767 research outputs found

    Roles in school bullying and well-being: An analysis of justice perceptions and perceived social support as mediators

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    Bullying incidents are common in schools and they have negative and widespread effects, namely on the mental and physical health of those who are more directly involved. In this thesis, we aim to expand the literature by exploring the relationship between bullying and well-being and by providing a theoretical framework that can explain this relationship. We developed three cross-sectional studies with adolescents and young adults in an educational setting. In Study 1 (n = 380), we proposed to analyze the relationship between bullying and the well-being of participant roles in bullying (victims, bullies, assistants, reinforcers, defenders and outsiders). Study 2 (n = 202) is an extension of Study 1 in which we investigated bullying behaviors retrospectively. In Study 3 (n = 565) we explored justice perceptions and perceived social support as mediators in the relationship between bullying and well-being of victims, bully-victims, bullies and non-involved students. We argued that these mediators were indicators of the threat that bullying poses to the need to belong and can help explain the relationship between bullying and well-being. Our results showed that bullying is negatively associated with well-being in the short and long-term. In the short-term, effects are experienced primarily by victims (and bully-victims). However, in the long-term, both victims and bullies experience the negative effects of bullying. The results also showed that victims and bully-victims experienced deterioration in their justice perceptions and perceived social support. We interpreted these results as empirical support for our argument. We discussed our results regarding their potential contribution to prevention and intervention efforts, and to the literature that establishes bullying as a serious social problem with multilayered consequences.Os incidentes de bullying são comuns nas escolas e têm efeitos negativos e generalizados, nomeadamente na saúde mental e física daqueles que estão mais diretamente envolvidos. Nesta tese, teve-se como objectivo expandir a literatura explorando a relação entre o bullying e o bemestar e tendo em conta um quadro teórico que pudesse explicar essa relação. Foram desenvolvidos três estudos transversais com adolescentes e jovens adultos num ambiente educacional. No Estudo 1 (n = 380), analisou-se a relação entre o bullying e o bemestar dos papéis no bullying (vítimas, agressores, assistentes, reforçadores, defensores e outsiders). O estudo 2 (n = 202) é uma extensão do Estudo 1, no qual se investigou os comportamentos de bullying retrospectivamente. No Estudo 3 (n = 565), explorou-se as percepções da justiça e o suporte social percebido como mediadores na relação entre o bullying e o bem-estar das vítimas, agressores-vítimas, agressores e estudantes não-envolvidos. O argumento desta tese é o de que estes mediadores são indicadores da ameaça que o bullying representa para a necessidade de pertença e que podem ajudar a explicar a relação entre o bullying e bem-estar. Os resultados mostraram que o bullying está negativamente associado ao bem-estar a curto e a longo prazo. A curto prazo, os efeitos verificaram-se principalmente para vítimas (e agressores-vítimas). No entanto, a longo prazo, ambos vítimas e os agressores sofrem os efeitos negativos do bullying. Os resultados também mostraram que as vítimas e os agressores-vítimas sofrem deterioração das suas percepções de justiça e do suporte social percebido. Estes resultados foram interpretados como suporte empírico para o argumento desta tese. Os resultados foram discutidos em relação ao seu potencial contributo para os esforços de prevenção e intervenção, e para a literatura que estabelece o bullying como um problema social sério com consequências a vários níveis

    Atypical presentation of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 8 in a sibling pair and review of the eye findings and neurological features.

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    Purpose:To report atypical presentation of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses type 8 (CLN8) to the eye clinic and review clinical features of CLN8. Observations:Detailed eye exam by slit lamp exam, indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, visual fields and electroretinogram (ERG). Molecular genetic testing using Next Generation Sequencing panel (NGS) and array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH).The siblings in this study presented to the eye clinic with retinitis pigmentosa and cystoid macular edema, and a history of seizures but no severe neurocognitive deficits or regression. Genetic testing identified a c.200C > T (p.A67V) variant in the CLN8 gene and a deletion encompassing the entire gene. Electron microscopy of lymphocytes revealed fingerprint inclusions in both siblings. Conclusions:and Importance: Pathogenic variants in CLN8 account for the retinitis pigmentosa and seizures in our patients however, currently, they do not have regression or neurocognitive decline. The presentation of NCL can be very diverse and it is important for ophthalmologists to consider this in the differential diagnosis of retinal disorders with seizures or other neurological features. Molecular genetic testing of multiple genes causing isolated and syndromic eye disorders using NGS panels and aCGH along with additional complementary testing may often be required to arrive at a definitive diagnosis

    Plasma antioxidants from chocolate

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    There is some speculation that dietary flavonoids from chocolate, in particular (-)epicatechin, may promote cardiovascular health as a result of direct antioxidant effects or through antithrombotic mechanisms. Here we show that consumption of plain, dark chocolate results in an increase in both the total antioxidant capacity and the (-)epicatechin content of blood plasma, but that these effects are markedly reduced when the chocolate is consumed with milk or if milk is incorporated as milk chocolate. Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate in vivo and may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate

    Bullying and malocclusion in adolescence: a case report

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Adolescents with bad malocclusion can more often be victims of bullying and the improvement of their facial appearance through oral rehabilitation is nowadays an important issue. The aim of this case report was to describe the orthodontic treatment in a teenager with a dentoskeletal malocclusion exposed to bullying to correct his occlusal problems and improve facial esthetics and quality of life. Case presentation: The patient, a boy aged 13.5 years, had a class II, division 1, malocclusion with hyperdivergent pattern, mandibular asymmetry, constricted maxillary arch and molar crossbite, increased overjet, lower mild crowding and lip sucking. A two-phase approach was necessary to achieve proper occlusion, better esthetics and promote the patient\u27s self-esteem with consequent greater serenity of his family. Conclusion: Treatment of adolescent patients with severe dento-skeletal malocclusions is among the most difficult challenges for orthodontists. Orthodontic therapy cannot simply aim a simple occlusal correction but also have to establish a valid methodology to remove the "cause" of bullying and to treat the patient, together with appropriate psychological support

    Efectos de la salinidad sobre la gravedad específica y la viabilidad de huevos de una carpa norteamericana (Ciprinidae)

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    The influence of salinity on survival, specific gravity, and size of eggs of the endangered Hybognathus amarus (Rio Grande silvery minnow) was studied to provide insight into factors affecting their potential dispersal and fate. Under low salinity conditions egg specific gravity declined significantly in the first hour after spawning as the perivitelline space of the egg filled with water. Egg specific gravity achieved a minimum value approximately 1 h post-spawning and remained approximately constant until hatching, which occurred near 48 h post-spawning at 20°C. Specific gravity of the egg depended on the salinity of the water surrounding the egg: hardened eggs changed rapidly in diameter and specific gravity when exposed to water of higher salinity. Size and specific gravity of H. amarus eggs also differed when the eggs were incubated in different groundwater sources. Experiments indicated that calcium chloride saline solution had a greater effect on egg specific gravity and size than did solutions of sodium or potassium chlorides. Survival of H. amarus eggs declined sharply at salinity greater than 3 (practical salinity units, PSU) and was only 5% at a salinity of 8. Habitat restoration to benefit H. amarus should consider the salinity of habitats in which eggs incubate.El efecto de la salinidad sobre la supervivencia, gravedad específica y talla de los huevos del ciprínido puesto en peligro de extinción, Hybognathus amarus, fue estudiado para proporcionar información sobre los factores que afectan la dispersión y el destino de los huevos. Bajo condiciones de salinidad baja la gravedad específica del huevo disminuyó de forma significativa durante la primera hora después de la puesta, a medida que el espacio del perivitelino del huevo se fue llenando de agua. la gravedad específica del huevo alcanzó un valor mínimo 1 hora después de la puesta y quedó aproximadamente constante hasta eclosión, que ocurrió alrededor de 48 horas tras la puesta a 20˚C. la gravedad específica del huevo dependió de la salinidad del agua que le rodeaba. los huevos con corion endurecido cambiaron rápidamente en diámetro y gravedad específica cuando fueron expuestos a agua de salinidad más alta. El tamaño y la gravedad específica de los huevos de H. amarus también se diferenciaron cuando los huevos fueron incubados en diferentes fuentes de agua subterránea. Los experimentos indicaron que la solución salina del cloruro de calcio tuvo un mayor efecto sobre la gravedad específica del huevo que las soluciones de los cloruros del sodio o del potasio. Expuestos a soluciones de salinidad de más de 3 (PsU), la supervivencia de los huevos de H. amarus disminuyó claramente, bajando a sólo el 5% en la solución de 8. la restauración del hábitat con el objetivo de beneficiar a H. amarus debe considerar la salinidad de los hábitats en los cuales el huevo incuba

    Factors Affecting Fasting Urinary Calcium Excretion in Stone Former Patients on Different Dietary Calcium Intake

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    The effects of variable calcium content on daily and fasting urinary calcium and other lithogenic solutes excretion, on the bone turnover index (fasting hydroxyproline urinary excretion) and on the calciotropic hormones were studied in 312 stone former patients with an outpatient protocol and 15 stone former patients in an inpatient study. Furthermore in 60 of these patients, 30 while on a low calcium diet (LCD) and 30 on a free calcium home diet (FCD), the effects of an oral calcium load (OCL) on bone turnover index, calciotropic hormones and calcium excretion were evaluated. The results demonstrate that an LCD is effective in reducing daily calcium excretion. Fasting calcium excretion is apparently not affected by changes in dietary calcium content. On the other hand, LCD induces a marked increase in bone resorption, without apparent signs of increased parathyroid activity. This may explain the failure to reduce fasting urinary calcium excretion by the LCD. The OCL greatly reduced bone resorption rate, without any change in calciotropic hormones, especially in patients on LCD. In conclusion, the LCD induces a reduction in the lithogenic factors in the urine of stone formers, but induces a marked increase in bone resorption. The lack of any change in fasting urinary calcium excretion in conditions of different dietary calcium intake may be due to an opposite change in the intestinal and osseous components that affect this parameter, and is therefore of little value

    Pesticide and plasticizer residues in citrus essential oils from different countries.

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    Residue analyses are very important in the quality control of citrus essential oils. Organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides, phosphorated plasticizers and chloroparaffins contamination were investigated by HRGC with FPD and ECD detectors in 120 citrus essential oils produced in Italy and in 70 from other countries in the crop year 2006-2007. Results showed that the largest pesticide quantities were found in oils from Brazil and Spain. The presence of such residues might be the result of an improper use of pesticide in citrus growing or of previous contamination of the extractors. However, the pesticide levels showed a measurable decrease in relation to past production years. The absence of phosporated plasticizers and chloroparaffins can be the result of either improvement of the procedures used during the production cycle or in the storage of the essential oils compared with previous years

    BDNF impact on synaptic dynamics: extra or intracellular long-term release differently regulates cultured hippocampal synapses

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    Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signalling contributes to the formation, maturation and plasticity of Central Nervous System (CNS) synapses. Acute exposure of cultured brain circuits to BDNF leads to up-regulation of glutamatergic neuro-transmission, by the accurate tuning of pre and post synaptic features, leading to structural and functional synaptic changes. Chronic BDNF treatment has been comparatively less investigated, besides it may represent a therapeutic option to obtain rescue of post-injury alterations of synaptic networks. In this study we used a paradigm of BDNF long-term (4 days) incubation to assess in hippocampal post-natal neurons in culture, the ability of such a treatment to alter synapses. By patch clamp recordings we describe the augmented function of excitatory neurotransmission and we further explore by live imaging the presynaptic changes brought about by long-term BDNF. In our study, exogenous long-term BDNF exposure of post-natal neurons did not affect inhibitory neurotransmission. We further compare, by genetic manipulations of cultured neurons and BDNF release, intracellular overexpression of this neurotrophin at the same developmental age. We describe for the first-time differences in synaptic modulation by BDNF with respect to exogenous or intracellular release paradigms. Such a finding holds the potential of influencing the design of future therapeutic strategies