170 research outputs found

    Report on a collecting trip of the British Myriapod Group to Hungary in 1994

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    During a collecting trip participated jointly by the members of the British Myriapod Group and by Hungarian experts in 1994, 34 species of millipedes, 14 of centipedes, 8 of woodlice and 73 of spiders were recorded from Hungary. Two records of the millipede species Boreoiulus tenuis (Bigler, 1913) and Styrioiulus styricus (Verhoeff, 1896) were new to the fauna of Hungary

    Woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and the centipede Scutigera coleoptrata (Chilopoda) collected from Hungary by the British Myriapod Group in 1994:

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    Twenty-seven species of woodlice are recorded from Hungary in 1994 during a joint collecting trip undertaken by the British Myriapod Group and Hungarian experts. Five species, Armadillidium vulgare (LATREILLE, 1804), Protracheoniscus politus (C. KOCH, 1841), Trachelipus rathkii (BRANDT, 1833), Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii BRANDT, 1833 and Trachelipus nodulosus (C.KOCH, 1838), were widely recorded and accounted for 48% of the 1,200 specimens collected. The first Hungarian record of Trichoniscus provisorius RACOVITZA, 1908 is given. Records of the apparently rare species, including Trichoniscus steinboecki VERHOEFF, 1931, Hyloniscus vividus (C. KOCH, 1841), Haplophthalmus montivagus VERHOEFF, 1941 and Lepidoniscus minutus (C. KOCH, 1838) are presented for semi-natural habitats. It is suggested that some of these species, particularly H. montivagus, may have been over looked and consequently may be under recorded. Other apparently rare species, including Androniscus roseus (C. KOCH, 1838), Oniscus asellus Linnaeus, 1758, Porcellio spinicornis SAY, 1818 and Armadillidium nasatum BUDDE-LUND, 1885 are recorded from synanthropic sites. The potential value of synanthropic habitats for Oniscidea is highlighted. A record for the centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata LINNAEUS, 1758 is given

    Views on risk, prevention and management of type 2 diabetes among UK Black Caribbeans

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    Background: Development of effective, culturally-tailored interventions to address excess risk of type 2 diabetes among Black Caribbeans in the United Kingdom (UK) requires understanding of the views and experiences of the target population. We explored the social context of views on risk, prevention and management of type 2 diabetes among this ethnic group. Methods: The Food, Diabetes and Ethnicity (FOODEY) study included 56 Black Caribbean men and women aged 24-90 years (21 (38%) diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes). Nine focus groups were conducted in community hubs in Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham, and Huddersfield, UK. Inductive themes were identified through thematic analysis of transcripts. Results: While family history was considered a key risk factor, there was a clearly articulated view of the interaction between “bad genes” and unfavourable dietary and physical activity (PA) habits. Rich descriptions of food habits and food related negotiations among family and friends included cost and low availability as barriers to maintaining traditional foodways, and high intake of convenience foods. The perception that diabetes risk was greater in the UK than in home countries was widely held, and it was felt that this was due to the lack of PA, cold weather and stress due to racism experienced in the UK. The Caribbean was deemed a suitable setting for consuming traditional foods and high sugar intake as this was mitigated by active living, organic vegetable consumption, and the hot climate. Trust in health professionals’ diabetes advice was evident, however behaviour change was preferred to medication, and the need for choice regarding healthcare decisions was emphasised. Faith beliefs coincided with acceptability of health-related advice and underpinned views on personal responsibility for health. Conclusions: Complex explanatory models of risk, encompassing lifestyle, economic, cultural, religious and psychosocial contexts, have implications for developing interventions to address type 2 diabetes among UK Black Caribbeans

    The assessment and rehabilitation of prospective memory problems in people with neurological disorders: A review

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    People with neurological disorders often report difficulty with prospective memory (PM), that is, remembering to do things they had intended to do. This paper briefly reviews the literature regarding the neuropsychology of PM function, concluding that from the clinical perspective, PM is best considered in terms of its separable but interacting mnemonic and executive components. Next, the strengths and limitations in the current clinical assessment of PM, including the assessment of component processes, desktop analogues of PM tasks, and naturalistic PM tasks, are outlined. The evidence base for the rehabilitation of PM is then considered, focusing on retraining PM, using retrospective memory strategies, problem-solving training, and finally, electronic memory aids. It is proposed that further research should focus on establishing the predictive validity of PM assessment, and refining promising rehabilitation techniques

    The Max b-HLH-LZ Can Transduce into Cells and Inhibit c-Myc Transcriptional Activities

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    The inhibition of the functions of c-Myc (endogenous and oncogenic) was recently shown to provide a spectacular therapeutic index in cancer mouse models, with complete tumor regression and minimal side-effects in normal tissues. This was achieved by the systemic and conditional expression of omomyc, the cDNA of a designed mutant of the b-HLH-LZ of c-Myc named Omomyc. The overall mode of action of Omomyc consists in the sequestration of Max and the concomitant competition of the Omomyc/Max complex with the endogenous c-Myc/Max heterodimer. This leads to the inhibition of the transactivation of Myc target genes involved in proliferation and metabolism. While this body of work has provided extraordinary insights to guide the future development of new cancer therapies that target c-Myc, Omomyc itself is not a therapeutic agent. In this context, we sought to exploit the use of a b-HLH-LZ to inhibit c-Myc in a cancer cell line in a more direct fashion. We demonstrate that the b-HLH-LZ domain of Max (Max*) behaves as a bona fide protein transduction domain (PTD) that can efficiently transduce across cellular membrane via through endocytosis and translocate to the nucleus. In addition, we show that the treatment of HeLa cells with Max* leads to a reduction of metabolism and proliferation rate. Accordingly, we observe a decrease of the population of HeLa cells in S phase, an accumulation in G1/G0 and the induction of apoptosis. In agreement with these phenotypic changes, we show by q-RT-PCR that the treatment of HeLa cells with Max* leads to the activation of the transcription c-Myc repressed genes as well as the repression of the expression of c-Myc activated genes. In addition to the novel discovery that the Max b-HLH-LZ is a PTD, our findings open up new avenues and strategies for the direct inhibition of c-Myc with b-HLH-LZ analogs

    Phonotactic response of female crickets on the Kramer treadmill: methodology, sensory and behavioural implications

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    Since population-level variation in female mating preferences can shape intraspecific communication systems within the context of sexual selection it is essential to quantify these preferences and their sources of variation. We calculated individual female response functions for four male calling song traits in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, by performing untethered phonotaxis measurements on a spherical locomotor compensator (Kramer treadmill). Firstly, we quantify the population-level sources of phonotactic variation and correct for factors that adversely affect this measurement. Secondly, we develop methodology for the characterisation of individual female phonotactic response functions suitable for population-level analyses and demonstrate the applicability of our method with respect to recent literature on Orthopteran acoustic communication. Phonotaxis towards a preferred stimulus on different occasions is highly repeatable, with lower repeatabilities away from the most preferred signal traits. For certain male signal traits, female preference and selectivity are highly repeatable. Although phonotactic response magnitude deteriorated with age, preference functions of females remained the same during their lifetimes. Finally, the limitations of measuring phonotaxis using a spherical locomotor compensator are described and discussed with respect to the estimation of the selectivity of female response

    Chemical diplomacy in male tilapia: urinary signal increases sex hormone and decreases aggression

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    Androgens, namely 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), have a central role in male fish reproductive physiology and are thought to be involved in both aggression and social signalling. Aggressive encounters occur frequently in social species, and fights may cause energy depletion, injury and loss of social status. Signalling for social dominance and fighting ability in an agonistic context can minimize these costs. Here, we test the hypothesis of a 'chemical diplomacy' mechanism through urinary signals that avoids aggression and evokes an androgen response in receiver males of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). We show a decoupling between aggression and the androgen response; males fighting their mirror image experience an unresolved interaction and a severe drop in urinary 11KT. However, if concurrently exposed to dominant male urine, aggression drops but urinary 11KT levels remain high. Furthermore, 11KT increases in males exposed to dominant male urine in the absence of a visual stimulus. The use of a urinary signal to lower aggression may be an adaptive mechanism to resolve disputes and avoid the costs of fighting. As dominance is linked to nest building and mating with females, the 11KT response of subordinate males suggests chemical eavesdropping, possibly in preparation for parasitic fertilizations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Excretion patterns of coccidian oocysts and nematode eggs during the reproductive season in Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)

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    Individual reproductive success largely depends on the ability to optimize behaviour, immune function and the physiological stress response. We have investigated correlations between behaviour, faecal steroid metabolites, immune parameters, parasite excretion patterns and reproductive output in a critically endangered avian species, the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita). In particular, we related haematocrit, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, excreted immune-reactive corticosterone metabolites and social behaviour with parasite excretion and two individual fitness parameters, namely, number of eggs laid and number of fledglings. We found that the frequency of excretion of parasites’ oocysts and eggs tended to increase with ambient temperature. Paired individuals excreted significantly more samples containing nematode eggs than unpaired ones. The excretion of nematode eggs was also significantly more frequent in females than in males. Individuals with a high proportion of droppings containing coccidian oocysts were more often preened by their partners than individuals with lower excretion rates. We observed that the more eggs an individual incubated and the fewer offspring fledged, the higher the rates of excreted samples containing coccidian oocysts. Our results confirm that social behaviour, physiology and parasite burden are linked in a complex and context-dependent manner. They also contribute background information supporting future conservation programmes dealing with this critically endangered species
