489 research outputs found

    Riparian plant water relations along the north fork of the Kings River, California

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    Plant water relations of five obligate ripar-ian species were studied along California\u27s North Fork Kings River. Diurnal stomatal conductance, transpi-ration, and xylem pressure potentials were measured throughout the 1986 growing season and in mid-season in 1987. Patterns were similar for all species although absolute values varied considerably. Maximum stomatal conductance occurred early in the day and season during favorable environmental conditions and decreased as air temperature and the vapor pressure difference between the leaf and air increased. Maximum transpiration rates occurred in mid-morning and mid-summer resulting in estimated daily water losses per unit sunlit leaf area of 163-328 mol H2O m-2. Predawn xylem pressure poten-tials remained high in 1986 when streamflows averaged 1.41 m3/s (50 cfs), however they were notably lower in 1987 at 0.7 m3/s (25 cfs)

    Heterocyst placement strategies to maximize growth of cyanobacterial filaments

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    Under conditions of limited fixed-nitrogen, some filamentous cyanobacteria develop a regular pattern of heterocyst cells that fix nitrogen for the remaining vegetative cells. We examine three different heterocyst placement strategies by quantitatively modelling filament growth while varying both external fixed-nitrogen and leakage from the filament. We find that there is an optimum heterocyst frequency which maximizes the growth rate of the filament; the optimum frequency decreases as the external fixed-nitrogen concentration increases but increases as the leakage increases. In the presence of leakage, filaments implementing a local heterocyst placement strategy grow significantly faster than filaments implementing random heterocyst placement strategies. With no extracellular fixed-nitrogen, consistent with recent experimental studies of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, the modelled heterocyst spacing distribution using our local heterocyst placement strategy is qualitatively similar to experimentally observed patterns. As external fixed-nitrogen is increased, the spacing distribution for our local placement strategy retains the same shape while the average spacing between heterocysts continuously increases.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physical Biology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available onlin

    Mechanistic illustration: How newly‐formed blood vessels stopped by the mineral blocks of bone substitutes can be avoided by using innovative combined therapeutics

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    One major limitation for the vascularization of bone substitutes used for filling is the presence of mineral blocks. The newly-formed blood vessels are stopped or have to circumvent the mineral blocks, resulting in inefficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the implant. This leads to necrosis within the implant and to poor engraftment of the bone substitute. The aim of the present study is to provide a bone substitute currently used in the clinic with suitably guided vascularization properties. This therapeutic hybrid bone filling, containing a mineral and a polymeric component, is fortified with pro-angiogenic smart nano-therapeutics that allow the release of angiogenic molecules. Our data showed that the improved vasculature within the implant promoted new bone formation and that the newly-formed bone swapped the mineral blocks of the bone substitutes much more efficiently than in non-functionalized bone substitutes. Therefore, we demonstrated that our therapeutic bone substitute is an advanced therapeutical medicinal product, with great potential to recuperate and guide vascularization that is stopped by mineral blocks, and can improve the regeneration of critical-sized bone defects. We have also elucidated the mechanism to understand how the newly-formed vessels can no longer encounter mineral blocks and pursue their course of vasculature, giving our advanced therapeutical bone filling great potential to be used in many applications, by combining filling and nano-regenerative medicine that currently fall short because of problems related to the lack of oxygen and nutrients

    Satisfação materna com o cuidado da enfermeira materno-infantil em Campeche, México

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate and compare maternal-satisfaction (global and areas) with maternal-child nursing care (MSMINC) and to explore the relationship of MSMINC with wait time, length of visit, and maternal age and education. METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study comprising 213 mothers. Group 1 (n = 84), mothers of children agedEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar la satisfacciĂłn materna (global/ĂĄreas) con el cuidado de la enfermera materno infantil (MSMINC) y explorar la relaciĂłn de MSMINC con el tiempo de espera, duraciĂłn de la visita, edad y educaciĂłn materna. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. Participaron 213 madres. Grupo 1, n = 84 madres de niñosOBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a satisfação materna (global e ĂĄreas) com o cuidado da enfermeira materno-infantil (SMAEMI) e explorar a relação da SMAEMI com o tempo de espera e duração da visita, idade e educação da mĂŁe. MÉTODOS: ESTUdo descritivo-transversal com a participação de 213 mĂŁes. Grupo 1, n = 84 mĂŁes de criança

    Exclusive Measurements of pd→3Heππpd\to ^3He \pi\pi : the ABCABC Effect Revisited

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    Exclusive measurements of the reactions pd→pd\to 3Heπ+π−^3He \pi^+ \pi^- and pd→pd\to 3Heπ0π0^3He \pi^0\pi^0 have been carried out at Tp=0.895T_p=0.895 GeV at the CELSIUS storage ring using the WASA detector. The π+π−\pi^+\pi^- channel evidences a pronounced enhancement at low invariant ππ\pi\pi masses - as anticipated from previous inclusive measurements of the ABC effect. This enhancement is seen to be even much larger in the isoscalar π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 channel. The differential distributions prove this enhancement to be of scalar-isoscalar nature. ΔΔ\Delta\Delta calculations give a good description of the data, if a boundstate condition is imposed for the intermediate ΔΔ\Delta\Delta system.Comment: extended version, 8 pages, 7 figures, theoretical model calculations adde

    Understanding communication networks in the emergency department

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Emergency departments (EDs) are high pressure health care settings involving complex interactions between staff members in providing and organising patient care. Without good communication and cooperation amongst members of the ED team, quality of care is at risk. This study examined the problem-solving, medication advice-seeking and socialising networks of staff working in an Australian hospital ED.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A social network survey (Response Rate = 94%) was administered to all ED staff (n = 109) including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, administrative staff and ward assistants. Analysis of the network characteristics was carried out by applying measures of density (the extent participants are concentrated), connectedness (how related they are), isolates (how segregated), degree centrality (who has most connections measured in two ways, in-degree, the number of ties directed to an individual and out-degree, the number of ties directed from an individual), betweenness centrality (who is important or powerful), degree of separation (how many ties lie between people) and reciprocity (how bi-directional are interactions).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all three networks, individuals were more closely connected to colleagues from within their respective professional groups. The problem-solving network was the most densely connected network, followed by the medication advice network, and the loosely connected socialising network. ED staff relied on each other for help to solve work-related problems, but some senior doctors, some junior doctors and a senior nurse were important sources of medication advice for their ED colleagues.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Network analyses provide useful ways to assess social structures in clinical settings by allowing us to understand how ED staff relate within their social and professional structures. This can provide insights of potential benefit to ED staff, their leaders, policymakers and researchers.</p

    Ring distributions leading to species formation: a global topographic analysis of geographic barriers associated with ring species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the mid 20<sup>th </sup>century, Ernst Mayr and Theodosius Dobzhansky championed the significance of circular overlaps or ring species as the perfect demonstration of speciation, yet in the over 50 years since, only a handful of such taxa are known. We developed a topographic model to evaluate whether the geographic barriers that favor processes leading to ring species are common or rare, and to predict where other candidate ring barriers might be found.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 952,147 geographic barriers identified on the planet, only about 1% are topographically similar to barriers associated with known ring taxa, with most of the likely candidates occurring in under-studied parts of the world (for example, marine environments, tropical latitudes). Predicted barriers separate into two distinct categories: (i) single cohesive barriers (< 50,000 km<sup>2</sup>), associated with taxa that differentiate at smaller spatial scales (salamander: <it>Ensatina eschscholtzii</it>; tree: <it>Acacia karroo</it>); and (ii) composite barriers - formed by groups of barriers (each 184,000 to 1.7 million km<sup>2</sup>) in close geographic proximity (totaling 1.9 to 2.3 million km<sup>2</sup>) - associated with taxa that differentiate at larger spatial scales (birds: <it>Phylloscopus trochiloide</it>s and <it>Larus </it>(sp. <it>argentatus </it>and <it>fuscus</it>)). When evaluated globally, we find a large number of cohesive barriers that are topographically similar to those associated with known ring taxa. Yet, compared to cohesive barriers, an order of magnitude fewer composite barriers are similar to those that favor ring divergence in species with higher dispersal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While these findings confirm that the topographic conditions that favor evolutionary processes leading to ring speciation are, in fact, rare, they also suggest that many understudied natural systems could provide valuable demonstrations of continuous divergence towards the formation of new species. Distinct advantages of the model are that it (i) requires no <it>a priori </it>information on the relative importance of features that define barriers, (ii) can be replicated using any kind of continuously distributed environmental variable, and (iii) generates spatially explicit hypotheses of geographic species formation. The methods developed here - combined with study of the geographical ecology and genetics of taxa in their environments - should enable recognition of ring species phenomena throughout the world.</p

    Improving STD testing behavior among high-risk young adults by offering STD testing at a vocational school

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chlamydia trachomatis infection (CT) is the most prevalent bacterial STD. Sexually active adolescents and young adults are the main risk group for CT. However, STD testing rates in this group are low since exposed individuals may not feel at risk, owing-at least in part-to the infection's largely asymptomatic nature. Designing new testing environments that are more appealing to young people who are most at risk of acquiring chlamydia can be an important strategy to improve overall testing rates. Here we evaluate the effect of a school-based sexual health program conducted among vocational school students, aiming to obtain better access for counseling and enhance students' STD testing behavior.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adolescents (median age 19 years) attending a large vocational school were provided with sexual health education. Students filled in a questionnaire measuring CT risk and were offered STD testing. Using univariate and multivariate analysis, we assessed differences between men and women in STD-related risk behavior, sexual problems, CT testing behavior and determinants of CT testing behavior.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 345 participants, 70% were female. Of the 287 sexually active students, 75% were at high risk for CT; one third of women reported sexual problems. Of sexually active participants, 61% provided a self-administered specimen for STD testing. Independent determinants for testing included STD related symptoms and no condom use. All CT diagnoses were in the high-CT-risk group. In the high-risk group, STD testing showed an increased uptake, from 27% (previous self-reported test) to 65% (current test). CT prevalence was 5.7%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Vocational school students are a target population for versatile sexual health prevention. When provided with CT testing facilities and education, self selection mechanisms seemed to increase CT testing rate dramatically in this high-CT-risk population expressing sexual problems. Considering the relative ease of testing and treating large numbers of young adults, offering tests at a vocational school is feasible in reaching adolescents for STD screening. Although cost-effectiveness remains an issue counseling is effective in increasing test rates.</p
