activity. Also it was observed that compounds at 10 µg/mL inhibited more than 80% of production of NO•, although only α,β-amyrin was able to inhibit the production of TNF-α (52.03±2.4%). The compounds inhibited the production of IL-6 and induced the production of IL-10 in murine J774 macrophages stimulated by LPS. α,β-Amyrone inhibited the expression of COX-2 and also inhibited the formation of paw or ear edema in rats and mice, having a quick and immediate effect. This study may provide the basis for future investigations on the therapeutic role of α,β-amyrone in treating inflammation

    Poultry offal meal in broiler chicken feed

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    An outstanding feature of poultry production that provides animal protein yield for human feeding is its short production cycle. This characteristic has a linear relationship with waste production. Increasing the inclusion of this residue in diets in the near future is desirable in step with the growth of poultry production since it offers a better environmental and nutritional alternative to current methods. We evaluated the effects on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens produced by the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in their feed. Treatments consisted of a control diet (corn, Zea mays and soybean, Glycine max) and four diets with inclusion of 30, 60, 90 and 120 g kg-1 of POM. The diets were formulated based on the level of digestible amino acid once categorized as isocalcic, isophosphoric, isosodic, isoenergetic and isonutritive for protein, methionine+cystine, lysine and threonine. The feed's electrolytes were corrected so that each diet had the same electrolytic balance. The variables analyzed were feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, body weight, carcass yield, chicken cut yield and abdominal fat. Feed intake was not affected by the quantities of POM added. The weight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield and noble cuts presented quadratic responses to the treatments. Abdominal fat increased linearly. The performance of the poultry, and carcass characteristics were maximized by the inclusion of 53 and 65 g kg-1, respectively, of POM in the diet, and the inclusion of 120 g kg-1 of POM provided greater disposition of abdominal fat

    Ensinar ciências na perspectiva da sustentabilidade: barreiras e dificuldades reveladas por professores de biologia em formação

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    A presente investigação parte de uma visão global sobre as dificuldades relativas ao ensino de biologia na perspectiva do desenvolvimento sustentável e da formação de professores dessa área para atuarem no ensino básico. Tem como objetivo identificar os temas relacionados ao ambiente e ao desenvolvimento sustentável que são considerados difíceis de serem ensinados, caracterizando os motivos dessas dificuldades. A pesquisa se desenvolveu numa abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. De forma geral, identificou-se que os participantes da pesquisa indicam dificuldades em incluir questões sobre desenvolvimento sustentável em suas futuras aulas e que a ausência da abordagem multidisciplinar ou interdisciplinar corresponde a uma razão importante para as dificuldades em ensinar na perspectiva da sustentabilidade, uma vez que isso possibilitaria aos alunos fazer uma análise do ambiente do ponto de vista das dimensões sociais e econômicas, além de poderem avaliar os aspectos éticos a elas relacionados