286 research outputs found

    A germline TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism in the progesterone receptor gene in ovarian carcinoma.

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    Clinical outcome in ovarian carcinoma is predicted by progesterone receptor status, indicating an endocrine aspect to this disease. Peripheral leucocyte genomic DNAs were obtained from 41 patients with primary ovarian carcinoma and 83 controls from Ireland, as well as from 26 primary ovarian carcinoma patients and 101 controls in Germany. Southern analysis using a human progesterone receptor (hPR) cDNA probe identified a germline TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) defined by two alleles: T1, represented by a 2.7 kb fragment; and T2, represented by a 1.9 kb fragment and characterised by an additional TaqI restriction site with respect to T1. An over-representation of T2 in ovarian cancer patients compared with controls in the pooled Irish/German population (P < 0.025) was observed. A difference (P < 0.02) in the distribution of the RFLP genotypes between Irish and German control populations was also observed. The allele distributions could not be shown to differ significantly from Hardy-Weinberg distribution in any subgroup. Using hPR cDNA region-specific probes, the extra TaqI restriction site was mapped to intron G of the hPR gene

    Algorithmic Randomness and Capacity of Closed Sets

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    We investigate the connection between measure, capacity and algorithmic randomness for the space of closed sets. For any computable measure m, a computable capacity T may be defined by letting T(Q) be the measure of the family of closed sets K which have nonempty intersection with Q. We prove an effective version of Choquet's capacity theorem by showing that every computable capacity may be obtained from a computable measure in this way. We establish conditions on the measure m that characterize when the capacity of an m-random closed set equals zero. This includes new results in classical probability theory as well as results for algorithmic randomness. For certain computable measures, we construct effectively closed sets with positive capacity and with Lebesgue measure zero. We show that for computable measures, a real q is upper semi-computable if and only if there is an effectively closed set with capacity q

    Supporting Children with Disabilities in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Promoting Inclusive Practice within Community-Based Childcare Centres in Malawi through a Bioecological Systems Perspective

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    RLOsGiven the narrow scope and conceptualisation of inclusion for young children with disabilities in research within low- and middle income countries (LMICs) contexts, we draw on a bioecological systems perspective to propose the parameters for a broader unit of analysis. This perspective situates human development within a specific cultural context in which family, peers and schooling are regarded as key in responding to young children with disabilities in a given setting. We outline a new bioecological model to illustrate the proximal and distal factors that can influence inclusive early development for children with disabilities within LMICs. To illustrate the relevance of this model to early child development research, we consider its application, as a conceptual framework, with reference to a research study in Malawi. The study was designed to promote greater inclusive practice for young children with disabilities in Community-Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) with a particular focus on the role of the CBCC volunteer ‘caregiver’ in rural Malawi. It has significance for educators, service providers and researchers concerned with facilitating inclusive early development across national boundaries and contexts.ESRC-DFI

    Trend and variability in ozone in the tropical lower stratosphere over 2.5 solar cycles observed by SAGE II and OSIRIS

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    We have extended the satellite-based ozone anomaly time series to the present (December 2012) by merging SAGE II (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II) with OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System) and correcting for the small bias (~0.5%) between them, determined using their temporal overlap of 4 years. Analysis of the merged data set (1984–2012) shows a statistically significant negative trend at all altitudes in the 18–25 km range, including a trend of (−4.6 ± 2.6)% decade<sup>−1</sup> at 19.5 km where the relative standard error is a minimum. We are also able to replicate previously reported decadal trends in the tropical lower-stratospheric ozone anomaly based on SAGE II observations. Uncertainties are smaller on the merged trend than the SAGE II trend at all altitudes. Underlying strong fluctuations in ozone anomaly due to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the altitude-dependent quasi-biennial oscillation, and tropopause pressure need to be taken into account to reduce trend uncertainties and, in the case of ENSO, to accurately determine the linear trend just above the tropopause. We also compare the observed ozone trend with a calculated trend that uses information on tropical upwelling and its temporal trend from model simulations, tropopause pressure trend information derived from reanalysis data, and vertical profiles from SAGE II and OSIRIS to determine the vertical gradient of ozone and its trend. We show that the observed trend agrees with the calculated trend and that the magnitude of the calculated trend is dominated by increased tropical upwelling, with minor but increasing contribution from the vertical ozone gradient trend as the tropical tropopause is approached. Improvements are suggested for future regression modelling efforts which could reduce trend uncertainties and biases in trend magnitudes, thereby allowing accurate trend detection to extend below 18 km

    A global catalogue of large SO \u3c inf\u3e 2 sources and emissions derived from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument

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    Sulfur dioxide (SO2) measurements from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor processed with the new principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm were used to detect large point emission sources or clusters of sources. The total of 491 continuously emitting point sources releasing from about 30 kt yr-1 to more than 4000 kt yr-1 of SO2 per year have been identified and grouped by country and by primary source origin: volcanoes (76 sources); power plants (297); smelters (53); and sources related to the oil and gas industry (65). The sources were identified using different methods, including through OMI measurements themselves applied to a new emission detection algorithm, and their evolution during the 2005-2014 period was traced by estimating annual emissions from each source. For volcanic sources, the study focused on continuous degassing, and emissions from explosive eruptions were excluded. Emissions from degassing volcanic sources were measured, many for the first time, and collectively they account for about 30 % of total SO2 emissions estimated from OMI measurements, but that fraction has increased in recent years given that cumulative global emissions from power plants and smelters are declining while emissions from oil and gas industry remained nearly constant. Anthropogenic emissions from the USA declined by 80 % over the 2005-2014 period as did emissions from western and central Europe, whereas emissions from India nearly doubled, and emissions from other large SO2-emitting regions (South Africa, Russia, Mexico, and the Middle East) remained fairly constant. In total, OMI-based estimates account for about a half of total reported anthropogenic SO2 emissions; the remaining half is likely related to sources emitting less than 30 kt yr-1 and not detected by OMI

    A Global Ozone Climatology from Ozone Soundings via Trajectory Mapping: A Stratospheric Perspective

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    This study explores a domain-filling trajectory approach to generate a global ozone climatology from sparse ozonesonde data. Global ozone soundings of 51,898 profiles at 116 stations over 44 years (1965-2008) are used, from which forward and backward trajectories are performed for 4 days, driven by a set of meteorological reanalysis data. Ozone mixing ratios of each sounding from the surface to 26 km altitude are assigned to the entire path along the trajectory. The resulting global ozone climatology is archived monthly for five decades from the 1960s to the 2000s with grids of 5 degree 5 degree 1 km (latitude, longitude, and altitude). It is also archived yearly from 1965 to 2008. This climatology is validated at 20 ozonesonde stations by comparing the actual ozone sounding profile with that found through the trajectories, using the ozone soundings at all the stations except one being tested. The two sets of profiles are in good agreement, both individually with correlation coefficients between 0.975 and 0.998 and root mean square (RMS) differences of 87 to 482 ppbv, and overall with a correlation coefficient of 0.991 and an RMS of 224 ppbv. The ozone climatology is also compared with two sets of satellite data, from the Satellite Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) and the Optical Spectrography and InfraRed Imager System (OSIRIS). Overall, the ozone climatology compares well with SAGE and OSIRIS data by both seasonal and zonal means. The mean difference is generally under 20 above 15 km. The comparison is better in the northern hemisphere, where there are more ozonesonde stations, than in the southern hemisphere; it is also better in the middle and high latitudes than in the tropics, where assimilated winds are imperfect in some regions. This ozone climatology can capture known features in the stratosphere, as well as seasonal and decadal variations of these features. Furthermore, it provides a wealth of detail about longitudinal variations in the stratosphere such as the spring ozone maximum over the Canadian Arctic. It also covers higher latitudes than current satellite data. The climatology shows clearly the depletion of ozone from the 1970s to the mid 1990s and ozone recovery in the 2000s. When this climatology is used as the upper boundary condition in an Environment Canada operational chemical forecast model, the forecast is improved in the vicinity of the upper tropospherelower stratosphere region. As this ozone climatology is neither dependent on a priori data or photochemical modeling, it provides independent information and insight that can supplement satellite data and model simulations and enhance our understanding of stratospheric ozone

    Validation of ACE-FTS Version 3.5 NOy Species Profiles Using Correlative Satellite Measurements

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    The ACE-FTS (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment - Fourier Transform Spectrometer) instrument on the Canadian SCISAT satellite, which has been in operation for over 12 years, has the capability of deriving stratospheric profiles of many of the NOy (N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + 2 x N2O5 + HNO3 + HNO4 + ClONO2 + BrONO2) species. Version 2.2 of ACE-FTS NO, NO2, HNO3, N2O5, and ClONO2 has previously been validated, and this study compares the most recent version (v3.5) of these five ACE-FTS products to spatially and temporally coincident measurements from other satellite instruments - GOMOS, HALOE, MAESTRO, MIPAS, MLS, OSIRIS, POAM III, SAGE III, SCIAMACHY, SMILES, and SMR. For each ACE-FTS measurement, a photochemical box model was used to simulate the diurnal variations of the NOy species and the ACE-FTS measurements were scaled to the local times of the coincident measurements. The comparisons for all five species show good agreement with correlative satellite measurements. For NO in the altitude range of 25-50 km, ACE-FTS typically agrees with correlative data to within -10%. Instrument-averaged mean relative differences are approximately -10% at 30-40 km for NO2, within ± 7% at 8-30km for HNO3, better than -7 % at 21-34 km for local morning N205, and better than -8% at 21-34 km for ClONO2. Where possible, the variations in the mean differences due to changes in the comparison local time and latitude are also discussed

    Attribution of observed changes in stratospheric ozone and temperature

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    Three recently-completed sets of simulations of multiple chemistry-climate models with greenhouse gases only, with all anthropogenic forcings, and with anthropogenic and natural forcings, allow the causes of observed stratospheric changes to be quantitatively assessed using detection and attribution techniques. The total column ozone response to halogenated ozone depleting substances and to natural forcings is detectable in observations, but the total column ozone response to greenhouse gas changes is not separately detectable. In the middle and upper stratosphere, simulated and observed SBUV/SAGE ozone changes are broadly consistent, and separate anthropogenic and natural responses are detectable in observations. The influence of ozone depleting substances and natural forcings can also be detected separately in observed lower stratospheric temperature, and the magnitudes of the simulated and observed responses to these forcings and to greenhouse gas changes are found to be consistent. In the mid and upper stratosphere the simulated natural and combined anthropogenic responses are detectable and consistent with observations, but the influences of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances could not be separately detected in our analysis
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