998 research outputs found

    Simvastatin Alters the RhoA Adaptation to Skeletal Muscle Stress Conditions

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    The Transformative Potential of Lipid Nanoparticle-Protein Corona for Next-Generation Vaccines and Therapeutics

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    The integration of the lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-protein corona as a pioneering approach for the development of vaccines against the present and future SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern marks a significant shift in the field. This concept holds great promise, offering a universal platform that can be adaptable to combat future pandemics caused by unknown viruses. Understanding the complex interactions among the protein corona, LNPs, and receptors is crucial for harnessing its potential. This knowledge will allow optimal vaccine formulations and improve their effectiveness. Safety assessments are essential to ensure suitability for human use, compliance with regulatory standards, and rigorous quality control in manufacturing. This transformative workflow requires collaborative efforts, expanding our foundational knowledge and translating advancements from the laboratory to clinical reality. The LNP-protein corona approach represents a paradigmatic shift with far-reaching implications. Its principles and insights can be leveraged beyond specific applications against SARS-CoV-2, enabling a universal platform for addressing viral threats, cancer, and genetic diseases

    Universality of DNA Adsorption Behavior on the Cationic Membranes of Nanolipoplexes.

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    Nanolipoplexes have emerged worldwide as the most pRev.alent synthetic gene delivery system. Nowadays, it is accepted that complete DNA protection and a precise control of the physical attributes of emerging complexes are major steps toward rational design of efficient nanocarriers. Here we Rev.ise the mechanism of DNA adsorption to the cationic membranes of lipid nanovectors. Here we show that both the DNA-binding ability of cationic membranes and the one-dimensional DNA packing density inside the complex depen on the cationic lipid/anionic DNA charge ratio. Remarkably, both these distributions are rescaled on universal curves when plotted against γ, a dimensionless quantity expressing the ratio between the area of cationic membranes and that occupied by DNA molecules. As a result, the DNA condensation on the surface of lipid nanocarriers can be regarded as a two-step process. Our findings indicate a successful way to the rational design of next-generation drug delivery nanocarriers

    sheets impact simulation for safety guards design experiments and correlation for fe explicit models of non alloy steel

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    Abstract In the last few years, some international standards for the safety of machine tools have been developed improving the ballistic protection of safety guards. The uncontrolled projection of parts of work piece or tools can often cause very dangerous perforations of the safety guards. In such a way specific experimental tests like the ones conducted in EU, have assured the possibility to write appendices of ISO standards for safety guards design of machine tools. These tests are based on impact between a particular standardized projectile, which exemplifies an impacting fragment of variable size and energy, and a flat plate placed in the trajectory of the projectile. The penetration or buckling of the target determines the non-suitability of a particular material of a given thickness, for the design and production of safety guards. However, these tests have following limitations: they are valid only for: a limited type of thickness and materials, a perpendicular impact with flat plates of about 500 mm x 500 mm and when the standardized penetrator is a cylinder with a prismatic head. Another limitation is based on design of real safety guards: difficulties in taking into account curved design of guards such as the ones typically used in the spindles of machine tools. Moreover, it is very difficult to take into account innovative materials different from the ones provided by the standards. It is also impossible to consider projected objects whose geometry is not regular, for example fragmented parts of tools, broken as a result of a wrong manoeuvre of the machine user. The focus of this paper is to give an overview of possible material models usable for FEM explicit virtual testing of safety guards. Correlation between experimental penetration of international standards and numerical tests will be presented as a proof of the possibility to implement reliable testing virtual procedures. It is possible to think of exploring the uncertainty of the standardized tests procedure due to, as an example, non-perpendicular impact of the projectile on the safety guard, using simulations

    Perfil sócio-econômico dos alunos da creche Irmã Anísia Rocha da cidade de Sobral, CE no ano de 2005.

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    O estudo é parte do projeto "Manipulação de constituintes e prospecção de propriedades funcionais do leite de cabra" financiado pelo Macroprograma 2 da Embrapa e, liderado pela Embrapa Caprinos, que teve objetivo geral: Conhecer o efeito de estratégias nutricionais para manipulação do perfil de caseínas e de ácidos graxos do leite de cabra e seus impactos sobre a saúde humana na prospecção de propriedades funcionais. Além de conhecer melhor o aluno, trata-se de gerar subsídios para melhorar a qualidade do ensino e prestação de serviços pela Creche Irmã Anísia Rocha.bitstream/CNPC/20815/1/cot84.pd

    SWIRP (Submm-Wave and Long Wave InfraRed Polarimeter); Development and Characterization of a Sub-Mm Polarimeter for Ice Cloud Investigations

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    A major source of uncertainty in climate models is the presence, shape and distribution of ice particles in the uppermost layers of the clouds. The effects of this component are poorly constrained, turning ice particles into an almost-free variable in many climate models.NASA-GSFC is developing a new instrument aimed at measuring the size and shape of ice particles. The instrument consists of two sub-mm polarimeters (at 220 and 670 GHz) coupled with a long-wave infrared polarimeter at 10 micron. Each polarimeter has identical V-pol and H-pol channels; the axes of polarization are defined geometrically by the orientation of the waveguide elements, and the purity has been measured in the lab. The instrument is configured as a conical scanner, suitable for deployment as a payload on a small satellite or on a high-altitude sub-orbital platform. From a 400 km orbit, the instrument has a 3dB spatial resolution of 20 (10) km at 220 (670) GHz and a swath of 600 km over 180 degrees of view.The BAPTA (Bearing And Power Transfer Assembly) carries heritage from the SSMIS design, now in its 22nd year of on-orbit operation, but with a much reduced SWaP (Size Weight and Power) footprint, suitable for a small satellite.The main components of the instrument have been fabricated and are undergoing final testing prior to their integration as a single unit. The sub-mm channels have dedicated secondary reflectors which illuminate a shared primary reflector. The receiving units are placed behind the focal point of the optical arrangement, so that all beams equally illuminate the primary reflector and are almost co-located on the ground (within a single 220 GHz footprint). Primary and secondary beam patterns have been measured and verified to match the as-designed expectations. A Zytex (TM) window is deployed to protect the secondary reflectors and the feed horns from debris and other contaminants, and to reduce the heat load from the active (hot) IR calibration unit. The insertion loss of Zytex has been measured and is accounted in the calibration equation of the sub-mm channels.The radiometric performance of the sub-mm receivers has been characterized in the lab and under operational conditions of temperature and pressure.This paper discusses the design constraints on the sub-mm components, details of the scientific goals and their flowdown, and describes the characterization of the polarimeters. Options to optimize the layout and distribution of the masses within the assembly, with the goal of making the instrument even more compact and fully-compatible with cubesat-class satellites will be presented

    Waking and sleeping following water deprivation in the rat

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    Wake-sleep (W-S) states are affected by thermoregulation. In particular, REM sleep (REMS) is reduced in homeotherms under a thermal load, due to an impairment of hypothalamic regulation of body temperature. The aim of this work was to assess whether osmoregulation, which is regulated at a hypothalamic level, but, unlike thermoregulation, is maintained across the different W-S states, could influence W-S occurrence. Sprague-Dawley rats, kept at an ambient temperature of 24 \ub0C and under a 12 h:12 h light-dark cycle, were exposed to a prolonged osmotic challenge of three days of water deprivation (WD) and two days of recovery in which free access to water was restored. Two sets of parameters were determined in order to assess: i) the maintenance of osmotic homeostasis (water and food consumption; changes in body weight and fluid composition); ii) the effects of the osmotic challenge on behavioral states (hypothalamic temperature (Thy), motor activity, and W-S states). The first set of parameters changed in WD as expected and control levels were restored on the second day of recovery, with the exception of urinary Ca++ that almost disappeared in WD, and increased to a high level in recovery. As far as the second set is concerned, WD was characterized by the maintenance of the daily oscillation of Thy and by a decrease in activity during the dark periods. Changes in W-S states were small and mainly confined to the dark period: i) REMS slightly decreased at the end of WD and increased in recovery; ii) non-REM sleep (NREMS) increased in both WD and recovery, but EEG delta power, a sign of NREMS intensity, decreased in WD and increased in recovery. Our data suggest that osmoregulation interferes with the regulation of W-S states to a much lesser extent than thermoregulation

    Surface area of lipid membranes regulates the DNA-binding capacity of cationic liposomes.

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    We have applied electrophoresis on agarose gels to investigate the DNA-binding capacity of cationic liposomes made of cationic DC-cholesterol and neutral dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine as a function of membrane charge density and cationic lipid/DNA charge ratio. While each cationic liposome formulation exhibits a distinctive DNA-protection ability, here we show that such a capacity is universally regulated by surface area of lipid membranes available for binding in an aspecific manner. The relevance of DNA protection for gene transfection is also discussed
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