93 research outputs found

    Towards Formal Verification of Computations and Hypercomputations in Relativistic Physics

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    It is now more than 15 years since Copeland and Proudfoot introduced the term hypercomputation. Although no hypercomputer has yet been built (and perhaps never will be), it is instructive to consider what properties any such device should possess, and whether these requirements could ever be met. Aside from the potential benefits that would accrue from a positive outcome, the issues raised are sufficiently disruptive that they force us to re-evaluate existing computability theory. From a foundational viewpoint the questions driving hypercomputation theory remain the same as those addressed since the earliest days of computer science, viz. what is computation? and what can be computed? Early theoreticians developed models of computation that are independent of both their implementation and their physical location, but it has become clear in recent decades that these aspects of computation cannot always be neglected. In particular, the computational power of a distributed system can be expected to vary according to the spacetime geometry in which the machines on which it is running are located. The power of a computing system therefore depends on its physical environment and cannot be specified in absolute terms. Even Turing machines are capable of super-Turing behaviour, given the right environment

    How will a drier climate change carbon sequestration in soils of the deciduous forests of Central Europe?

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    Global warming is accompanied by increasing water stress across much of our planet. We studied soil biological processes and changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in 30 Hungarian oak forest sites in the Carpathian Basin along a climatic gradient (mean annual temperature (MAT) 9.6\u201312.1 C, mean annual precipitation (MAP) 545\u2013725 mm) but on similar gently sloped hillsides where the parent materials are loess and weathered dust inputs dating from the end of the ice age. The purpose of this research was to understand how a drying climate, predicted for this region, might regulate long-term SOC sequestration. To examine the effects of decreasing water availability, we compared soil parameters and processes in three categories of forest that represented the moisture extremes along our gradient and that were defined using a broken-stick regression model. Soil biological activity was significantly lower in the driest (\u2018\u2018dry\u2019\u2019) forests, which had more than double the SOC concentration in the upper 30 cm layer (3.28 g C/100 g soil \ub1 0.11 SE) compared to soils of the wettest (\u2018\u2018humid\u2019\u2019) forests (1.32 g C/100 g soil \ub1 0.09 SE), despite the fact that annual surface litter production in humid forests was * 37% higher than in dry forests. A two-pool SOM model constrained to fit radiocarbon data indicates that turnover times for fast and slow pools are about half as long in the humid soil compared to the dry soil, and humid soils transfer C twice as efficiently from fast to slow pools. Enzyme activity and fungal biomass data also imply shorter turnover times associated with faster degradation processes in the soils of humid forests. Thermogravimetry studies suggest that more chemically recalcitrant compounds are accumulating in the soils of dry forests. Taken together, our results suggest that the predicted climate drying in this region might increase SOC storage in Central European mesic deciduous forests even as litter production decreases

    Exponential Distribution of Locomotion Activity in Cell Cultures

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    In vitro velocities of several cell types have been measured using computer controlled video microscopy, which allowed to record the cells' trajectories over several days. On the basis of our large data sets we show that the locomotion activity displays a universal exponential distribution. Thus, motion resulting from complex cellular processes can be well described by an unexpected, but very simple distribution function. A simple phenomenological model based on the interaction of various cellular processes and finite ATP production rate is proposed to explain these experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Heterogenity of Graphite Oxide Particles Obtained with Wet Oxidative Exfoliation

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    Wet oxidative exfoliation of graphite is one of the most frequently applied techniques to obtain aqueous dispersions of hydrophilic graphene derivatives as required, e.g., in 3D printing, wet spinning or film casting. Due to the harsh conditions of the process, the resulting suspension is a mixture of particles with a wide distribution range both of physical dimensions and chemical properties. An aqueous graphite oxide suspension was obtained by an improved Hummers method and separated into five fractions by controlled centrifugation. The fractions were characterized and compared by various methods, revealing their diversity in size, chemical properties and application-related viscosity. The characterization methods (powder XRD, Raman spectroscopy, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, XPS, potentiometric titration, rheology) exhibited subtle but measurable differences that exceeded the standard deviation of the techniques employed, but no systematic trend was found across the fractions in any of the properties investigated. The conditions of our centrifugal separation hardly meet the constrains of the ideal of Stokes’s law, the polydispersity of the high aspect ratio particles as well as their concentration close to the percolation limit challenge the independent sedimentation of the platelets

    Changing a semantics: opportunism or courage?

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    The generalized models for higher-order logics introduced by Leon Henkin, and their multiple offspring over the years, have become a standard tool in many areas of logic. Even so, discussion has persisted about their technical status, and perhaps even their conceptual legitimacy. This paper gives a systematic view of generalized model techniques, discusses what they mean in mathematical and philosophical terms, and presents a few technical themes and results about their role in algebraic representation, calibrating provability, lowering complexity, understanding fixed-point logics, and achieving set-theoretic absoluteness. We also show how thinking about Henkin's approach to semantics of logical systems in this generality can yield new results, dispelling the impression of adhocness. This paper is dedicated to Leon Henkin, a deep logician who has changed the way we all work, while also being an always open, modest, and encouraging colleague and friend.Comment: 27 pages. To appear in: The life and work of Leon Henkin: Essays on his contributions (Studies in Universal Logic) eds: Manzano, M., Sain, I. and Alonso, E., 201

    Theoretical Studies of Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Hydrated Electrons.

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    Developing a dynamic digital twin at a building level: Using Cambridge campus as case study

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    A Digital Twin (DT) refers to a digital replica of physical assets, processes and systems. DTs integrate artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics to create dynamic digital models that are able to learn and update the status of the physical counterpart from multiple sources. A DT, if equipped with appropriate algorithms will represent and predict future condition and performance of their physical counterparts. Current developments related to DTs are still at an early stage with respect to buildings and other infrastructure assets. Most of these developments focus on the architectural and engineering/construction point of view. Less attention has been paid to the operation & maintenance (O&M) phase, where the value potential is immense. A systematic and clear architecture verified with practical use cases for constructing a DT is the foremost step for effective operation and maintenance of assets. This paper presents a system architecture for developing dynamic DTs in building levels for integrating heterogeneous data sources, support intelligent data query, and provide smarter decision-making processes. This will further bridge the gaps between human relationships with buildings/regions via a more intelligent, visual and sustainable channels. This architecture is brought to life through the development of a dynamic DT demonstrator of the West Cambridge site of the University of Cambridge. Specifically, this demonstrator integrates an as-is multi-layered IFC Building Information Model (BIM), building management system data, space management data, real-time Internet of Things (IoT)-based sensor data, asset registry data, and an asset tagging platform. The demonstrator also includes two applications: (1) improving asset maintenance and asset tracking using Augmented Reality (AR); and (2) equipment failure prediction. The long-term goals of this demonstrator are also discussed in this paper

    Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok XXIX. - Kísérletes nyelvészet

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    Ez a kötet kísérletes nyelvészeti tanulmányokat tartalmaz, azaz olyan kutatások eredményeit ismerteti, amelyek egy tág értelemben vett „laboratóriumban" végzett kísérletek eredményein alapulnak. A kötet koncepciója szerint mind a legmodernebb technikai eszközrendszerekkel felszerelt kísérleti laboratóriumi struktúra, mind valamilyen speciális terep (óvoda, iskola, rehabilitációs intézet), mind pedig az internet, például a Facebook is szolgálhat kísérlet lefuttatásának kereteként. A nyelvészetben alkalmazott kísérletek módszertana természetesen követi a tudományos kísérletek általános paradigmáját és megőrzi annak lényeges jegyét: hogy megismételhető, objektív legyen. Amíg számos interdiszciplináris területen, így például a neurolingvisztikában és a pszicholingvisztikában, a tudományos kísérleteket a 19. század óta alkalmazzák, addig az olyan nyelvészeti témákban, mint a nyelvtan készítése, a nyelvleírás, viszonylag újabb fejlemény a kísérletes módszertan alkalmazása. Ezt sok minden motiválta, többek között a kurrens nyelvészeti modellek, elméletek és variánsaik versengései és ennek kapcsán olyan objektív bizonyítékok keresése, amelyek csak kísérleti helyzetekben állíthatók elő. Kötetünk tanulmányait négy tematikus egység szerint csoportosítottuk: 1. Nyelvleírási kérdések, 2. Nyelvelsajátítás, 3. A mesterségesnyelvtan-elsajátítási paradigma alkalmazásai, 4. Nyelvi zavarok. A szerzők között nemcsak a terület jelentős ismertségű személyiségei, hanem külföldről korábban hazatért, vagy más országokban dolgozó és az itthoniakkal szoros kapcsolatokat fenntartó, sőt Magyarországon működő külföldi kutatók is megtalálhatók, példázva a magyarországi nyelvészet nemzetközi beágyazottságát. Nyolc tanulmány esetében a szerzők mellékeltek a kísérleteik hátteréhez, például az adatbázisokhoz, vagy a keretként szolgáló kutatási projekthez és kutatócsoporthoz elvezető internetes linkeket, melyeket QR-kódok formájában adunk meg. A QR-kódok okostelefonnal azonnal aktív linkekre fordíthatók

    ZnO Nanorods via Spray Deposition of Solutions Containing Zinc Chloride and Thiocarbamide

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    In this work we present the results on formation of ZnO nanorods prepared by spray of aqueous solutions containing ZnCl2and thiocarbamide (tu) at different molar ratios. It has been observed that addition of thiocarbamide into the spray solution has great impact on the size, shape and phase composition of the ZnO crystals. Obtained layers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy selected backscattered electron detection system (ESB), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). Small addition of thiocarbamide into ZnCl2solution (ZnCl2:tu = 1:0.25) supports development of significantly thinner ZnO nanorods with higher aspect ratio compared to those obtained from ZnCl2solution. Diameter of ZnO rods decreases from 270 to 100 nm and aspect ratio increases from ∼2.5 to 12 spraying ZnCl2and ZnCl2:tu solutions, respectively. According to XRD, well crystallized (002) orientated pure wurtzite ZnO crystals have been formed. However, tiny ‘spot’—like formations of ZnS were detected on the side planes of hexagonal rods prepared from the thiocarbamide containing solutions. Being adsorbed on the side facets of the crystals ZnS inhibits width growth and promotes longitudinalc-axis growth