683 research outputs found

    Territorial cohesion cities: a policy recipe for achieving territorial cohesion?

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    This paper discusses the role of medium towns as crucial anchors in achieving the policy goal of Territorial Cohesion. It highlights the need to counterbalance market trends to favour the continuous channelling of investment and people into larger metropolitan areas by way of proactive measures focused on attracting investment into medium towns, and as an alternative to dispersing public and private investment in lagging territories. Iberian and Nordic cases are examined in order to illustrate the possibilities and challenges of using ‘Territorial Cohesion Cities’ as development hubs in lagging regions, in order to achieve Territorial Cohesion at a national level

    New life in old churches : the missional integration of communal life, societal relevant congregational development and property estate management

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    German textAusgehend von dem konkreten mehrdimensionalen missionalen Kirchenprojekt REFOmoabit ist es Ziel dieser Masterarbeit, eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, wie eine fruchtbare Integration von (1) gemeinschaftlichem Leben, (2) gesellschaftsrelevantem Gemeindebau und (3) Immobilienmanagement gelingen kann. Die aktuelle ekklesiologische Praxis und Erfahrung zeigt jedoch, dass es zu Spannungen zwischen dem Prinzip des gaben- und konsensbasierten Miteinanders, einerseits und der Entwicklung eines gesellschaftsrelevanten Gemeindebaus und einem die ersten beiden Bereiche unterstützenden Immobilienmanagements andererseits kommt. Infolgedessen soll im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Frage nach der genauen Art und Ausprägung dieser Spannungen, ihren Ursachen und möglichen Lösungen, die eine wirklich fruchtbare Integration dieser drei Bereiche ermöglichen, untersucht und beantwortet werden. Dies erfolgt mit einem interdisziplinären Dreischritt, indem (a) soziologisch Art, Ausprägung und Ursache der vorfindlichen Spannungen analysiert werden, diese (b) theologisch reflektiert werden und abschließend (c) praktisch-theologische Handlungsmöglichkeiten als ekklesiologische Hilfestellungen für eine fruchtbare Integration entwickelt werden.Based on the multidimensional church planting project REFOmoabit this dissertation aims to answer the question how a fruitful integration of (1) communal life, (2) societal relevant congregational development and (3) property estate management is possible. Current ecclesiological practice and experience has shown that tensions arise between the principle of gift- and consensus-based cooperation and transformative church planting as well as the real estate management that is supposed to support the other two areas. Therefore this dissertation aims to examine and answer questions about the exact nature and extent of these tensions, their causes and possible solutions that make a truly fruitful integration of these three areas possible. This takes place within an interdisciplinary approach by (a) analyzing the nature, extent and reason of the tensions sociologically, (b) examining them from a theological viewpoint and (c) offering practical theological courses of action as an ecclesiological aid for a fruitful integration.Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyM. Th. (Practical Theology

    Untypical ageing off-flavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilization

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    The off-flavour UTA (untypical ageing) of wines produced from the vintages 1996-1999 within the scope of a long-term N fertilization experiment was compared to the o-aminoacetophenone (AAP) concentrations found in these wines. The wines were made of plants treated with 0, 60 and 150 kg N ha-1·N fertilization led to higher UTA intensities and AAP concentrations in aged wines; due to stronger fruity aromas with increasing N fertilization, young wines were able to mask AAP. Controls had a stronger masking effect in older wines, caused by antioxidants (phenols) and possibly higher alcohols. Moreover, at the same AAP level, wines from the vintages 1996 and 1998 exhibited lower UTA intensity than wines from 1997 and 1999. This is influenced by N supply, yield and time of harvest which can not be separated from each other.

    Ambivalence of the influence of nitrogen supply on o-aminoacetophenone in 'Riesling' wine

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    AAP (o-aminoacetophenone) is the aroma substance responsible for the untypical ageing off-flavour (UTA). The impact of nitrogen supply on the formation of AAP was investigated between 1994 and 1999. The experiment was carried out in the Rheingau (Germany) with six fertigation treatments of annual quantities of N (0, 30, 60, 90, 150 kg·N·ha-1). Results indicated that the long-term varied N fertilization affected AAP concentration in wine as much as the year. Whereas a better N supply of the grapes due to effects of the year coincided with lower AAP values, the fertilization effect was reversal: higher N fertilization increased the concentrations of AAP. AAP did not correlate with its precursor IAA and only slightly with antioxidative capacity. Neither varying yield nor soluble solids could explain the high variance of AAP. An indicator for potential AAP formation could not be found, neither in must nor in wine.


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    Untypical ageing off-ßavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilizationVitis 46 (1), 33-38 (2007

    Restricted Isometries for Partial Random Circulant Matrices

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    In the theory of compressed sensing, restricted isometry analysis has become a standard tool for studying how efficiently a measurement matrix acquires information about sparse and compressible signals. Many recovery algorithms are known to succeed when the restricted isometry constants of the sampling matrix are small. Many potential applications of compressed sensing involve a data-acquisition process that proceeds by convolution with a random pulse followed by (nonrandom) subsampling. At present, the theoretical analysis of this measurement technique is lacking. This paper demonstrates that the ssth order restricted isometry constant is small when the number mm of samples satisfies m(slogn)3/2m \gtrsim (s \log n)^{3/2}, where nn is the length of the pulse. This bound improves on previous estimates, which exhibit quadratic scaling

    Biological Deacidification Strategies for White Wines

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    Traditionally, the use of malolactic fermentation gives rise to microbiologically stable wines. However, malolactic fermentation is not free from possible collateral effects that can take place under specific scenarios. The present work tests the influence of different biological deacidification strategies on the volatile and non-volatile components of white must from Germany. The study compared mixed cultures of Lachancea thermotolerans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe and a pure culture of Sc. pombe to the classical biological deacidification process performed by lactic acid bacteria. Strains of Oenococcus oeni and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum were co- or sequentially inoculated with S. cerevisiae to carry out malolactic fermentation. Different fermentation treatments took place at a laboratory scale of 0.6 L in vessels of 0.75 L. The instrumental techniques Fourier-transform mid-infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to evaluate different chemical parameters in the final wines. The results showed the ability of Sc. pombe to consume malic acid in combination with L. thermotolerans without using S. cerevisiae or lactic acid bacteria. Fermentations involving Sc. pombe consumed all the malic acid, although they reduced the concentrations of higher alcohols, fatty acids and acetic acid. Simultaneous alcoholic and malolactic fermentations reduced malic acid by about 80%, while classical malolactic fermentation reduced it by 100%. Fermentations involving L. thermotolerans produced the highest lactic acid, ester and glycerol concentrations

    Compressed sensing for wide-field radio interferometric imaging

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    For the next generation of radio interferometric telescopes it is of paramount importance to incorporate wide field-of-view (WFOV) considerations in interferometric imaging, otherwise the fidelity of reconstructed images will suffer greatly. We extend compressed sensing techniques for interferometric imaging to a WFOV and recover images in the spherical coordinate space in which they naturally live, eliminating any distorting projection. The effectiveness of the spread spectrum phenomenon, highlighted recently by one of the authors, is enhanced when going to a WFOV, while sparsity is promoted by recovering images directly on the sphere. Both of these properties act to improve the quality of reconstructed interferometric images. We quantify the performance of compressed sensing reconstruction techniques through simulations, highlighting the superior reconstruction quality achieved by recovering interferometric images directly on the sphere rather than the plane.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, replaced to match version accepted by MNRA

    Atoms of all channels, unite! Average case analysis of multi-channel sparse recovery using greedy algorithms

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    This paper provides new results on computing simultaneous sparse approximations of multichannel signals over redundant dictionaries using two greedy algorithms. The first one, p-thresholding, selects the S atoms that have the largest pp-correlation while the second one, p-simultaneous matching pursuit (p-SOMP), is a generalisation of an algorithm studied by Tropp. We first provide exact recovery conditions as well as worst case analyses of all algorithms. The results, expressed using the standard cumulative coherence, are very reminiscent of the single channel case and, in particular, impose stringent restrictions on the dictionary. We unlock the situation by performing an average case analysis of both algorithms. First, we set up a general probabilistic signal model in which the coefficients of the atoms are drawn at random from the standard gaussian distribution. Second, we show that under this model, and with mild conditions on the coherence, the probability that p-thresholding and p-SOMP fail to recover the correct components is overwhelmingly small and gets smaller as the number of channels increases. Furthermore, we analyse the influence of selecting the set of correct atoms at random. We show that, if the dictionary satisfies a uniform uncertainty principle, the probability that simultaneous OMP fails to recover any sufficiently sparse set of atoms gets increasingly smaller as the number of channels increases