284 research outputs found

    Dephasing due to nonstationary 1/f noise

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    Motivated by recent experiments with Josephson qubits we propose a new phenomenological model for 1/f noise due to collective excitations of interacting defects in the qubit's environment. At very low temperatures the effective dynamics of these collective modes are very slow leading to pronounced non-Gaussian features and nonstationarity of the noise. We analyze the influence of this noise on the dynamics of a qubit in various regimes and at different operation points. Remarkable predictions are absolute time dependences of a critical coupling and of dephasing in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the Vth Rencontres de Moriond in Mesoscopic Physic

    Integer and fractional charge Lorentzian voltage pulses analyzed in the frame of Photon-assisted Shot Noise

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    The periodic injection nn of electrons in a quantum conductor using periodic voltage pulses applied on a contact is studied in the energy and time-domain using shot noise computation in order to make comparison with experiments. We particularly consider the case of periodic Lorentzian voltage pulses. When carrying integer charge, they are known to provide electronic states with a minimal number of excitations, while other type of pulses are all accompanied by an extra neutral cloud of electron and hole excitations. This paper focuses on the low frequency shot noise which arises when the pulse excitations are partitioned by a single scatterer in the framework of the Photo Assisted Shot Noise (PASN) theory. As a unique tool to count the number of excitations carried per pulse, shot noise reveals that pulses of arbitrary shape and arbitrary charge show a marked minimum when the charge is integer. Shot noise spectroscopy is also considered to perform energy-domain characterization of the charge pulses. In particular it reveals the striking asymmetrical spectrum of Lorentzian pulses. Finally, time-domain information is obtained from Hong Ou Mandel like noise correlations when two trains of pulses generated on opposite contacts collide on the scatterer. As a function of the time delay between pulse trains, the noise is shown to measure the electron wavepacket autocorrelation function for integer Lorentzian thanks to electron antibunching. In order to make contact with recent experiments all the calculations are made at zero and finite temperature

    Fractionalization of minimal excitations in integer quantum Hall edge channels

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    A theoretical study of the single electron coherence properties of Lorentzian and rectangular pulses is presented. By combining bosonization and the Floquet scattering approach, the effect of interactions on a periodic source of voltage pulses is computed exactly. When such excitations are injected into one of the channels of a system of two copropagating quantum Hall edge channels, they fractionalize into pulses whose charge and shape reflects the properties of interactions. We show that the dependence of fractionalization induced electron/hole pair production in the pulses amplitude contains clear signatures of the fractionalization of the individual excitations. We propose an experimental setup combining a source of Lorentzian pulses and an Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometer to measure interaction induced electron/hole pair production and more generally to reconstruct single electron coherence of these excitations before and after their fractionalization.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Diffeomorphism-invariant properties for quasi-linear elliptic operators

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    For quasi-linear elliptic equations we detect relevant properties which remain invariant under the action of a suitable class of diffeomorphisms. This yields a connection between existence theories for equations with degenerate and non-degenerate coerciveness.Comment: 16 page

    Real time decoherence of Landau and Levitov quasi-particles in quantum Hall edge channels

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    Quantum Hall edge channels at integer filling factor provide a unique test-bench to understand decoherence and relaxation of single electronic excitations in a ballistic quantum conductor. In this Letter, we obtain a full visualization of the decoherence scenario of energy (Landau) and time (Levitov) resolved single electron excitations at filling factor Μ=2\nu=2. We show that the Landau excitation exhibits a fast relaxation followed by spin-charge separation whereas the Levitov excitation only experiences spin-charge separation. We finally suggest to use Hong-Ou-Mandel type experiments to probe specific signatures of these different scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Realization of a twin beam source based on four-wave mixing in Cesium

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    Four-wave mixing (4WM) is a known source of intense non-classical twin beams. It can be generated when an intense laser beam (the pump) and a weak laser beam (the seed) overlap in a χ(3)\chi^{(3)} medium (here cesium vapor), with frequencies close to resonance with atomic transitions. The twin beams generated by 4WM have frequencies naturally close to atomic transitions, and can be intense (gain ≫1\gg 1) even in the CW pump regime, which is not the case for PDC χ(2)\chi^{(2)} phenomenon in non-linear crystals. So, 4WM is well suited for atom-light interaction and atom-based quantum protocols. Here we present the first realization of a source of 4-wave mixing exploiting D2D_2 line of Cesium atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    High-power test results of a 3 GHz single-cell cavity

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    Compact, reliable and little consuming accelerators are required for the treatment of tumours with ions. TERA proposes the "cyclinac", composed of a high-frequency, fast-cycling linac which boosts the energy of the particles previously accelerated in a cyclotron. The dimensions of the linac can be reduced if high gradients are used. TERA initiated a high-gradient test program to understand the operational limit of such structures. The program foresees the design, prototyping and high-power test of several high-gradient structures operating at 3 and 5.7 GHz. The high-power tests of the 3 GHz single-cell cavity were completed in Winter 2012. The maximum BDR threshold measured for Emax of 170 MV/m and RF pulses of 2.5 \mu s was 3 x 10-6 bpp/m

    Dephasing by a nonstationary classical intermittent noise

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    We consider a new phenomenological model for a 1/fÎŒ1/f^{\mu} classical intermittent noise and study its effects on the dephasing of a two-level system. Within this model, the evolution of the relative phase between the ∣±>|\pm> states is described as a continuous time random walk (CTRW). Using renewal theory, we find exact expressions for the dephasing factor and identify the physically relevant various regimes in terms of the coupling to the noise. In particular, we point out the consequences of the non-stationarity and pronounced non-Gaussian features of this noise, including some new anomalous and aging dephasing scenarii.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.
