165 research outputs found

    A Hybrid KB-AHP-GAP Analysis for the Performance Measurement System in a Manufacturing Environment. Part 2: the Detailed PMS System

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    This paper presents on designing and managing performance of a manufacturing unit from the corporate level to the shop floor level. A Hybrid Knowledge Based (KB) Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Gauging Absence of Pre-requisite (GAP) analysis of Performance Measurement System (PMS) Model is developed that considers five levels of company performance: Business Perspective, Customers Perspective, Manufacturing Competitive Priorities Perspective, Internal Process Perspective, and Resources & Method Availability Perspective. The research validation was confined to four industry sectors: aircraft component manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, computer and office equipment manufacturing and telecommunication product manufacturing. The results of the validation exercise indicate that the present Hybrid PMS Model is suitable decision-making tool to assist the practitioners of PMS and provides consistent and detailed results

    Perancangan Logo Wisata Pantai Banyu Tibo Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Wisata Pantai Banyu Tibo memiliki pesona dan daya tarik tersendiri dibandingkan wisata lain di Kabupaten Pacitan. Pantai ini dikenal keunikannya yang mempunyai air terjun yang langsung jatuh ke bibir pantai. Namun, lokasi wisata ini masih belum mempunyai sistem identitas apapun. Oleh sebab itu, perancangan logo Wisata Pantai Banyu Tibo ini sangat diperlukan guna mengangkat citra lokasi wisata. Desain logo dibuat dengan gaya retro karena target audience yang ingin dicapai adalah kalangan anak muda kategori remaja sampai dewasa awal. Pada perancangan ini menghasilkan satu karya desain logo dan sebuah GSM (Graphic Standard Manual) yang didalamnya terdapat berbagi aturan-aturan logo beserta cara pengaplikaiannya pada berbagai media pendukung seperti media promosi, media stationary, dan Merchandise. Selanjutnya proses visualisasi karya desain dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yakni, thumbnail, tight tissue, dan desain final. Kata Kunci: Logo, Wisata Pantai Banyu Tibo, Kabupaten Pacita

    Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Kinerja Perusahaan Studi Kasus Perusahaan Dago Engineering

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    Dago Engineering (DagoEng) adalah Perusahaan konsultan enjiniring yang mayoritas konsumennya Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang eksploitasi migas. Beberapa isu yang menghambat perkembangan DagoEng namun hingga kini belum dapat dipecahkan, yaitu turn-over karyawan yang tinggi, tidak mengetahui area-area yang membutuhkan upaya perbaikan/pengembangan, kegiatan R&D yang terlantar, inkonsistensi kualitas pekerjaan, tidak mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen, dan kesulitan dalam meramalkan potensi pendapatan masa depan. Daftar problem tersebut dipetakan didapatkan akar masalahnya adalah tidak memadainya sistem manajemen kinerja (SMK) DagoEng saat ini. Dari hasil rancangan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS) didapatkan variabel-variabel kunci untuk proses perbaikannya yang tercakup ke dalam tiga perspektif, yaitu keluaran organisasi, proses internal, dan kemampuan sumber daya. Keluaran organisasi memiliki aspek finansial dan aspek non finansial. Proses internal memiliki aspek inovasi, aspek proses kerja, dan aspek pemasaran. Sedangkan kemampuan sumber daya memiliki aspek sumber daya insani, aspek sumber daya teknologi dan infrastruktur, dan aspek sumber daya organisasi. Variabel kinerja yang diusulkan terdiri dari aspek finansial 4 variabel, aspek non finansial 4 variabel, aspek inovasi 3 variabel, aspek proses kerja 7 variabel, aspek pemasaran 3 variabel, aspek sumber daya insani 3 variabel, aspek sumber daya teknologi & infrastruktur 3 variabel, aspek sumber daya organisasi 4 variabel. Untuk masing-masing variabel kinerja dipilih indikator pengukuran, cara perhitungan, dan data yang dibutuhkan. Dari analisis ditemukan bahwa masih banyak data-data dan sistem pencatatan yang belum tersedia di DagoEng sehingga kaji banding kinerja belum dapat dilakukan

    Analisa Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Di Pisa Kafe Surabaya

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    : The growth of food and beverages industry in Surabaya is increasing. Therefore, restaurants must have loyal customers in order to maintain their business. This research is written to find the impact of product and service quality towards customer\u27s satisfaction and loyalty. Researcher wanted to explore loyalty factors of Pisa Kafe Surabaya\u27s loyal customers. This research used PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling) technique to analyze, also service quality use second order formative model. The result has proved that product quality significantly and positively impacts customer\u27s satisfaction and service quality, which includes tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy significantly and positively impacts customer\u27s satisfaction and it creates customer\u27s loyalty in Pisa Kafe Surabaya

    Pembangunan Dan Pelatihan Website Toko Online Untuk Mendukung Pemasaran Dan Promosi Umkm Yogyakarta

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    Perkembangan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) di Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun. Data statistik Bappeda DIYmenunjukkan peningkatan jumlah UMKM di Yogyakarta dari tahun ke tahun mulai tahun2015 sebanyak 230.047 UMKM menjadi 262.560 pada tahun 2019. Di tengahberkembangnya UMKM di Yogyakarta yang menjanjikan ini, ternyata belum banyakpelaku UMKM yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai sarana pemasaran, danpromosi. Keterbatasan pengetahuan akan teknologi informasi dalam memanfaatkanwebsite sebagai toko online inilah sehingga konsep pengabdian pada masyarakat inidisusun. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menyasar UMKM dengan sampel beberapamitra, yaitu UMKM Hobi Sulam kerajinan sulam Jatimulyo Baru, Rumi Batik diResonegaran dan Kado Karikatur Yogyakarta. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam jangkawaktu empat bulan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepadaUMKM agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk memasarkan danmempromosikan produknya. Teknologi informasi yang akan digunakan adalah sisteminformasi website. Diharapkan dengan pemasaran dan promosi menggunakan mediawebsite sebagai toko online dapat meningkatkan daya saing dalam mempromosikanproduk dan penjualan para pelaku UMKM

    Proposed Method to Increase Productivity at PT AMI

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    PT AMI is a bakeware manufacture located in Bandung and all its product is 100 percent export oriented. The products are exported to American and European markets. The type of business is based on jobs order or customers\u27 orders. The company found that low productivity and high number of defects have caused the company to lose sales and profits. During the analysis the main problem regarding quantity lies in the Unit Press Shop, which has poor layout which causing the production unable to reach optimum level. While in the quality issue, the problem lies in the Unit Press Shop and Unit Painting. The problems are due to lack of knowledge of the operators. The methods that will be discussed in analyzing the roots of problems in PT AMI are the Lean Manufacturing concept with DMAIC methodology to identify the root of the caused and waste in the manufacturing area. The propose method in order to eliminate the problems are additional machines, new layout and the grouping of similar items and processes help to improve the capacity in production. The capacity improvement is about 85.5% compare to the existing system. Another proposes solution is to create training for the operators to improve the skill and knowledge regarding the impact of high reject to the company\u27s growth. The first expectation after the training is the improvement of 20% compare to total reject in 2012. The implementation to improve the productivity will require the effort and team works form few departments. The timeline in applying the propose methods will takes about three months starting from January 2014

    Perancangan Program Aplikasi Kriptografi Menggunakan Algoritma Magenta dengan Panjang Kunci 128 Bit

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    Along with the development of computer technology, the growing crimes against the computer. Crimes against the computer makes people increasingly competing to make the algorithms-algorithms that can maintain the confidentiality of data. Algorithms algorithm Magenta is one of the many algorithms that exist today. Magenta algorithms have been developed since 1990 by using a simple and transparent technique that can be implemented in hardware and software. First time algorithms are analyzed using the butterfly structure - the structure of the butterfly which was then replaced by a Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT) shuffle structure which has the advantage of providing some structure in each level. In 1994 there was a slight change in the use of hardware that was not processed according to plan so that now the algorithm used by Deutsche Telekom Magenta for secure management of sensitive data with 128-bit key length. These algorithms break the 128-bit key length into 16 blocks with each block containing the 8-bit and one other advantage of this algorithm is the recursive part is calculated repeatedly at each iteration

    C4.5 Decision Tree Implementation in Sistem Informasi Zakat (Sizakat) to Automatically Determining the Amount of Zakat Received by Mustahik

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    In general, Zakat Information Systems is established to manage the zakat services, so that the data can be well documented. This study proposes the existence of a feature that will determine the amount of zakat received by Mustahik automatically using C4.5 Decision Tree algorithm. This feature is expected to make the process of determining the amount of zakat be done easy and optimal. The data used in this study are the data taken from Masjid An-Nur, Pancoran, South Jakarta. The experiment results show that the proposed feature produces an accuracy rate over 85%
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