1,627 research outputs found

    The tropospheric gas composition of Jupiter's north equatorial belt (NH3, PH3, CH3D, GeH4, H2O) and the Jovian D/H isotropic ratio

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    The gas composition of the troposphere of Jupiter in the clearest regions of the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) was derived from the Voyager 1 IRIS data. The infrared spectrum for this homogeneous cloud free region was modeled to infer altitude profiles for NH3, PH3, GeH4 and H2O. The Profiles for NH3 and PH3 were found to be depleted in the upper troposphere but otherwise in agreement with their solar values at the 1 bar level. The mole fraction for CH3D was determined to be 3.5(+1.0 or -1.3) x 10 to the minus 7th power. The GeH4 mole fraction of 7+ or -2 x 10 to the minus 10th power at the 2 to 3 bar level is a factor of 10 lower than the solar value. The H2O mole fraction is approximately 1 x 0.00001 at the 2.5 bar level and is increasing to approximately 3 x 0.00001 at 4 bars where it is a factor of 30 lower than solar. Using IRIS infrared values for the mole fractions of CH3D and CH4 a value of D/H = 3.6(+1.0 or -1.4)x 0.00001 is derived. Assuming this Jovian D/H ratio is representative of the protosolar nebula, and correcting for chemical galactic evolution, yields a value of 5.5 - 9.0 x 0.00001 for the primordial D/H ratio and an upper limit of 1.8 to 2.4 x 10 to the minus 31st power cu cm for the present day baryon density

    Alasan Rusia Melibatkan Diri dalam Konflik Bersenjata Suriah Tahun 2011-2015

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    Arab Spring which was happened in 2011 had ceated nationwide protest movement of the Syrian people to throw the regime of the President Bashar Al Assad. The conflict that was, at first,only protest then turned into armed conflict where the government, opposition and terrorism groups such as ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra involved. The number of the deaths caused by the conflict were then called by the UN as crime against humanity. The UN initiated Geneve Peace Talks as an agenda to hold a political transition towards Bashar Al Assad's regime. The effort was rejected by Russia Federation. In 2013, the U.S. and its alliance deployed its miltary forces in Syria to suport opposition group while in 2015 Russia then responded to the U.S. action by deploying its military troops in order to support the regime of Bashar Al Assad. This research is aimed to explain the motives of why Russia involved in the Syrian armed conflict. The research used qualitative method and Offensive Realism Theory by John J. Mearsheimer. The result of this research is that the involvement of Russia was meant to exercise its geopolitical influence in the Middle East and to repress the expansion of U.S. influence in Syria

    Contact binaries with additional components. III. The adaptive optics detections

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    We present results of the CFHT adaptive optics search for companions of a homogeneous group of contact binary stars, as a contribution to our attempts to prove a hypothesis that these binaries require a third star to become so close as observed. In addition to companions directly discovered at separations of >=1", we introduced a new method of AO image analysis utilizing distortions of the AO diffraction ring pattern at separations of 0.07"-1". Very close companions, with separations in the latter range were discovered in systems HV Aqr, OO Aql, CK Boo, XY Leo, BE Scl, and RZ Tau. More distant companions were detected in V402 Aur, AO Cam, V2082 Cyg. Our results provide a contribution to the mounting evidence that the presence of close companions is a very common phenomenon for very close binaries with orbital periods <1 day.Comment: Full Figs.4 and 5 are in http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~rucinski/Triples3

    Is the Blade Element Momentum theory overestimating wind turbine loads? – An aeroelastic comparison between OpenFAST's AeroDyn and QBlade's Lifting-Line Free Vortex Wake method

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    Abstract. Load calculations play a key role in determining the design loads of different wind turbine components. To obtain the aerodynamic loads for these calculations, the industry relies heavily on the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory. BEM methods use several engineering correction models to capture the aerodynamic phenomena present in Design Load Cases (DLCs) with turbulent wind. Because of this, BEM methods can overestimate aerodynamic loads under challenging conditions when compared to higher-order aerodynamic methods – such as the Lifting-Line Free Vortex Wake (LLFVW) method – leading to unnecessarily high design loads and component costs. In this paper, we give a quantitative answer to the question of load overestimation of a particular BEM implementation by comparing the results of aeroelastic load calculations done with the BEM-based OpenFAST code and the QBlade code, which uses a particular implementation of the LLFVW method. We compare extreme and fatigue load predictions from both codes using sixty-six 10 min load simulations of the Danish Technical University (DTU) 10 MW Reference Wind Turbine according to the IEC 61400-1 power production DLC group. Results from both codes show differences in fatigue and extreme load estimations for the considered sensors of the turbine. LLFVW simulations predict 9 % lower lifetime damage equivalent loads (DELs) for the out-of-plane blade root and the tower base fore–aft bending moments compared to BEM simulations. The results also show that lifetime DELs for the yaw-bearing tilt and yaw moments are 3 % and 4 % lower when calculated with the LLFVW code. An ultimate state analysis shows that extreme loads of the blade root out-of-plane bending moment predicted by the LLFVW simulations are 3 % lower than the moments predicted by BEM simulations. For the maximum tower base fore–aft bending moment, the LLFVW simulations predict an increase of 2 %. Further analysis reveals that there are two main contributors to these load differences. The first is the different way both codes treat the effect of the nonuniform wind field on the local blade aerodynamics. The second is the higher average aerodynamic torque in the LLFVW simulations. It influences the transition between operating modes of the controller and changes the aeroelastic behavior of the turbine, thus affecting the loads

    AtALMT12 represents an R-type anion channel required for stomatal movement in Arabidopsis guard cells

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    Stomatal pores formed by a pair of guard cells in the leaf epidermis control gas exchange and transpirational water loss. Stomatal closure is mediated by the release of potassium and anions from guard cells. Anion efflux from guard cells involves slow (S-type) and rapid (R-type) anion channels. Recently the SLAC1 gene has been shown to encode the slow, voltage-independent anion channel component in guard cells. In contrast, the R-type channel still awaits identification. Here, we show that AtALMT12, a member of the aluminum activated malate transporter family in Arabidopsis, represents a guard cell R-type anion channel. AtALMT12 is highly expressed in guard cells and is targeted to the plasma membrane. Plants lacking AtALMT12 are impaired in dark- and COâ‚‚ -induced stomatal closure, as well as in response to the drought-stress hormone abscisic acid. Patch-clamp studies on guard cell protoplasts isolated from atalmt12 mutants revealed reduced R-type currents compared with wild-type plants when malate is present in the bath media. Following expression of AtALMT12 in Xenopus oocytes, voltage-dependent anion currents reminiscent to R-type channels could be activated. In line with the features of the R-type channel, the activity of heterologously expressed AtALMT12 depends on extracellular malate. Thereby this key metabolite and osmolite of guard cells shifts the threshold for voltage activation of AtALMT12 towards more hyperpolarized potentials. R-Type channels, like voltage-dependent cation channels in nerve cells, are capable of transiently depolarizing guard cells, and thus could trigger membrane potential oscillations, action potentials and initiate long-term anion and K(+) efflux via SLAC1 and GORK, respectively

    Reference installation for the German grid initiative D-Grid

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    The D-Grid reference installation is a test platform for the German grid initiative. The main task is to create the grid prototype for software and hardware components needed in the D-Grid community. For each grid-related task field different alternative middleware is included. With respect to changing demands from the community, new versions of the reference installation are released every six months

    The X-ray Position and Optical Counterpart of the Accretion-Powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338

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    We report the precise optical and X-ray localization of the 3.2 ms accretion-powered X-ray pulsar XTE J1814-338 with data from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory as well as optical observations conducted during the 2003 June discovery outburst. Optical imaging of the field during the outburst of this soft X-ray transient reveals an R = 18 star at the X-ray position. This star is absent (R > 20) from an archival 1989 image of the field and brightened during the 2003 outburst, and we therefore identify it as the optical counterpart of XTE J1814-338. The best source position derived from optical astrometry is R.A. = 18h13m39.s04, Dec.= -33d46m22.3s (J2000). The featureless X-ray spectrum of the pulsar in outburst is best fit by an absorbed power-law (with photon index = 1.41 +- 0.06) plus blackbody (with kT = 0.95 +- 0.13 keV) model, where the blackbody component contributes approximately 10% of the source flux. The optical broad-band spectrum shows evidence for an excess of infrared emission with respect to an X-ray heated accretion disk model, suggesting a significant contribution from the secondary or from a synchrotron-emitting region. A follow-up observation performed when XTE J1814-338 was in quiescence reveals no counterpart to a limiting magnitude of R = 23.3. This suggests that the secondary is an M3 V or later-type star, and therefore very unlikely to be responsible for the soft excess, making synchroton emission a more reasonable candidate.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 6 pages; 3 figure

    A Multiplicity Census of Young Stars in Chamaeleon I

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    We present the results of a multiplicity survey of 126 stars spanning ~0.1-3 solar masses in the ~2-Myr-old Chamaeleon I star-forming region, based on adaptive optics imaging with the ESO Very Large Telescope. Our observations have revealed 30 binaries and 6 triples, of which 19 and 4, respectively, are new discoveries. The overall multiplicity fraction we find for Cha I (~30%) is similar to those reported for other dispersed young associations, but significantly higher than seen in denser clusters and the field, for comparable samples. Both the frequency and the maximum separation of Cha I binaries decline with decreasing mass, while the mass ratios approach unity; conversely, tighter pairs are more likely to be equal mass. We confirm that brown dwarf companions to stars are rare, even at young ages at wide separations. Based on follow-up spectroscopy of two low-mass substellar companion candidates, we conclude that both are likely background stars. The overall multiplicity fraction in Cha I is in rough agreement with numerical simulations of cloud collapse and fragmentation, but its observed mass dependence is less steep than predicted. The paucity of higher-order multiples, in particular, provides a stringent constraint on the simulations, and seems to indicate a low level of turbulence in the prestellar cores in Cha I.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of planetary nebulae and their halos I. Five galactic disk objects

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    Strong mass loss off stars at the tip of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) profoundly affects properties of these stars and their surroundings, including the subsequent planetary nebula (PN) stage. With this study we wanted to determine physical properties of mass loss by studying weakly emitting halos, focusing on objects in the galactic disk. Halos surround the, up to several thousand times, brighter central regions of PNe. Young halos, specifically, still contain information of the preceeding final mass loss stage on the AGB. In the observations we used the method of integral field spectroscopy with the PMAS instrument. This is the first committed study of halos of PNe that uses this technique. We improved our data analysis by a number of steps. In a study of the influence of scattered light we found that a moderate fraction of intensities in the inner halo originate in adjacent regions. As we combine line intensities of distant wavelengths, and because radial intensity gradients are steep, we corrected for effects of differential atmospheric refraction. In order to increase the signal-to-noise of weak emission lines we introduced a dedicated method to bin spectra of individual spatial elements. We also developed a general technique to subtract telluric lines - without using separate sky exposures. By these steps we avoided introducing errors of several thousand Kelvin to our temperature measurements in the halo. For IC3568 we detected a halo. For M2-2 we found a halo radius that is 2.5 times larger... (abridged)Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, A&A (in press), Abridged abstract, Corrected and clarified various minor issues; the section on scattered light is significantly clarifie

    Multisegmented esophageal fully covered self-expandable metal stent for palliation of malignant dysphagia:a prospective, multicenter feasibility and safety study

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    Background and Aims: A novel multisegmented esophageal fully covered self-expandable metal stent (FCSEMS) was designed to reduce stent migration, which is seen in up to 30% of patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the multisegmented FCSEMS. Methods: This multicenter prospective study aimed to include 30 patients undergoing palliative stent placement. Efficacy, defined as technically successful stent placement and dysphagia scores, and safety, defined as the number of adverse events (AEs) and serious AEs (SAEs), were measured. Results: The study was prematurely terminated due to safety concerns after including 23 patients (mean ± standard deviation age, 72 ± 10 years; 78% male). Stent placement was technically successful in 21 patients (91%), and dysphagia scores had improved in all patients with successful stent placement. SAEs were reported in 16 (70%) patients. Stent-related mortality occurred in 3 patients (13%). Conclusions: The multisegmented FCSEMS successfully treated malignant dysphagia. The study was prematurely terminated, however, because stent placement was associated with a relatively high SAE rate. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT04415463.)</p
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