233 research outputs found
Force traction microscopy: An inverse problem with pointwise observations
Force Traction Microscopy is an inversion method that allows to obtain the stress field applied by a living cell on the environment on the basis of a pointwise knowledge of the displacement produced by the cell itself. This classical biophysical problem, usually addressed in terms of Green functions, can be alternatively tackled using a variational framework and then a finite elements discretization. In such a case, a variation of the error functional under suitable regularization is operated in view of its minimization. This setting naturally suggests the introduction of a new equation, based on the adjoint operator of the elasticity problem. In this paper we illustrate the rigorous theory of the two-dimensional and three dimensional problem, involving in the former case a distributed control and in the latter case a surface control. The pointwise observations require to exploit the theory of elasticity extended to forcing terms that are Borel measure
Search for correlations between BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts and Supernovae
We report on complex statistical research of space-time correlated supernovae and CGRO-BATSE gamma-ray bursts. We show that there exists a significantly higher abundanceof core-collapsesup ernovaeamong thecorre lated supernovae, but the subset of all correlated objects does not seem to be physically different from the whole set
Fungal trunk pathogens associated with Juglans regia in the Czech Republic
[EN] Juglans regia L. (English walnut) trees with cankers and dieback symptoms were observed in two regions in the Czech Republic. Isolations were made from diseased branches. In total, 138 fungal isolates representing 10 fungal species were obtained from wood samples and identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular methods: Cadophora novi-eboraci, Cadophora spadicis, Cryptovalsa ampelina, Diaporthe eres, Diplodia seriata, Dothiorella omnivora, Eutypa lata, Ewypella sp., Peroneutypa scoparia, and Phaeoacremonium sicilianum. Pathogenicity tests conducted under field conditions with all species using the mycelium-plug method indicated that Eutypa lata and Cadophora spp. were highly virulent to woody stems of walnut. This is the first study to detect and identify fungal trunk pathogens associated with diseased walnut trees in Europe.This work was supported by the Ministerstvo Skolstvi, Mladeze a Telovychovy (EFRR "Multidisciplinary Research to Increase Application Potential of Nanomaterials in Agricultural Practice," project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007314). This research was also supported by the Technologicka Agentura Ceske Republiky (project TJ02000096)Eichmeier, A.; Pecenka, J.; Spetik, M.; Necas, T.; Ondrasek, I.; Armengol FortĂ, J.; LeĂłn Santana, M.... (2020). Fungal trunk pathogens associated with Juglans regia in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease. 104:761-771. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-19-1308-RES76177110
Biophysical Measurements of Cells, Microtubules, and DNA with an Atomic Force Microscope
Atomic force microscopes (AFMs) are ubiquitous in research laboratories and
have recently been priced for use in teaching laboratories. Here we review
several AFM platforms (Dimension 3000 by Digital Instruments, EasyScan2 by
Nanosurf, ezAFM by Nanomagnetics, and TKAFM by Thorlabs) and describe various
biophysical experiments that could be done in the teaching laboratory using
these instruments. In particular, we focus on experiments that image biological
materials and quantify biophysical parameters: 1) imaging cells to determine
membrane tension, 2) imaging microtubules to determine their persistence
length, 3) imaging the random walk of DNA molecules to determine their contour
length, and 4) imaging stretched DNA molecules to measure the tensional force.Comment: 29 page preprint, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Shrike predation on the lizard Mesalina adramitana in Qatar; a review of reported reptile and amphibian prey
We report, for the first time, evidence of predation by a shrike (Lanius sp.) on the lizard Mesalina adramitana. This is the first record of predation by shrikes on lizards in Qatar. Whilst we did not directly observe the event, the presence of shrikes in the area and the method of impalement indicate shrikes as the predator. The lizard was found freshly impaled on a palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera), at 150 cm above ground. Bird species of the genus Lanius are well-known predators of lizards, and in arid environments reptiles are likely common prey for these birds. We provide a review of literature concerning predatory events by shrikes on reptiles and amphibians. We suggest inspection of shrubs for animals impaled by shrikes can improve biodiversity inventories, complementing other commonly used methods
Homing and Long-Term Engraftment of Long- and Short-Term Renewal Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSC) and short-term hematopoietic stem cells (ST-HSC) have been characterized as having markedly different in vivo repopulation, but similar in vitro growth in liquid culture. These differences could be due to differences in marrow homing. We evaluated this by comparing results when purified ST-HSC and LT-HSC were administered to irradiated mice by three different routes: intravenous, intraperitoneal, and directly into the femur. Purified stem cells derived from B6.SJL mice were competed with marrow cells from C57BL/6J mice into lethally irradiated C57BL/6J mice. Serial transplants into secondary recipients were also carried out. We found no advantage for ST-HSC engraftment when the cells were administered intraperitoneally or directly into femur. However, to our surprise, we found that the purified ST-HSC were not short-term in nature but rather gave long-term multilineage engraftment out to 387 days, albeit at a lower level than the LT-HSC. The ST-HSC also gave secondary engraftment. These observations challenge current models of the stem cell hierarchy and suggest that stem cells are in a continuum of change
sFlt Multivalent Conjugates Inhibit Angiogenesis and Improve Half-Life In Vivo
We would like to thank Jonathan Winger and Xiao Zhu for guidance with the insect cell protein expression system and providing reagents. We would like to acknowledge Ann Fischer for help with expressing the sFlt protein in the Tissue Culture Facility at UC Berkeley and Dawn Spelke and Anusuya Ramasubramanian for help optimizing protein purification from insect cells. We are also grateful for the help from Leah Byrne and John Flannery at in the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at UC Berkeley for aiding us in the development of the rat intravitreal residence time model and for allowing us to use their facilities.Current anti-VEGF drugs for patients with diabetic retinopathy suffer from short residence time in the vitreous of the eye. In order to maintain biologically effective doses of drug for inhibiting retinal neovascularization, patients are required to receive regular monthly injections of drug, which often results in low patient compliance and progression of the disease. To improve the intravitreal residence time of anti-VEGF drugs, we have synthesized multivalent bioconjugates of an anti-VEGF protein, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt) that is covalently grafted to chains of hyaluronic acid (HyA), conjugates that are termed mvsFlt. Using a mouse corneal angiogenesis assay, we demonstrate that covalent conjugation to HyA chains does not decrease the bioactivity of sFlt and that mvsFlt is equivalent to sFlt at inhibiting corneal angiogenesis. In a rat vitreous model, we observed that mvsFlt had significantly increased intravitreal residence time compared to the unconjugated sFlt after 2 days. The calculated intravitreal half-lives for sFlt and mvsFlt were 3.3 and 35 hours, respectively. Furthermore, we show that mvsFlt is more effective than the unconjugated form at inhibiting retinal neovascularization in an oxygen-induced retinopathy model, an effect that is most likely due to the longer half-life of mvsFlt in the vitreous. Taken together, our results indicate that conjugation of sFlt to HyA does not affect its affinity for VEGF and this conjugation significantly improves drug half-life. These in vivo results suggest that our strategy of multivalent conjugation could substantially improve upon drug half-life, and thus the efficacy of currently available drugs that are used in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, thereby improving patient quality of life.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee
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