271 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Heating Processes and Temperature Field of the Frequency-controlled Asynchronous Engine Based on Mathematical Models

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    The study of the temperature field of the engine for non-stationary modes is done. A numerical simulation of a non-stationary thermal process using dynamic EHD, the characteristic of the rate of rise of temperatures is done. An increase in the temperature of individual parts in the idle interval, when the power of heat release is significantly reduced, is established, and the reverse of the heat flow through the air gap is established. It is shown that the EHD method, in contrast to the FEM, is self-sufficient, which determines its practical value. In various parts of the speed control range in the implementation of various laws of regulation. At the same time, the main electrical, magnetic and additional losses associated with the fundamental voltage harmonics (FVH), and mechanical losses, as well as additional electrical and magnetic losses associated with the higher voltage harmonics, change. When using serial asynchronous engines as frequency-controlled. Permissible under the conditions of heating power is significantly reduced by the power of serial engines. Depending on the synchronous speed, the reduction is from 10 % to 20 %. Given the additional overheating due to higher voltage harmonics, as well as the deterioration of the cooling conditions when adjusting the rotational speed "down" from the nominal, it seems very relevant

    Використання нейронних мереж в задачах експлуатації і ремонту рухомого складу електротранспорту

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    Deep neural networks have achieved great success in controlled learning problems, and MIL as a typical poorly controlled learning method is effective for many applications in computer vision, biometrics, natural language processing, etc. In this article, we review several neural networks with multiple instances ( MINN), which neural networks seek to solve MIL problems. MINNs perform MILs in the end, which take bags with different numbers of instances as input and directly output the tags of the bags. All parameters in MINN can be optimized by back propagation. In addition to revising old MINNs, we offer a new type of MINN for exploring bag representations, which differs from existing MINNs that focus on the evaluation of an instance label. In addition, recent tricks developed in deep learning have been studied in MINN; we find that deep supervision is effective for a better understanding of bag views. In experiments, the proposed MINNs achieve the most advanced or competitive performance on several MIL tests. Moreover, for testing and learning it is very fast, for example, it takes only 0.0.0 03 s to predict the bag and a few seconds to learn on the MIL datasets on a moderate processor. Initially, several instances (MILs) were proposed to predict bounce activity [1]. Now it is widely applied to many domains and is an important problem in computer training. Many multimedia data have a multiplier (MI) structure; For example, a text article contains several paragraphs, the image can be divided into several local areas, and gene expression data contains several genes. MIL is useful for processing and understanding MI data. Studying multiple instances is a type of weak controlled learning (WSL). Each sample is executed in the form of labeled data, which consist of a wide variety of instances associated with the functions of input. The purpose of MIL in the dual task is to prepare a classifier for prediction of test packet labels, based on the assumption that there is a positive packet and contains at least one positive instance, while the data is negative if it consists only of negative instances.Нейронні мережі і багаторазові навчання (MIL) є привабливими темами в дослідницьких областях, пов’язаних зі штучним інтелектом. Глибокі нейронні мережі домоглися великих успіхів в контрольованих проблемах навчання, а MIL як типовий слабо контрольований метод навчання є ефективний для багатьох додатків в області комп’ютерного зору, біометрії і т. д

    Combined Linkage and Association Analyses of the 124-bp Allele of Marker D2S2944 with Anxiety, Depression, Neuroticism and Major Depression

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    A central issue in psychiatric genetics is whether positive findings replicate. Zubenko et al. (2002b, Mol. Psychiatry 7:460-467) reported an association of the 124-bp allele of D2S2944 with recurrent early-onset major depression for females. We tested for association of this allele to continuous measures of anxiety, depression and neuroticism in a Dutch sample of 347 males and 448 females, and to DSM-IV major depression in a subsample of 210 males and 295 females. The association of the 124-bp allele to depression in females was not replicated, but there were significant associations (not significant after correction for multiple testing) with anxiety and anxious depression in males. However, the association occurred in the absence of evidence for linkage in this region on chromosome 2. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Идея всестороннего развития личности в теоретических и практических аспектах социальной работы

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    У статті розкривається актуальність проблеми всебічного розвитку особистості та засоби, якими соціальна робота може втілювати цю ідею на даному етапі. Основний наголос робиться на двох аспектах – цілеспрямована робота з клієнтом (емпауермент) та діяльність щодо створення сприятливого для всебічного розвитку особистості соціального середовища.Actuality of problem of all-round development of personality and means of social work that enable realization of this idea on the current stage opens up in the article. A basic accent is done on such two aspects as purposeful work with a client (empowerment) and activity about creation favourable social environment for all-round development of personality.В статье раскрывается актуальность проблемы всестороннего развития личности и средства, с помощью которых социальная работа может воплощать эту идею на данном этапе. Основной акцент делается на двух аспектах - целенаправленная работа с клиентом (эмпауэрмент) и деятельность по созданию благоприятной для всестороннего развития личности социальной среды

    Genetic Linkage and Association Analysis for Loneliness in Dutch Twin and Sibling Pairs Points to a Region on Chromosome 12q23–24

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    We obtained evidence from a large study in Dutch twins (N = 8387) and siblings (N = 2295) that variation in loneliness has a genetic component. The heritability estimate for loneliness, which was assessed as an ordinal trait, was 40% and did not differ between males and females. There were 682 sibling pairs with genotypic (around 400 microsatellite markers) data. We combined phenotypic and genotypic data to carry out a genome scan to localize QTLs for loneliness. One region on chromosome 12q23.3-24.3, showed near suggestive linkage. Genetic association tests within this region revealed significant association (p-value 0.009) with one of the alleles of marker D12S79 and with one of the alleles of neighbouring marker D12S395 (p-value 0.043). We review evidence for linkage in this region for psychiatric disorders and discuss our findings within this context. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Combinatorial Mismatch Scan (CMS) for loci associated with dementia in the Amish

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    BACKGROUND: Population heterogeneity may be a significant confounding factor hampering detection and verification of late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) susceptibility genes. The Amish communities located in Indiana and Ohio are relatively isolated populations that may have increased power to detect disease susceptibility genes. METHODS: We recently performed a genome scan of dementia in this population that detected several potential loci. However, analyses of these data are complicated by the highly consanguineous nature of these Amish pedigrees. Therefore we applied the Combinatorial Mismatch Scanning (CMS) method that compares identity by state (IBS) (under the presumption of identity by descent (IBD)) sharing in distantly related individuals from such populations where standard linkage and association analyses are difficult to implement. CMS compares allele sharing between individuals in affected and unaffected groups from founder populations. Comparisons between cases and controls were done using two Fisher's exact tests, one testing for excess in IBS allele frequency and the other testing for excess in IBS genotype frequency for 407 microsatellite markers. RESULTS: In all, 13 dementia cases and 14 normal controls were identified who were not related at least through the grandparental generation. The examination of allele frequencies identified 24 markers (6%) nominally (p ≤ 0.05) associated with dementia; the most interesting (empiric p ≤ 0.005) markers were D3S1262, D5S211, and D19S1165. The examination of genotype frequencies identified 21 markers (5%) nominally (p ≤ 0.05) associated with dementia; the most significant markers were both located on chromosome 5 (D5S1480 and D5S211). Notably, one of these markers (D5S211) demonstrated differences (empiric p ≤ 0.005) under both tests. CONCLUSION: Our results provide the initial groundwork for identifying genes involved in late-onset Alzheimer's disease within the Amish community. Genes identified within this isolated population will likely play a role in a subset of late-onset AD cases across more general populations. Regions highlighted by markers demonstrating suggestive allelic and/or genotypic differences will be the focus of more detailed examination to characterize their involvement in dementia

    Факторы риска при трансплантации печени от посмертного донора: опыт одного центра

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    Deceased brain-dead donor liver transplantation (LT) is a high-risk intervention. The outcome depends on a large number of modifiable and non-modifiable factors. Objective: to analyze our own experience and identify preoperative and perioperative prognostic factors for poor outcomes in LT. Materials and methods. The study included 301 liver transplants performed between January 2016 and December 2021. Donor and recipient characteristics, intraoperative data, perioperative characteristics including laboratory test data, and the nature and frequency of complications were used for the analysis. Results. The 1-, 3- and 5-year recipient survival rates were 91.8%, 85.1%, and 77.9%, respectively; graft survival rates were 90.4%, 83.7%, and 76.7%, respectively. The most significant predictors of poor outcome of LT on the recipient side were biliary stents (HR 7.203, p < 0.01), acutely decompensated cirrhosis (HR 2.52, p = 0.02); in the postoperative period, non-surgical infectious complications (HR 4.592, p < 0.01) and number of reoperations (HR 4.063, p < 0.01). Donor creatinine level (HR 1.004, p = 0.01, one factor analysis; HR 1.004, p = 0.016, multivariate analysis) was the only reliable prognostic negative factor. Conclusion. LT taking into account established risk factors will improve surgery outcomes and help personalize the therapy for each patient.Трансплантация печени от донора со смертью головного мозга – вмешательство высокого риска, на результаты которого влияет большое количество модифицируемых и немодифицируемых факторов. Цель: провести анализ собственного опыта и выявить предоперационные и периоперационные прогностические факторы риска неблагоприятного исхода при трансплантации печени. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены трансплантации печени (n = 301), выполненные за период с января 2016-го по декабрь 2021 г. Для анализа использованы характеристики доноров и реципиентов, интраоперационные данные, периоперационные характеристики, включая данные лабораторных тестов, а также характер и частоту осложнений. Результаты. Выживаемость реципиентов составила: 91,8; 85,1 и 77,9% на сроке 1, 3 и 5 лет после операции; выживаемость трансплантатов – 90,4; 83,7 и 76,7% соответственно. Наиболее значимыми предикторами неблагоприятного исхода трансплантации печени со стороны реципиента стали наличие билиарных стентов (HR 7,203, p < 0,01), острая декомпенсация течения цирроза печени (HR 2,52, p = 0,02); в послеоперационном периоде – нехирургические инфекционные осложнения (HR 4,592, p < 0,01) и количество повторных операций (HR 4,063, p < 0,01). Уровень креатинина донора (HR 1,004, p = 0,01 – однофакторный анализ; HR 1,004, p = 0,016 – многофакторный анализ) является единственным достоверным прогностически негативным фактором. Выводы. Выполнение трансплантации печени с учетом установленных факторов риска позволит улучшить результаты операций, а также персонализировать терапию для каждого пациента

    Interaction between CRHR1 and BDNF Genes Increases the Risk of Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder in Chinese Population

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    BACKGROUND: An important etiological hypothesis about depression is stress has neurotoxic effects that damage the hippocampal cells. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression through influencing cAMP and Ca2+ signaling pathways during the course. The aim of this study is to examine the single and combined effects of CRH receptor 1 (CRHR1) and BDNF genes in recurrent major depressive disorder (MDD). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: The sample consists of 181 patients with recurrent MDD and 186 healthy controls. Whether genetic variations interaction between CRHR1 and BDNF genes might be associated with increased susceptibility to recurrent MDD was studied by using a gene-based association analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). CRHR1 gene (rs1876828, rs242939 and rs242941) and BDNF gene (rs6265) were identified in the samples of patients diagnosed with recurrent MDD and matched controls. Allelic association between CRHR1 rs242939 and recurrent MDD was found in our sample (allelic: p = 0.018, genotypic: p = 0.022) with an Odds Ratio 0.454 (95% CI 0.266-0.775). A global test of these four haplotypes showed a significant difference between recurrent MDD group and control group (chi-2 = 13.117, df = 3, P = 0.016. Furthermore, BDNF and CRHR1 interactions were found in the significant 2-locus, gene-gene interaction models (p = 0.05) using a generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction (GMDR) method. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that an interaction between CRHR1 and BDNF genes constitutes susceptibility to recurrent MDD