3,186 research outputs found

    Elasto-plastic impact of hemispherical shell impacting on hard rigid sphere

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    An analysis of plastic stress waves for cylindrical metallic projectile in impact is extended to an analysis of a hemispherical shell suffereing plastic deformation during the process of impact. It is assumed that the hemispherical shell with a prescribed launch velocity impinges a fixed rigid sphere of diameter equal to the internal diameter of the shell. The dynamic biaxial state of stress present in the shell during deformation is investigated. The analysis is valuable for studying the state of stress during large plastic deformation of a hemispherical shell

    Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics, 2

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    The Science Working Group for the High Resolution Solar Observatory (HRSO) laid plans beginning in 1984 for a series of workshops designed to stimulate a broadbased input from the scientific community to the HRSO mission. These workshops have the dual objectives of encouraging an early start on the difficult theoretical problems in radiative transfer, magnetohydrodynamics, and plasma physics that will be posed by the HRSO data, and maintaining current discussions of results in high resolution solar studies. This workshop was the second in the series. The workshop format presented invited review papers during the formal sessions and contributed poster papers for discussions during open periods. Both are presented

    N-heterocyclic germylenes: structural characterisation of some heavy analogues of the ubiquitous N-heterocyclic carbenes

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    The X-ray crystal structures of three N-heterocyclic germylenes (NHGes) have been elucidated including the previously unknown 1,3-bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (1). In addition, the X-ray crystal structures of the previously synthesised 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (2) and 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (3) are also reported. The discrete molecular structures of compounds 1 to 3 are comparable, with Ge-N bond lengths in the range 1.835-1.875 Å, while the N-Ge-N bond angles range between 83.6 and 85.2°. Compound 2 was compared to the analogous N-heterocyclic carbene species, 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene (IMes). The major geometrical difference observed, as expected, was the bond angle around the divalent group 14 atom. The N-Ge-N bond angle was 83.6° for compound 2 versus the N-C-N bond angle of 101.4° for IMes. The Sn equivalent of (1), 1,3-bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)diazastannol-2-ylidene (4), has also been synthesised and its crystal structure is reported here. In order to test their suitability as ligands, compounds 1 to 3 were reacted with a wide range of transition metal complexes. No NHGes containing metal complexes were observed. In all cases the NHGe either degraded or gave no reaction

    Complexing additives to reduce the immiscible phase formed in the hybrid ZnBr2 flow battery

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    The zinc-bromine redox flow battery (RFB) is one of a very few commercially viable RFB energy storage system capable of integration with intermittent renewable energy sources to deliver improved energy management. However, due to the volatility of the electrogenerated bromine and potential for its crossover from positive to negative electrolytes, this system requires the use of quaternary ammonium complexes (N-methyl-N-ethylpyrrolidinium, (MEP)) to capture this bromine. This produces an immiscible phase with the Br2 which requires a complex network of pipes, pumps and automated controls to ensure access to the electroactive material during discharge. In this work, the use of novel quaternary ammonium complexes to capture the electrogenerated bromine but to keep it in the aqueous phase is examined. Three compounds, 1-(carboxymethyl) pyridine-1-ium, 1-(2-carboxymethyl)-1-methylmorpholin-1-ium and 1-(2-carboxymethyl)-1-methylpyrrolidin-1-ium, were found to successfully reduce the volume of the immiscible phase formed on complexing with the polybromide (Brx-) whilst displaying similar enthalpy of vaporisation values as that of MEP. Electrochemical analysis also revealed that these compounds did not impact on the electrode kinetics of the Br-/Brx- reaction indicating that the resulting surface film formed with these compounds behaved as a chemically modified electrode, in contrast to the surface film formed with MEP

    On the theory of coronal heating mechanisms

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    Theoretical models describing solar coronal heating mechanisms are reviewed in some detail. The requirements of chromospheric and coronal heating are discussed in the context of the fundamental constraints encountered in modelling the outer solar atmosphere. Heating by acoustic processes in the 'nonmagnetic' parts of the atmosphere is examined with particular emphasis on the shock wave theory. Also discussed are theories of heating by electrodynamic processes in the magnetic regions of the corona, either magnetohydrodynamic waves or current heating in the regions with large electric current densities (flare type heating). Problems associated with each of the models are addressed

    Catalysing scale-up of maternal and newborn health innovations in Ethiopia

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    Scaling-up the innovation across a large geographical area as part of the Community Based Newborn Care package produced challenges, yet there have also been positive and enabling factors in Ethiopia. IDEAS wanted to understand what helps and what hinders the scale-up of community-based maternal and newborn health (MNH) innovations, both within and beyond implementation partner areas, and how scale-up can be catalysed. IDEAS and its partners carried out a case study of an MNH innovation in Ethiopia with its roots in the Community Based Interventions for Newborns in Ethiopia (COMBINE) project which enables Health Extension Workers (HEWs) to administer antibiotics to manage neonatal sepsis at community level. This was evaluated through a randomised controlled trial. The innovation was facilitated by Save the Children USA, through Saving Newborn Lives (SNL), and was initially implemented by HEWs and the Health Development Army in 19 districts ('woredas') of Ethiopia. From late 2013, the innovation was being scaled-up to 92 woredas as one of nine components of Phase One of the Ethiopian Government’s Community Based Newborn Care (CBNC) package. This summary presents evidence from the study and identifies both enablers and barriers to scale up and key actions needed to catalyse scale up

    Synthesis of hetero-bifunctional, end-capped oligo-EDOT derivatives

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    Conjugated oligomers of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) are attractive materials for tissue engineering applications, and as model systems for studying the properties of the widely used polymer PEDOT. We report here the facile synthesis of a series of keto-acid end-capped oligo-EDOT derivatives (n = 2-7) through a combination of a glyoxylation end capping strategy and iterative direct arylation chain extension. Importantly, these structures not only represent the longest oligo-EDOTs reported, but are also bench stable in contrast to previous reports on such oligomers. The constructs reported here can undergo subsequent derivatization for integration into higher order architectures, such as those required for tissue engineering applications. The synthesis of hetero-bifunctional constructs, as well as those containing mixed monomer units is also reported, allowing further complexity to be installed in a controlled manner. Finally, we describe the optical and electrochemical properties of these oligomers and demonstrate the importance of the keto-acid in determining their characteristics

    A preliminary comparison of the sulfur geochemistry between two gas hydrate terranes

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    We compare the authigenic sulfide mineral geochemistry of two, different gas hydrate terranes: the accretionary wedge of the Cascadia continental margin (offshore Oregon) and the passive margin of the BlakeRidgeregion (offshore southeastern US). We expect diagenetic processes effecting sulfide mineral formation (elemental sulfur, iron monosulfides, and pyrite) within these sediments to respond to differing geologic conditions at each setting. In both settings, methane diffuses upward from gas hydrates to the methane-sulfate interface (SMI), where it is consumed by reaction with sulfate during anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO). This microbially-mediated, diagenetic process produces an interstitial environment conducive to authigenic sulfide mineral formation, so that sulfide minerals tend to be concentrated near the SMI and contain more heavy sulfur (34S). Sulfate reduction occurs simultaneously as sulfate is consumed by microbes utilizing sedimentary organic matter as a foodstuff. In this case, more sulfide mineralization occurs above the SMI, and so that sulfide minerals there should contain more 32S. These competing sulfate-depleting processes potentially produce different vertical distributions of the concentration and sulfur isotopic composition (d34S) of sulfide minerals preserved within the sedimentary record. Preliminary geochemical results from ODP Site 1244 (Cascadia) show a shallower SMI, large concentrations of dissolved sulfide, significant levels of dissolved iron only where dissolved sulfide is low to absent, larger amounts of sulfide sulfur in the sediments, and a similar d34S profile as compared to Blake Ridge sediments. Because methane is consumed by AMO in both settings, we hypothesize that sulfate reduction is responsible for most sulfide mineralization within Cascadia sediments

    Electron Detectors for Electron-Beam Testing of Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits

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    The increasing density of components in integrated circuits imposes severe constraints on conventional electron beam testers. The use of electron detectors consisting of combined electrostatic and magnetic fields has demonstrated improved performance over conventional electrostatic detectors. Such detectors also ease many of the practical difficulties associated with electron beam testing of Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) circuits. A detector using a single pole magnetic lens will be described and compared to detectors which use only electrostatic fields. The single pole lens detector has demonstrated superior performance to the electrostatic detector in terms of local field error and imaging resolution, allowing accurate measurements to be made on sub-micron structures
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