10,786 research outputs found

    Molecular line study of the very young protostar IRAM 04191 in Taurus: Infall, rotation, and outflow

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    We present a detailed millimeter line study of the circumstellar environment of the low-luminosity Class 0 protostar IRAM 04191+1522 in the Taurus molecular cloud. New line observations demonstrate that the ~14000 AU radius protostellar envelope is undergoing both extended infall and fast, differential rotation. Radiative transfer modeling of multitransition CS and C34S maps indicate an infall velocity v_inf ~ 0.15 km/s at r ~ 1500 AU and v_inf ~ 0.1 km/s up to r ~ 11000 AU, as well as a rotational angular velocity Omega ~ 3.9 x 10^{-13} rad/s, strongly decreasing with radius beyond 3500 AU down to a value Omega ~ 1.5-3 x 10^{-14} rad/s at ~ 11000 AU. Two distinct regions, which differ in both their infall and their rotation properties, therefore seem to stand out: the inner part of the envelope (r ~< 2000-4000 AU) is rapidly collapsing and rotating, while the outer part undergoes only moderate infall/contraction and slower rotation. These contrasted features suggest that angular momentum is conserved in the collapsing inner region but efficiently dissipated due to magnetic braking in the slowly contracting outer region. We propose that the inner envelope is in the process of decoupling from the ambient cloud and corresponds to the effective mass reservoir (~0.5 M_sun) from which the central star is being built. Comparison with the rotational properties of other objects in Taurus suggests that IRAM 04191 is at a pivotal stage between a prestellar regime of constant angular velocity enforced by magnetic braking and a dynamical, protostellar regime of nearly conserved angular momentum. The rotation velocity profile we derive for the inner IRAM 04191 envelope should thus set some constraints on the distribution of angular momentum on the scale of the outer Solar system at the onset of protostar/disk formation.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The C23A system, an exmaple of quantitative control of plant growth associated with a data base

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    The architecture of the C23A (Chambers de Culture Automatique en Atmosphere Artificielles) system for the controlled study of plant physiology is described. A modular plant growth chambers and associated instruments (I.R. CO2 analyser, Mass spectrometer and Chemical analyser); network of frontal processors controlling this apparatus; a central computer for the periodic control and the multiplex work of processors; and a network of terminal computers able to ask the data base for data processing and modeling are discussed. Examples of present results are given. A growth curve analysis study of CO2 and O2 gas exchanges of shoots and roots, and daily evolution of algal photosynthesis and of the pools of dissolved CO2 in sea water are discussed

    Penerapan Pasal 359 Kuhpidana dalam Perkara Dokter Ayu Sariari Prawani, Dkk. (Kajian Yuridis terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Manado No. : 90/pid.b/2011/pn.mdo)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk kesalahan dokter dalam hukum pidana Indonesia dan bagaimana penerapan ketentuan pasal 359 KUHPidana terhadap kesalahan dokter dalam melakukan tugas profesi. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Seorang dokter melakukan suatu kesalahan profesi manakala ia tidak memenuhi persyaratan dalam menentukan diagnosa ataupun melakukan terapi, persyaratan seorang medicus yang baik, yang sedang, tidak memenuhi standard profesi dalam keadaan yang sama dan dengan menempuh jalan yang proporsional dengan tujuan menempuh jalan yang proporsional dengan tujuan hendak dicapai jikalau ia melakukan culpe late dan tidak cukup melakukan culpa levis. 2. Tanggung jawab seorang dokter yang berhubungan dengan kesalahan yang telah diperbuatnya melaksanakan tugas sehingga mengakibatkan kematian atau luka-luka adalah unsur kelalaian/kealpaan bukan kesalahan karena sengaja. Delik yang dapat diikutsertakan dalam hukum kedokteran adalah delik culpa sebagai aspek hukum pidana dari hukum kedokteran. Delik kealpaan dalam KUHP diatur dibawah judul “tentang menyebabkan mati atau luka-luka karena kealpaan” mulai dari pasal 359-361 KUHP. Penerapan Pasal 359 KUHPidana dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Manado Nomor 90/Pid.B/2011/PN.Mdo terhadap para terdakwa masing-masing dr. Dewi Ayu Sasiari Prawani, dr. Hendry Simanjuntak dan dr. Hendy Siagian oleh Majelis Hakim yang mengadili perkara in casu unsur kelalaian tidak terbukti sehingga para terdakwa dibebaskan. Berbeda dengan putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 365K/Pid/2012 yang dalam amarnya menghukum para terdakwa

    Anderson localization on the Falicov-Kimball model with Coulomb disorder

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    The role of Coulomb disorder is analysed in the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model. Phase diagrams of correlated and disordered electron systems are calculated within dynamical mean-field theory applied to the Bethe lattice, in which metal-insulator transitions led by structural and Coulomb disorders and correlation can be identified. Metallic, Mott insulator, and Anderson insulator phases, as well as the crossover between them are studied in this perspective. We show that Coulomb disorder has a relevant role in the phase-transition behavior as the system is led towards the insulator regime

    Magnetic states of linear defects in graphene monolayers: effects of strain and interaction

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    The combined effects of defect-defect interaction and of uniaxial or biaxial strains of up to 10\% on the development of magnetic states on the defect-core-localized quasi-one-dimensional electronic states generated by the so-called 558 linear extended defect in graphene monolayers are investigated by means of {\it ab initio} calculations. Results are analyzed on the basis of the heuristics of the Stoner criterion. We find that conditions for the emergence of magnetic states on the 558 defect can be tuned by uniaxial tensile parallel strains (along the defect direction) at both limits of isolated and interacting 558 defects. Parallel strains are shown to lead to two cooperative effects that favor the emergence of itinerant magnetism: enhancement of the DOS of the resonant defect states in the region of the Fermi level and tuning of the Fermi level to the maximum of the related DOS peak. A perpendicular strain is likewise shown to enhance the DOS of the defect states, but it also effects a detunig of the Fermi level that shifts away from the maximum of the DOS of the defect states, which inhibts the emergence of magnetic states. As a result, under biaxial strains the stabilization of a magnetic state depends on the relative magnitudes of the two components of strain.Comment: 9 pages 8 figure

    Mutant and chimeric recobinant plasminogen activatorsproduction in eukaryotic cellsand preliminary characterization

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    Mutant urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) genes and hybrid genes between tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and u-PA have been designed to direct the synthesis of new plasminogen activators and to investigate the structure-function relationship in these molecules. The following classes of constructs were made starting from cDNA encoding human t-PA or u-PA: 1) u-PA mutants in which the Arg156 and Lys158 were substituted with threonine, thus preventing cleavage by thrombin and plasmin; 2) hybrid molecules in which the NH2-terminal regions of t-PA (amino acid residues 1-67, 1-262, or 1-313) were fused with the COOH-terminal region of u-PA (amino acids 136-411, 139-411, or 195-411, respectively); and 3) a hybrid molecule in which the second kringle of t-PA (amino acids 173-262) was inserted between amino acids 130 and 139 of u-PA. In all cases but one, the recombinant proteins, produced by transfected eukaryotic cells, were efficiently secreted in the culture medium. The translation products have been tested for their ability to activate plasminogen after in situ binding to an insolubilized monoclonal antibody directed against urokinase. All recombinant enzymes were shown to be active, except those in which Lys158 of u-PA was substituted with threonine. Recombination of structural regions derived from t-PA, such as the finger, the kringle 2, or most of the A-chain sequences, with the protease part or the complete u-PA molecule did not impair the catalytic activity of the hybrid polypeptides. This observation supports the hypothesis that structural domains in t-PA and u-PA fold independently from one to another

    On the transcendence degree of the differential field generated by Siegel modular forms

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    It is a classical fact that the elliptic modular functions satisfies an algebraic differential equation of order 3, and none of lower order. We show how this generalizes to Siegel modular functions of arbitrary degree. The key idea is that the partial differential equations they satisfy are governed by Gauss--Manin connections, whose monodromy groups are well-known. Modular theta functions provide a concrete interpretation of our result, and we study their differential properties in detail in the case of degree 2.Comment: 21 pages, AmSTeX, uses picture.sty for 1 LaTeX picture; submitted for publicatio

    Rain volume estimation over areas using satellite and radar data

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    The analysis of 18 convective clusters demonstrates that the extension of the Area-Time-Integral (ATI) technique to the use of satellite data is possible. The differences of the internal structures of the radar reflectivity features, and of the satellite features, give rise to differences in estimating rain volumes by delineating area; however, by focusing upon the area integrated over the lifetime of the storm, it is suggested that some of the errors produced by the differences in the cloud geometries as viewed by radar or satellite are minimized. The results are good and future developments should consider data from different climatic regions and should allow for implementation of the technique in a general circulation model

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Persepsi Manfaat, Kemudahan Penggunaan, Kualitas Sistem, dan Kualitas Informasi terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Sakuku Bca

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    Kemajuan teknologi telah mengembangkan sebuah tren transaksi baru, khususnya di bidang perbankkan, antara lain yaitu e-payments. E-payments akan mendorong bisnis perbankan untuk berkembang menyediakan sarana dan fasilitas transaksi yang beragam. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk merupakan salah satu penyedia layanan perbankan menyediakan aplikasi sakuku. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna aplikasi Sakuku BCA dengan judul “Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Persepsi Manfaat, Kemudahan Penggunaan, Kualitas Sistem Dan Kualitas Informasi Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Sakuku BCA”. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna aplikasi sakuku BCA di kota Bandung. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan metode Convenience sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 310 responden. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas agar didapatkan alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel, dan hasil yang diperoleh seluruh indikator dan variabel valid dan reliabel. Serta memenuhi uji asumsi klasik, yaitu data yang digunakan dalam penelitian terdistribusi normal, tidak terjadi multikolinearitas antara variabel, dan terjadi homokedatisitas, Hasil uji t menunjukan bahwa citra merek, promosi, kemudahan penggunaan dan kualitas informasi berpengaruh signifikan secara individu terhadap kepuasan pengguna sakuku BCA dengan hasil sig &lt; 0.05 dan T-hitung &gt; T-tabel , sedangkan persepsi manfaat dan kualitas sistem tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara individu terhadap kepuasan pengguna sakuku BCA, karena hasil sig &gt; 0.05 dan T-hitung &lt; T-tabel. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa model fit serta variabel &nbsp;citra merek, promosi, persepsi manfaat, kemudahan penggunaan, kualitas sistem dan kualitas informasi secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna aplikasi BCA sakuku , karena hasil sig 0.000 &lt; 0.05 dan F-hitung = 57.516 &gt; F-Tabel = 2.130. Koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,523 menunjukan terdapat 52,3% kontrabusi variabel &nbsp;citra merek, promosi, persepsi manfaat, kemudahan penggunaan, kualitas sistem dan kualitas informasi secara bersama-sama dalam mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna dan sisanya sebesar 47,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini

    Computerized Medicines Supply Management in Djakarta Pharmacies

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    This study aims to discuss the computerization of drug supply management, withemphasis on the design of drugs code. In this research, case studies taken atpharmacies Djakarta.To implement the above objectives do some research on the old system of documentflow, kenutuhan user, operational costs, time data processing.From the results of this research note that the calculation of inventories of time longenough and often times the information produced errors that do not support theprocess of inventory monitoring and decision making.To overcome the above designed an inventory system with the help of computers toprocess data and present information more accurate and timely manner to support theleadership in decision making.With the implementation of new systems and management of inventory datacalculation becomes faster and more accurate, thus helping the process of achievingorganizational goals